(DF) Mystery Attacker (Full Version)

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Stephen Nix -> (DF) Mystery Attacker (5/20/2015 16:55:03)

Last Time...

When we last left the people of Amityvale, we found 3 people telling ghost stories to try and outdo the other. Where one story gets very dark, the penguin, Stephen Nix is explained to be with 2 avatars that have looked into Nix's past where each of them were involved in making Stephen Nix the way he is. Nix is their test subject that was created to test the strength of the planet. They have observed many of the individuals whom have attempted the lives of the heroes, such as The Dread, and Razen. Nix gave up his soul in order to become someone stronger...someTHING stronger.

Voidstar: You would be just like what you are right now...but you will lose your soul and become nothing but an empty penguin with no emotions.
Voidstar: The last bit to think of is your special powers, think of how much you could conquer! With this found power, you would be UNSTOPPABLE!

Nix gave his soul to become something much more stronger than what he was and he gained so much in a small period of time. Voidstar and Kyanos sent him back to L.O.R.E. with Nix's new ability and he went to work immediately! As soon as the others around the campfire heard a sound from the Doomwood Forest, they split. Well, all but Villager Stan. He turned off a recording of a penguin that he played as a joke to scare the other two then somehow hears the same calling sound that he recorded from behind him. In fear, he turns around and that's when he faces the penguin himself. He is frozen on the spot and left with a note. Now is when our story begins...one year later.

In a tower well outside of Falconreach, four individuals upon entering their conference room were each given a folder with the current case to look into.

Gingkage walks into the room with her dark gray, and red highlights in an armor similar to the Guardian Armor. She is a black haired 5'4 individual armed with her weapon of choice, her staff that follows similar colours to her armor. This wolf rider has years of experience to bring to the table and has seen the rise of power constantly shift on her enemies side, so she has had her hands in dethroning some of the greatest of villains. She is armed with her dagger on her left side with a howling wolfs head for close combat in case things need to get personal. Gingkage is a magic user whom keeps her enemies at a distance with her blasts but when it gets to a close combat, she pulls out her dagger and works with her wolf, Blaze. She rubs her necklace which is a blue cord with a red flame inside which symbolizes which element she will use in combat, this could change at any moment though fire or ??? is her typical element. This wolf rider is always ready for combat!

Gingkage takes her seat proudly in the first chair.

Next to enter is a 5'10 warrior in leather armor armed with his halberd. Crayson Wyman loves to attack at mid-range as he is always on the move, but if things get close and personal, he will pull out his dagger from his waist to strike down his foes. Crayson has a crescent scar above his right eye that reaches down to his nose that he got in battle against 3 undead giants by himself during the 13th 13th war. He has light brown hair with barely noticed tints of red, which hangs slightly near his jaw. If he is ever surrounded by his enemies, his unbreakable halberd is swung in a circular motion to decimate all attackers. Though he does not posses any magical abilities, he holds onto a crimson red magical stone object that has been passed down from generation to generation which helps to heal Wyman when badly damaged in battle. Crayson steps into the meeting room with his leather armor with plate mail on his legs, back and arms.

Crayson Wyman takes the second seat.

Next to enter caused all the guards for the room to hold their breathe as a slime creature crawls into the meeting room. Melody, a slime Empress or Goddess in her case as she recently in the 13th 13th war transformed her body in her shape-shifting abilities to take on the appearance of a slime. Through her appreciation of their subculture and many exposures of being around them, she vowed to work against any necromancer that usually summon slimes to attack their foes. She is a green slime for the most part with a feminine humanoid shape. She is a master of misdirection with her shape-shifting ability which makes her the ideal spy and attacks her foes by overwhelming them with mucus covered over their body until they suffocate and or pass out. Thanks to her human like qualities, she has moved up in the slime ranks to Goddess of the slime people due to her intelligence, and is known on the battlefield to summon her friendly slimes to attack her foes.

Melody struggles, but eventually makes it to her chair to observe her folder.

Last but not least, Mort Frostfang has semi-long silver hair that goes straight down his back where the front over creates an arc over his forehead. Mort is one of the last remaining Ether-Knights, masters of the elements whom has harnessed a way to manipulate all eight main elements into one substance creating one of the most defensive magical arts of all time, called the Ether. Mort's fighting style revolves around a mixture of magic for both defensive and offensive measures where his two weapons, the main one being the Obrona Pana, a saber that is able to attune itself to any of the eight main elements, and a simple swordbreaker, allows him to catch opponents off-guard where his style is actually quite unusual, especially since he is left-handed. He is an excellent problem solver and Mort is straight forward and precise on his word choice. He is also rather pale to a large degree and his left eye is light blue and his right is a dark purple. He wears a blue coat that has been padded inside which goes to his knees and contains certain furs for the winter, where it can hide his rather slim appearance though he is rather short.

Mort shakes his head as he takes his seat at the fourth chair.

Four other people wearing the colours, yellow, red, blue and gray enter in to give the four the details needed for their mission...

Mort: This had better be good, I was in the middle of chapter 7 of my Alchemy book.
???: It will be well worth the wait, that I can be certain of. We need this to be looked into.
Crayson (Deathlord45): *flips through the folder* Why have we waited so long to act on this?
???: Time to bring you four up to speed with the attacker. It has been a year, but after a small period of no other instances it was swept under the rug.
???: The unknown subject, or "unsub" has been moving to 3 other locations around the Kingdom of Greenguard.

4 images are placed on a whiteboard with locations such as Amityvale, Falconreach, Swordhaven, and Oaklore of 4 individuals frozen in a block of ice.

Melody: Hence why you asked for the four of us.
???: *nods* We need you four to move into these locations, get to know the locals and then determine what happened to the deceased.
Gingkage: *closes her folder* Okay, so I'll head out to Falconreach to see what I can find out. I'll see if Guthixnite has any details. From what I've gathered so far from these handouts, each individual was frozen in a solid block of ice.
???: That's right. The first death occurred outside of Amityvale in June of last year. Then the last 3 were within the last month. Which means--

Mort stands up to interrupt...

Mort: He's escalating. We're on it.

As each of the four members get off their seat with their folder, they shake hands and begin to move out to their areas of investigation. Gingkage travels to Falconreach, Crayson to Amityvale, Mort to Oaklore, and Melody to Swordhaven to investigate the crime scenes.

Gingkage made her way to Falconreach and was greeted by Guthixnite by the Guardian Tower. After realizing she was going his way, he moved to her side and walked down towards the scene of the crime with her, near the west entrance of Falconreach.

Gingkage: What do we know thus far?
Guthixnite: The individual perished last night. No attacks were made last night, and no outsiders from what the Guardians tell me.
Gingkage: Someone got in...
Guthixnite: I know, which is odd as the Guardians would've noticed this.
Gingkage: And the townspeople?
Guthixnite: Only one saw the incident. She described a creature, rather tall about 6'3, small tail and creepy looking eyes. That's all she got.
Gingkage: Well at least its something to go off of. Blaze?

Gingkage calls to her wolf companion, whom darts out of the bushes towards her. Blaze is a rather large wolf that is always by Gingkage's side when it comes to combat. When they work together, not even someone like Drakonnan would stand a chance.

Gingkage: Blaze, I need your help to get a scent on the creature if you can when we approach the scene.
Guthixnite: *smiles* I haven't seen Blaze in years.
Gingkage: *smirks*
Guthixnite: I suppose I haven't seen you much either...ever sense the incident.
Gingkage: Incident?

The three approach the ice block near the entrance of Falconreach west side. Inside the ice block was a young male in his late twenties, with a pitchfork in one hand. His other hand is outstretched open and trying to grasp something. The eyes of the man indicate that he was scared for his life. While beside the west side wall towards Falconreach, it is best to note that the villager had ice underneath his shoes. This indicated that he was lifted up and held against his will.

Guthixnite: Not now...another time.
Gingkage: *looks up* Oh my.
Blaze: Grrrrrrrr.
Gingkage: Blaze, I need you to start looking for any traces of the creature. Blaze, WE'RE ON.

Blaze understood from Gingkage's words that he needed to sniff around for a scent. While this was happening, Gingkage walked around the three sides that were available for her to examine, while Guthixnite talked to the two Guardians whom were guarding the deceased.

Gingkage took notes...


Late twenties.
Eyes drawn back.
Seemed scared at the time.
Time of death was approximately 3 o'clock last night.
Which means he's been here for 10 hours.
Ice is quite solid.
No footprints.
There appears to be no sign of a struggle.
This was done quick as the night shift guardians would've seen the attacker.
What was he reaching out for?

Gingkage: *tells herself* I need to get more information.

Gingkage: Hey Guth, any luck?
Guthixnite: Actually yes! The witness says she was standing about 15 feet away from the crime scene. Which would actually place her in a position to see the deceased's eyes.
Gingkage: Anything that the witness remembers of what was said between the assailant and the victim?
Guthixnite: I'm quoting here, "I need to add you to my collection. Tell me, what is it you---" and that's all she can make out.
Gingkage: *shutters* How sick. Can we break the ice?
Guthixnite: If you want, go ahead! EVERYONE BACK UP!

Gingkage takes a few steps back and unsheathes her staff then sends a magical blast upwards. As the element arcs from above and signals outs the ice block, it shatters the block to pieces but leaves the man intact as he hits the floor.

Gingkage: *withdraws her weapon* Okay, Guardians take him to the coroner's office in the Guardian Tower's lower basement.

*They nod and take the body towards the tower*

Gingkage: Any luck Blaze? *the giant wolf places his head under Ging's hand to get a pat as he weeps* Dang. No luck then.

Guthixnite: What are we dealing with here?
Gingkage: *shakes her head* I don't know. But here's what we have...

A small cutscene of a creature completely blacked out in the night attacking the villager as Ging describes it...


Gingkage: This creature just walks up here with no trace of footprints, grabs the villager by the throat and holds him against his will. Freezes him and leaves then him there to die. Even our witness claims the creature just simply vanishes. That makes no sense and we are getting nowhere.

Guthixnite: *places hand on her shoulder* Well, it's a start.
Gingkage: It may be a start...but the creature's done this before.

Crayson arrives in Amityvale but is ambushed by 3 Rose members.

Rose Soldier: Freeze magic user!
Crayson: Really? I only just got here!

Crayson pulls out his halberd and swings it at one rose soldier whom is knocked off their feet.

???: ENOUGH!

Crayson stops as the Rose soldiers pick each other off and rush away from Crayson. Rosemary walks up to Crayson.

Rosemary: What are you doing here?
Crayson: Me? Oh, I'm to check in on the events that took place in Doomwood a year ago.
Rosemary: *raises an eyebrow* A year ago? What took you so long?
Crayson: I'm sorry if I started something I shouldn't have. However, I am here to help and I want to find out what happened to Stan!
Crayson: Look, I get it. You're upset with me barging in here, smacking around your rose members, but there's a man that has passed here. Like it or not, but I am here to solve this murder.
Rosemary: No. Go home. I won't have you here to make matters worse. *closes the doors to Amityvale*

Crayson: *sigh* Aww man, I didn't mean to make a scene. Always get myself into trouble. Such a ditz.

Looks towards Doomwood Forest...

Crayson: Well, I suppose I could make my way around the outside.

At Swordhaven's entrance, two knights joke back and forth until they notice something odd...

Knight: And so I told the guy, if he was more careful about negotiating with the sneevils--
Knight 2: Yeah, yeah, I get it. They wouldn't have boxed his entire house with thousands of boxes.
Knight: I heard they did every detail perfectly with a separate box. Boxes on boxes...so many boxes.
Knight 2: Even his dog. I heard this one. Hate to tell ya, but it ain't no joke.
Knight: What are you talking about Joey?
Knight 2: This actually happened!
Knight: I heard this from the Tuesday Knight day shift guy at the Inn, its a joke man.
Knight 2: Not only is it real, but I know about this personally.
Knight: YOU?
Knight 2: My brother. And I called the sneevils to bombard his house. Wife found out and I'm cutting the grass around the house for a month...and I got to break down all the boxes.
Knight 2: *checks watch* Shifts over, can I borrow a pair of scissors?

Knight: Umm-- Hey, do you smell that?
Knight 2: Smell what?

A humanoid slime rolls past the two guards and enters into the sewers.

Melody: Sorry fellas.
Knight: OH GOSH. That smells horrible.
Knight 2: I've smelt worse.
Knight: Oh really?
Knight 2: It took a week to remove all the thousands of boxes around that house...so much dead grass.

Down in the sewers, 2 slimes approach Melody as she arrived at the ice block of the deceased Knight.

Slime: Your Majesty!
Slime: Your Majesty!
Melody: *tips her head* Where is the offering?
Slime: *looks at the other slime*
Slime: ME? You said you were gonna bring it!
Slime: The cheesecake was your idea...I was gonna bring her cinnamon.
Slime: And I told you that was a terrible idea.
Slime: Oh so it's your call to say what's a good idea versus a bad one.
Slime: Two things. First, I'm superior to you by 4 ranks. Secondly, you're an idiot. *pounds the slimling into the ground as it slowly climbs away*

Slime: Apologizes your majesty. I'll owe you double next time. Here, come on over.

The slime and Melody crawl over towards the ice block.

Melody: Did anyone see anything when this happened?
Slime: Nothing Melody. Though the Draydenfish are acting awfully suspicious.
Melody: Tell me something I don't know.
Slime: I knocked out two adventurers last week with only one throw of my slime.
Melody: O.O
Slime: This guy has been here sense early last night.
Melody: Okay let me have a look at him.

Melody moves towards the Knight whom has his helmet in his left hand. His weapon is in his other hand and one foot looks like it's off the ground. This individual was in the air when he was frozen in mid battle. Poor guy never had a chance.

Melody: It would appear as if he was attacking the individual. *shakes head* What on L.O.R.E. could have done this?
Melody: I need to tell the others. Hey, Slime, do we know if anyone was at least remotely close to the scene?
Slime: Yes your majesty. The Soul Slime did.
Melody: Oh man, not him again!

She sees the Soul Slime passing through the sewer walls...

Melody: CARLOS! Over here, please.
Soul Slime: *quickly crawls towards Melody* Everywhere I go, something bad happens to me! *sarcastically* Oh hey, your majesty.
Melody: To be fair the Edelia Sewers are a wicked place to be to begin with.
Soul Slime: And what do you want with me, lady?
Melody: How about you tell me what you know about this dead guy!
Soul Slime: I ain't telling you anything, Melody. You are not even one of us...you're a freak!
Melody: Want to try again?
Soul Slime: *snarls* I'm out of here.

Melody moves in front of the Soul Slime, grows in size to almost touch the top of the sewer, then changes colour to a dark red slime.

Soul Slime: Umm...
Soul Slime: I'm not scared of you! I'll never talk you...you ABOMINATION.

Melody eats the Soul Slime in one bite.


Slime: You know...it helps if you ask them questions.
Melody: Clearly you don't know what I can do with slimes that I eat. Or would you want me to test this with you?
Slime: No. What can you do with us?
Melody: Digest their thoughts! We're done for now, Slimling.

The slime bows out and moves further down the chamber.

Melody: *thinks* Okay let's see what we got here.

Melody paints a picture of what the Soul Slime secretly saw.

The Soul Slime creeps around the corner early last night and observes a large bird with dark blue and black eyes. A small battle is engaged between the Knight whom saw suspicious activity in the sewers. The Knight strikes the bird with a small dagger then in order to get a better look of the bird, he removed his helmet. Then the bird froze the Knight instantly on the spot. The bird destroys the dagger then moves closer to the Knight and asks it a question. Then it froze the Knight again in a perfect ice block and vanished.

Melody: *looks at the Knight's now with half dark blue / black eyes* What could have done this?

Starts to walk towards the exit of the sewer.

Melody: This needs to stop. I should meet up with the others.

In Oaklore, Mort investigates with Sir Preem at the scene near the waterfall.

Mort: I believe this killer is making his signature a little too obvious don't you think Sir Gent?
Sir Preem: It's Sir Preem.
Mort: Right! Always get you knights mixed up.
Mort: What more can you tell me about the recent events around here?
Sir Preem: The Knights of the Pactogonal Table have seen many strange events as of late. We are still trying to defend this area from the elementals that swing by every now and then.
Mort: And how much damage is dealt to the Keep?
Sir Preem: None, we have a secret weapon!

Cutscene of Sir Casm continuously shot out of a catapult at the elementals that when hit, are knocked down like bowling pins. He would then get up and flail his arms back to Oaklore to the catapult again.

Mort: Well whatever it is, I bet it has been very effective.
Sir Preem: Super effective! *smiles and crosses his arms in confidence*

Cutscene of Sir Casm refusing to be lit on fire but before being launched a torch would be thrown at him. As he wails in pain, he gets shot off into the distance. 20 seconds later, he comes back flailing his arms while on fire to just get shot off again and again...and again.

Mort: Now this frozen captor, what do we know?
Sir Preem: A giant creature with icy eyes came by at night and snatched up this poor Knight.
Mort: The Knight's name?
Sir Preem: Sir Tur!
Sir Preem: Sir Tur never saw it coming, which is odd as you would think a Knight that specializes with fire would be good against Ice magic. But alas, here he is.
Mort: *thinks* So he attacks at night, and then freezes them. I wonder what he was after.
Mort: Did anyone hear what the creature was after?
Sir Preem: Souls. That's about all I got from the screams. The creature had to act fast as Sir Tur yelped loudly, so we all jumped to action rushing out of our beds. But we were too late.
Mort: Don't worry, *raises an eyebrow* we will figure it out.
Sir Preem: Who will? Who is We?

As everyone was finished with their investigations except Crayson, the team met up with him at the crime scene where the storytelling took place and where Villager Stan was frozen when he was there.

Mort: So, what do we have?
Melody: A giant bird that can freeze its enemies. Its very powerful too!
Gingkage: Usually no signs of struggle and leaves the people in fear.
Crayson: Oh by the way I don't think we are welcome in Amityvale.
Gingkage: I'll work on that. What did you find here Crayson?
Crayson: A note by the looks of it. It's been rather torn up over time. I can't get all of it, but I'll read out what I can.



Greetings, "Your Name,"

I have .&*&%( for you...
For !&!&O*...mortal.
But I have only one !%&^%!&!* !*(!-^&! DYING to hear...
!*(!*$*&( war...
&*&*) messages...
!&()(!^ warnings !*!)&!!_...
What !(!())(% FEAR?

Crayson: The note mentions a war. If I'm not mistaken a war took place here one year ago.
Gingkage: Right, it involved werewolves attacking the town.
Mort: *ponders*
Melody: Umm, guys we got company.

Just then Rosemary and two Rose guards rush towards the four with weapons drawn.

Rosemary: I told you Crayson to get out of here, now you and your band of misfits can leave at once!
Gingkage: Under whose authority?
Rosemary: I do not answer to you people. You and your fuzzball answer to me.
Blaze: *growls*

Mort calmly says...

Mort: This is Doomwood Rosemary, you and your Rose hold no grounds here.
Rose Member: You listen here--
Melody: Can I just eat them?
Gingkage: *shakes head* No, Melody.
Melody: Dang...
Crayson: You and your men get out of here. NOW! Or we will take actions against you.
Rosemary: Fine, but you haven't heard the last of this. You have 2 hours to clear out of this area or I'm bringing more soldiers. *turns around* Come on boys.

Rosemary and the Rose soldiers leave.

Crayson: Given me nothing but problems.
Melody: Technically she joined the Rose because of events like this. So she isn't wrong about being judgmental towards us.

Mort: Guys, I think I know who did this!
All 3: !?!?
Mort: A giant bird with blue and black eyes. Big feet and icy powers. A Dragesvard creature makes the most sense so it must have been a Killguin. More specifically--
Mort: He is truly back. We last heard from him when he left cowering after his last attempt to thwart us through the Rose war. He must have changed somehow. He craves souls all the sudden.
Crayson: That's twisted. Hey Ging, you fought him before, what was he like?
Gingkage: A sorcerer of ice and dark magic. He was once tricked to read from a black pedia book. Now he's literally half undead and half avian.
Crayson: Cool!
Melody: *giggles* OH MAN! I love making puns. *puts on sunglasses* This looks like a job for...CHILLY!

Dead silence...

Crayson: We could ask him if you want...

*Ging pushes forward*

Gingkage: Lets go everyone. We need to return to base. We should take our information to the high leaders at once...

Just then a giant ice ball is tossed towards the four heroes...

Scene catches up with Rosemary.

Rosemary: I don't want to talk about them.
Rose Member: But Rosemary, whom were those guys?


The four heroes are on the ground after receiving a barrage of giant snowballs tossed at them.

Gingkage: *gets up* Get him Blaze!
???: FOOLS! *the creature's eyes grow bright blue as it freezes the wolf, just as it gets near the creature*
Gingkage: *cries out* BLAZE!!!!

Rosemary: They are a powerful group that have been helping people for over 10 years now.

Crayson gets up and pulls out his halberd to strike down the intruder...

Crayson: Die creature! *whirls it around in a circle then tosses it at the creature*
???: *shakes its head*

The creature freezes the weapon and redirects it back towards Crayson.

Crayson: *gasps and jumps out of the way* You're gonna pay for that one!

The creature summons the halberd back towards Crayson which hits his head just as he pulls out his dagger for close combat.

Crayson: We always do--humff. *falls over*

Rose Member: Oh I remember now! They were formed during the Popsprocket war weren't they?
Rosemary: *nods* And they were a powerful group then as they are now.
Rosemary: They were fighting long and hard in the Popsprocket war.
Rosemary: But the fighters were beginning to fail, stumble, and had to respawn.
Rosemary: Some mustered up their strength, and banded together.
Rosemary: They guided the warriors, mages, rogues, and the unsure technomancers.
Rosemary: Their guidance was so strong they were a Beacon.

The creature backfins Gingkage as she falls to the floor near Crayson with her weapon discarded by the creature.

Melody: I got this one guys! *flows Slime to surround the creature's body*
Melody: YEAH! GOT IT! HAHA! Surrender Stephen Nix!

The slimed up Stephen Nix smirks, then freezes its body until the slime harden. Nix then breaks out of the frozen goo.

Stephen Nix: HAHAHAHAH! I DON'T NEEEEEEEEEEED TO BREATHE! *sends a powerful blast of darkness magic towards Melody whom is thrown several feet off the ground*
Mort: *stands in front of the damaged Melody* Leave now Nix. You are not human, the power of the Ether will strike you down!

Rose Member: But what were they called? I don't remember their names?
Rosemary: *sighs*

Stephen Nix summons a small portal that connects with the Void and Nix uses the energy inside to send a blast at Mort which damages him badly. Mort gets up and continues the fight.

Nix and Mort walk in a circle in ready combat stances...

Mort: That was the...Void...how did YOU obtain this power?
Mort: *glares at Nix*
Stephen Nix: OH BY THE WAY...YOUR SISTER IS NEXT! *flash freezes Mort to stand still*
Mort: AHH! Nix, I can get out of this. I have the power to do so! Easily. *the ice consumes him*

Stephen Nix starts to summon a force field of void magic to surround Mort...


Stephen Nix: *turns around and freezes everyone else on the spot*



The scene overlooks the others as each and every one of them are frozen and cannot move unless guided by Nix.



Rosemary: They are...the BEACONS OF HOPE!

Stephen Nix: *smiles and looks back at his enemies with his head twisted sideways to look sadistic and eyes wide open* NO OBJECTIONS...I PRESUME!

TO BE CONTINUED...In the Nightmare Realm.

Thank you so much for reading! This marks the return of my writings and I cannot wait to keep going with you guys! I hope you enjoyed it! How did you like this and of course the music? Leave me a post HERE in the commentary thread on your opinions...I'd love to hear them!

Special thanks to Gingkage, deathlord45, Sentimental Melody, and Caststarter for being the stars of this story. Each of these individuals have given up their time to bring me great information to work with on this story and I couldn't have done it without them. Click their links and send them a pm, I bet they have a story of their own which is totally awesome! I highly encourage that you check them out!

And thank you for reading! Until next time...BATTLE ON!

Stephen Nix -> RE: (DF) Mystery Attacker (6/5/2015 15:52:21)


Nix places four rune stones in a circle that accompanies all four members plus himself and begins chanting. As he chants, the ground beneath them takes everyone slowly towards the Nightmare Realm but Nix notices a little girl whom has seen everything and was hiding in the bushes.

Stephen Nix: NOOOOOO!

Back at the Beacons Tower.

???: This is most displeasing. Where could they have gone?
???: We need to alarm the others at once! We should send the dillo's out to investigate!
???: Gingkage has faced many problems before, I do not understand how they could've went off the grid like this.
???: I'll need to work on trying to guide any of the four individuals mentally, but I will need time.

??? leaves the room.

???: Time is something we don't have much of.
???: Time...*puts on sunglasses* to call in the Recon Squad.
???: Let's tell them know and bring them up to speed on the situation.
???: The hands of justice will restore the balance we need!
???: Whoever cut them off of our communications has much to answer for. My master sergeant is missing, this is very very bad.
???: Guys, lets go we are running out of thyme. *holds up bottle*

Everyone faces ???...

???: What? *smiles*
???: Enough with the puns already.
???: Why not?
???: I'll explain later...when I have time. *winks*

The three move towards an elevator and take it to the Light Floor to get their first member. Once they arrive, they take their first right and go all the way down a hall to a door on the left. Upon entering the room, Azan is found inside sleeping.

???: AZAN!? What are you doing here?
Azan: *sleeptalk* Three Cookies....Four.....Five.
???: Azan...
Azan: Six. No...not a cupcake. AAAAHHHHHH! *starts moving his arms in a running motion*
???: AZAN!
Azan: *wakes up* Ummm, ahhh. Hi. I had a dream you were all cookies then you transformed into a cupcake. A GIANT CUPCAKE!
???: o.o
Azan: Was a nightmare.
???: Azan, two things. One, we have a situation and we need Starflame. Two, why are you in her room?
Azan: Starflame replaced all my cookies with cupcakes that I made this morning. As punishment, I sent her off on a dangerous mission by telling her that she has 3 hours to recover a specific utensil that I left in Dragesvard that's guarded by a horde of Polar Dravir's, or I'd turn everything she owns into cookies.
???: ...
Azan: *holds up a Sofist lookalike cookie* CUPCAKES ARE EVIL!
???: *shakes head* Alright, firstly don't ever do that again...and second wanna go on a recon mission?
Azan: Cupcakes involved?
???: N--
Azan: I'm in.

Azan Vandemiar, a rather tall man with blonde hair equips himself with his cooking utensils that he has placed on his belt. The yellow mantle he wears his rather messy as it has lots of stains on it from cookie crumbs. Azan is a cookiemancer and has the ability to summon foods to throw at his enemy, usually as a piercing projectile. He cannot do much in melee combat and he is as slow as he looks. This rather goofy individual has a passion for cookies and has one goal in mind, to eliminate all cupcakes in the world because cupcakes are evil...nope I can't do this.


Narrator: This may be the strangest person I have ever read about...I quit.
Azan: I'll bring you cookies!
Narrator: Where was I...

One of the ???'s sneaks away to get back into the elevator and takes it to the Mastery Floor to speak to Rukaji.

???: Hello Rukaji! We got a mission with your name on it. You interested?

??? observes a young Riftwalker in an intense game of checkers against Ember. Rukaji wields his Auron Masamune which is a giant sword for melee combat. Rukaji, the long spikey blonde haired individual with a scar running down from one side of his face to the other, would be the first one to tell about how he has never lost a battle with his Masamune ever sense he started combating when he was young. He may be a Riftwalker, but he does not have any knowledge of magic spells. The only power he has is his ability to teleport and disembody his foes from every direction thanks to his Astral plane training. He tends to show his aggression on and off the battlefield as you are about to see in the game he's playing.

Ember is a well known failed tongue of the Flame. What that means is that he was the voice of the Fire Lord. Though similar to an avatar, Ember is allowed to be in a mortal body rather than embarking the energy from the element. Coming to the Beacons of Hope, he was lost and without any hope in the world. He had been tricked by Voidstar and helped set the roles of the Hero of Falconreach to gather the elemental orbs in a sense. Ember is a short, green eyed magic user. He utilizes the raw strength of mana to devastate his foes, and does not use any elements in his fights. If he does go into a close ranged battle, he would bring his Obsidian scythe or his Ivory sickles with Ebony handles. This somewhat muscular young man is about to realize how much Rukaji cares about checkers...

Rukaji: *jumps the final black piece in the game* BOOOOOOOO YEAH!

Rukaji jumps up and starts to dance oddly.

Ember: Meh. Oh well.

Rukaji continues to showboat and flips the table in excitement.

Ember: Really? Is that necessary?
Ember: *mumbles under his breathe* reminds me of the Tongue of Lightning. Never kept his mouth shut.
Rukaji: What was that?
Ember: *looks up*
Rukaji: Not you, Ember. I meant the boss over here!

???: How's your day fellas?
Ember: Do you really want to ask?
???: Regardless, we need you guys upstairs pronto. Pack your things, you're going on a mission.

Ember and Rukaji grabbed their things and moved slowly to the elevator where ??? was waiting, holding the door.

Rukaji: Wonder what this is about. Ember, any ideas?
Ember: The avatars seem to suggest one or more of them is up to something. ( He's not wrong!)
Rukaji: You and your avatars.
Ember: You know the reason why the hero was able to claim half of the elemental orbs was due to my work!
Rukaji: *laughs* Too bad they couldn't teach you how to play checkers.

They make it to the elevator and take it to the meeting room where Azan was, as well as a fourth member, plus the council members.

The fourth member was named Donovan, a young man born on the Eastern side of the Sandsea. After losing his home due to the destruction of Wargoth, Donovan was abandoned and struggled to survive, until he discovered Atrea. Irisi quickly started to see potential in this young student and trained him in the arts of the Ascendant. After his 3 years of training, he decided that he needed a new family to work alongside with, so he found the Beacons. He is 5'8 with sandy blonde hair who wields the scythe, Seethe. Donovan picked the right element to join when he got here, as his specialty is working with water and his Astral training helps with portal summoning to the Plane itself to strike his foes with his Mana attacks. He approaches Rukaji proudly.

Rukaji: Well, this is a surprise. *extends hand*
Donovan (Death snake1): *shakes hand* It's been a while now since we were able to do our last recon!
Rukaji: Alright, I'll ask. What are we doing?
???: Four of our best and brightest have gone missing without a trace.
Ember: Where would you like us to start looking?
???: Doomwood campsites. The area where they were last is right beside Amityvale.
Ember: Any traces of Mort?
???: None yet, sorry Ember.
Ember: *sigh* I may have to ask for a favor.

???: Be that as it may, good luck everyone...you're heading to Doomwood.

In the Nightmare Realm, four heroes awake in their boxed up cells.


The Nightmare Realm shares a resemblance to the void, but the walls and floors are a mix between 3 colours: dark green, dark blue and black. The ceiling is made of the faces of the insane that have passed in the realm. In the center of the room is a giant vortex which sucks up anyone whom gets near it and sends them spiraling down a bottomless pit of nothingness which causes you to laugh endlessly. The four heroes start to walk around their cells.

Gingkage: *shivers* I don't feel good down here. *pets the sleepy Blaze*
Crayson: Where is here?
Melody: Didn't Nix mention the Nightmare Realm?
Mort: He did.
Melody: *presses up against a wall of the cell* I can't do anything here. I feel powerless.
Mort: The Nightmare Realm strips our powers. She's a ruthless beast.
Gingkage: Mort, are you able to communicate with anyone?
Mort: I am have lost my connections that the Balance members and I have.
Crayson: Well, that's great. We’re stuck here.
Mort: It does seem rather hopeless for the time being.
Melody: *pounds the wall with all her might* LET US OUT!
Mort: Melody, save your strength. We're going to need it soon, I fear.

Nix steps in the room from a staircase to a different aspect of the Nightmare Realm...

Stephen Nix: Funny thing about FEAR...
Stephen Nix: Naturally, we are born free of it. Yet we need fear in order to have self-awareness. If we don't have fear, then we place ourselves in immediate danger.
Gingkage: When did you become such an expert on the subject?
Stephen Nix: *rapidly bangs the cell with his fins* WHEN DID YOU LEARN TO MEDDLE IN MY AFFAIRS?

Stephen Nix: *coughs* As I was saying, think about your passions in life. Now what if something was to go wrong?
Stephen Nix: Your hiking like you do every Saturday, when suddenly an earthquake hits and you lose all your personal belongings. Now it's getting dark out and you have no food left.
Stephen Nix: No? How about you find 10 gold on the ground but when you go to pick it up, you're bitten by a poisonous snake and all you can think of is, am I going to die?
Stephen Nix: Still no? Say, you're having a picnic with the woman/man of your dreams. You've been together now for 5 years and you know there is chemistry between you two. Today is the day that you plan to "pop the question," and you planned everything to the letter. One problem, can you guess what that is?
Crayson: She gets mulled by a bear? *holds back the laugh*
Gingkage: Crayson...that's horrible.
Melody: *laughs uncontrollably*

Stephen Nix: Give up?
Mort: The fear of rejection.
Stephen Nix: HA! Indeed Mr. Frostfang...indeed.
Stephen Nix: Fear is the ultimate weapon because it is capable of controlling people without them realizing it, keeping them locked in a certain place, mindset and ideology. Eventually the host is overworked with so much fear, that they lose their composure and the fear takes over like a virus.
Mort: What's your point Nix? We all have fears.
Stephen Nix: My point Morty, is that I have the power to expose fear and expand it to unreal proportions. THEN THE HOST DIES AS IT STARES AT ME WHEN I ASK THE QUESTION, WHAT DO YOU FEAR?
Stephen Nix: HA HA HA HA!
Crayson: You're sick.
Gingkage: You'll pay for this penguinmancer.
Stephen Nix: Perhaps, but you will not be around to seek justice, hero.

Stephen Nix: Look around you. A giant room filled with madness at the seams. We are actually in the core of the Nightmare Realm. Beautiful isn't it?

No one responds...

Stephen Nix: Fine, I'll skip to the part where I tell you what's about to happen. You will be dossed with a sleeping agent, then you will have to battle your way through your selected fears.
Stephen Nix: Escape the fear, wake up and all is well. Sound simple enough?
Crayson: You forgot about the part where my boot squashes you.
Stephen Nix: Jest all you want. THE...REAL...GAMES...BEGIN!

As the gas enters in each of the cells, the members fall over and begin to dream.

Stephen Nix: *cackles* The Nightmare Realm has a special intensity that causes the most intense nightmares humans could possible encounter.
Stephen Nix: *summons 3 undead Killy Willy's that appear from the ground* There was a young girl hiding in the bushes that may have witnessed what I am up to. She has the powers of water and darkness. Cross her off before she alerts attention.

The Undead penguins slowly sink into the ground...


The four heroes arrive in the same area of Doomwood where the other team was investigating.

Ember: This place has had a lot of activity lately.
Azan: How can you tell Ember?
Ember: I can smell it in the air. But something's not right.
Rukaji: I can only see that a battle took place here. Apparently this was also the spot where some creature froze a villager?

Donovan: *hollers* Hey guys I may have found something!

Donovan holds up the same note that Crayson found...

Donovan: *sighs* This may have been valuable information for the others.
Rukaji: Don't worry Donovan, we'll get them back. We just need to retrace their steps.

When the recon team looks around, Azan makes a discovery.

Azan: GOT IT!
Rukaji: What did you find Azan?
Donovan: Anything good?
Azan: *shows them* I finally got this knot out of my mantle.
Donovan: *rolls eyes*
Azan: Oh and I found some footprints.
Ember: That helps. Nice job Azan.

Ember observes foot trails that lead outside the campsite...

Ember: *points West* This way guys!

Just then from the bushes, a young girl rushes outwards in a panic, like she's being chased.

Donovan: What's wrong?

The girl runs into Ember's arms.

Ember: Slow down little lady. Tell us what's wrong!
???: *points at the bushes* THEM!

3 undead Killy Willy's rush out of the clearing to assault the heroes.

The following occurs in the dreamscape.


Faerdin: Who was supposed to help get the people out of the village before Sepulchure arrived?
???: The records show that Melody was supposed to help them out.
Melody: Again, I keep telling you. I was reasoning with the slimes to help aids us. I could not make it there in time.
Faerdin: YOU...YOU HAD ONE RESPONSIBILITY. *takes away her ID card and rips it* Leave.
Faerdin: NOW!
Faerdin: You have failed the Water Pillar and you have cost the lives of many innocent civilians. GET OUT!
Faerdin: I told you Melody. There's no place for you here anymore.
Melody: But I'm a good member, please don't do this to me. It was a mistake. Please...you...you're my friend.

Melody starts to cry...

Melody: *cries* NOOO!

Hears the word worthless about ten times.

Melody weeps as the cycle continues with her feeling worthless to her fellow slimes.

Over in Crayson's dream...


Crayson: *holds his sister in his arms* No. No No. Please be okay.

*tries to do CPR on her*

Crayson: You can't...please don't go on me. AH!

*immediately lets go of her as she gets hotter and hotter until engulfed in flames*

Crayson: NOOOOO!

Crayson starts to step backwards in disbelief when he falls backwards into a pit and finds himself paralyzed. He is slowly getting buried alive.

Crayson: Oh no. NO. NOOOO! NOOOOOOOOOO!!

As Crayson starts to embrace his death he cries for his sister several times before totally surrounded in darkness.

Crayson: Cassie.
Crayson: CASSIE.

Back over to the three undead Killy Willy's, they rush towards each of the heroes flailing their sharp fins. Everyone dodges the penguins and Azan summons up 3 giant marshmallows to be tossed at each Killy Willy but they waddle just out of the way. Rukaji takes his Masamune and cuts up each penguin in three quick slashes, which causes them to stand still as they fall apart from the neck and down.

Rukaji: *picks up one of the skulls and gives it to Ember* AND STILL I'M UNDEFEATED IN SWORD COMBAT!
Ember: Penguins?
???: Right and a big one took your friends!
Donovan: Did you say a big penguin?
???: Yeah and bigger than these guys. That's for sure!
???: They took my uncle Mort!
Azan: Okay. So wait...uncle Mort?
???: *nods* Yup!
Azan: I didn't know he had a niece.
Ember: *extends hand* I'm Ember. You must be Morigan!
Morigan: Umm, hi. Can you guys send me to the Nightmare Realm? I wanna break him out.
Morigan: The giant penguin guy has changed a lot sense you guys last saw him apparently. Mort has battled against him before and won! Now I want to break this Nix guy apart piece by piece. *cracks knuckles* Send me to the Nightmare Realm guys.
Donovan: Morigan that doesn't sound like a good idea sending you to that place. I'm not even sure how we can get there.
Azan: Giant Penguin, who's that?
Rukaji: Stephen Nix is his name.
Ember: Yeah, I've heard about him. Powers of Ice and Darkness.
Morigan: Sounds like Uncle Mort!
Ember: Yet those two are vastly different. Nix is very dangerous and should be dealt with by skilled combatants.
Morigan: So how are you guys getting to Mort and the others?
Donovan: I doubt the Astral Plane could simply take us there and I don't have the magic to take us to this "Nightmare Realm."

Ember: Well that's about to change. EVERYONE STAND BACK!
Ember: *connects himself to the avatar of Darkness mentally* I request a favor that you owe me...and I need it NOW!

Back in Mort's dream...


Mort: Your tricks won't work on me Necromancer.


Mort: I can tell the difference between fake and reality. You have nothing on me.


The real Mort witnesses a memory of himself arriving just in time to save his sister from death through his own doing. Mort then turns to the right and sees how he can barely live up to his teacher's standards. Lastly, he turns to the right again and sees himself on his own crippled and depressed about something he did.


Mort: NOT THIS AGAIN! NO! *watches in fear as he looks at the first scenario*

Young Mort: Angel, you must realize that this is meant to be. Killing those criminals who burned down our village so I can rip their throats out! You and guard did nothing!
Young Mort: Was it truly meant to be this way? Angel dying just so I can continue this never ending goal? She is the only connection of my family I have now... I cannot just... let her die.
Young Mort: Don't go on me. I'm sorry, I said I was sorry. *holds her tight and sees two of his friends as giants*

Morigan: She almost died because of you!
KalannaDae: BECAUSE OF YOU! *points downwards towards Mort*

The real Mort turns over in anger and sadness and looks at scenario two then three...

His teacher, while on his deathbed preaches to Mort about his doings.

???: You constantly disappoint me Mort.
Past Mort: *looks up at his teacher in disappointment*
???: I only see excuses from you now. You are on a very thin sheet of ice with me Mort.
Past Mort: ...
Past Mort: !!!
???: The Ether Order was to be rebuilt and you have nothing to show for it, plus the balance has yet to be restored for the primal orbs.

The teacher grows to the size that the two girls were...


Mort sees himself sitting down in a local inn and starts to contemplate ending his own life for what he's done.

Past Mort: It's all my fault.
Past Mort: I have nobody to blame but myself. *cries but tries to hold back the tears*
Past Mort: It's my fault...and I CAN'T FIX THIS.
Past Mort: Why am I still here anyway?
Past Mort: I should just...just end it all now. Right here. No one cares anyways. I hurt everyone that I get in touch with.
Past Mort: *grabs his saber and holds it near his throat*
Past Mort: I can end this now...all the pain...and the suffering.

The real Mort falls to his knees in depression and watches as each scenario disappears in Mort's dream.

Mort: *stares endlessly into nothingness*


Mort: *ponders as sweat rolls down his face*


Mort puts his head down to try and be alone as the scene slowly fades away towards Gingkage's dream.

A shadow appears in front of the five individuals in a form of an elemental giant.

Voidstar: This had better be worth it, Would-Be!
Ember: I stated that I needed a favor and here you are.
Voidstar: Indeed, here I am now so speak or turn to ash, puny mortal.
Donovan: This is not a good plan Ember.
Voidstar: SILENCE!
Voidstar: Tell me what you need Would-Be or your demise will come sooner than later!
Ember: Demise? *smirks* I can take as long as I choose to as I just figured out whom had their hand in the cookie jar, AGAIN!
Voidstar: HAHAHAHA! You know nothing, Failed Tongue of Flame.
Ember: I know enough now to hold you once again in contempt. I also know who your partner is too in all of this!
Voidstar: If you guess right, I'll allow this favor to proceed with not only aiding you mortal, but your allies too. Well, except the girl.

Morigan: HUH!?
Ember: *gets down to Morigan's level* I'm sorry Morigan, but he's right anyway. It would be too dangerous going there.
Morigan: *sighs and hugs Ember* Just please get him back here!
Ember: You got it my friend!

Ember: *gets up and faces Voidstar* Okay, you got a deal.
Voidstar: Name him.
Ember: You can't help but give me clues. You just eliminated half the list. But I already knew whom...it all makes sense now.
Ember: So what your last subordinate wasn't enough for you? You stroke a deal to avoid punishment, didn't you?
Voidstar: HA!
Ember: Kyanos.
Voidstar: FFFFINE. State your demand mortals.

Rukaji: Can you take us to the Nightmare Realm and back to retrieve our friends?
Voidstar: *looks back at Ember* He's there isn't he?
Ember: I won't tell anyone else about this if you help us.
Voidstar: Deal. I cannot afford to have Kyanos finding out about this, it'll send me back another decade or so. Secondly...Haeos.
Ember: I can agree with that!
Azan: Excuse me, Mr. Voidstar sir...
Voidstar: I'm done talking to you humans!
Azan: But can I make a cookie out of you? PPPPPPPPLLLLEASE?
Voidstar: *stares blankly at Azan* Your cookiemancer is beyond shameful Would-Be. Why do you work with these "things"?
Azan: *frowns* I was just joking.
Ember: These "things" have taken better care of me then what you and your avatars could've ever done. So yeah, I'll take him because of his intelligence and witty personality. He can think of so many ways to attack his enemies with his magic that I am PROUD to be standing beside him.
Azan: *looks at Ember* Thank you.
Voidstar: Pity, such power WASTED on you.

Voidstar then opens a portal to the Nightmare Realm which shows a clock running down from 15 minutes before it closes.

Voidstar: Best of luck against him, mortals.

Voidstar fades away in the darkness.

Ember: I hope he gets weaker after this.


In Gingkage's dream we see her lead a small group of heroes to defeat the remaining forces of Noxus, the invader, whom stands on top of the Guardian Tower...

Gingkage: Alright everyone, lets move in on the remaining forces.

Gingkage blasts through 5 more undead warriors.

Gingkage: ONWARDS!

Gingkage cheers on her warriors.

Aurauris: We're on it. Go Gingkage, we can do this. Get to the top of the Guardian Tower to save Blaze and end this fight.
San Robin: Piece of cake.
Azan: I'll BAKE YOU ALL! *blasts several undead mages*
Dornalca: *nods* We can bide you the time you need to finish this.
Condor: It's only a couple hundred undead...we'll be fine. *continues to slash at the undead zombies*

Gingkage leaves Aura, Condor, Dornalca, San Robin and Azan to fight Noxus.

Noxus: COME! Face NOXUS and know the power of a NECROMANCER!

Noxus and Gingkage battle each other to a point where Noxus is blasted off his feet and slams his head onto the roof's backdoor.

Noxus: You...think you've won?
Noxus: TRY AGAIN! *summons an undead mage to hold onto Blaze*
Gingkage: Let him go necromancer!
Noxus: Surrender, and I will. *gets up and looks down at the others fighting* YOU TOO! *smirks* Or I kill the wolfy.

The crew stops fighting and is apprehended by the creatures of the undead.

Noxus: *looks at Ging* Your staff please...drop it!

Ging without wanting to harm Blaze and now her friends, drops her staff beside her.

Noxus: Oh yes, it'll end when I say it ends.

Gingkage reluctantly kicks over the staff for the safety of her friends and family.

Gingkage: Okay. You can go now Blaze, *extends hands out* I got you buddy.

Gingkage: I'll let you escape this time Noxus. Now hold up your end of the bargain and let my friends go.
Noxus: Whatever you say. Let go of him Mage.

As the mage lets go of him, Noxus turns around and blasts Blaze with a darkness cloud. This cloud tears at the fur of the wolf and strips him of his skin until only bone is shown. While Gingkage punches the mage out and breaks its skull, Blaze starts to yelp in agonizing pain as it slowly starts to transform into an undead wolf.


The pain starts to get worse and worse and Gingkage drops to her knees as she can no longer help her Blaze. The wolf finally screams in pain, then drops to the ground.

Gingkage: *leaps to her wolf and screams for the loss of her friend* NOOOOOOO!
Noxus: HAHAHAHA! Harsh, isn't it? I think Edgar would like this creature as a PET.
Gingkage: YOU MONSTER!

Gingkage rushes angrily over towards Noxus and punches him repeatedly in the face...

Noxus: But don't take my word for it *points down at the others* I THINK THEY HAVE A SAY ON THIS NOW!

Ging gets up and looks over the edge at the others, whom are being eaten alive by the undead zombies. One yells out...


Gingkage: *takes a step back as she is terrified and frozen over what has transpired* ...
Gingkage: W-w-what have I done?
Noxus: *sneaks up behind her* Nothing compared to what I'm going to do with you!

Noxus kicks Gingkage off the edge of the tower and as Ging flies over face first she screams in terror as she never touches the ground.

Outside of Gingkage's dream, we see Nix placing the four heroes near the exit where he plans for visitors as Ging continues to scream while her eyes are closed.

A portal opens in front of Nix which reveals the four heroes: Azan, Rukaji, Ember and Donovan whom enter in one at a time. They quickly oversee Stephen Nix leaning over the four heroes whom are gathered together for a strange reason. Nix makes eye contact then backs off and heads for the stairs of the realm but turns around to face the four.

Ember: *points at the four whom can't seem to wake up* OVER THERE!

They rush over to their screaming comrades...

Each member picks up their fellow pillar member and tries to calm them down.

Rukaji: *whispers* Come on buddy wake up...
Crayson : CASSIE...CASSIE! NNNNAAAAOOOO! *lets out a gasp and continues to screech*

Ember: Mort! I have you my friend. Enough of the nightmare...wake up!
Mort: *shakes vigorously*

Donovan: *holds Melody even in her current state of slime and hugs her* Pleassssse stop Empress.
Melody: *moans while shaking back and forth* I'm worthless...I'm worthless...I'm worthless. *continues*
Donovan: *sheds a tear* No... you're... not.

Azan: I can't make her stop screaming! *tries to hold down her arms to help*
Gingkage: *screams* BLLLLLLLAZZZEEE!

Blaze, now awake, crawls over to his mother as he knows something's wrong with her, he yelps and licks her face.

Azan: *pats Blaze* It's okay Blaze, we'll get her help. *gets up and faces the others* We need to get them back to base NOW!
Donovan: They won't wake up. I'm not sure what's holding them in their nightmare!


Stephen Nix: HEHEHEHE! *cackles* ENJOY WHAT I'VE DONE?
Stephen Nix: I bet you would...here. Smack this around.

Nix creates a wall of ice separating him from the others. Rukaji tries to bash it with his sword.


Ember pulls him away from the ice...

Ember: He's not worth it. We need to tend to our family.

Rukaji: *pushes Ember aside and continues to swat at the ice, then drops his weapon and starts punching it in anger.* GGGAHHHH! YOU HURT MY FRIENDS!
Ember: *pulls him away this time throwing him towards the portal* DON'T DO THIS!

Donovan: *notices the portal starting to flicker as time is running out and then back at the ice wall* How can we fix this?
Stephen Nix: Leave now...and I'll tell you what to do. I only wish to speak with Ember on the cure.
Donovan: *groans* Fine! *grabs Melody and tugs at Azan and Rukaji's arms* Let's go!

Donovan heads into the portal with Melody in his arms...

Rukaji: You better not be lying Nix, or I'll find you! I PROMISE!

Rukaji takes Crayson over his shoulder and walks out of the portal. Azan quickly follows with Blaze carrying Mort and Ging.

Ember: What do you want creature? What's the cure?

The ice wall falls down and Ember faces Nix.

Stephen Nix: I'll tell you what the cure is and I'll tell you right *pauses* about now.
Ember: You know my portal time is limited...get to it.
Stephen Nix: *Waddles up to Ember who's in front of the portal then turns away briefly* The cure is...

Nix turns back around and open kicks Ember into the portal.


As Ember escapes the other end of the portal back in Doomwood, the heroes hear the laugh of the crazed avian.

Ember falls on the ground as the portal closes.

The team looks up at Ember in faith that he learned something from Nix. But he shakes his head instead.

Azan: What do we do now?
Ember: We go home.

Ember stands on his feet...

Ember: And get help.

The scene turns completely black as we return with Nix.









Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed this terrifying experience! How did you like this and of course the music? Leave me a post HERE in the commentary thread on your opinions...I'd love to hear them! Also if there are any spelling errors, let me know too! XD

Special thanks to Azan, Rukaji, Death snake1, and afb728 for being the stars of this story. Each of these individuals have given up their time to bring me great information to work with on this story and I couldn't have done it without them. Click their links and send them a pm, I bet they have a story of their own which is totally awesome! I highly encourage that you check them out! It is truly fun to intertwine with their successful stories!

And thank you for reading! Until next time...BATTLE ON!

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