Empire of Beasts - OOC, Closed (Full Version)

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Micosil -> Empire of Beasts - OOC, Closed (1/24/2015 21:27:47)

Alright, techno-legal stuff first. This RP is going to revolve around a group of monsters as they settle an area, with or without permission from its current inhabitants; expanding until they form an empire. My original idea is to have them break free from a powerful wizard's defence force and then, lost and without a proper home, decide to expand their domain from there; but I'm open to other suggestions or ways to join the RP (though I don't promise to accept them, of course.) This RP would be considered canon for all involved and uh... I think that's all. Onto the actually interesting stuff.

What should you expect of this RP? First off, these are monsters we're talking about! Big, rawry, powerful things... or is it cunning and stealthy? Perhaps magical and arrogant? Here, you'll be able to play a lot of concepts you really cannot in most RPs, be it because they just wouldn't fit in or because they'd be too powerful. Don't get me wrong, there's still a power limit in this RP, but monsters are innately powerful and this is expected to show in your character. Troll shamen, beholders, shapeshifters, hellhounds, liches... The list is as long as you want to make it, and I'm willing to accept almost anything.

Second, progression - empires aren't built in a day and neither will yours, but the end-goal of this is to build an empire. Your decisions throughout the game will affect how this empire is, of course; and there is an option to fail, but there's a clear goal in the horizon that your character can move towards. I'll encourage people to be imaginative with their decisions and figure things out by themselves, but I'll also give a few ideas in my posts, because nobody likes feeling like they don't know what to do.

Third, a relatively small group of players. While I don't mind playing an RP with seven people or more, I've found those RPs are generally hard to keep up with - I'd like this RP to be something in which the biggest portion of your post is not spent reacting to other people's post but rather describing your actions, and the more people there are the harder that is to do. So I'm going to keep it down to 3-4 people, with an option for people to go inactive and be replaced making sense ICly. More to come on that.

Now, onto the plot itself - my main idea is a bit cliche-abusing. Some powerful, possibly evil mage has gathered creatures from all around the world and trapped them in his tower to serve as defenses against wandering adventurers that might want to wander in. All the starting characters are there and know each other, the spell that enslaves them to the tower's defense stopping them from killing each other. One day, for reasons unknown, that spell breaks, and all hell breaks loose as the monsters attack each other and the mage. The RP could start at this point, or perhaps a bit before the spell breaks, and from there on our characters, lost and stuck with each other's company, would have to group up (for convenience, mostly) and take over the neighboring lands to survive... or just so they have a chance to find their actual homes.

I know it's not much as a plot, but it's a start, and I honestly think that it's the chars we're going to play and the events during the empire-building that will make this interesting. And, in case you're wondering, I will (probably) be making a monster myself, though I will wait until other players have their own bios up so I don't steal anyone's thunder by overlapping skills.

Also, I know this is probably a step away from what most people are used to, so I'm here to answer any and all questions and help with bios if needed.

For those of you who haven't written many monster bios, an example format (which you're not required to follow) is this:

Name: Everything needs a name, even if it's not going to be used IC.
Species: Make it up, or use something that already exists.

Species information: This might sound silly, but not everyone thinks of the same things when you talk about an imp, a troll or an orc. This is the place where you briefly describe the important points of this species - maybe they're tribal, maybe they're loners, maybe they live under bridges and eat people. It doesn't have to be in-depth, just enough so other players know what this race is known for, if anything.

Appearance: How your character looks like, and since we're talking monsters this'll probably require a bit of careful description. Don't be afraid to make it a long description, even if it's not poetic - the objective is to have people understand what your monster looks like, after all.

Abilities: What your monster can do. I generally split this into two sections - Skills, aka things your monster has learned how to do (like swordfighting, sneaking or casting a fireball) and Racial abilities, which are things everyone in your species can do just by belonging to that species. When in doubt, throw it anywhere, it's not a rigid classification by any means.

History: This is best shown in RP, but since I need to know what your char's story is to see if it's alright, you're gonna have to write it - though you don't have to go into any detail. I suggest make it as simple or as complex as you need to make your char's personality come through, but again personality is best shown in the actual RP.

Accepted characters:

Yaraj the Centipede Demon, played by Bastet

Leopold the Stone Wolf, played by dethhollow

Spectralstep the Faerie Dragon, played by Tdub

Bastet -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (1/25/2015 4:42:24)

I'd absolutely love to take part in a RP with such a concept. Count me in.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (1/25/2015 9:50:06)

Can I be a dragon?

TJByrum -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (1/25/2015 10:07:11)

An interesting concept, but I don't feel safe in committing right now. However, I will watch how it plays out - or try to at least.

Although I must say my character was taking on some form of being a dark knight with unholy magics... cliche I know, but I'd have been able to play it well I think.

Micosil -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (1/25/2015 11:32:11)

@Bastet: Welcome onboard! Eager to see what kind of creature you want to play.

@blackknight: I'm not too convinced about dragons, but I don't see a reason to say no right now - so yes, you can, but for balance reasons it'd have to be a young (and thus relatively weak) one, and I'd be keeping an eye on it anyways. Dragons are pretty powerful in the game's lore, after all.

@TJByrum: Depends on what the dark knight was - the RP is about monsters, after all, so if you made it an undead or something like that it wouldn't be a problem. In any case, we can go over it when/if you decide to join :P

TJByrum -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (1/25/2015 12:47:53)

@Micosil: I just thought it would be way to 'humanized' and not exactly the monsters you're looking for. :/

Bastet -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (1/25/2015 14:45:19)

@TJ Don't think you'll be able to bring a Valgard into this one [:D]

TJByrum -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (1/25/2015 15:12:54)

He would not have been. lol.

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (1/25/2015 17:58:44)

Ooh This would be perfect for my werewolf. Unfortunately, I have some stuff on my plate already, (the hunt, rise of domrius, that frost-clue like role-play) I'd love to add this to the list, but with college just starting back up, and I already know there's going to be a lot of homework incoming, I'm going to have to say this could be a potential "maybe". I'll have to figure some stuff out before I make an absolute decision here.

dethhollow -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (1/25/2015 22:07:23)

Ok, I've got everything done except for the history. It might not be my best bio, but I feel like I've done about as much as I can so far. Hopefully, it'll be complete by tomorrow.

Bastet -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (1/26/2015 6:59:31)

I'll try getting a bio up by today, I love making monsters.
Mine is going to be a bit of a weird one.

Micosil -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (1/26/2015 14:43:21)

Awesome! With any luck, we'll get a third player to tag along and I can submit the RP for approval soon.

@Bastet: Surprise me! Seriously, I'd love that.

@TJ: Humanized wouldn't be a problem, as long as you don't mind being the runt of the litter and the butt of all the jokes :P (or maybe not, depends on the other players after all) In my mind, though, it'd probably mean you'd have to prove yourself to the other monsters that much more, which might be interesting.

@Dnw: No worries, when in doubt it's always best to not commit. If you clear up your schedule, you know where to find us!

dethhollow -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (1/26/2015 17:13:42)

Hey, Micosil? How is the dungeon set up? Is it like you have to deal with each monster in a row or is it more like a branching paths kind-of thing where you don't have to face one to move on? And is there any set way the rooms and traps leading up to the monster would look or is it all up to the player who makes the monster to decide?

Bastet -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (1/26/2015 18:02:59)

I absolutely love monsters, I hope that this RP will be taken somewhere.
Tell me if anything is wrong with my bio, I let my imagination fly while writing it. [:D]

Name: Yaraj

Species: Centipede Demon

Species information: Yaraj is a demon who took the form of a monstrous centipede, and as such he doesn’t belong to any one species in particular. At his core, he remains a demon, which means that he’s affected by demon-hunting magic as much as a regular imp.

Appearance: Yaraj truly looks like something born out of a nightmare. He appears as a monstrous centipede-like creature, just slightly longer than 30-35 feet and about 8 feet wide from one leg to another. He has an elongated head, with two pairs of molten-coloured eyes located at the back. An equal amount of mandibles are housed near his mouth, with the function of bringing food into it. Other than that, they are formidable weapons, capable even of snapping a man in half. His whole body is covered in a dark brown, sturdy carapace. Conforming to the creature his form takes inspiration from, countless legs sprout from his sides. A trail of poisonous sludge is often dripping from his mouth, a clear signal to those who observe it. Finally, at the very end of his body, are located two antennae.

Abilities: Yaraj’s body is built for rapidly digging through the ground and surprising opponents from unexpected angles. The speed at which he digs at depends on the composition of the terrain: the softer it is, the faster he tears through it. He generally relies on dragging his targets underground or crushing them with his weight.

His poison is utilized whenever his prey can’t be immediately killed; it has a debilitating effect more than a damaging one. He can spit a significant quantity of it at short-mid range, or spread it through a bite with his mandibles.

The antennae at the back of his body have the purpose of letting Yaraj orientate himself underground, with the bonus of letting him feel vibrations above ground. This is his only way of locating targets before emerging, and he could be fooled by any source of vibrations significant enough that it could be mistaken for whatever he was looking to assault. He produces quite a large amount of tremors when he is moving closer to the surface, giving those nearby a chance to predict where he will attack from.

Yaraj also possesses a considerable intellect, though he isn’t interested in any pursuit of knowledge. He is purely interested in finding suitable prey, though it doesn’t necessarily mean that he attacks anything on sight. If he could gain something through dialogue, albeit this happening only on very rare occasions, he would refrain himself from aggressive behaviours. He speaks in a grating, deep voice that resembles the buzzing of a carrion swarm.

He doesn’t possess any form of magic or special defense against it, relying purely on physical might to dominate his opponents.

He is quite vulnerable when on open ground, with his body effectively being too large for him to properly defend himself from an agile opponent. This means that he rarely strays away from favourable terrain.
He usually spends his idle time buried underground, listening for vibrations.

History: Yaraj first manifested into the world when summoned by an enterpreneuring demonologist.
He was far stronger an entity than the mage could hope to subdue, and it wasn’t long before he rebelled against the one who summoned him and made him meet a very quick end. He spent the following months terrorizing the region around him, causing numberless disappearances in the local populace.
He caught the attention of the mage he now serves quite quickly, considering how efficient of a killing machine he was. When the magician came looking for him, Yaraj was unprepared to defend himself from magic as powerful as the one that he was assaulted with. He was quickly defeated and bound to the wizard’s service. He now watches over the botanical garden that the mage’s residence houses, his hunger kept in check by the few, foolish adventurers that he gets the chance to ambush.

Micosil -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (1/26/2015 19:09:07)

@Dethhollow: Since the dungeon part is not going to be relevant to the story for long (or maybe it will, but still!), make up whatever suits your char better. Just make sure you leave room for other players to add/change things (say, by speaking about tower segments instead of the tower as a whole, that kind of stuff). Y'know, the usual deal.

@Bastet: Nothing wrong with it, so accepted. I am curious about the creature's width, however, if you could add that. Also, if for whatever reason you change your mind about the creature or its abilities, feel free to edit it and poke me to check it again before the RP starts.

dethhollow -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (1/26/2015 19:16:51)

Name: Leopold
Species: Stone Wolf

Species information: The stone wolves are an odd race of high-functioning golems that have a will of their own, unlike most golems, but are still unable to naturally reproduce without a mage's help. The mage can animate a new being from rocks that were attached to both a male and female Stone Wolf to create a new Stone Wolf. Regardless of how the mage tries to shape the initial stones, the being will always become a Stone Wolf inheriting traits from both parent Stone Wolves. While all Stone Wolves resemble wolves in some way, each Stone Wolf can have radically different features and develop their own unique habits depending on the environment and their parent Stone Wolves. Some may be better at disguising themselves or have an abnormal number of limbs or even be formed with wings, making them capable of flight. If any Stone Wolf's rocks get damaged then they can rest and form chunks of the ground below them into new, identical, rocks to replace the damaged or missing stones. The amount of time it takes to replace broken stones is directly proportional to the amount of damage that was taken, but damage can always be repaired as long as the Stone Wolf is alive and has access to some source of earth. The only way to truly kill a Stone Wolf for good is to either remove the head or destroy the core in the center of their chest, otherwise the Stone Wolf will simply run away and heal any damage that was done to it. The core of a Stone Wolf is a magical sphere located inside the Stone Wolf's chest, where a normal animal's heart would be, that gradually forms mana and allows the Stone Wolf to exist without a mage. However, each core can only function for a set number of years before it starts to degrade, meaning Stone Wolves are not ageless beings.

Appearance: Leo is a stone wolf made of mostly rounded hard sand-brown stones. His body is shaped like a wolf with pointed, acute, ears, a lengthened muzzle, and a thin frame with four legs. He stands at about 4 feet tall from feet to back. Unlike a normal wolf, though, Leo has a pair of large humanoid arms coming out of his back made from the same material as the rest of his body. When forced to fight, Leo will stand up on his hind legs, cross his front legs into an extra level of armor over his chest, and lets his humanoid back arms fold over the shoulders of his front legs. This is Leo's combat mode. When in combat mode, Leo is around 6 feet tall, his proportions become more humanoid, and his legs grow noticeably larger to adjust for the new two-legged posture.

Flint Skin- The stones used to make up Leo contain flint-like properties. Sparks can be caused by a hard object hitting the stones that are able to ignite close by flammable objects. This can be set off at will by the user.
Reform Stone- By resting, Leo can slowly replace damaged stones and heal injuries.
Unfeeling- Immune to pain unless something comes in direct contact with Leo's core.
Negate Blasts- Leo's stones are able to move back and forth slightly and are almost immune to heat. This means Leo is immune to damage from explosive attacks.

Explosive Burst- By using a small amount of mana, Leo is able to amplify sparks and create explosions of various sizes and intensities. This is mainly used with his natural Flint Skin for both offense and defense.
Form Stone- An extension of his natural Reform Stone ability using mana to instantly create a rock of variable size out of nearby dirt. However, this rock cannot be attached to Leo's body unless he goes to sleep and activates his Reform Stone ability normally, making Form Stone pointless for healing.
Flash Magma- Using a large amount of mana, Leo can use a small spark to coat his body or part of his body in molten magma. While incredibly powerful, this skill will damage Leo's stones over time and is incredibly risky to rely on.

History: The Stone Wolf Leopold was originally born into a pack by a powerful golemancer who only went by 'Z'. While few members of the pack had spoken to Z directly, it was clear from the beginning that Z intended to use them in a grand scheme to conquer towns in his name. Early on, Leopold was trained in combat among the other Stone Wolves and ranked accordingly. While he wasn't considered one of their more powerful members at first, he showed he could take care of himself in the heat of battle, developing a method of fighting based on putting his natural abilities. For months he trained hoping he would become good enough to fight on the front lines among the stronger Stone Wolves but, before he could, something happened. Only the alpha Stone Wolf seemed to know why, but, for some reason, Z stopped using them and was never heard from again. With the loss of their mage, the Stone Wolf pack was left without a method to gain new members and hated by people in the local towns. It didn't take long before their numbers began to thin.

At this time, Leopold was captured by a mysterious magical mage of magnanimous magnitudes of mana! Or something.... For Leo, it was hard to really know what was going on. One day he was napping in the forest and the next he was suppost to help guard some tower. For most people the situation might be jarring, but Leo didn't really care. He was used to losing people at the time so he simply accepted his new fairly cushy lifestyle, spending most of his time sleeping in front of a large oak door only waking up every few weeks to fight the occasional intruder. Usually, they would either sneak past him while he was asleep or just knock him over and leave assuming he was dead. It really didn't matter either way to him, some other more aggressive being was probably there to take out anyone who got past him. And he's probably still sleeping in that same room to this very day.

Tdub -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (1/26/2015 19:30:20)

Interested. I briefly considered bringing back an old friend, but looking back I realized how immature I was in creating Derfail the Minotaur (the name sounds like something AE would throw in a game on Derp Day or whatever). I do have an interesting character idea, and I'll se about getting a bio up sometime this week.

Bastet -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (1/27/2015 7:02:44)

As requested, I added Yaraj's width in the first sentence of the appearance section.
Join in people, this is going to be fun. [:D]

Micosil -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (1/27/2015 8:54:31)

@dethhollow: I see nothing wrong with the bio, but there's a couple of points I'd like clarified before accepting it. First off, since you mention mana, how does that relate to Leopold? Does he become tired when out of mana, does he fall offline, does he die, does he just not cast more spells? He is a magically animated construct, after all. Second, since his only truly vulnerable point is the core, where's that? Once that's added, you're accepted.

@Tdub: And that'll make you the third player we needed! Excellent... let the evil plotting begin! Still, the thread isn't closed until there's a third accepted bio, so your post might get snatched :P

@Bastet: I certainly hope so! I'm going to try my best, though I'm not that experienced running a forum RP.

And, speaking of which, if at any point there's a problem with the RP, you'd like to head it towards something to help your char growth or, well, just about anything, feel free to poke me. I'm specially concerned about the part after the dungeon when the chars start to have more freedom - that may or may not work, and if it doesn't work for you I'd like to know so I can adapt.

Bastet -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (1/27/2015 13:02:09)

Could we have a few more details about the mage that trapped our creatures? I'd be curious to learn more about this RP's background.

Micosil -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (1/27/2015 14:27:56)

Sure, I was planning on giving some info in the first post anyways.

The Mage that captured all our creatures is rather on the insane side. He made a pact of some kind in which he traded his soul for more power, slowly becoming more and more paranoid and insane as time went on. Unsurprisingly, building a magical tower and filling it with monsters and powerful artifacts has the effect of drawing in people, more so when they hear the mage inside is evil, and feeding into the man's fears. Eventually, however, the mage's soul becomes fully consumed, and with nothing left to fuel the pact he loses most of his powers - and that's when our lovely little creations break free.

More than that... I half don't want to say 'cause I may change it throughout the RP, and half 'cause it makes for a plot-hook.

dethhollow -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (1/27/2015 14:30:34)

Wasn't sure where you wanted the stuff about the core and mana, so I added the information about the core to the bio at the end of the species information. And I'll just mention the mana thing here.

Basically, if he loses enough mana, he could die. But as long as Leo has a small amount left, he'll be ok and any Stone Wolf would know better than to go overboard and use too much at once. It's mainly a thing to somewhat restrict how often I can use his abilities, but it could come into play if there's someone with mana-draining abilities somewhere in the RP.

Micosil -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (1/27/2015 15:57:22)

Sure, that works. Accepted!

Tdub -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (1/28/2015 18:08:05)

I haven't had time to run this through a spell-checker, so I apologize if it's a little rough around the edges. Still, it'll get the job done.

Name: Spectralstep
Species: Faerie Dragonling

Species Information: Dragons, as told in lore throughout all lands, are enormous, fearsome, and destructive creatures that ravage and hoard. The Faerie Dragonling, and somewhat-distant relative to dragons, is none of these things. They resemble their larger cousins slightly, but there are key differences, most notably in their intelligence. Most people have never heard of the creatures, as they were hunted to near extinction long ago.

Appearance: From head to tail, Spectralstep is about six feet long, her snout starting at about half a foot wide, widening to about a foot for the full head. After that, her neck is a bit thinner, and her body expands to about three feet wide in the middle, then reducing in width to a pointed tail. She has short, tiny legs that look like they would never support her weight, and that's because they don't have too. The Dragonlings have no wings, yet they hover above the ground at all times, usually at about eye level. They can go higher, but doing so strains their mental capacity. Overall, she looks something like a long, thick snake with small ridges from head to tail.

Spectralstep is light pink in color, covered with scales that reflect the light in a way that almost makes her appear rainbow-colored. Her face is like that of a dragon, with icy blue eyes that stare into the soul (More accurate than you'd think.) She glides through the air the way an eel would in water, with a majestic, bright-shining glimmer.

Personality: Spectralstep is more humanlike than most of the monsters, behavior-wise. She's always very calm and very wise, but isn't afraid to be violent when she has to be. Sometimes her primal instincts can get the better of her in times of extreme stress, but not very often. As serene as she tries to be, she's completely different when hunting or on the battlefield, where she uses her dragonlike instincts to gain the advantage.

Abilities: As previously stated, Spectralstep hovers above the ground, and can fly higher, up to about twenty feet. However, going that high strains her mental capacity, making her tired and possibly unable to use other abilities for a while.

Her mental abilities are her most important part. Faerie Dragonlings rely on abilited that could be considered "physic" - Hovering, flying, etc, are all caused by waves emanating from the brain. Hovering is instinctive, like blinking or breathing, but other abilities she has to control. She can't exactly "read minds," as that would insinuate that the mind was like a book to be read, but she can "catch a glimpse" of strong emotion, sometimes being able to predict what someone might do next. She can enter a mind or group of minds to cause confusion, terror, indecision, or other such processes, in moderation. In addition, she can take control of a weak-minded individual for a brief period of time, but this leaves her defensless, as she cannot move when she does this. The controlled individual would be something like a puppet; She could control basic movements for about a minute. However, should the individual die while her mind is still in control, the effects on her mind would be severe.

Of course, she also has physical aspects. Her teeth work as well as any dragon, and she can increase her speed to ram into an opponent. Her scales are very hard, and should protect her from most physical blows. She uses her psychic abilities to speak into other's heads in a smooth, strong female voice.

History: Most of this will be shown in the RP, but here's the basics. Dragonlings are an incredibly rare species, especially the Faerie subspecies, as they were hunted to near extinction for their brilliant scales. Spectralstep is centuries old, and remembers the horrors her species faced. She, along with all of the other monsters, was kidnapped and held in the fortress, where she remains now.

Bastet -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (1/29/2015 1:36:19)

Well, that's a very interesting character.

I removed Yaraj's humanoid arms, I didn't feel like they fit the character. The more I thought about it, the less I liked them.

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