Hero's Heart Day 2016 (Full Version)

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Peachii -> Hero's Heart Day 2016 (2/16/2016 2:56:09)

Hero's Heart Day 2016

Access Point: Book of Lore -> Hero's Heart Day Storybook -> Chapter 9
Level/Quest/Items required: Completion of The Culprit
Release Date: February 13th, 2016

Quests Available
HHD Storybook
Trouble in Paradise
The Culprit

Big Daddy
Letter Collection

Big Daddy

Hero's Heart Day 2016 (Shop)

Big Daddy: It's a disaster, <Character>! Hero's Heart Day could be ruined!

  • Talk
    Big Daddy: Thank you for your help in dealing with that pesky bear.
    Big Daddy: I don't think anyone actually got the right Snuggle-Grams this year! Just spam!
    Big Daddy: But chocolate heals all wounds! And you are just the person I need for the job!
    Big Daddy: If you can collect enough of the spam mail from the poor, lonely, recipients, I'll trade you some brand new items I got this year.
    Big Daddy: I was going to use them to make an army of love golems that would help me deliver Snuggle-Grams...
    Big Daddy: But with all the spam mail problems, I never got around to it. You look better in the Snugglebear Armor than some golem anyway!
    Big Daddy: It's not Hero's Heart Day without Snugglebear Armor.

  • Special Armor
    Big Daddy: Bears sent the spam, and a Snugglebear will make things right! With chocolate!
    Loads Snugglebear Armor

  • Quest!
    Big Daddy: We can't re-send the Snuggle-Grams, but we can make up for it with chocolate! Make sure you have your Special Armor on!
    Takes you to Letter Collection

  • Heal & potions
    Restore your health and potions

  • Shops
    Big Daddy: Have you collected enough Spam Mail to buy a reward? If not, get out there, and deliver that chocolate, baby!
    Opens Hero's Heart Day 2016 (Shop)

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