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RE: Miscellaneous/Accessories - Read the first post!

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3/9/2019 22:41:29   
Bu Kek Siansu


New package item: Spirit of Light

^ IMR, did you mean Spirit of Luck instead of Spirit of Light?

Would it be possible to add the Spirit of Luck to the Ballyhoo shop early?

< Message edited by Bu Kek Siansu -- 3/9/2019 23:24:08 >
Post #: 101
4/27/2019 19:11:46   

Alice would like to share some info on the gauntlets that was shared by Kamui on discord... Alice spent the day moving though, so Alice is too lazy to fix the broken format of discord tables.

Updated 31st May 2019 ~ Ward

The powerful Zfinity Gauntlets are now in the Limited-Time Shop!
Has some numbers.

So for a preview of one thing the gauntlet can do, how does a once per battle guaranteed paralysis strike your fancy?
They are. They're all scaling items, priced as Lv 143 Z.

And it only costs 30.9% Melee in SP.
Each of the gauntlet variants gets two quick-cast skills.
One once/battle, other as much as you like.

All status get a +0 to save unless stated otherwise.


Level 5 15 35 55 75 95 115 135 150
Type - - - - - - - - G
PowLvl 5 15 35 55 75 95 115 135 153
MPLvl 5 15 35 55 75 95 115 135 152

EleRes -7 -18 -34 -42.5 -45.5 -46 -46 -48.5 -50
MRM 1 2 5 6 6 6 6 6 7

MCPrice 5940
MCSell Z


Power: Resists Energy and boosts Melee blocking.
1/battle skill costs 170% Melee in SP and heals player for 10% of their max HP. Skill is valued at 200% Melee in SP, *1.1 due to it being non-elemental, -100% due to the skill being 1/battle.
Other skill costs 55% Melee in SP, and attempts to inflict a universal EleVuln on the foe. 50% Melee value, *1.1 cost due to being non-elemental, 50% save (inflict with highest of player's STR/DEX/INT for majour and player's LUK for minor, vs foe's END/LUK), so it's a base value of 100% Melee. EleVuln ends up being +25% damage for 4 turns.

Time: Resists Ice and boosts Ranged blocking.
1/battle skill costs 80.9% Melee in SP and inflicts 1 turn of Paralyse on the foe. This has no save whatsoever, but does still get blocked by immunities. Base value of a monster turn is 140% Melee * 0.85 hit rate, so 119%, *1.1 for non elemental puts it at 130.9% Melee, -100% for the 1/battle freebie for 30.9% Melee.
Other skill costs 55% Melee in SP, and attempts to inflict Blind and universal DefLoss on the foe, 50% Melee base cost, *1.1 for non-elemental. 25% Melee goes toward the Blind, so that's -7.5 BtH Blind for 4 turns with a 50% save, same stat saves as above for infliction, mob resists with INT/LUK. Other 25% Melee goes toward the DefLoss, this covers all elements. 5% Melee is worth +4.25 BtH, so with a 50% save this is worth 50% Melee, so that's a total of +42.5 BtH. Split it among 4 turns so it's a -10.625 MRM DefLoss. These are attempted separately so you can potentially get both, one, or neither to land.

Space: Resists Earth and boosts Ranged blocking.
1/battle skill costs 60% Melee in SP and gives you a massive +60 MRM for 1 turn. Similar to Time's Blind, 25% Melee is worth +15 MRM for 1 turn, so 100% Melee is worth +84 MRM, *1.1 cost due to being non-elemental, and -100% due to it being once per battle.
Other skill costs 70% Melee in SP and gives you a 50% damage resistance universal EleShield for 1 turn.

Mind: Resists Water and boosts Magic blocking.
1/battle skill costs 87.5% Melee in SP and heals 125% Melee in MP for the player (basically enough for 1 spell casts of the item's PowLv). 125% Melee * 1.1 for it being non-elemental means 137.5% Melee, -100% due to it being once per battle.
Other skill costs 137.5% Melee in HP (= to 6.875% of your max HP if you have 0 END), this heals 125% Melee in MP for the player, same as the 1/battle skill. The cost of this skill goes up by *1.25 each time it gets used in a single battle (second use costs 171.875% Melee in HP, or 8.59375% of your max HP if you have 0 END, third use costs 214.84375% Melee in HP, or 10.7421875% of your max HP if you have 0 END, and so on and so forth), this is there as a balancing mechanic to avoid heal loops and the like.

Soul: Resists Light and boosts Melee blocking.
1/battle skill is completely free, and heals 45% Melee in SP for the player. Starts as 100% Melee in value, -100% for cost, so *0.9 for effectiveness.
Other skill is a mirror of Mind's second skill, except it restores 125% Melee in SP each time it's used. Has the same *1.25 cost increase each time it's used in a single battle.

Alice would also like to say she honestly has no idea what any of the gauntlets do because she is too tired to compute what those blocks of text mean, but have fun playing around with them everyone~

< Message edited by Ward_Point -- 3/25/2023 1:10:02 >
AQ  Post #: 102
5/15/2019 17:25:16   
The Wizard

Is the spirit of luck going to appear in Ballyhoo's store soon? It's been over a month since the package left
AQ  Post #: 103
5/30/2019 21:55:02   

Some updates to the Z-finity Gauntlets, Copy Pasting from Kamui on discord:

PSA: All the Zfinity Gauntlets have had a tweak to their once per battle skills. It was pointed out to me that prior once/battle effects are only valued at 50% Melee, not 100%. Changes are as follows.
Power: SP cost has increased from 120% Melee to 170% Melee.
Time: SP cost has increased from 30.9% Melee to 80.9% Melee.
Space: SP cost has increased from 10% Melee to 60% Melee.
Mind: SP cost has increased from 37.5% Melee to 87.5% Melee.
Soul: Skill remains free, but now replenishes 45% Melee in SP instead of 90% Melee in SP.
AQ  Post #: 104
6/1/2019 14:58:35   

Sharing what the rewards of the Moderator Challenge give... Uhn... Sorry for the double post I guess?

Credits for the info go to Lineolata, CH4OT1C and Kareem.

Murderator Gauntlet

Energy misc that gives +50 STR/INT and +30 CHA and has a 31.01% control chance per turn. Likely -20 to the save. Costs 105 SP per turn.

< Message edited by AliceShiki -- 6/2/2019 5:59:18 >
AQ  Post #: 105
6/6/2019 20:40:56   
Bu Kek Siansu


Spirit of Grenwog

«Water misc. Scales with the players Level. Reduces Water damage taken and increases CHA. Mastercraft; increases gold you receive from battles.»

Location: Given automatically to players who purchase the 6,000 Z-Tokens Package. Buying the package also gives access to the Spirit of Grenwog shop.
Element: Water

Level: 5
PowLvl: GuardianLvl
Price: 0
Sellback: 0

Activation: 0 turns
Cost: «SPCost» SP for activation and for every turn with the item equipped.

  • Reduces Water damage taken* and increases Charisma.
  • Increases gold you gain from battle and your daily gold cap by +10%, as long as the misc is in your active inventory (top 8 misc slots). During April, this increases to +25%. This can stack with other Spirit of Festival miscs gold boost.
  • The miscs stats scale with your level:
      WaterResist: MROUND(MAX(5*(-0.00000995*PowLvl^3+0.00292*PowLvl^2-0.2846*PowLvl), -50), 0.5)%
      CHA: MROUND(-2/3*5*MAX(-0.00000995*PowLvl^3+0.00292*PowLvl^2-0.2846*PowLvl, -10), 5)

      CostRes: 0.85*2*(39.385-(WaterResist/5+13.3104)*295.8965/100)*1.193
      CostCHA: (49.11+0.16*CHA)*2*CHA/16*1.193/100+0.16*CHA*2*1.193

      SPCost: ROUND(3/4*(CostRes + CostCHA), 0)
    *The Spirit of Grenwog infuses you! Take -«»% Water damage!

    This ethereal charm gives you resistance to Water attacks and a boost in festive spirit (+CHA)! It also normally gives +10% gold from battles when in your active inventory (top 8 misc item slots), and a +25% boost during April!

    Numbers thanks to In Media Res and Kamui. Release date thanks to Ward_Point.
  • Added. Scakk


    April 18, 2019: The misc was released.
    May ??, 2019: The misc became rare.

    YourLvl	0	5	10	15	20	25	30	35	40	45	50	55	60	65	70	75
    PowLvl	10	15	19	23	27	32	36	41	45	50	54	59	64	68	73	78
    WaterRe	-13%	-18%	-22%	-25.5%	-29%	-32%	-34.5%	-37%	-39%	-41%	-42%	-43.5%	-44.5%	-45%	-45.5%	-46%
    CHA	+10	+10	+15	+15	+20	+20	+25	+25	+25	+25	+30	+30	+30	+30	+30	+30
    SPCost	15	20	25	28	33	36	40	42	44	46	48	50	50	51	51	52
    YourLvl	80	85	90	95	100	105	110	115	120	125	130	135	140	145	150
    PowLvl	83	88	93	98	103	108	113	118	123	128	133	138	143	148	153
    WaterRe	-46%	-46%	-46%	-46%	-46%	-46%	-46%	-46.5%	-46.5%	-47.5%	-48%	-49%	-50%	-50%	-50%
    CHA	+30	+30	+30	+30	+30	+30	+30	+30	+30	+30	+30	+35	+35	+35	+35
    SPCost	52	52	52	52	52	52	52	52	52	53	54	56	57	57	57


    Spirit of Luck

    «Light misc. Scales with the players Level. Reduces Light damage taken and increases LUK. Mastercraft; increases gold you receive from battles.»

    Location: Given automatically to players who purchase the 6,000 Z-Tokens Package. Buying the package also gives access to the Spirit of Luck shop.
    Element: Light

    Level: 5
    PowLvl: GuardianLvl
    Price: 0
    Sellback: 0

    Activation: 0 turns
    Cost: «SPCost» SP for activation and for every turn with the item equipped.

  • Reduces Light damage taken* and increases Luck.
  • Increases gold you gain from battle and your daily gold cap by +10%, as long as the misc is in your active inventory (top 8 misc slots). During March, this increases to +25%. This can stack with other Spirit of Festival miscs gold boost.
  • The miscs stats scale with your level:
      LightResist: MROUND(MAX(5*(-0.00000995*PowLvl^3+0.00292*PowLvl^2-0.2846*PowLvl), -50), 0.5)%
      LUK: MROUND(-2/3*5*MAX(-0.00000995*PowLvl^3+0.00292*PowLvl^2-0.2846*PowLvl, -10), 5)

      CostRes: 0.85*2*(39.385-(LightResist/5+13.3104)*295.8965/100)*1.193
      CostLUK: (49.11+0.16*LUK)*2*LUK/16*1.193/100+0.16*LUK*2*1.193

      SPCost: ROUND(3/4*(CostRes + CostLUK), 0)
    *The Spirit of Luck infuses you! Take -«»% Light damage!

    This ethereal charm gives you resistance to Light attacks and a bit of Leprechaun magic (+LUK)! It also normally gives +10% gold from battles when in your active inventory (top 8 misc item slots), and a +25% boost during March!

    Numbers thanks to In Media Res and Kamui. Release date thanks to Ward_Point.


    February 29, 2019: The misc was released.
    ..... ??, 20??: The misc became rare.

    YourLvl	0	5	10	15	20	25	30	35	40	45	50	55	60	65	70	75
    PowLvl	10	15	19	23	27	32	36	41	45	50	54	59	64	68	73	78
    LightRe	-13%	-18%	-22%	-25.5%	-29%	-32%	-34.5%	-37%	-39%	-41%	-42%	-43.5%	-44.5%	-45%	-45.5%	-46%
    LUK	+10	+10	+15	+15	+20	+20	+25	+25	+25	+25	+30	+30	+30	+30	+30	+30
    SPCost	15	20	25	28	33	36	40	42	44	46	48	50	50	51	51	52
    YourLvl	80	85	90	95	100	105	110	115	120	125	130	135	140	145	150
    PowLvl	83	88	93	98	103	108	113	118	123	128	133	138	143	148	153
    LightRe	-46%	-46%	-46%	-46%	-46%	-46%	-46%	-46.5%	-46.5%	-47.5%	-48%	-49%	-50%	-50%	-50%
    LUK	+30	+30	+30	+30	+30	+30	+30	+30	+30	+30	+30	+35	+35	+35	+35
    SPCost	52	52	52	52	52	52	52	52	52	53	54	56	57	57	57

  • Added. Scakk

    In the Appendix it listed as Re instead of Res to make it shorter and the numbers in the right place.
    WaterRe instead of WaterRes (Spirit of Grenwog) and LightRe instead of LightRes (Spirit of Luck).
    In-game the popup has mentioned incorrectly as Spirit of Love instead of Spirit of Grenwog.
    In-game the popup has mentioned incorrectly as Spirit of Love instead of Spirit of Luck.
    In-game the popup has mentioned incorrectly as Spirit of Harvest instead of Spirit of Frostval.

    Instead of: The Spirit of Love infuses you! Take -«»% Water damage!
    It should be: The Spirit of Grenwog infuses you! Take -«»% Water damage!

    Instead of: The Spirit of Love infuses you! Take -«»% Light damage!
    It should be: The Spirit of Luck infuses you! Take -«»% Light damage!

    Instead of: The Spirit of Harvest infuses you! Take -«»% Ice damage!
    It should be: The Spirit of Frostval infuses you! Take -«»% Ice damage!

    < Message edited by Scakk -- 10/26/2019 20:20:04 >
    Post #: 106
    8/11/2019 6:48:17   

    New info on Donation items, from Kamui I think, dunno, nobody told me the source. I think the name of the set is Desert Rider? No clue on name of specific items though.

    Anyways, credits to Lord Markov for sharing it.

    misc is cracked ornament clone, but scaling
    AQ  Post #: 107
    8/18/2019 16:45:32   
     formerly In Media Res


    Tibblefest '19 prize: Desert Raider Cap. Kam says:

    Pretty much a clone of Broken Ornament from Frostval 2017, except a scaling deal, so it pretty much always gives just a bit over +10 to status potence.

    Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
    Type	B	B	B	B	B	B	B	B	B
    PowLvl	15	23	41	59	78	98	118	138	153
    MPLvl	12	21	39	58	77	97	117	137	152
    SPCost	11	15	24	35	47	61	77	94	108
    AQ  Post #: 108
    10/14/2019 17:06:48   
     formerly In Media Res



    Now in the LTS: 17th Anniversary Cupcake

    Earth misc. Boosts Earth resistance and blocking.

    MC: If your account is at least 17 months old, you can click on it to cast a one-time Gandolphin-like spell. It deals *0.5*0.9*0.85 the damage of a standard spell, uses END for stat bonuses, and the damage is zeroed and put into a mana shield that doesn't need to deduct MP to prevent damage.
    Level	10	35	60	85	110	135	150G
    Ele	85%	68%	61%	57%	55%	50%	50%
    MRM	1	2	3	3	3	3	4
    SP	17	36	46	50	52	56	59
    MCMiscP	10	45	513	6861	93103	1264753	6051293
    MCMiscS	5	22	256	3430	46551	632376	3025646
    Added. Scakk
    EDIT: Trivial update: a 0 efficiency shield is now called Barrier, so that it's clearer how it works.

    < Message edited by Scakk -- 10/26/2019 20:41:47 >
    AQ  Post #: 109
    11/5/2019 4:24:11   

    I have the Zfinity Gauntlet Time misc and I notice for the one/battle paralyze the monster still gets a turn with their effect so if they heal during their turn they still heal when paralyzed but does not attack.

    @below: Thanks then it is working as intended.

    < Message edited by blex12345 -- 11/5/2019 23:51:38 >
    Post #: 110
    11/5/2019 11:57:47   
    Lord Markov

    Monsters can perform actions that don't involve attacking (or using the attack part of their turn) even if their turn is being skipped. For example Werebeasts can still inflict fear with their snarls even when their turn is being skipped, or Vampbeasts can lower your BtH and MRM with their aura.

    Without knowing what monster in particular you're talking about it's hard to say for sure, but chances are it's working as intended.
    AQ  Post #: 111
    11/27/2019 6:34:45   
    Bu Kek Siansu

    Spirit of Love
    Entry: Done.
    Pedia: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/fb.asp?m=22370831

    Spirit of Change
    Entry: Done.
    Pedia: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/fb.asp?m=22370833


    I'm making an Entry for Spirit of Freedom.

    This ethereal charm gives you resistance to Energy attacks and a love of freedom for all (+CHA)! It also normally gives you +10% gold from battles when in your active inventory (top 8 misc item slots), and a +25% boost during July!

    Spirit of Freedom
    Entry: Done.
    Pedia: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/fb.asp?m=22371689

    Added. ~ BKS

    < Message edited by Bu Kek Siansu -- 11/27/2019 10:37:47 >
    Post #: 112
    12/20/2019 10:28:18   
    Bu Kek Siansu


    Misc Gift Box [Version] '19

    «Neutral misc.»

    Location: Guardian Tower » Click on Nimrod » Guardian Giftboxen! » Miscs
    Element: Neutral

    This item no longer exists and turned into ???.
    Type	G	G	G	G	G	G	G	G
    Level	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	150
    PowLvl	19	36	54	73	93	113	133	153
    Price	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
    Sell	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
    Activation: 0 turns
    Cost: «SPCost» SP for activation and for every turn with the item equipped.

  • ECT
  • Increases Melee/Ranged/Magic defences by [MRM].
  • Lowers elemental resistances by [Ele]%.
  • Increases BTH by [BTH] (/2 for spells and *4/3 for magic weapons).
  • Increases STR/DEX/INT/END/CHA/LUK by [Stat].
    MRM	+1	+2	+2	+3	+3	+3	+3	+4
    Ele	-1	-1	-1	-1	-1	-2	-2	-2
    BTH	+2	+3	+3	+3	+4	+4	+5	+5	
    Stat	+5	+10	+15	+15	+15	+15	+15	+15
    SPCost	51	66	71	75	76	112	118	121
    You don't know what's in this box, but you're pretty sure it'll be AWESOME when it opens!

    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Write up thanks to Carandor. Additional thanks to Fishbone.


    December 5, 2019: The misc was released.
    January 3, 2020: The misc became rare.

    Misc Gift Box [Version] Z '19

    «Neutral misc.»

    Location: Guardian Tower » Click on Nimrod » Guardian Giftboxen! » Miscs
    Element: Neutral

    This item no longer exists and turned into ???.
    Type	GZ	GZ	GZ	GZ
    Version	III	IV	VI	VIII
    Level	22	55	100	140
    PowLvl	54	73	113	153
    Price	580	1330	3160	5770
    S <48h	522	1197	2844	5193
      >48h	145	332	790	1442
    Activation: 0 turns
    Cost: «SPCost» SP for activation and for every turn with the item equipped.

  • ECT
  • Increases Melee/Ranged/Magic defences by [MRM].
  • Lowers elemental resistances by [Ele]%.
  • Increases BTH by [BTH] (/2 for spells and *4/3 for magic weapons).
  • Increases STR/DEX/INT/END/CHA/LUK by [Stat].
    MRM	+2	+3	+3	+4
    Ele	-1	-1	-2	-2
    BTH	+3	+3	+4	+5	
    Stat	+15	+15	+15	+15
    SPCost	70	74	111	120
    You don't know what's in this box, but you're pretty sure it'll be AWESOME when it opens!

    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Write up thanks to Carandor. Additional thanks to Fishbone.


    December 5, 2019: The misc was released.
    January 3, 2020: The misc became rare.

  • Added. ~BKS

    Pedia: Misc Gift Box '19 http://forums2.battleon.com/f/fb.asp?m=22372882

    < Message edited by Bu Kek Siansu -- 1/4/2020 16:08:10 >
    Post #: 113
    12/21/2019 16:57:52   
     formerly In Media Res


    From the Harvest Fest '19 war: Ravenous Talisman. Kam says:

    Wind misc, boosts STR/INT, and reduces incoming Wind damage. MC effect is an HP cost toggle that you can turn on. This HP cost is = to 15% Melee, and boosts all of your attacks vs foes with Wind as their base element by +15%. This boost is given a /0.75 boost on Magic weapons and /2 penalty on spells. This boost gradually fades as you outlevel the item, uses the same formula as Cracked Ornament and such.

    Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
    Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
    PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153
    STR	5	15	30	35	40	40	45	45	50
    INT	5	15	30	35	40	40	45	45	50
    Wind	-5%	-20%	-30%	-35%	-35%	-40%	-40%	-45%	-50%
    SP	8	28	48	56	59	64	67	72	79
    HPCost	1	2	4	6	9	12	15	19	23
    MCM+SP	44	59	223	1533	12103	97324	784392	6323760	30256458
    MCM+SS	22	29	111	766	6051	48662	392196	3161880	15128229
    AQ  Post #: 114
    12/21/2019 17:07:12   
     formerly In Media Res


    From Frostval '19 part 1: Baleygr's Omen. Kam says:

    Energy misc, boosts outgoing Energy damage for weapon/special/spell attacks (bonus is /0.75 for Magic weapons and /2 for Magic spells) and also charges 20% Melee in SP to attempt Burn in the same way as the Thunder Lord weapons. With 50% save, the base power of the Burn is 40% Melee, so this'll last for 4 turns, (10*Hits/Attempts)% Melee in power. The Burn is on a 50% save, inflicts with STR/DEX/INT for majour stat when using a Melee/Ranged/Magic weapon attack/special, and LUK for the minor, if using a spell/skill, inflicts with STR/DEX/INT for majour stat depending on if it dealt Melee/Ranged/Magic damage, and LUK for the minor. Mob resists with END/LUK (endure the energy coursing through you with no pain). For MC effect, if your foe is currently afflicted by Burn of any element, then you will take -(10/1.4)% damage from the foe.

    Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
    Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
    PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153
    Energy	+3%	+6%	+10%	+12%	+14%	+16%	+18%	+19%	+22%
    SP	8	14	23	33	43	54	67	80	92
    MCMiscP	9	12	45	307	2421	19466	156879	1264753	6051293
    MCMiscS	4	6	22	153	1210	9733	78439	632376	3025646
    AQ  Post #: 115
    1/13/2020 9:53:03   

    Lohkaista Shard needs to be updated. It actually has several random messages against non-demon foes.

    *Your opponent isn't very demonic. (Its <?> doesn't count.) This item won't do much against it.
    <fashion sense>
    <body odour>
    <hair style>

    Kitsune Mask and Shikyo Mask need to be updated. They now grant multiplicative resistance.

    13th Mask needs to be updated. The level 150 buy/sell prices seem to be missing a couple digits.

    I would make these updates myself but this is not a wiki! How limiting.

    < Message edited by Darches -- 3/31/2020 13:49:56 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 116
    1/26/2020 8:06:26   

    From Kamui:
    From 2019 Mastercraft set in Warlic's:

    Frostgale's Remorse

    Ice/Wind misc item. Boosts outgoing damage of an element as well as player's DEX and Ranged blocking. Toggles between Wind and Ice mode, mode determines which element it boosts as well as if it gives +20 Freeze Potence (Ice) or +20 Paralysis Potence (Wind). The Potence is paid for via 5% Melee in SP.

    Level	105	120	135	150
    Type	-	-	-	G
    PowLvl	105	120	135	153
    Ele	+15%	+17%	+19%	+22%
    DEX	35	40	45	50
    Ranged	7	8	9	10
    SPCost	44	50	57	64
    *2MCP	110510	528689	2529504	12102584
    *2MCS	55255	264344	1264752	6051292

    < Message edited by Ward_Point -- 3/25/2023 1:28:37 >
    AQ  Post #: 117
    2/13/2020 19:55:44   
     formerly In Media Res


    New GGB item: Prime Chaos Orb

    MC Neutral misc.

    You can click on the misc to Chaorrupt your foe, permanently scrambling its resistances and giving it a "lean" (*1.1 outgoing and incoming damage). The monster can resist with a save at a -20 penalty (inflict with CHA/LUK, resist with CHA/LUK). These are permanent changes that last for the duration of the battle (unequipping the misc won't remove them).

    You can activate it multiple times per turn, but every time after the first you lose access to one menu category (normal attacks, spells+class skills, potions+miscs, weapons, shields+armours, pets+guests) for one turn. Multiple applications of the "lean" stack additively (so first *1.1, then *1.2, then *1.3, etc).

    Also, the misc passively boosts your CHA (majorly) and LUK (minorly). This part has *0.9 effect and *1.1 cost due to the misc being nonelemental.

    < Message edited by In Media Res -- 2/13/2020 21:13:17 >
    AQ  Post #: 118
    2/13/2020 21:17:46   

    Do you get locked out of one menu category if the save fails?
    AQ DF AQW  Post #: 119
    2/28/2020 5:53:53   

    From Kamui:

    Frigid Zorbak Doll
    +50 CHA and LUK
    +21% Ice Damage
    In-built Ice spell (pure damage)
    49SP Upkeep @Lv.150

    < Message edited by Ward_Point -- 3/26/2023 11:13:57 >
    AQ AQW  Post #: 120
    2/28/2020 6:06:10   

    Unofficial Info-Subs for Thunderbird Set (2018 Donation set).

    Thunderbird Joust Headpiece

    An Energy misc. Can click on the misc to swap between two modes:
    - Offensive Mode: Increase your STR and INT by +50 and deal +21.7% Energy damage.
    - Defensive Mode: Increase your DEX and LUK by +50 and take -50% Energy damage.

    < Message edited by Thor -- 2/28/2020 6:22:51 >
    AQ AQW  Post #: 121
    2/28/2020 17:01:39   
    Lv 1000


    < Message edited by Lv 1000 -- 2/28/2020 19:06:52 >
    Post #: 122
    3/6/2020 3:19:50   

    Hyperalphean Dragon Fang

    Assume player level 148 (power level is 151).

    Cost per turn: 48 sp

    Gain: 50 INT and 50 STR
    Deal +20% water damage (/2 for spell, /0.75 for magic weapon)

    Fragile attempt cost (quick cast): 599 hp

    Fragile save tests: to be determined

    Fragile: - 40 END (1 turn)

    Monster hp formula expression: (1+ END/200)
    AQ  Post #: 123
    3/7/2020 18:12:41   
     Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

    Sight Beyond Sight

    Misc item, non-elemental, so SP costs are *1.1 of normal. Boosts DEX, LUK, and MRM. MC effect on this item is that it stores a charge for each turn it is equipped vs mobs of (BuyLv - 10) or higher (so if using the Lv 95 version, you only get a charge per turn it's equipped vs mobs Lv 85 and above). The charges carry across battles, and you can store a max of 30 charges. Once per battle, you can click on the misc box in the upper left to gain +30 MRM for 1 turn via the Defence Boost status, this consumes 10 charges, and will remain even if the misc is removed. This effect will not fire if you already have the Defence Boost status from some other source.

    Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
    Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
    PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153
    DEX	5	20	30	35	40	40	45	45	50
    LUK	5	20	30	35	40	40	45	45	50
    MRM	1	1	2	3	3	4	4	5	5
    SP	8	20	31	40	43	47	52	55	58
    MCMiscP	9	12	45	307	2421	19466	156879	1264753	6051293
    MCMiscS	4	6	22	153	1210	9733	78439	632376	3025646
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 124
    3/9/2020 19:40:55   
    lifetime dreamer

    The misc seems to be applying the Sage Uldor F face to your character while it is equipped. Is this intentional?
    AQ  Post #: 125
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