=AQ= This week: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (Full Version)

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Sapphire -> =AQ= This week: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/4/2024 12:16:11)

Stat Overhaul Project

Earlier in 2023, AdventureQuest initiated the second phase of the massive stat overhaul project to redefine the distinct identities of STR, DEX, and INT, following the removal of Dexterity from Melee and Magic accuracy. Following player input and extensive revisions, AdventureQuest is poised to unveil a comprehensive stat revamp--addressing main stats, accuracy issues, and secondary stats in a single release!

It's here!

Tag you're it. ~Anim

Dardiel -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/4/2024 12:57:24)

Exciting news, curious to see if we'll get the details before or after they're implemented.

Grace Xisthrith -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/4/2024 15:19:04)


After 2 years, the promised day has almost arrived

.*. .*. .*. -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/7/2024 4:52:47)

I am eagerly looking forward to this update and I have read the proposed modifications to all stats, very interesting changes.

Currently I don't really have a clear idea if I should distribute my stats in a different way on some of my characters? Time will tell and it will be a lot of experimenting! [:D]

I hope the descriptions of each stat will be updated at the stat trainers and in trainers at the estate.

battlesiege15 -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/7/2024 5:26:41)

What is the requirement for "Style Bonus"? Just having 5 points in the stat?

Dreiko Shadrack -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/7/2024 5:44:35)

^Starts at 150 points for a quarter of the full bonus, 250 for the full bonus (at level cap for guardians). IIRC.

It might've changed already.

battlesiege15 -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/8/2024 14:57:49)

Thanks! Any consideration of making it 225 for max bonus? Just because Adventurers won't be able to get it otherwise. And yes, I know they can just do 250/250/175 or something for stats, but if the bonus doesn't kick in until 150, it shouldn't matter if the full bonus maxes out at 225 or 250 right? I'm assuming extra stat points don't add value to the full bonus anyways?

The Hollow -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/9/2024 20:12:09)

As of right now, we're aiming for the stat update to go live by Saturday at the earliest!

Update: Ianthe has encountered unforeseen complications, requiring the release to be pushed back until Monday. This marks one of the most significant updates we have undertaken in quite some time, and we truly value everyone's understanding and patience throughout this process!

Macho Man -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/11/2024 9:45:37)

No worries! Been waiting for this update for years whats a few more days.

Kaizoku -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/11/2024 10:44:34)

I've waited for this day for so long. My only gripe is that I can't use the beautiful Dragon Knight with the "warrior lean" since it's an MD armor and not FD. Still, this is a wonderful update.

The Hollow -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/12/2024 22:31:41)

Updates are now in the final testing phase! It may or may not be ready right at release time, depending on the number of bugs Ianthe has to vanquish along the way.

Update: Testing is progressing slowly folks, dealing with these old files always presents some interesting surprises. Unfortunately, this is not looking like it will not be ready to go for Monday.

We're aiming to launch this update on Thursday.

zoby77 -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/13/2024 21:14:23)

Holy dude stop teasing us with these updates. Make a post when its ready [&o]
Edited. Please do not use sexual language. ~Master Samak

King Darxonic -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/14/2024 5:19:56)

Patience is a virtue.

Macho Man -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/14/2024 14:21:12)

Well I appreciate the updates from Hollow!

zoby77 -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/14/2024 15:36:07)

you can also appreciate this finger I have raised for you XD, and Darxonic this is not your sixteen year old's Instagram page.

sujin6614 -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/14/2024 16:20:36)

LOL that Instagram page was so accurate and cold . nice to have u on the forums!!!
But yeah take your time to make the stat revamp. Hope it will be resealed successfully with little bugs as possible.
Good luck <3<3<3

Lorekeeper -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/14/2024 16:41:49)

Please keep your posts friendly and constructive; there's no need for random hostility.

zoby77 -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/14/2024 17:08:21)

Thanks G happy to be here[8D]. There's no hostility no one knows what finger I raised.

Sapphire -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/15/2024 8:08:30)

Is today....THE DAY??? !!!

candy.man -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/15/2024 17:13:00)

The changes are live. Had a quick test in game.

Warrior lean is amazing. Could see this becoming the new meta.

Pet/guest damage is mostly unchanged. Ferocious strikes are quite rare compared to lucky strikes.

Accuracy is noticeably better now. Not requiring luck (or dex for pets) is great.

Sapphire -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/15/2024 17:16:41)

FS seems to only work with damage, and the status side is all still the old 60% melee values. IS this a bug, or some concessions do to code issues ?

Grace Xisthrith -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/15/2024 17:29:18)

I would also love to know this (although perhaps I should just be patient and wait for infosubs)

I'm however looking at it from a different perspective, I'm hopeful that this was done to protect guests like Mogdin or Royal Corgi from losing their reliability, and so status values aren't all off from the infosubs they're written in. If so, do status guests that trade damage (like uh, werepyre bats for example) now trade slightly more of their damage (relatively) to inflict the same status? Or do the statuses part of the guest give up ferocious strikes? Or uh, another variation? I should probably just wait for info but I'm excited about the changes

OG Ranger -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/15/2024 19:21:13)

^This. I want to see the info.

ming shuen -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/15/2024 19:27:26)

Just wanted to say congrats on completing the stat revamp!

It wasn't easy, but y'all did it. Cheers.

Zennistrad -> RE: AQ-Stat Overhaul Project (2/15/2024 19:38:33)

These are some great changes! Glad to see this has finally come out.

My big concern though here is how this works with the base Paladin and Necromancer - the last stat revamp caused some weirdness with some of the Paladin skills being unaffected, that pushed me to use a fairly unusual 200 STR/200 Dex/200 Cha/150 End build.

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