Character Advice for F2P Adventurer FO Warrior (Full Version)

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korytarecz -> Character Advice for F2P Adventurer FO Warrior (3/13/2021 5:32:33)

Hi everyone. As I'm getting close to 135 lvl and starting to collect equipment I could use an advice on what is good for an Adventurer FO Warrior.

I have read all the guides and builds I could have found but all of them revolve around Essence Orb and because of that I'm not sure if they are viable for an Adventurer. My biggest concern are armor skills because they drain SP very fast (except Torontosaurus + Haunted Dragonlord's Might). There is also no Snarl and Terror Eater (Z-Tokens). I'm also not sure if Pure or Beastmaster version would be better because F2P boosters use CHA anyway.

Currently I'm using STR/DEX/CHA build with F2P boosters, Torontosaurus, Haunted Dragonlord's Might, Purple Rain, Shadowfeeder and Ironthorn, sometimes Kindred for stronger monsters. Having only fire element nuke is quite limiting, recently I had to use scrambler beam to beat True Horror Nightbane.

Summarizing I would like to be a 135 lvl F2P Adventurer FO Warrior and use melee weapons or ranged spears, scythes, etc. Both Pure and Beastmaster builds are fine for me, whatever would be stronger. Please don't suggest Z-Tokens items because I'm saving for a better house. For now I'm not planning to upgrade to Guardian because I'm having a lot of fun as an Adventurer and I like the challenge.

I would really appreciate if you could suggest me some equipment, strategy and stat build (175/250 CHA/LUK).

joac1144 -> RE: Character Advice for F2P Adventurer FO Warrior (3/13/2021 6:42:06)

I recommend using this page to find out what FO armors you can use:
Look out for weapon-based skills to use with the Dragonlord weapon(s) for the SP regen. As you say yourself, not having access to Essence Orb makes SP regenerating a bit more tricky. However, we have recently gotten more SP regen items, although some of them are premium items (not f2p).
You can consider getting the pet from the Frostval 2020 delivery set. It's a Fire pet that regenerates your SP.

korytarecz -> RE: Character Advice for F2P Adventurer FO Warrior (3/14/2021 7:33:16)

Thanks for an answer. I know the Wiki very well but I thought it's optimized for Guardians and Essence Orb builds.

For SP regen I use Frostval pet, Dragonlord sword and Kindred Shield but it seems to be barely enough to maitain boosters and misc (unless I can use T-rex). Especially that SP pet is sometimes being switched to Angra and sometimes these swords are not effective and I have to use something else. Additionally I have to use SP on Shadowfeeder every turn (Purple Rain at the beginning of the fight helps a bit) and strongest armor skills like Horo Show and Taladosian don't work with Dragonlord blades at all.

I was thinking that if its so hard to combine boosters and armor skills It might be better to focus on just one thing.

First build would be 250 STR/250 DEX/175 LUK (because using LUK is fully free unlike guests). It would not use guest. It would use SP pet and other SP regen items + armor skills. This equipment combintion seems suitable: I would just need to add SP pet and dump Essence Orb and other Guardian items. The strategy would be to have celerity every turn, regen SP and use skills when possible.

Second one would be 250 STR/175 DEX/250 CHA. It wouldn't push for SP regen unless the item is strictly better. It would use boosters/status pets and guests and passive armors where possible (except T-rex because it's skill is free) like Ice Cream Crusader, Sneak Garb to preserve SP for guest and misc. Additionaly weapons should inflict some status like Heartana, Ice Katar, Snugglefest dagger. Strategy would be to have celerity every turn and use auto attacks while keeping enemy stunlocked.

There is also Werewolf which has SP regen but I'm not sure It's worth it because it's just a neutral armor. Maybe for passive build? Let me know what you think guys. I'll probably test both options when i hit max lvl but I'd like to read some opinions.

Primate Murder -> RE: Character Advice for F2P Adventurer FO Warrior (3/14/2021 9:40:29)

Would you mind linking your character page? It would help to see your current set-up and what (if any) rares you may have.

korytarecz -> RE: Character Advice for F2P Adventurer FO Warrior (3/14/2021 10:48:20)

Of course:

As you can see except of the core combo items I listed in previous posts my inventory is quite random. I was buying various equipment to check it out. I'm also hoarding all event items that are melee/ranged non-100% weapons, FO armors, SP spells or miscs because I'm not sure what I will be using yet. Thank you for your help.

Primate Murder -> RE: Character Advice for F2P Adventurer FO Warrior (3/14/2021 14:00:01)

Let's see if I can help...

First of all, I suggest going with the Str/Cha build. Luck gives a number of benefits, but (outside of initiative) they're fairly minor.

Werewolf would probably be the best subrace for you. A little passive sp regen and Dex drive are reasonably nice benefits, and Bleed-infliction skill would work nicely for a passive build. You can also try out Werepyre for a cheaper Bleed, stun resist and sp-healing guests, but I'm honestly uncertain how that works out in the long term.


Cerberus Fury compresses fire/dark elements.

Pike Pike is an old standard weapon that deals +25% damage and uses Cha in place of Luck for stats.

Dragonlord's Might remains the best wind weapon.

Horo Show gives you Harm compression.

Frogzard Sword compresses an elelocked earth armor (deals ~1.6x damage while taking 1x), and it even has a nuke.

Thundersplitter is a great option for energy, toggling between autohit and burn.

Sacred Paladin weapons restore hp every turn when you're facing an undead mob (which is most darkness mobs).


Keep WHEEL for water/earth compression with a water skill.

Wind and energy don't have anything particularly useful for that kind of a build, so I suggest subrace armors.

Frostgale's Legacy has a toggle that locks your attacks to ice, but gives bonus damage.

Paladin (avenger variant) has a number of very nice things even for an adventurer. It can summon a shield (so you don't need compression), has several anti-undead passives, toggles for stats and effects and several attacks for effects and damage. Oh, and most of those attacks are weapon-based, so you can actually regain most of the sp spent with a DL weapon.

Angel of Souls' skill uses hp, so you don't need to worry about your sp.


Dreamweaver's Contempt can come in handy, Kindred shield gives you sp and Ironthorn is a staple for any warrior.

Fujin has a Dex drive fora little bonus accuracy - useful against high-MRM wind mobs.

For ice, I would suggest Pies for extra Cha.

Grounded Flora gives a bit of Paralysis resistance.

Eclipsed DL pairs nicely with Purple Rain.


Skeeter guest costs hp, allowing you to conserve your sp.

If you're able, pick up Mogdin when it comes by. It's by far the best stun guest in the game and has nice synergy with Frostgale's Remorse.

Runic Binding gives you a harm nuke with a few lasting effects.


Frost Effigy has great synergy with Nezujimbo, Frostgale's Remorse and Torontosaurus.

Underwyrmling provides an unmatched utility.

Lepre-Chan provides a larger boost to light damage than AL.


Frostgale's Remorse provides +20 potence to Freeze and Paralysis infliction.

Hope the info's useful and don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions!

korytarecz -> RE: Character Advice for F2P Adventurer FO Warrior (3/14/2021 17:36:52)

Wow, thank you very much. I really like the list. It has many fun elements and I didn't know many of the items. Here are my questions:

1. Cerberus Fury has a special which is Magic type damage. What do you think about switching Dragonlord sword to darkness version and Cerberus Fury to 0% Warmaster's Reaver?

2. I really like Frogzard Sword so i'll probably stick with it anyway but wouldn't something like Troll Club be stronger as Frogzard Sword will end up at 127 lvl?

3. Is Super Pzycho Sabre the best F2P option for fire? There is no space but I'm just curious.

4. What do you think about status weapons like Heartana or Katar of Cold?

5. Should I use Torontosaurus' first skill?

6. What do you think about Ice Cream Crusader? Frostgale is cool so i'll most likely stick with it if it's good but I'm just curious if Crusader is of any use.

7. What do you think about Umazen Aspis?

8. Which of my spells, pets and miscs should I keep and use?

9. I currently have Power Shard as a damage misc and separate resist miscs for each element. Does it make sense for this build?

Primate Murder -> RE: Character Advice for F2P Adventurer FO Warrior (3/15/2021 2:03:16)

1. Specials use the same stats as the weapon, regardless of the MRM type, but sure! Your set-up would work just as well.

2. Troll Club is stronger, but the thing is - you're most likely to be using an earth weapon against wind mobs. And those have the unfortunate tendency of having the highest MRM of all elements. With low Dex, you might suffer some accuracy issues.

3. I think so, yeah.

4. Depends on the situation. Using cc statuses against bosses with Freedom or Boss Boost is somewhat impractial.

5. No.

6. It's an ok armor, but it gets boring just clicking the attack button all the time.

7. Umazen Aspis would be most useful if you had any paralysing water pets or guests. Without them, it's just a generic shield.

8. Spells: Keep Purple Rain, Moonwalker's Grace, Nezujimbo and EoC.

Pets: Keep Angra Linnorm, Scathing Dreemseer and Kindred pet. Pikazard will have nice synergy after you get Mogdin.

Miscs: Hollow Dragon Amulet has nice bonuses to stats and bth, and SFP is highly useful for the meta. Blood Ruby is situationally useful.

9. I wouldn't really recommend it. If you want a turtle build, FD would be a better choice, as it takes 64% damage of an FO build w/o any miscs. Generally, FO builds focus on offensive and utility items.

korytarecz -> RE: Character Advice for F2P Adventurer FO Warrior (3/15/2021 2:48:20)

Thanks man, all clear. I'll start working on finding the items.

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