Book of Lore Access Point: Automatically opens upon character selection, Click the Book with Scroll on the lower-middle section of the main UI, 'J' Keyboard Control Requirements: Completion of A Hero is Bored / A Hero Is Thawed Release Date: September 7th, 2012 THE JOURNEY SO FAR: On the left and right are slots for eight elemental orbs; complete their respective sagas for the orb to appear in the Book of Lore, as well as to unlock portals to their respective locations: Left Wind Orb - click to 'Select your Destination'; Shadow of the Wind or Osprey Cove. Darkness Orb - teleports you to The Necropolis. Energy Orb - teleports you to Popsprocket. Water Orb - teleports you to The Locker. Right Light Orb - teleports you to The Sandsea. Ice Orb - teleports you to Dragesvard. Fire Orb - teleports you to Battleon Inn. Earth Orb - teleports you to Willowshire. spoiler:
After completion of Full Darkness / Extreme Full Darkness, a ninth orb will appear in the center: Bacon Orb - teleports you to The Final 13th! Darkness Attacks!. Beneath the Book of Lore are buttons for sagas secondary to the main events: Alexander quote:
Alexander Who is this mysterious Alexander? Explore the creepy, burnt out house in Swordhaven and see if you can find anything; a book, papers... or a journal. Finding some clue there will unlock the new Alexander character slot! OK You must complete Book 1 before you can access Book 2. Book 3: The End of Magic The Timeline A Hero is Thawed Oaklore Falconreach Travel Map HAPPENING THIS WEEK: Contains information regarding the latest release, temporary buttons for quick access points, limited time shops, etc. Above the Book of Lore, the following bookmarks are available: Birthday Quest! - only available during your character's birthday month. Design Notes - opens a link to the Design Notes in a new window. Beneath the Book of Lore, the following buttons are available: Earn Dragon Coins Daily Quest - begins one of the Daily Challenge quests at random. Go to House - teleports you to your house, if you own one. (Pop-up if you don't: You don't own a house yet.) Go to Hometown - teleports you to your hometown. Heal & Potions - fully replenishes HP, MP, and potions. Allows you to invite either Ash, Zhoom, Raven, Rhubarb, Galanoth, Mazurek, Symone, Artix, Rolith, Nythera, Uaanta, or Aegis as first or second guest. Remove Guests - removes all guests from your party. Shops SHOPPING CATALOG: Seasonal Items Seasonal Items Monthly Specials are available here! These awesome items are only available for this month, before leaving until next year! Feel free to browse and check out these cool special items. Presents the monthly promotional or seasonal shops. Refer HERE for a history of current or previous shops and items released. Armors DragonCoin Classes Dragon Coin armors come fully trained and ready to use! From the fashionable Aspenvale Academy Uniform to the explosive Pyromancer, these classes range from the wacky to the wonderful! Make sure to do your research before purchase! Class Shop - opens DC Armors shop. Time Classes These powerful classes used to be available as bonuses from purchasing calendars from HeroMart, and are now Reforged with new appearances! Time Class Shop - opens Time Classes shop. Artifacts Legendary DragonLord Artifacts These legendary DragonLord Artifacts greatly boost the power of all varieties of the DragonLord class! Dragon's Patience favors a more defensive playstyle, while Dragon's Rage is for the player who likes to go ALL OUT! These can be upgraded after reaching a certain point in Book 3's main story. You can only equip one type at a time (Patience or Rage) DragonLord Artifacts - opens DragonLord Artifacts shop. Catalysts Customization Catalysts Customization Catalysts are mysterious objects that carry with them the captured memories and emotions of specific moments in time and space. If you have a Dragon Amulet, you can draw on a Catalyst's contents (from your inventory or in the Bank) to unlock new options for the appearance of corresponding armors in the Armor Customization room! You can preview appearances before purchasing by equipping an armor and going to the Armor Customization Room. Note: Customization Catalysts cannot be sold, so please think carefully before purchasing. Customization Catalysts are permanent upgrades and are not consumed when customizing. Purchase (DA Required) - opens Customization Catalysts shop. House Utility House Utility Items These special house items for Dragon Amulet holders provide utility teleports to popular locations and times! The Storybook Collection, for example, lets you access seasonal content year round! Purchase - opens House Utility Items shop. Misc Catalog Dragon Coin Shopping! This completely magical extension of Cysero's Superstore of Savings brings the greatest deals right to your, um, book! Got Dragon Coins burning a hole in your pocket? Don't want to find your nearest inter-dimensional shopping space? Check out the latest Dragon Coin items here! Shop Now! - opens Dragon Coin Catalogue. Pride Wings and Capes These free cosmetic wings and capes will let you show off your pride whenever you want! Pride Wings & Capes! - opens Pride (Shop). Pride House Banners These free house wall items will let you show off your pride in the comfort of your home! Pride House Banners - opens Banners of Pride shop. Pride House Banners Subscribe to the DragonFable Newsletter to obtain this legendary cosmetic weapon. Lorebearer - opens Lorebearer (Shop). X-Boosts X-Boost X-Boost lets you earn 10% more experience and gold from battles! X-Boost: Unlimited also stacks up to 10 times for double gold and experience. Temporary X-Boosts do not stack. Purchase - opens X-Boost! shop. Deactivate - opens X-Boost Deactivation shop. Reactivate - opens X-Boost Activation shop. Bag Space Increase Bag Space First 10 Bag Slots 100 DragonCoins Each Buy Next 5 Bag Slots 300 DragonCoins Each Buy Last 165 Bag Slots 500 DragonCoins Each Buy You have x out of a maximum of <210-230> total bag slots. If you already have 210 or 230 bag slots: quote:
No Bag Slots Available You have already purchased <210-230> out of a maximum of <210-230> total bag slots. HeroMart HeroMart HeroMart is Artix Entertainment's one and only real world loot store! Heropoints are HeroMart's in-game currency -- Certain purchases from Heromart will earn you HeroPoints. Spend your HeroPoints: Item Shop - opens HeroMart Items shop. Class Shop - opens HeroMart Classes shop. Heropoints cannot be refunded Double check your purchases To Heromart! - opens a link to the official Artix Entertainment HeroMart Online Store in a new window. Beneath the Book of Lore - Shops page, the following selections are available: To Cysero's Superstore - teleports you to Cysero's Superstore of Savings! (Book 3). I Need More Dragon Coins - opens the DragonFable help page in a new window. Badges Refer to the A-Z Badges index for full listing of badges sorted by category. Counters for accumulated Timewarped Medal and Timewarped Trophy items, as well as A.A.R.G.H. win streak are displayed in Arena Challenges section of Challenges Badges. X - closes Book of Lore. Other information Book of Lore replaced the Quest Log on September 7th, 2012; more information can be found in the Design Notes. Book of Lore received a major overhaul on June 28th, 2019; more information can be found in the June 28th, 2019 Design Notes. Book of Lore is inaccessible during initial story selection screen, some locations (i.e. Sunbreeze Grove and Arena at the Edge of Time), and all quests; it is also inaccessible via the Ash Dragonblade and Alexander character slots. The 'Free DCs & Gold Ballyhoo' option was officially retired and replaced by an 'Earn Dragon Coins Daily Quest' option on May 8th, 2020; more information can be found in the May 8th, 2020 and May 15th, 2020 Design Notes. Shops section was previously named Boosts; this was changed on June 25th, 2021. Dragon Coin Catalogue shop was added on December 31st, 2021. The Book of Lore was updated with several buttons reorganized and consolidated under the Shops section; more information can be found in the April 29th, 2022 Design Notes. Shops opened from the Book of Lore now return players to the Book of Lore Shops section on July 16th, 2022. A banner for showing off seasonal and weekly specials was added on August 25th, 2023. Badges were updated with their own interface on July 19th, 2024. Thanks to Jay for updates and other information. golden1231 for links.
< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 12/23/2024 23:02:10 >