=ED= Skill Cores Suggestions 3.0 (Full Version)

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Battle Elf -> =ED= Skill Cores Suggestions 3.0 (8/6/2018 21:51:07)

Post your skill core suggestions here. The previous thread can be found here.

Things to include in your post
[b]Skill Core Name:[\b]
[b]Core Description:[\b]
[b]Other Details:[\b]

Note: Previous threads has been archived. This means it hasn't been deleted at all, and suggestions from the previous threads could still be used in the future if desire.

RaXZerGamingZ -> RE: =ED= Skill Cores Suggestions 3.0 (8/8/2018 16:08:32)

Skill Core Name: Overdrive
Active/Passive: Passive
Core Description: Adds an extra 5% to percent based skills.
Other Details: does not work with cores and passive skills.

RaXZerGamingZ -> RE: =ED= Skill Cores Suggestions 3.0 (8/31/2018 21:54:27)

Skill Core Name: Eternal Growth
Active/Passive: Passive
Core Description: Grows you for the entire duel. [possible stat boost]
Other Details: Growth is the same as Growth Serum.

Skill Core Name: Mirv's Mastery
Active/Passive: Passive
Core Description: Shrinks you for the entire duel. [possible stat boost]
Other Details: Shrinks you to the size of Mirv.

racing.lo.mas -> RE: =ED= Skill Cores Suggestions 3.0 (1/11/2019 16:37:08)

Skill core name: Regeneration.
Active/passive: Active
Core description: Spend all current rage. Gain up to 250 energy and 250 health as a percent of rage spent.
Other details: 1% rage: 2,5 health and energy. Armor core.

leo07123 -> RE: =ED= Skill Cores Suggestions 3.0 (5/27/2019 23:05:47)

Skill Core Name: Mark of Blood
Active/Passive: Active Armor Core
Core Description: 15% of Damage to Health
Other Details: This will remain for 3 turns

Skill Core Name: Jack-O-Freeze
Active/Passive Active Primary Core
Core Description: An unblockable energy attack that deals 115% of the normal strike damage.
Other Details: Warm Up 1 Turn (E version of Jack-O-Fire)

Skill Core Name: Spine Assault
Active/Passive Active Primary Core
Core Description: An unblockable physical attack that deals 115% of the normal strike damage.
Other Details: Warm Up 1 Turn (P version of Thorn Assault)

Skill Core Name: Immortality
Active/Passive Active Armor Core
Core Description: Sacrifice Armor's Defense, Resistance and an extra 25% for 5 turns for full health and energy.
Other Details: N.A.

Skill Core Name: Blood Bullet (Aux)
Active/Passive Active Auxiliary Core
Core Description: Grants +25% sidearm damage at the cost of 80 HP.
Other Details: Can be Deflected

Skill Core Name: Twin Enhance
Active/Passive Passive Armor Core
Core Description: Grant +5 to Strength, Dexterity, Technology and Support during battle
Other Details:

Skill Core Name: Twin Protection
Active/Passive Passive Armor Core
Core Description: Increases Defense and Resistance by +30 during battle.
Other Details:

Skill Core Name: War Commander x50
Active/Passive Active Primary Core
Core Description: Guarantees a war drop upon battle victory.
Other Details: Credit Price 9500

Skill Core Name: War Commander x100
Active/Passive Active Primary Core
Core Description: Guarantees a war drop upon battle victory.
Other Details: Credit Price 19000

Skill Core Name: War Commander x500
Active/Passive Active Primary Core
Core Description: Guarantees a war drop upon battle victory.
Other Details: Credit Price 90,000

Exosen -> RE: =ED= Skill Cores Suggestions 3.0 (7/9/2019 3:51:49)

Skill Core Name: N/A(Primary core)
Active/Passive: Active
Core Description: strike and reduce dexterity and technology by 20 for 3 turns
Other Details: Energy cost

Skill Core Name: Gun Crusher(Sidearm core)
Active/Passive: Active
Core Description: deal 100% damage and disable opponent's gun by 4 turns
Other Details: Energy cost

Skill Core Name: N/A(Armor core)
Active/Passive: Active
Core Description: sacrifice your total energy to take out opponent's total energy
Other Details: N/A

Skill Core Name: Cursed Aux(Auxiliary core)
Active/Passive: Active
Core Description: deal 100% damage and marks opponent's aux, marked aux - deals 40% damage
Other Details: the aux is cursed until the user used it

Skill Core Name: N/A(Bot Special)
Active/Passive: Active
Core Description: 260 base heal, increasing by 20 each round
Other Details: 500 max

kittycat -> RE: =ED= Skill Cores Suggestions 3.0 (2/22/2020 4:50:22)

Skill Core Name: Energy Jab
Active/Passive Active
Core Description: Deal 110% damage and return 50% of damage dealt as energy.
Other Details: Can be placed on any weapon, but if on auxiliary or robot, maybe lower % to 40?

Skill Core Name:Robotic Surge
Core Description:Deal an additional 20% damage if your health is lower than 35% of your maximum health
Other Details:Ideally only placed on Robot, only the regular attack.

Skill Core Name:Guaranteed Gunshot
Core Description:Deal 100% damage, but no deflections.
Other Details: Ideally costs at least 50-100 EP, Can be used twice per game.

Skill Core Name:Blunt End
Core Description:Add an additional 4% stun chance to your primary strikes.
Other Details: Intended for primary weapons

Skill Core Name:Energy Leech
Core Description:Summon a parasite to leech your opponent, to drain your opponent's energy in order to restore yours.
Other Details:Drains a total of 20% of opponent's energy, heals x1.25 the amount drained for a total of two turns. Ideally a robot skill.

Skill Core Name:Supercharged Blast
Core Description:Spend 15% of your max HP to inflict 40% additional damage to your opponent.
Other Details:Ideally a robot skill.

RaXZerGamingZ -> RE: =ED= Skill Cores Suggestions 3.0 (5/25/2020 19:59:56)

Skill Core Name: Potion
Active/Passive Active
Core Description: Restores 30% of target's maximum health
Other Details: Restores Health based on target's maximum hp. (30%)

Skill Core Name: Ether
Active/Passive Active
Core Description: Restores 30% of target's maximum energy
Other Details: Restores Energy based on target's maximum mp. (30%)

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