RE: Shields - Read the first post! (Full Version)

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Carandor -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (6/14/2018 18:47:18)


Dragon Strike Shield
Type									G
Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
PowLvl	5 MC	15 MC	35 MC	55 MC	75 MC	95 MC	115 MC	135 MC	153 MC

Price	35	47	178	1226	9682	77859	627513	5059007	24205166
Sell	17	23	89	613	4841	38929	313756	2529503	12102583

Melee	+2	+4	+6	+9	+11	+13	+14	+15	+16
Ranged	+0	+2	+4	+7	+9	+11	+13	+14	+14
Magic	-2	+0	+2	+4	+8	+8	+10	+11	+11

Fire	-3	-7	-14	-19	-21	-23	-24	-25	-26
This shield is used by the soldiers of the Dragon Slayer order! It resists Fire damage and gives enhanced Melee and Ranged defence! It defends well against Dragons and their kin, and is best when defending against a Fire Dragon!


Added. Scakk

afterlifex -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (7/7/2018 20:41:05)

Kindred Shield

MC Water shield.

Every turn, you gain 2 Meditation Charges. You can spend 40 Charges to heal the listed MP or SP.

If you have one other Kindred item equipped, you gain +1 charge per turn. If you have two or more others, you gain +2 charges per turn.

Level	45	60	75	90	105	120	135	150G
Melee	3	5	7	9	9	10	12	13
Ranged	4	5	7	9	10	10	12	13
Magic	4	6	8	9	10	10	13	13
Water	-17	-20	-21	-22	-23	-24	-24	-25
Wind	-7	-8	-11	-12	-13	-14	-14	-14
MPCost	133	175	221	272	326	384	447	527
SPCost	100	131	166	204	245	288	335	395
MCPrice	451	2047	9682	46217	221019	1057377	5059007	24205166
MCSell	225	1023	4841	23108	110509	528688	2529503	12102583

Rayimika -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (8/18/2018 2:05:27)


Shield of Awe

Got this, thanks! ~Carandor

Carandor -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (8/25/2018 9:39:30)

As a friendly reminder, please read the first post before posting.


These threads are not meant for asking questions. Please use Questions/Answers for that. Only questions pertaining to crucial information that is missing or hasn't been posted by the AQ staff by accident are allowed. For example missing SP costs for a misc or missing BtH numbers regarding a weapon etc.

I've just had to delete 9 posts that had turned this thread into a discussion...

Ianthe -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (9/1/2018 23:30:31)


From the login raffle event: School Bell Bulwark. Kam says:

Light shield, scales like the Guardian shield but aligned to Light. MC effect attempts Daze based on % of attacks you block with the shield. It attempts to inflict a (56*Blocks/Attempts)% stun rate Daze for 2 turns, 50% save and is inflicted by VStat/LUK and resisted by END/LUK.

Got this. ~Carandor

AliceShiki -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (9/9/2018 11:40:18)


Hmmm... I think the place for this is here?

In the Index of Shields, the Radiant Aegis is in the section of permanent items instead of the rare ones... Sorry for the bother! >.<

Forgot to move it after it went rare. Thanks for the reminder! :) ~Carandor

RedEyedDrake -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (9/11/2018 23:08:43)

Here are the shields from among the items on the list that I managed to put together, IMR. See the weapons thread for more details.

The shields:

The variant form of the Dragon Strike Shield, Thunderbird Shield and Iron Bloom Shield.

Ianthe -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (11/5/2018 16:08:16)

2019 Calendar promo: Pyro Chrono Shield. Kam says:

Basically a Fire clone of the Cryo Chrono variant, except this one scales. It'll upgrade as you reach each level tier in the table below to the listed stats. Attemps Paralyse based on your block rate.

Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
Type	B	B	B	B	B	B	B	B	B
PowLvl	15	23	41	59	78	98	118	138	153
Melee	3	4	5	10	10	13	15	16	16
Ranged	0	2	2	2	2	3	5	8	8
Magic	3	4	5	10	10	13	15	16	16
Fire	-7	-10	-16	-19	-22	-23	-24	-25	-26
This Chronomancer's shield is powered by a flame frozen in time. It can sap the temporal energy from foes that strike it, freezing them in time for a short while!

**Your foe hits the shield, which drains their temporal mana and paralyses them!
**Your foe hits the shield, but endures its temporal magic!


AliceShiki -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (11/8/2018 19:13:01)


The link for the Chimeran Squire Shield in the Shield Index is broken.

The entry for the Chimeran Squire Shield also tags it as Z-token... The Chimeran Squire Shield Z doesn't have the Z-token tag in its entry on the other hand...

Thanks in advance! ^^)/

Edit: Also...

Chimeran Defender Shield Z, Chimeran Conqueror Shield and Chimeran Vindicator Shield all have their images broken, even though all other Chimeran Shield items have their images functioning properly...

Got this.

Posts merged. Please don't double post. ~Carandor


Lantern of Souls

«Darkness shield. Mastercraft; Has a small chance of giving a guaranteed block against an attack.»

Location: Nowhere
Element: Darkness
Type									G
Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
PowLvl	5 MC	15 MC	35 MC	55 MC	75 MC	95 MC	115 MC	135 MC	153 MC

Price	35	47	178	1226	9682	77859	627513	5059007	24205166
Sell	17	23	89	613	4841	38929	313756	2529503	12102583
Melee	+0	+2	+4	+7	+9	+11	+13	+14	+14
Ranged	-2	+0	+2	+4	+8	+8	+10	+11	+11
Magic	+2	+4	+6	+9	+11	+13	+14	+15	+16

Dark	-3	-7	-14	-19	-21	-23	-24	-25	-26
  • Monster attacks have a 3.57% chance of automatically missing.* This doesn't affect attacks that auto-hit or that have more than +300 BTH.

    *The lantern's light blinds your foe, causing the incoming attack to miss!

    A lantern used to light the way in the underworld. It wards off the powers of Darkness, and the lantern's light can blind foes when they strike, lowering the accuracy of their attacks!


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res and Kamui. Image and description thanks to Kay Oh.


    April 06, 2017: The shield was released.
  • Posted in Pedia ~Alice


    Dragon Strike Guard

    «Fire shield. Trigger lowers the damage you take against Dragons/Dragonkin. Mastercraft; has no downtrigger.»

    Location: [url=]Dragons Gone Wild! 2018[/url]
    Element: Fire
    Type									G
    Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
    PowLvl	5 MC	15 MC	35 MC	55 MC	75 MC	95 MC	115 MC	135 MC	153 MC
    Price	35	47	178	1226	9682	77859	627513	5059007	24205166
    Sell	17	23	89	613	4841	38929	313756	2529503	12102583
    Melee	+2	+4	+6	+9	+11	+13	+14	+15	+16
    Ranged	+0	+2	+4	+7	+9	+11	+13	+14	+14
    Magic	-2	+0	+2	+4	+8	+8	+10	+11	+11
    Fire	-3	-7	-14	-19	-21	-23	-24	-25	-26
  • Triggers against Dragonkin and Dragons:
    • Fire Dragons: you take -(15/1.4)% damage.
    • Other Dragons: you take -(7.5/1.4)% damage.
    • Fire Drakel/Dragonkin: you take -(7.5/1.4)% damage.
    • Other Drakel/Dragonkin: you take -(5/1.4)% damage.
    This shield is used by the soldiers of the Dragon Slayer order! It resists Fire damage and gives enhanced Melee and Ranged defence! It defends well against Dragons and their kin, and is best when defending against a Fire Dragon!


    Numbers thanks to Kamui. Trigger and Mastercraft bonus information thanks to Relinfearous. Image and description thanks to Carandor.


    June 13, 2018: The shield was released.
  • Posted in Pedia ~Alice

    Ianthe -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (1/11/2019 14:58:31)

    Frostval Giftbox item: Defender of Frostval Past. Kam says:

    Ice shield, Magic lean for defences. MC effect lets you click on the shield once per battle to give yourself an MRM boost. 1/battle effects are worth 50% Melee, that translates to +30 MRM. This is a non-elemental effect, so *0.6 effect, for +18 MRM.

    Level	10G	30G	50G	70G	90G	110G	130G	150G
    Melee	1	2	4	4	8	10	12	12
    Ranged	1	2	4	4	8	10	12	12
    Magic	4	8	9	10	13	15	16	16
    Fire	-9	-14	-19	-22	-23	-24	-25	-26

    J9408 -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (1/11/2019 15:09:10)

    ^Minor typo, you put Fire instead of Ice.

    Lord Markov -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (1/21/2019 14:32:51)


    The entries for both the Horo-Show Void Vindicator and Void Vindicator shields are throwing a "page deleted" error for all the links except the very first one in the list. Presumably when the entries got condensed to one page a bunch of links got removed.

    The main page with links to the various items here: shop entry

    Got this. ~Carandor

    Kamui -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (1/24/2019 16:52:43)

    Scales of Custosilva

    Earth shield, slight Melee/Magic focus. MC effect is that each time a turn passes where your foe is inflicted with Numb/Off-Balance/Entangled, then you increment a counter. This counter is dependent on how many pieces of the CoC set you have equipped. Base is +1, two pieces gives +1.5, all three gives +2. This counter is shared for both the weapon and shield, and you must be wearing at least one piece of the set when your turn ends for the counter to increment. For each point on the counter, you gain +1.2 MRM. Essentially for each turn the mob is inflicted with some sort of DEX Loss effect, you'll gain anywhere from +1.2 to +2.4 MRM. This effect caps at 10 points on the counter, or in other words +12 MRM.

    Scales like the armour, once you hit the level listed in the Level row, you'll get the shield stats for that column, with the PowLvl 59 column being the minimum stats.

    Level	-	75	95	115	135	150
    Type	B	B	B	B	B	B
    PowLvl	59	78	98	118	138	153
    Earth	-18	-20	-22	-24	-25	-26
    Melee	10	12	13	13	14	14
    Ranged	9	11	12	12	13	13
    Magic	10	12	13	13	14	14

    Ianthe -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (2/9/2019 23:26:55)

    GGB UR: Golden Dragon Head Shield. Kam says:

    Light shield, Melee focus. MC effect is that after the foe attacks you, you gain +(33.33... * Blocks / Attempts)% LUKy Strike rate to all your player/weapon/spell attacks for the turn. On the first turn the shield is equipped, or if the foe didn't attack you in the previous turn, it'll default to just +5% LS rate. Scales up as you hit the listed level in the Level row (if an Adventurer) or the GLvl row (if a Guardian), Guardians will default to Lv 15 Power since the item has a buy level of 5.

    Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
    GLvl	-	5	28	51	72	92	112	132	150
    PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153
    Light	-3	-7	-14	-19	-21	-23	-24	-25	-26
    Melee	2	4	6	9	11	13	14	15	16
    Ranged	0	2	4	7	9	11	13	14	14
    Magic	-2	0	2	4	8	8	10	11	11

    Kamui -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (2/21/2019 7:22:12)

    Geocastellum Bulwark

    Earth shield, Magic focus. MC effect is that it triggers if the foe is affected by Choked. You take -7.14% damage from such foes.

    Level	11	45	60	75	90	105	120	135	150
    Type	Z	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
    PowLvl	45	45	60	75	90	105	120	135	153
    Earth	-17	-17	-20	-22	-23	-24	-24	-25	-26
    Me/Ra	3	3	5	5	8	9	12	12	12
    Magic	8	8	9	10	12	13	15	16	17
    MCPrice	407	451	2047	9682	46217	221019	1057377	5059007	24205166
    MCSell	Z	225	1023	4841	23108	110509	528688	2529503	12102583

    Ianthe -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (3/9/2019 22:38:37)

    New package item: Protoparagon Mk 4 Defender. Kam says:

    Light shield, focus on Melee/Ranged defences. MC effect is the ability to click to pay 15% Melee in SP each turn and take -(15/1.4)% damage from all attacks. Is priced as misc + shield compression, similar to Cozy Farzhad Mogloo. Scales based on tiering, if you're at the listed level, then you'll hit that tier, Lv 55 power minimum, basically scales like the Golden Dragon Head shield but with permanent Guardian scaling assumed.

    Level	-	72	92	112	132	150
    Type	B	B	B	B	B	B
    PowLvl	59	78	98	118	138	153
    MPLvl	58	77	97	117	137	152
    SPCost	19	26	33	42	51	59
    Ele	-19	-21	-23	-24	-25	-26
    Melee	10	12	13	15	16	16
    Ranged	10	12	13	15	16	16
    Magic	3	5	6	7	8	8
    MCSOP	766	6051	48661	392195	3161879	15128228
    MCSOS	383	3025	24330	196097	1580939	7564114

    Ianthe -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (3/11/2019 17:38:46)

    Package item: Ironbloom Bulwark. Kam says:

    Energy shield, MC effect is that if the foe has DefLoss on them, you take -(10/1.4)% damage. If you're using the Ironbloom Warhammer, then this is boosted to -(15/1.4)% damage taken.

    Lvl	55	75	95	115	135	150
    Type	B	B	B	B	B	B
    PLvl	59	78	98	118	138	153
    Ele	-19	-21	-23	-24	-25	-26
    Melee	10	12	13	15	16	16
    Ranged	10	12	13	15	16	16
    Magic	3	5	6	7	8	8
    MCSOP	613	4841	38929	313756	2529503	12102583
    MCSOS	306	2420	19464	156878	1264751	6051291

    Ianthe -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (3/18/2019 2:13:52)

    Updated GGB shields:

  • Titan Arm (UR)
  • Golden Paragon Protector
  • Darkovian Bulwark
  • Arthurian Shield

    All scale according to their previous tiering, with stats linearly interpolated when you're between tiers. For each shield I had to throw together a hypothetical "level 0" armour with stats:

    Elements: MIN(+0, lowest tier's element)
    Blocking: MIN(+0, lowest tier's blocking)

  • AliceShiki -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (4/13/2019 15:16:34)

    Some info on the new Items. Shared by Kamui on Discord.

    I dunno the item names though, so... Tough luck with that?

    From Robina's Big Monster Hunt:

    Shield is an Earth one with Melee focus, MC is basically a copy of Protoparagon shield, pay 15% Melee in SP to take -(15/1.4)% damage.

    AliceShiki -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (7/25/2019 20:52:51)

    *coughs* Double post... >.>

    Got some info on the new items from the Champion of Fire Realm package... No numbers though.

    Credits to Lineolata for the info:

    Shield: Makes you take less damage from Burnt foes.

    Ianthe -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (7/27/2019 20:25:37)

    New package item: Fire Realm Protecter. Kam says:

    Fire shield, scales like other package/GGB shields. MC effect is you take -(10/1.4)% damage vs foes afflicted with Burn.

    Level	-	72	92	112	132	150
    Type	B	B	B	B	B	B
    PowLvl	59	78	98	118	138	153
    Fire	-18	-20	-22	-24	-25	-26
    Melee	10	12	13	13	14	14
    Ranged	9	11	12	12	13	13
    Magic	10	12	13	13	14	14

    J9408 -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (7/27/2019 21:25:14)

    ^The Fire Realm Shield says Energy instead of Fire.

    Fixed, ty. ~IMR

    AliceShiki -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (8/11/2019 6:57:46)

    New info on Donation items, from Kamui I think, dunno, nobody told me the source. I think the name of the set is Desert Rider? No clue on name of specific items though.

    Anyways, credits to Lord Markov for sharing it.

    Finally, shield. It's Light, and MC is damage reduction.
    MC effect is that you take -(5*2/3/1.4)% damage per each of the following statii on the foe: Choke, Poison, DefLoss, EleVuln. Moonchaser worked off of 4 status effects, and gave you +(5*2/3)% damage per effect on the foe, for a max boost of +13.33...% damage. This one does the same, just /1.4 since it's applying to your incoming instead of outgoing damage.

    Ianthe -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (8/18/2019 16:41:35)

    '19 Tibblesfest prize: Desert Raider Defender. Kam says:

    Light Shield, MC effect is that you take -(5*2/3/1.4)% damage per each of the following statii on the foe: Choke, Poison, DefLoss, EleVuln. Moonchaser worked off of 4 status effects, and gave you +(5*2/3)% damage per effect on the foe, for a max boost of +13.33...% damage. This one does the same, just /1.4 since it's applying to your incoming instead of outgoing damage.

    Level	-	72	92	112	132	150
    Type	B	B	B	B	B	B
    PowLvl	59	78	98	118	138	153
    Light	-18	-20	-22	-24	-25	-26
    Melee	10	12	13	13	14	14
    Ranged	10	12	13	13	14	14
    Magic	9	11	12	12	13	13

    Lorekeeper -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (8/30/2019 10:18:48)

    Restored/Wartorn Heirloom Shield

    Kamui says:


    Dark/Wind shield, MC effect is toggle between Dark and Wind modes, has *2.2 price due to this. Also has a trigger against any horseman minion, this is NOT an MC effect, and has halved "uptrigger" potency. So normally the shield has -3 MRM (already factored into the below numbers), but when vs a horseman minion it gets +3 MRM (so +6 compared to the numbers below).

    Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
    Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
    PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153
    Ele	-3	-7	-14	-19	-21	-23	-24	-25	-26
    Melee	-1	1	3	6	8	10	11	12	13
    Ranged	-3	-1	1	4	6	8	10	11	11
    Magic	-5	-3	-1	1	5	5	7	8	8
    *2MCP	70	95	356	2453	19364	155718	1255027	10118016	48410333
    *2MCS	35	47	178	1226	9682	77859	627513	5059008	24205166

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