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RE: EpicDuel Gamma Evolution 1.1.4d

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4/10/2011 13:40:18   

I must say... Big Tuna after the release MUCH MUCH easier :P

anyway, I find the release good for balance, people are ranting about it to much.
I also notice that the ranters are mostly STR abusers or any sort of Stat abuser

most of them addapted, other rant instead of trying to addapt


Having a Signature is too mainstream
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 126
4/10/2011 14:23:24   
Hun Kingq

IsaiahtheMage, yes I do know those things but now it appears that bloodshield helps limit the damage of physical attacks as well, I used the new physical aux on one merc with a level 5 bloodshield and only got 9 points of damage and he was a level 29. Why don't you type Hun King in the character page and see for yourself because I don't need to prove anything to you or anyone. For the ones that fought in 2vs2 battles they know exactly what I am talking about.

Epic duel players handbook,

"Maul strikes your opponent for normal weapon damage, but ignoring 20% of defense/resistance and
having a chance to stun the opponent from the effect/level column. Blocked shots do not stun."

"Cheap Shot attacks your opponent with your primary (Wrist Blade) for normal damage, but ignoring the
effect/level% of defense/resistance. Cheap Shot also has a 25% for a critical strike.
This skill makes a great combination with Smoke Screen!"

You don't have to buy anything because it is your money but do not attack me for what I report of what happens in the game.

Read the design notes every point over 50 is suppose to be one less damage point but that does not happen and with dex and tech being affected you have to have one at 49 or above and the other 56 or above to limit the damge from the attack.
Epic  Post #: 127
4/10/2011 21:47:12   

remove agility, make field medic 3 turn cooldown, make stat 70 then +2 stat points needs on top. problem solved. welcome back a new fresh beta/gamma.
Post #: 128
4/10/2011 22:21:31   

I must say, my character is much weaker offensively and defensively. My Dex is 45+30 and my Tech is 45+31. Both are over 50 so I lost some Def and Res...

On the other hand, I made up for lost defenses by putting 4 points on Energy Sheild (+24 res) and 6 pts on Reflex Boost (+38 Dex). That's helping a lot. Offensively, I put 8 points on Venom Strike (9 damage per 3 turns= 27 damage). Since I'm a +5 focus BH, my Gamma Bot plus the 9 damage over 3 turns, plus aux and good Str (45+16) make some great strategy! I can hit hard then add 9 damage to that! (I'm excited over this o.o")

The update does seem to make people feel a lot more equal, in some respects. I was truly thinking of quitting ED since this is my 3rd time having to change a 85%+ winning-percentage-build due to a "balance" update. (1st time bot damage to 6, 2nd time Agility, 3rd time Focus Damage change and Stat Nerf) I just needed a better build (It's rocket science, I know)...and I think if everyone tries a little of something (I never used Venom Strike with this Main Account before) you'll find something useful.

< Message edited by Larcell -- 4/10/2011 22:27:32 >


Epic  Post #: 129
4/11/2011 1:08:42   
Thylek Shran

This is the worst update ever. NPCs are now much to strong i need now 2-3 turns more for the easier ones.
Valery (lvl 29) is now as strong as a good lvl 32 build. The encumberance thing is just puzzling players it
was perfect as it was before. I really start to hate the game now.


v.35.3 (2016-01-23) ~ beam.to/shran
DF Epic  Post #: 130
4/11/2011 2:16:17   

Really? Now I can defeat Valery but couldn't before update.
DF MQ Epic  Post #: 131
4/11/2011 2:18:39   

First of all sorry about my limited English.

I have something to tell about this update.

I try to explain with an example built.

Lvl 32 Mercenary

Azrael's Bane 10 slot enhanced
Plasma ACP
Charfade´s Launcher
Space Warrior E 8 slot Enhanced

When you put these items on;
If you put 95 (maxed for getting +1 def) to HP and 49 to Energy.
you still have total 267 stat points to share with basic stats.

Now im asking how we can give any stat below 50 when we have 66,75 (267 / 4) stat points average.

Devs tell us that they made this update to prevent people abusing stats. But this update effects all stats and we paid a lot for having this much of stat especially enhacments. But now we gain less output with our paid stats.

As conclusion, they will make new weapons with more stats (exp. Eggzokas 19 stat points) and we will buy new items for more stats ......

Epic  Post #: 132
4/11/2011 2:24:42   
Thylek Shran

Not only player (focus) damage got nerfed. It also effects defensive buffs like Reflex Boost.
NPCs doesnt seem to have gotten more weak.
DF Epic  Post #: 133
4/11/2011 2:30:56   


Devs tell us that they made this update to prevent people abusing stats. But this update effects all stats and we paid a lot for having this much of stat especially enhacments. But now we gain less output with our paid stats.

how about those that dont pay for their stats? how badly are they nerfed?
AQW Epic  Post #: 134
4/11/2011 7:16:43   


It will epically suck for those who don't pay for enhancements, Using all those credits to only find out that anything above 50 will get nerfed.
Epic  Post #: 135
4/11/2011 9:29:24   
Hun Kingq

Another thing I found out is that when you heal the opponent inflicts more damage on you. A player with a level 22 damage side arm only hits 9 before I heal then I heal then they get 47 damage. You use boosters then they get 27. So it appears the amount you heal more damage is inflicted, if they don't want players to heal then get rid of field medic and the boosters.

I put my dex and tech at 58 and 54 and instead of limiting the damage they got more damage so only class that was really affected by the update was the mage class, this happens every update.

IsaiahtheMage, by the way I am level 33 now. You should change your name to IsaiahtheBountyHunter since you are a buonty now.

Since the strength abusers and the support abusers did not get affected by the update and the tech mercs found the loophole by keeping tech at 50 and having 50 enhancements or 49 and 51 it took too long for me to reach 33 since they have an increase in damage and the fact over 70% of the time in 2vs2 my partner ran or kept attacking the other player or used a more which was blocked instead of using aux weapon.

I ask all mages, please get at least level 5 malfunction it really helps in 2vs2, I have seen too many with no malfunction or reroute.

Titan and the other staff needs to get in the game and play especially 2vs2 to see what we are dealing with, they could take 30 minutes and see for themselves, not too much to ask for is it?

< Message edited by Hun Kingq -- 4/11/2011 9:39:01 >
Epic  Post #: 136
4/11/2011 9:52:29   
Silver Sky Magician

@Hun Kingq

I highly doubt that you have experienced a scenario as described above, when your opponent did '9' damage to you before you healed, '47' damage after you healed, and '27' after you used boosters. There are a few possibilities.

Firstly, you had failed to recognise that your opponent has attacked you with an extremely low level gun prior to you healing, and had used a skill/more powerful weapon afterwards. Honestly I cannot see how a level 33, presumably experienced player like you can fail to notice this reason for the disparity in damage should this be the case.

Secondly, this is a bug that you should report. Thirdly, you are lying or exaggerating.

Next, if your dexterity and technology is at a low 58 and 54 (without stat boosts, I am assuming), you cannot expect to take less damage. Even if you have stat boosts in addition to that, you have to note that stats are now worth less in terms of conversion to defense and resistance, so you have lower defenses, potentially translating to you taking more damage. I feel that it is an inaccurate and biased statement to say that this affects the mage class alone, as this has affected more classes and is perfectly logical without any unfairness in this aspect.

Furthermore, IsaiahtheMage has multiple characters, a mage, a bounty hunter and a mercenary.

It is wrong to say that strength and support abusers were not affected by the update. Their damage was significantly decreased, forcing many of them to revise their builds. They are now less effective than before. And you should know that the 50 stat limit applies to your total stats, so keeping your base stat at 50 while having stat enhancements will not ignore the penalty. I am considerably surprised that you have failed to recognise this.
Post #: 137
4/11/2011 10:13:45   

@Hun Kingq: While I do recognize the significance of both Maul and Cheap Shot after this update I would say that neither is a game changer.

Here is the math:

20% of 28 = 5.6 which is rounded to 6
20% of 32 = 6.4 which is rounded to 6
20% of 33 = 6.6 which is rounded to 7
20% of 37 = 7.4 which is rounded to 7

Meaning that if a players DEF/RES falls within the range of 28-32, MAUL will ignore 6 DEF/RES.
The same is seen for DEF/RES range 33-37, MAUL will ignore 7 DEF/RES.

Most players Maul were weakened more then 1-2 damage so the overall difference is minimal especially if, for example, your original DEF was 32 and now its 28. That means there was no difference in the % ignored amount.

The same applies to Cheap Shot except the ranges are more narrow.

On top of that, both of these attacks are prone to missing so they are less effective then you might think.


"Maul strikes your opponent for normal weapon damage, but ignoring 20% of defense/resistance and
having a chance to stun the opponent from the effect/level column. Blocked shots do not stun."

"Cheap Shot attacks your opponent with your primary (Wrist Blade) for normal damage, but ignoring the
effect/level% of defense/resistance. Cheap Shot also has a 25% for a critical strike.
This skill makes a great combination with Smoke Screen!"
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 138
4/11/2011 10:15:07   
Vick Vega

Eggzookas EPIC!!
Level Cap Raise: YEAH! More than just grinding for wins and creds. SUPER!
Powerhour: Who couldn’t love that?
Encumbrance: Love it. Only jelouse I didn’t have it when I was climbing.
Focus Change: Great
Stat nerf: Love it
Best Update Ever!
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 139
4/11/2011 10:40:50   

@Hun Kinng Not trying to attack just saying also again why are you so focused on the mages are nerfed? You obviously havent grasped the basic of this game now your saying Blood Shield affects physical and now you said I am a bounty I am all 3 classes I have mulltiple characters 3 mid to high lvl characters and 2 low lvls so I have some experience when it comes to epic duel. Also you do realize all stats over 50 will get bad effect now right? What makes you think 4 more points will automatically make you take less dmg? You do realize this opponet could be stronger then the last didd you even calculate their stats with yours? Honestly you say your lvl 33 with thousand of battles yet you understand nearly any basics and all your comments is about mages being Uped yes they are but your only focused on them being Uped and trying to make Oped now. I just take you seriously no offence.
AQW Epic  Post #: 140
4/11/2011 11:36:10   

@hun kingq- actually, i use a pretty low malfunction so i can use it more than once or twice. This helps to stop 5 focus builds from doing 30-40 damage (depending on ur def/resist) per bot attack more than just 3 turns.


I am a DoomKnight
DF Epic  Post #: 141
4/11/2011 13:28:43   
Fay Beeee

Well I have had to change. And being who I am I have 'half' changed lol.
It still needs tweaking a bit but I am getting there.
As a 'winger' I am having to crash course in stats. :)

Good luck to all of you with your new builds. Have fun. I will. :)
Epic  Post #: 142
4/11/2011 17:49:47   
Hun Kingq

Silver Sky Magician, Yes it did happen over and over again and a different scenerio a level 29 merc was striking me over and over again with regular strikes getting 3 damage and because I win the match for the team I used a 25 health booster then he struck and he got 27 damage. I don't lie or exaggerate because there is nothing to gain from it I only report what happened during battle. The merc that had 50 tech with 50 enhancemenst he got 50 to 60 points of damage without rage. A support merc with 76 base support and I forgot the enhancements got 30 then 40 damage with artillery strike. A strength merc with 86 base used the berzerker on my team mate with 50 health and destroyed him instantly. A strength bounty with max vampire strike got 30 to 40 points of damage on me. So in all these cases where is the diminishing returns. Players realize this so they kept the high support and strength builds as well as put extra in a stat. All these things did happen and with you and IsaiahtheMage doing tag team attacks on me in the forum, it is so sad, and you should focus the discussion on what happens in the game. In the past 4 days I have not seen you or IsaiahtheMage in a 2vs2 battle.

IsaiahtheMage, I tested the new physical weapon on a merc with blood shield on and only got 9 points of damage and when the bloodshield was gone I used it again and got 30 points of damage so you can't tell me it does not help protect against physical aux as well. I understand more about the game then you could ever imagine. When they say that over 50 will result in less damage and I see the same or more damage then you could assume something did not happen in the update. Like using the xp boost during power hour I was suppose to get 4x "Epic Power Hour!

Starting at 10:00PM ET and 10:00AM ET, players will receive DOUBLE XP from all victories for an hour! This also means that players using XP Boost will receive QUADRUPLE XP! This puts level 33 easily within reach." that only happened once. What I want for the mage class is not to be Oped but a fight chance even with starting with defense and resistance, is that making the mage class Oped having better defense and resistance? Since you don't think I grasp the basics of the game you tell everyone what are the basics instead of telling someone they don't know the basics. You could be whatever character you want that doesn't mean you have any more knowledge of the game then the next guy it just means you play with multiple characters and no true mage would ever change class. I started as a mage and stay a mage and will not play as any other class. Just like being a Marine, "Once a Marine always a Marine."

Tigura I have level 5 malfunction because I did the calculations and at that level with 3 reroute I could use it twice or three times in the game as well as healing but with the tech abusindg mercs even at 50 base and 50 enhancements he got 40 points of damage on my team mate killing him that was with reduced tech. "He brags malfunction don't work on me!" With him having total tech at 100 by all means he should get less damage with bunker buster but he doesn't and with resistance being lowered down to 22 to whatever it is from 33-36 then with malfunction I should get greater then 9 points with the side arm. His weakness is artillary strike but only ones that have that is the mercs.

Sparticus, only reason I put those quotes up there from the players handbook was to show IsaiahthMage that those classes have skills that ignores not only defense but resistance as well and that was the only reason I put it up.

This upadate is in the experimental phase and needs to be tweaked big time for it to work properly and when I report the amount of damage and called a liar then shame on those who make wrongful accusations like that just because they get thrills out of doing so.

Just recently in a 2vs2 a level 30 merc had tech 59 +18 tech max bunker bustergot malfunctioned by the team mate giving her -32 points she shot me and got 34 damage by all calculations it should have been less damage.

< Message edited by Hun Kingq -- 4/11/2011 19:14:16 >
Epic  Post #: 143
4/11/2011 20:29:34   
Aqua Lightning 98

Does anyone know how the new damage and stat calculation works?

Titan please release some figures!
Post #: 144
4/11/2011 20:30:45   

this should help
Stat Progression
AQW Epic  Post #: 145
4/12/2011 2:24:41   
Hun Kingq

Just battle a merc with tech at 94+48 he got 63 damage with bunker buster, Titan where is the diminishing return, this update did nothing to stat abusers it just made them stronger. Players complain about being nerfed but as long as there is some that keep abusing stas as this there will be more nerfing going to happen.
Epic  Post #: 146
4/12/2011 3:31:27   
Silver Sky Magician

@Hun Kingq

I would like to question how you know whether I am in a 2 vs 2 battle or not, because my EpicDuel character name is not 'Silver Sky Magician'. It is absolutely impossible for you to even obtain erroneous information because there is no character in EpicDuel with such a name. In other words you have fabricated this 'fact'. Since you have done so once, and many other times, I think it is only reasonable for me to believe that you have done so as well in regard to the damage you reported.

Following the same line, your calculations regarding malfunction are also inaccurate. A level 3 reroute would give you a 18% energy conversion. A level 5 malfunction would require 22 energy and a level 1 heal would require 17 energy. If you can do malfunction 'twice' and still heal, you would need 63 energy. Assuming you had a base 48 energy, you would need an additional 15 energy. To gain that using reroute, you would need to take a whopping 84 damage. Can you really afford to take that kind of damage in practical use? Furthermore most mages have at least a level 3 field medic, which requires you to take an overwhelming 106 damage. Is a build that relies on a risk like this good?

It is inaccurate to say that you should get 'more than 9 damage points' with your gun attack since you had malfunctioned the opponent, since there is a range of values due to the random number generator, so the minimum damage your gun attack will increase by is 3 using your example. The reason for his bunker buster damage not decreasing could also be due to the same reason.

Also I would like to point out that stat progressions DO NOT affect stats' influence on skills. That means that bunker buster will do the exact same damage, and maybe more if your defenses happen to be lower. 'Stat progression' only applies to defense, resistance and weapon damage. Stat abusers are not 'more powerful' because they will have less weapon damage/defense/resistance than before.

Moreover I am not 'attacking you for the thrill of it' but because I find your accusations illogical and quite unbelievable, and would like to question the veracity of them as you are using these ungrounded 'facts' to attack this update. Honestly I am quite unimpressed with your arrogance: 'I know more about this game than you could ever imagine'. Really? The more you comment, the more I am inclined to disbelieve you.

In the event that the things you reported did happen (and that they happened under the same situation, for example you were not smoked during that period of time, the opponent used strike both before and after your heal) you should report it under the bugs section. Why did you not do so if you have found real bugs?

I advise you not to blame things that are clearly illogical on the premises of the update and link it with bugs and glitches instead. My issue is not with your claims but with the inferences you use these claims to make.

< Message edited by Silver Sky Magician -- 4/12/2011 5:05:14 >
Post #: 147
4/12/2011 6:51:29   
Hun Kingq

Silver Sky Magician, majority of players use their character as their forum name, because like me we have nothing to hide and yes with a level 5 malfunction and a level 3 even a level 2 reroute I was able to malfunction twice and heal once sometimes more than once. Stat progression applies to all stats and if that skill is improved with a certain stat then that damage will be greater but if the total stat is greater than 50 then it should have diminished returns, which the first day you saw that but after that daythings did not go as they should. You could believe what you want and to call me arrogant because I report actual damage and sticking to the facts of the battle. Players that played with me or against me in 1vs1 or 2vs2 will know what I write is true.

The merc with tech at 94+48 that got 63 damage with max bunker buster was after I increased my total dex to 106. Same dex in two different 2vs2 battle against the same strength merc that had 100+43 strength, level 5 maul, I did not block and he stunned me both times, and the berzerker he use the final strike was 55, before the update with the same dex or with dex were defense is at 28 or 29 I blocked his attacks.

Getting less damage before healing then more damage after healing is happening over and over agaiAs far as anyone knows it could be part of the update.

I looked up Silver Sky and it shows you are a Level 6 tech mage, wow only a level 6 and trying to show people you have all this knowledge. I am a level 33, how did I get to a level 33 if I don't know anything about the game, tell me Silver Sky Magician, if I know nothing about the game how did I get to be a level 33?

So when the update does not respond as it was intended too I will point it out and if it is attacking the update then it should be attacked and should be fixed.

< Message edited by Hun Kingq -- 4/12/2011 12:23:35 >
Epic  Post #: 148
4/12/2011 7:08:34   
Silver Sky Magician

@Hun Kingq

...My goodness. I'm level 32 and my character name has no relation whatsoever to my forum name. Moreover you have to take into account the fact that I play multiple AE games. Why must my forum name correspond to my character name and not my game username or other AE character name? Could you consider how I could have 'so much knowledge' if I'm a level 6 tech mage?

Do you know 'deimos' is a level 3 tech mage? Do you really think the forum user 'Deimos...' is this mage who hasn't played beyond 3 battles since Alpha? 'Deimos...' is a level 33 tech mage called 'Iamawesome' with over 38000 wins! You should not make blind assumptions and get your facts right.

I have never said that I considered you to have no knowledge about EpicDuel. My point is that you should make a distinction between irregularities and update features so as to avoid spreading erroneous information. I do not know how many battles you have played in these types of scenarios, but induction from one or two instances cannot derive a reliable conclusion. Even for multiple battles, it may simply be a case of bad luck.

If something is definitely mathematically impossible, then you should report it as a bug. If it is still within the range of possibility, then I don't see the problem. Mathematically, both the bunker buster and berserker instances are perfectly possible as the users in question have extremely high stats, especially the bunker buster user. Again, non-percentage based skills are NOT affected by stat limitations.

I think you could report the 'extra damage after healing' scenario as a bug. I find it pointless to question its accuracy any longer and will give you the benefit of the doubt on this matter, though personally I find no such problem.


So do I :) It's been a while since EpicDuel last challenged me to alter my build.

< Message edited by Silver Sky Magician -- 4/12/2011 10:15:49 >
Post #: 149
4/12/2011 7:09:45   

I like this update


like these fan pages please
AQ Epic  Post #: 150
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