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RE: Isle of Dracos - OOC

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5/4/2014 11:20:58   
black knight 1234567

Shame because I liked my character too, but Dracyos disappeared off the map so my character can't work without his.
Should I make another one?
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 151
5/4/2014 17:55:16   
Eternal Wanderer

I'll be around.

It's what I do.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 152
5/4/2014 21:20:10   

Rawr! I am the turtle master! What I say goes!


Whaddaya mean it doesn't work that way????

So there was a hiccup and homework was completed instead of postings. Sorry. I'll get on that. Until then, no changes need be made; we're working out the details of backstory and hidden history and I've got enough to cook up as well to give it some nice flavoring. So let's have fun with this :)
DF MQ  Post #: 153
5/5/2014 15:48:58   
Master K


Thank you based Starstruck for not letting this die.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 154
5/6/2014 6:16:32   

My post is up and this has been begun.

My dragon is the oldest so far, but dragons are babies for a significant length of time - a week won't matter in the grand scheme of things. If you wish to have a hatchling on your hands, you may do so at any time; I think TJByrum probably wanted all the eggs to hatch at the same time because MAGIC, but that's not quite how eggs work so I'm not doing that.

So far you're just getting yourselves to the gathering and sitting around making small talk...and maybe some larger talk as well. Who can say?
DF MQ  Post #: 155
5/9/2014 11:29:43   

Apologies for the double post. I promise this one is an informative addition to the conversation.

Unfortunately, due to inactivity (or by conscious wish), Riprose123, TJByrum, and Draycos777 are no longer part of this RP and their positions are now vacant.

House Kalzar has still fallen, and anyone who wishes to take over the position of the wandering Kalzar family and anyone still loyal to them may do so.

Gemhold has a complicated problem. BK may decide what to do with House Burke.

Bloodhold is now vacant. House Sjovosson never existed.

Feel free to return for your poor lost characters or to create new ones. My request is that you be timely about posting and applying.

Not all Lords and Ladies need show up at the gathering for the meeting to begin. However, it is to your advantage to be present before the formalities commence.
DF MQ  Post #: 156
5/9/2014 12:54:54   

I'm not entirely sure about whether or not I'll join. I've got a lot on my plate right now, but when I have time I'll certainly come back, 'cause I love Game of Thrones style RPs.

Don't reserve anything for me.
DF MQ Epic  Post #: 157
5/9/2014 14:31:09   
Master K

I'm not sure what I can post at this point...
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 158
5/9/2014 16:11:58   

Okay, never mind my full plate. I've got an idea for a character in Bloodhold. If it's being vacant means I can create a Lord for it.
DF MQ Epic  Post #: 159
5/9/2014 16:38:12   

Yup. Anyone can join in.

@Master K: You can have your lord leave for the meeting is what you can do. Your characters have received the letter, but they haven't actually left... :P
DF MQ  Post #: 160
5/10/2014 0:16:33   
Master K

@Star: Master K did set off for the meeting. He's on the road already, carrying his Katana.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 161
5/10/2014 1:52:41   

You must have left that part out of your post, then. :P

But seriously, every post helps. Even if it seems like a pointless addition, it gives more life and substance to the story. And most of all, don't leave stuff out!
DF MQ  Post #: 162
5/10/2014 8:14:46   
Master K

Well, I intended to mean that Master K departed, but I guess I can make a short post about on the road.

I'll try and do that soonish.

< Message edited by Master K -- 5/10/2014 8:15:13 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 163
5/12/2014 19:39:21   
Eternal Wanderer

I'm going to hold off for a bit, to give other folks a chance to post. I'll be working on my next post this coming weekend.

Edit: I'm afraid there's likely to be a slight delay to my post, but I'll still do my best to finish it up tomorrow night.

Edit 2: Managed to finish, despite the cause of the delay. I need to run something by Starstruck, so I can post once that is done.

< Message edited by Kellehendros -- 5/18/2014 22:39:52 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 164
5/20/2014 10:31:58   

1. Added a new post to the IC.
2. Tidied up the OOC's main post. Nothing new, just more streamlined and easier to read/understand.
3. Will tidy up the Factions-and-Characters section later to include a more detailed and easier to understand description of each particular faction.
4. Added Captain Horn's Fleet and Sadin and the Warriors of Stone to the list.
DF AQW  Post #: 165
5/20/2014 14:37:09   

For those who are slightly confused, TJByrum has returned with his old characters and will be continuing as a regular player. I will be in charge of story and such, and what happens, but it's ultimately his world, not mine, and he's finishing up the details. Which I will probably mercilessly change as I see fit :D don't get too invested
DF MQ  Post #: 166
5/20/2014 14:44:36   

Quick question: Am I allowed to change Rip's version of Bloodhold to my own, or should I keep it the same?
Also, should I put up the unfinished draft of my character yet, or wait till its finished?
DF MQ Epic  Post #: 167
5/20/2014 18:28:31   

@Starstruck: If I'm doing anything wrong, just let me know. I guess I'll just keep RPing as Jorn and Kaila, and add some flavor into the mix while I;m at it. Captain Horn is someone I had planned to use before, although Sadin and Doros are newcomers that I have recently came up with. I'll try to keep up with the posts as well but I will need some time to myself to read them and I've been busy here lately. If anything needs to be changed on the OOC let me know, of ask a mod if you can have a new OOC to work with.

@Legendium: I assume it ultimately falls on Starstruck to answer that, but seeing that Riprose hasn't made a posting yet I would say to go ahead and do it.

@Everyone: Can I get a roll call? I know Starstruck, Legendium, Kellehendros, Master K, and BK have been active on this page, but is this the current loadout for our participants? I need to know so I can revise the Factions section on the IC. I want to help 'clean up' for Starstruck and I reckon I'll try to offer as much help to him (or her?) as possible.

EDIT: I think it would be interesting for some of you to marry some of your relatives... so think on that.

EDIT2: I don't think came out right. I meant to say that it would be interesting to see the players marry their noble families together for alliances.

< Message edited by TJByrum -- 5/20/2014 18:33:54 >
DF AQW  Post #: 168
5/20/2014 18:52:25   
Eternal Wanderer

You're right TJ, that came out awkwardly.

I have a post vetted and packaged to go, I just need to get together with Star to get a few details signed off on. Once I have that, the post will go up, pending final editing.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 169
5/20/2014 19:05:15   

@Kellehendros: You have good form to do rough drafts and final drafts Kell and I'm sure it delivers quality posts (I haven't yet read your last post!), glad you're in the RP. I ought to do rough drafts and final drafts; most of my ideas for a post stay in my head until I try to write a quick draft, then I quickly convert it over to post format in the IC's of my RP's (which can be bad form I know). I don't usually get a lot of time to myself these days and so I don't know if I'll ever be able to write rough drafts, second drafts, final drafts, etc.
DF AQW  Post #: 170
5/20/2014 20:55:15   
Eternal Wanderer

It's good practice, and I highly recommend it. It's even better if you can find someone to review your posts and catch mistakes you make or offer suggestions. I only got really serious about doing it in the last couple of years, and I really attribute the EC victory last year to that.

Things almost always sound good in your head, and that doesn't mean the post isn't good, but outside opinions are very beneficial.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 171
5/23/2014 10:38:20   
black knight 1234567

I'm still on this but my character can't work without Dracyos and god knows where he is. I still don't want the position of a lord, so anyone want a side kick/body guard/general/whatever?
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 172
5/23/2014 12:34:40   

I'd recommend teaming up with Legendium. It might be the kick-start he needs :P
DF MQ  Post #: 173
5/23/2014 14:53:37   

I'll get my unfinished draft up soon. There's definitely place for a side-kick in the new Bloodhold though, because Palo is also the head of a Knightly Order. He would need a second-in-command, of course.

Alright, just to show you guys that I actually am working on this, this is my unfinished pre-alpha testing unfinished draft of my character. It's the complete un-abridged chunk of unfinished text from the document I'm storing it in and still a WIP. So yeah, it's messy. But I want to prove that I'm actually doing something, so deal with it.

Name: Palo Ritari
Age: 46
Gender: Male
Position: Lord of Bloodhold, Leader of the Knights Torch
Physical Appearance: Palo is a giant among men, standing a head and a half above most people. He appears fat, but it is all muscle, he’ll assure you. That’s not entirely true though. He works most of his feasts out of his system in training or fighting, but he still has quite the barrel sized stomach. His hair is a shoulder-length bush of deep reddish brown, his eyes the ashen grey-black color of burnt bark. His face is creased with laugh lines which stand out starkly against his slightly pale skin due to the smoke residue of the log fires he often sits by. He has a big bushy beard that seems untamable, resembling the flames of a fire.

Armor/Clothing: Palo is mainly seen in his armor when in public. It consists of fine quality steel plate painted dark crimson red with bronze trimmings. His cape is a worn-down, torn-up bear pelt. He wears no helmet. There are no emblems of any sort on his armor. That’s saved only for his shield.
The reason for the lack of emblems on anything but his shield is because he leads the Knights Torch. It’s one of the rules of the Order that one must give up their family heritage upon joining, carrying only the Torch of Brotherhood upon their shield. This doesn’t matter much for Palo Ritari though when representing his family though. After all – They founded the Knights Torch. The Torch of Brotherhood is their emblem.
When not in armor, Palo wears a simple red tunic with the Torch of the Brotherhood embroidered upon it in golden-yellow.
Weapon(s): Palo carries three weapons: His hand-and-a-half sword, his shield and a small dagger.
The shield serves little purpose other than to display his heritage and block, naturally, and his dagger is made for the closest combat only, which should never occur in a fight, but occasionally does.
Now, Palo’s sword is special. It’s got a golden hilt and spiked pommel, with a red-tinged blade which is the correct length to be used in either one or two hands. The handle is made of black leather. It’s truly one of the most magnificent swords in all of Bloodhold, both simple and splendorous at the same time. It even seems to give off an aura of light, but that’s likely just because of the way the blade was intended to catch and reflect light.
Skills and Abilities: Palo is an excellent swordsman, having quelled several of the rebellions that constantly appear in his homeland of Bloodhold. He is very adept at sword combat, but he can use a mace or war-hammer very efficiently. He’s incredible at protecting against sieges, because he’s been trapped under many by his own people. His skill in closer quarter large scale battles is unparalleled. He’s not the best at politics though. When intoxicated, he can be rather rude and insulting, and has ruined many connections between the lower lords of his own hold by drinking a few glasses too many. That’s one of the main causes of many of the rebellions, to be honest.

Hold: Bloodhold is a very rainy, dreary place with swamps and wet oak forests that seem to perpetually drizzle. There are very few attractions aside from the many rivers, the magnificent thunderstorms, dangerous animals, swamps, tiny rivulets and just about nothing else.
Very little edible plants grow in this region, making farming difficult, but not altogether impossible. There are certain plants that grow well in swampy, wet climates, such as water chestnuts, watercress and cattail tubers. Thus, most of the food that the people of Bloodhold have to eat is very starchy and bitter. But there’s plenty of venison, wild boar and fish to go around, so nobody starves. Bloodhold definitely can’t make any revenue via agriculture, so it never exported food. Culinarily speaking, Bloodhold is only known for the enormous amounts of gravy they heap on their food.
There is plenty of wood to be found in Bloodhold, but it’s not high quality, and almost never dries. Most people end up using bog peat for fires because it burns longer. This led to houses often being mud/clay shacks built with a soggy wooden frame, since quality wood is a rare commodity. Torches are a sign of luxury, because most dry wood is imported. The people make a distinct difference between wooden torches and bog peat torches. Bog peat torches are a sign of rebellion. So no, there’s also no profit in the lumber industry.
One can find plenty of peat iron in the swamps, but peat iron tends to be brittle, and steel is better anyways, so nobody buys ore from Bloodhold. Why would they, when Gemhold is right around the corner? This means most of the tools among the poor and middle class are unreliable and break easily. A lot of families still use bronze for its amazing reparability.
The places where Bloodhold can actually make money are alchemy and pottery. There are plenty of rare plants in the bogs and swamps that can’t be found anywhere else on the Isle, or even the world, so alchemists and healers alike flock to Bloodhold. The clay found in the ground is also of great quality, so the Bloodholders have developed incredible pottery over the ages.
The architecture in the city is rather bland. Most of the houses are made of clay or clay bricks. The poorest people live in caves, or ramshackle huts built out of brambles and mud. The middle tiers have more sophisticated houses with window holes and wicker doors. Most, if not all, have gardens and goats to produce vegetables and milk. The highest tiers of society have fired brick or stone houses with an extensive estate and wooden doors. They might even have glass in the windows, if they’re very rich.
Now that you have a rough idea of the land itself, let’s move on to the people. The citizens of Bloodhold are known for being intolerant brutes that will gladly “Raise their bog-torch” to anything they don’t approve of. This is what most outsiders think anyways, since there are always reports of rebellions. That said it’s not entirely truthful. The people of Bloodhold are prideful, which means that mere insults can cause violent social rifts. Indeed, most of Bloodhold is divided into people rooting for each noble family. Most people are for the current ruling Lord though, which is why they almostalways quell the rebellions. Ever since the pre-historic times, the Bloodhold tribes were known to wage wild, bloody wars between each other which resulted in most weaker villages being razed to the ground with fire. Eventually, the Ridder tribe, the ancestors of the Ritari family, managed to conquer all the other tribes and create a unified land. As a result of all these bloody wars, only the strongest survived. All Bloodholders of the higher social tiers know some form of fighting. So, the Bloodholders became some of the fiercest fighters in all the realm. Most of them tend to be red haired, of big stature and extremely ugly.

Dragon: Nove Cabeza is perhaps one of the more exotic specimens of dragons on the Isle: A Hydragon. With the nine heads of a hydra and the wings of a dragon, Nove Cabeza is a fearsome sight indeed. Unfortunately, Cabeza’s heads don’t really get along very well. Each being their own sentient beings, they often disagree on a course of action and their master must coax, beat or bribe them into doing what he wants. Often they have to compromise to even get something done. So while Cabeza is very powerful with her acid spitting abilities, she’s not very effective at actually getting anything done.
Family: List some names and family titles (mother, father, sister, cousin, etc) of your Lord's family.

Personality: Palo

< Message edited by Legendium -- 5/23/2014 16:37:39 >
DF MQ Epic  Post #: 174
5/23/2014 19:43:05   

Once some others have posted I may post about Jorn and Kaila.

I'll need to go have surgery Monday unfortunately and I'll need to rest, so I'm not sure when I can post it.
DF AQW  Post #: 175
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