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=DF= Hidden Blades War Adventure Stories and Poetry 2011

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4/29/2011 23:29:54   
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Another war, another war story thread!

Please remember to edit your stories when you add to them and all comentary goes here :)

< Message edited by Eukara Vox -- 5/13/2011 14:17:08 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 1
4/29/2011 23:53:12   

Chapter 1:

Corrupt them

As you say my master * as he sayed this helooed at the mass of flesh that was his arm just a few hours ago*, but if this humble servant my ask you a favour, could they be spared, please accept this request oh great father

However do you want it Delex, but remember no more mistakes or else *and as it said those words Delex body beggan to swell, and bubkes of skin randomly appeared throught all of his body*

As you say my master, I won't fail, I won't fail

You won't do it Delex, you won't do it

*screams of severe pain*

Chapter 2:

Delex was in fron't of a home-made forge

I am useless without an arm, I need to get one *as he says this he is looking at what's left of it's arm*

Do it, don't fail me

I won't master but I need to do this *as he says those words he puts his arm in a mold for an arm-like weapon filled with burning iron*

Ahhhhhhhhh *while he screams the arm cooled*, This will work fo now, great father could you bless this work of mine

As you like it Delex *it points at the mettalic arm wich suddenly comes to life*, don't fail me

*With green litt eyes* I won't do it master I won't do it

Chapter 3:

HE had been discovered by the so called DOrnalca, who whas an agent of the fake emperor and the so called Wolfencreek, who was an agent of the changer, now he was trapped in an electrical net.

You can't imprission me, said Delex

YEs whe can Delex, said Dornalca, where is your precious master now

About to save me, said Delex under his breath.

TIme to day foul being, thou shall not corrupt the universe any more

I don't think so, said Delex, and while he sayd that he dissapeared in a warp portal

In the distance it could be hear You have failed me Delex

< Message edited by Delex -- 5/1/2011 17:06:11 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 2
4/30/2011 1:25:04   
draconic death drago

OC: After he was dosed with Entropy sickness his dormant womanizing side started to arouse and now.....:/



you can't stop me

remember I can always threaten to summon moka-san and see what she thinks

don't think that will work on me besides for the fact that she's really cute.For my case I could always have Koga and Dark-san back me up

ya but daisuke and inuyasha would be on my side of the battle

well..there's also kazetsubaki and ryoko

shikimori and tenchi would side with me

unless ryoko and kazetsubaki try to get them alone.*smirks*

you sick perv *stalks off angrily*

oh well.you can't blame me for trying to get a woman.

OC:you see.this has been happening ever since his strength against that was weakened and now he sometimes is overcome by his otherself that he can't control his actions.


daisuke:don't worry you'll probably come to an agreement at one point

*continues to stalk off*

dark:oh well I don't think it's that easy to convince him.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 3
4/30/2011 2:20:54   

The Journal of Codename Kyle, concerning the Hidden Blades War:


Journal Entry 1

I have been entrusted with one of the peices of the Blade of Awe. My mission is simple: find a suitable place to hide it. I shall make certain that it shall not be found for I have the perfect place in mind already. I must be careful and make haste however, for Sepulchure's Spies are everywhere.


Journal Entry 2

How? How could she still be alive?

I went to the place I intended to hide the blade, but SHE was there. The Countess. But how could she have been there? I killed her with my own two hands! I made SURE she was dead! The body was INCINERATED! Nonetheless, she was there. We had a battle that I was beginning to lose. I had come ill prepared for such an attack. A mistake I do not intend to make again this war. Fortunatly, I was able to use my Prototype Gun to make a cave in and escape while the enterence was collapsing. It slowed her down enough for me to escaoe.

If SHE is on the case, hiding this blade may be harder then I orginaly anticipated.


Journal Entry 3

I know she watches me. Even as I move, I can see her far off in the distance, that patch of shadow that is not there. I need a distraction to throw her off. Thus, I shall head the the frosty confines of Dragesvard. Lords perment that I can use my tactic there.


Journal Entry 4

It worked.

I led her on to an ice flow in the middle of the lake, making it look like I was going to hide my peice of the Blade there. She showed up to confront me followed by several Entropic Soldiers. But she had not seen me place several explosives under the ice earlier that night. I let them off and the entire glacier exploded and began to sink. While she was distracted I grabbed her and threw her into the icy waters under the iceberg. The whole thing was now falling on her. I took my leave as quick as I could.

She will survive. If throwing her into an incinerator can be survivable, all this will do is give her a cold. But it was enough. I am now free to hide the blade where I like. All I need to do is find a good place.


Journal Entry 5

It is over. I have hidden my peice of the Blade of Awe. I shall not say where. Suffice to say that noone will find it. Noone. The ten who hid the peices have went their seprerate ways and Valencia is almost finished with the decoy. Lords willing it will be enough.

< Message edited by megakyle777 -- 5/5/2011 4:33:15 >
DF  Post #: 4
4/30/2011 2:30:48   


First Day
The war started... I should hide a part of the blade underwater. I won't stop, because I WASN'T trained to give up. Strangely, voices are on my head...


Second day
Despite our efforts, Sepulchure is also going fast. We will never give up. I'm NOT the cheerful one of the group, Kiki is. But I think we stand a high chance, because we are fighting hard. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, will stop us now!


Third day
Yeah, we are close. But I know that we can't be sure of victory until it's over. We won't stop.

< Message edited by Sinis -- 5/3/2011 16:17:06 >
DF  Post #: 5
4/30/2011 9:40:48   

A torn cryptic message.

To the Hero who finds this n---: We all have o-r parts to p--y. We may ---en find ourse-ves to fi--- in ways be-ond your fe--le c---reh-----n, but here today -- --- --- to ---. Whe--- this hap---ed it were dec--ed help was -----. Hide the --a--. W- will ma-e s--e it is not f-und until the t--e is -----.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 6
4/30/2011 11:07:52   

kins journal

first day at war
The blade has been broken we are looking for a hiding spot underwater. People have beeen hearing voices i have only heard one once i hope the voice dos not return.


second day
at war. We hid a piece in a underwater cave. We are now on the frozen tundra it is cold here and i keep hearing laughter in my head.


third day at war
Oh great i got a stian o n this page anywhys we have been makeing progress. WE have been all overe Lore hiden peices in many caves. We even had a big feast of Womba meat thats what he get s for pooking lady Greydawn in the eye. Now we are working hard to keep the peices away from Nix and his agents of evil. We have ben in Doomwood for quite a while i am wirteing this behind a tree so i am not ambushed. Entropy mions treid to take overe my mind but i bought a specil helm that prevents them from doing so. Aslo i bought a nitrcliren powerd bazooka. I will have to end here to day i can here a Entog comeing.


Fourth day at war
So today was pretty exciting so far. Here is what happened today i was sitting in a tree with Dracoivil flying overhead. I was shooting at earth elmentills. Then i stared to hear the barks of a heard of entogs and a girl shouting "back you non purple demons or i smash with my hammer". I look back to see a girl with a hammer being chased by 56,700 entogs. When she passed under the tree i puled her up. She whacked me with the hammer. "sorry" she said. Then she asked me bout my helm and my bazooka i explained i got the helm from Warlic to keep Entropy minions for taking over my mid, and that Lim made the bazooka for me but i replaced the fuel cartridges with nitroglycerin fuel rods i bought from Cysero. Then i released i never introduced my self so i held at my hand and said "the name is Kins short for Kinzville i used to be a sponge catapult specialist i loved the boom it made so much but it just wasn't enough so i become a expert in all things that go boom then i got interested in technology and powerful weapons not just explosions most people just say i am a heavy artillery specialist / explosion expert ". She shook my hand and said "the names Mritha i like all things purple". Then the tree started to shake i looked down the entogs and entropic minions shaking the tree. "they will destroy the tree any minute now and there are to many to fight" i said as i got my Dragon amulet out of my backpack and shinned it in the sun light. Then Darcoevil transformed into his titan from and came and picked us up out of the tree. "Meet Dracoevil my dragon" i said starching him on the neck. Mritha sat down on his back and leaned on my bazooka then i heard a click and a whirr. I turned around to see the bazooka shoot a hole in Darcoevil`s wing. Mritha said that she was sorry and must have leaned on trigger. We somehow manged to make it to Sunbeerse Grove. Lady Celestia warped his wing in gauze's. Mritha summoned her dragon and asked if i wanted a ride back to the war i decided to stay with Dracoevil for a while. When i Finley stepped out f the portal onto Falcon Reach hill my feet were sore from all the walking i had to do in the war. So i walked over the gryphon dock but there was no gryphon a guardian explained to me that since they were used to hull reinforcements and supplies to the war there was a gryphon shortage. So i gathered up a bucket full of scarp mettle and a sack full of gold and dragon coins and started writing this on the way to Voltabolts to see if he could make me a new mode of transportation. Well i am at the door of his lab er i mean house even though ever body knows it is a lab. Any whys i will stop witting put this in my backpack and and knock on the door.


fifth day at war
Ow i still need to work on my landing. What happened is I asked Voltabolt for a new mode of transportation he said he was busy and shut the door on me. I put my foot in the door while he was shutting it i told him that i would help him plot revenge on the gnomes and also help him out when November rolls around. We talked and Finley when i added helping him destroy Falcon Reach because of it`s crimes against science and to help him destroy all magic in lore, he left and said he had to go do something. . When he Finley came back he had a pair of metal wings in his hands. He explained that he made them out of the scarp metal i brought with me he had picked it up when he saw it outside. He also said that small rockets in the wings were from a failed experiment of his. He then showed me how to use them and some of the special features he had added in. I then took them and took off toward the war well i try`ed to at lest . He had tied them to a pole with rope he wanted to make sure i would stay true to our deal he said he would be watching me. I may not agree with his views but i never break a deal. I then flew off to the war.


sixth day at war
I don't have much time to write. I will fight a few more waves of enemies in the war. Then Voltabolt wants me to spy on the gnomes. Then i think i will swing by Falcon Reach.


Finale day at war
Yesterday while i was at Popsrocket spying on the gnomes i meat Chain Saw Danger a old friend of mine when i last saw him he was a rouge the beast of the beast but know he is a gps 2.0. I was shocked but i bet he was too last time i saw him i was one of the greatest paladins around now i am a zarbie. We talked next thing i know we are are in the inn in Falcon Reach. signing up people for a heavy artillery squad! One man said he didn't like all the technology kind of stuff people like Voltabolt and Lim made. I gave a grand speech to big to write her but the main theme was that heavy artillery wasn't just things with buttons and wires but anything powerful in battle powerful magic, powerful weapons, powerful pets. Anyways after that the newly made heavy artillery squad went off to the battlefield. Chain Saw Danger is now Private Danger the only person with a higher position then him in the squad is it`s leader which is me of course. . We fought long and hard in the war. This morning i woke up i could tell we only had more piece to hide. Then a giant Entropic Earth Ellmentel appeared. He was defeated the pieces were hide the war was done. We got are rewards and took some replicas of the blade of awe and left the battlefield. But this ins`t it for the heavy artillery squad oh no it is just the start. Friday the 13th is next week. Rumors say that Sepchlure will attack on Friday the 13th. If he does the heavy artillery squad will be here waiting for him if he want`s Falcon Reach he has to go through us.

< Message edited by kinzvlle -- 5/5/2011 16:21:04 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 7
4/30/2011 18:50:30   

Part 1:

Mister X (Name chosen because he wanted to sound mysterious, he has yet to realize how stupid it sounds) had been getting swamped by those stupid Entropic monsters for the past several hours, and quite frankly, he was getting sick of it.

But he had a plan, oh yes, a plan that if succesful would allow him to wreak mass havoc on those silly creatures.

Little did he know just how idiotic his plan actually was.

In hindsight, what the heck had he been thinking?

Anyway, Mister X eventually managed to find a large cave free of enemies, so he immediatly set to work on summoning a powerful beast from another dimension that he had heard about during his interactions with the higher ups in the organization he served.

Unfortunately for him, the summoned creature turned out to be less than co-operative, highly unfriendly and very very hungry.

That's what he get's for summoning something that he knows almost nothing about beyond what he has heard from his co-workers.

The creature in question was some kind of dragon, one of the biggest ones he had ever seen (Which was saying something)
It had a very stocky build, several pairs of eyes, and a absolutely gigantic maw filled with more teeth than any living creature should be allowed to have.

And judging from what happened after it got over it's initial confusion of being yanked out of it's home world it must be telepathic on top of everything else, because Mister X heard a voice echo in his head.


It was when it turned to look at him that Mister X realized just how much trouble he was in.


Was the blasted thing speaking in poetry?

But Mister X had no time to think about that as the beast immediately tried to eat him.
Had he been but a fraction of a second slower he would most likely be dead now.


Oh yeah, this thing was officially uncontrollable.

So he did the only thing he could do.
He ran away screaming like a little girl, giant monster dragon right behind him.

< Message edited by xehanort -- 4/30/2011 18:57:56 >
AQ DF  Post #: 8
5/1/2011 13:16:31   
  Stephen Nix
Penguin Lore Keeper (DF)

Nix made it his ultimate goal to take on the sneevils! He wanted the highlord to be taken in for a crime that he didn't commit. It didn't matter though for even the 4 pieces of The Dark were no match for the heroes of Lore. In his final attempt Nix was locked behind bars for crimes against the state, and his trial proved that he was in fact guilty and therefore a sentence was to be served in the Guardian Tower in Falconreach.....................until now!

A new war has risen where the monsters are all the same, minions of Sepulchure searching high and low as heroes are sent out to hide pieces of what seems to be the Blade of Awe. Trapped in his cage Nix wants out, but with a second war that has flown by Nix, he is very unhappy! But on the battlefield the final piece of awe is about to be placed in his containment!

Drake Amatsu: Hows it looking back there people?
Mritha: Its not to be worried over Drake, the last piece of awe should be landing in its appropriate spot any time soon!
Eric Greydawn: The next box is about to be put into play, you just gotta give us a few more minutes!!!
Drake Amatsu: Fine, we'll keep holding them back, but get the box to the next person, and HURRY!!!!!

Drake slices up two more Entropic Elementals

On that far side of Doomwood the next piece of the Blade of Awe is the stop for this war

Eric Greydawn: Ok, lets think this through hero, first off what's your name son?
Karikor: *salutes* General Karikor sir!
Eric Greydawn: Karikor, good to have you aboard, now here's your chest. We need you to take it to the Doomwood area just head south from here, pick a cave and hide it there!
Karikor: Thank you sir!

Turns around and starts walking and smiling along the way

Drake Amatsu: Eric is that the last of them?
Eric Greydawn: Yes I just handed the last piece off now!
Drake Amatsu: Good, now lets head back to Willowshire and debrief.

The team heads back to Willowshire

Eric Greydawn: Ok.....any news people on the guy making it to Doomwood?
Drake Amatsu: Nothing yet!, once he turns on his scouter we can then make a move on Sepulchure's little boss!
Lady Greydawn: So what do we do now?
Kangi: Simple, we wait! But don't worry younglings, I'm sure it will be any moment now till he turns on the scouter.

3 hours later

Eric Greydawn: ........Ok I'm sick of waiting where could he be? *On his mic* Karikor, come in! Karikor, come in! Do you read me?
Dornalca: We've waited for too long now! We need to go after him!
Drake Amatsu: You heard her people, lets move out!

The team reaches the positioned area where Karikor is supposed to be....

Mritha: He's not here! .....W...What do you think happened to him?
Drake Amatsu: Well there's a few possibilities, he either A got attacked and now we lost the piece or he forgot to turn his scouter on and his mic is somehow broken.
Karikor: *on his mic very faintly* How about neither!!!!!!!
Eric Greydawn: *on his mic* Where is your location soldier? I told you to get here as soon as possible, and second off where is the chest?
Karikor: *on his mic very faintly* Your gonna have to search for me! But of course you should know to have background checks on all of your soldiers.......hero.
Eric Greydawn: *on his mic* ........O god no.
Drake Amatsu: *puts his head down* May the gods have mercy on our souls......

Grabs his mic

Drake Amatsu: What are your terms stranger?
Karikor: *on his mic very faintly* Ah! Finally a topic I wanted to hear! Your gonna do one thing for me, it's pretty simple!
Drake Amatsu: What is it?
Karikor: *on his mic very faintly* I've been told if we can't have the pieces of awe that at least we get a bargaining chip.....and that means we want Stephen!
Drake Amatsu: That..is.....not......happening!
Karikor: *on his mic very faintly* Then you leave me no choice I'll destroy this one piece and forever making the Blade of Awe useless to the owner!
Drake Amatsu: No....wait! Please! Don't do that!
Karikor: *on his mic very faintly* You have one hour! *turns his mic off*

The area in Doomwood goes silent in fear......

Lady Greydawn: ...what do we do now, Drake?
Drake Amatsu: Were not releasing Nix and that's final!
Dornalca: I don't think we have a choice in the matter!
Drake Amatsu: I make the rules here and ---
Eric Greydawn: And what...are you going to let him destroy a piece of awe and completely make it worthless to us now......we've spent many hours hiding the others. Our time would be considered a waste!
Drake Amatsu: Ok, were split on this decision....there's only one thing to do at a time like this!......I'll head to the Paladin's headquarters now!

Complete Quest

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it! How did you like this and of course the music? Leave me a post here in the commentary thread on your opinions...I'd love to hear them!

< Message edited by Stephen Nix -- 3/11/2012 20:15:16 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 9
5/2/2011 10:52:42   
A beautiful Rose,
always and forever

Warmongers partway through a war can sleep through most noises, but cries for help are not one. At the first scream Esmerelda grabbed her Aurora Keyblade and threw off her blanket. She wasn’t fully awake when she reached the source of the screams.
“What’s happening? Are Sepulchure’s forces attacking the camp?” It had been Esmerelda’s first thought, but once she woke up enough to take in the situation it was clear that this was, disappointingly, not the case. Most heroes were out searching for places to hide the Blade of Awe shards, so Sepulchure’s minions were ambushing them while they were alone instead of together at the temporary warcamp in Willowshire. Apart from Esmerelda, there were only two other people in sight, a warrior and a rogue.
“Nothing’s happening,” the warrior nearest to her said. “All is well here. Shouldn’t you get dressed?”
Esmerelda looked down at herself. She was still wearing her nightdress, but fortunately wasn’t yet awake enough to be embarrassed. “I heard someone screaming. Are you sure everything is fine? I know I heard someone yelling help.”
The warrior nodded again. He may have said something, but his cries were drowned out by a new voice. “Not fine! Hurting...” The rogue kicked downwards, with a mutter of ‘shut up’, and the voice, which Esmerelda had instantly identified as the one which had woken her, ended in a wail. A tiny dark shape on the ground Esmerelda’s half asleep brain had assumed was a pile of dirty clothes turned with the force of the kick, revealing eight spindly legs, two arms and pair of grey eyes. Staring at the perfect mixture of spider and human, Esmerelda finally became fully awake. “That’s a chaosweaver.”
“Don’t worry. We’re dealing with it.”
“Dealing with it? Does that mean you’re going to kill it? It’s just a baby.”
“Good. It means if we kill it now it won’t grow up and do any more harm. I said shut up!” The rogue kicked viciously downward again, but Esmerelda was faster and scooped the small creature up. It's blood leaked onto her hands and stained her nightdress. Three of the babyweaver’s legs hung limply down, clearly broken. The rogue glared.
“Have you not been fighting out there? Sepulchure is sending thousands of those things against us.”
“No, he’s sending Entropy golems against us, not chaosweavers. They are similar, but not the same thing. I’ve heard Sepulchure mixed some undead with chaosweavers for the effect...”
“Entropy golem or chaosweaver, it needs to die.”
The babyweaver whimpered, twisting it’s neck to look into Esmerelda’s face. “Don’t let them kill me.”
The warrior started telling Esmerelda about how dangerous chaosweavers were, edging closer. Esmerelda didn’t like the look in his eye. She tried to edge back, only failing as something warm and scaly pressed against her legs, blocking her retreat.

You look silly dressed in nothing but that rag. I told you last night you ought to just sleep in your clothes, but no, your precious outfit cannot be slept in. Your attachment to that blue dress borders on irrational...
Esmerelda sighed, and reminded herself that Amethyst was an exceptional clever and talented dragon and bonding with her had been a stroke of exceptionally good fortune . “Oh, do shut up.”
Amethyst folded his deep blue wing with a snap and sat bolt upright. What did you just say to me? You just don’t like to admit your attachment to that blue dress IS irrational, and what’s more you are extremely ill mannered. I know you’re cranky because you don’t have time to sleep much seeing as you’ve been so busy looking at places not to hide swords but that’s no reason to neglect basic courtesy...
“What did you just say to me?” the warrior growled.
“Oh, I wasn’t talking to you! I was talking to my dragon. He’s... extremely talkative. You’d have heard him if you have a dragon amulet.”
What did you mean by extremely talkative? Is that a good thing or bad? You paused before you said it, so I think it’s a bad thing you dressed up in pretty language thinking I wouldn’t notice I was being insulted...
Esmerelda tuned out Amethyst’s stream of chatter with the ease of one who has had plenty practise. “Listen, chaosweavers aren’t like most monsters. Their language and reason as good as ours.” Both men were staring at Esmerelda, still with suspicion and annoyance but no aggression. This lack encouraged her enough to add: “I talked to quite a few during the Ravenloss war.”

Almost instantly Esmerelda knew instantly that for some reason, adding that last sentence had been a horrible mistake. Both men abruptly started radiating so much hostility it shut Amethyst up. Esmerelda began bitterly regretting dropping her keyblade when she picked up the babyweaver.
“Talked to quite a few, did you? How much did you speak to your own species? Or did you only listen to them scream?” the rogue yelled.
“Don’t play innocent. Why do you care so much about that babyweaver if you weren’t one of the people who fired the catapults?”
“Those catapults were transported into Ravenloss to use against the Chaosweavers! How could you have used them against people! Everybody has the right to earn Defender medals without fearing a sponge is going to land on them!”
As both men were lunging forward with weapons in hand, Esmerelda did not bother with denials. They probably wouldn’t have heard them over the babyweaver’s terrified shrieks anyway. Before her conscious mind could register it was in extreme danger she focused her will, summoned her powers, and cast two sleep spells. It stopped the warrior in his tracks, causing him to collapse. The rogue may have gotten in a slash before the spell took effect if Amethyst hadn’t leapt up and bitten his knife hand. His cry of pain trailed into a snore.
Aren’t you lucky you’ve got me, Esmerelda? Otherwise he might have cut you. Neither of them are nice people. They should be more like you. You might not make the right choices about clothes and be rude, but you are nice. Humans are much pleasanter to hang around when they’re nice...

Amethyst kept his monologue up while Esmerelda hurried back to her bedroll and backpack. The babyweaver was so badly injured it sobbed miserably as Esmerelda gently placed it on her pillow. “Amethyst, can you heal chaosweavers?” asked Esmerelda, reaching into her backpack.
I’m not sure. I’ve only ever healed you. But it might only work because we are bonded and you have an amulet. But I'll try because it looks very badly hurt. I think it might be working! I didn't realise I could heal things that weren't you...
“Drink these,” Esmerelda said to the babyweaver, breaking into Amethyst’s monologue. Sometimes was easier to just talk over the dragon instead of waiting for a pause. “These are health potions. They’ll heal you. And do it quickly! We need to get out of here before those guys wake up, or someone else comes along. I don’t know how I’m supposed to explain attacking my allies, especially seeing as most of the people in this camp fought at Ravenloss. They might not understand what Chaosweavers are really like and take those thugs side. I know what I'd do if I heard someone in my camp attacked an ally... It's hard seeing how anyone would believe me. Some people still think Chaosweavers...” Remembering the babyweaver was listening, Esmerelda didn’t finish that sentence. The babyweaver had probably had an awful enough day without her making it worse by saying what humans really thought about it’s species. Instead shehurriedly put on her blue dress and undid her customary braid, allowing her hair to hang long and loose. That done, Esmerelda reached into her backpack again to pull out a few hair ornaments and a little face paint which she smeared around her eyes.
“I’d better change my weapon too,” Esmerelda muttered as she wrapped her cloak around her shoulders. “Those two saw it. They might remember. Maybe the Sneeverick rod... How do I look?”
Amethyst looked her up and down. Exactly like somebody failing to disguise herself.
“Good,” said Esmerelda, who’d only registered the word disguise in her examination of the babyweaver. “Wow those potions are good...You seem a lot better. Does it still hurt anywhere? No? Great. It might be safer if we get out of here without anyone else seeing you. Could you get into my backpack, please?”
The babyweaver eyed Esmerelda’s backpack doubtfully. It was about the same size. “Is it like mummy’s backpack?”
“It’s much larger than it looks from the outside, really. It’s huge once you get in. There are all these cupboards I keep my weapons and trinkets in and a big grassy area for pets...”
“Oh, it is like mummy’s,” the babyweaver said happily and crawled inside. Esmerelda thankfully picked up her backpack and hurried out.
You forgot your nightdress AND your pillow AND your blankets...
“No I didn’t,” Esmerelda hissed. “I left them behind on purpose. Those two guys saw me wearing that dress and using that bedding. I don’t want to be identified because of them.”

The Guardian overseeing the map areas to different searchers tried to send her to search a place nearby, but Esmerelda managed to persuade him to let her search a spot much further away by snatching the right map out of his hands and running away when he told her to give it back.
Does this mean we won’t be looking for places to hide the sword pieces anymore? Amethyst asked when he got his breath back.
“Of course not! We can’t let Sepulchure get his hands on the Blade of Awe!
That means you’re going to have to go back to the camp to tell them if there is a good hiding spot in your area. Why did you run away if you knew you were going to go back?
“I know. Maybe if we’re gone for a really long time those two guys will have moved on, or all the fuss will have died down enough for people to listen before punishing me.”
And what are you planning to do with the babyweaver? I’m sure it doesn’t want to live in your backpack forever. I don’t want it to live there forever. Chaosweavers stink. I can barely breathe right now it stinks so bad... Oh wait, that isn’t the babyweaver, that’s three Entropic soliders. Smells like they’re heading right for us. Prey! Yay! Let’s tear them to pieces!
Esmerelda gripped her staff and focused her will. The battle was enough to temporarily put all thoughts about the potential fallout of her morning out of her head.

< Message edited by Wildroses -- 5/2/2011 10:56:12 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 10
5/4/2011 15:42:09   
Highlord Sendai

After proving himself clear of committing the X-Virus Crime, Sendai has become the leader of the Sneevils once again. Now, he has a new task. Retrieve the Blade of SneevAwel, a fabled blade crafted by Ancients. It has become to Sendai's knowledge that the Blade of SneevAwel is being hidden by adventurers of Lore. Sendai has made it his task for him and his Sneevils to collect and restore the Blade of SneevAwel, so they can unlock the Gate of Boxes, once and for all.

The Blade of SneevAwel

Highlord Sendai: Ladies, Gentlemen and Boxes, first I'd like to welcome you to this Meeting conference. Today's topic, finding the Blade of SneevAwel.
Highlord Sendai: According to my fellow Beacons of Hope, it has become they're task to safely hide the Shards of this Blade, known to them as the Blade of Awe.
Highlord Sendai: However, this Blade holds a special place in our empires hearts, it is the key to the Gate of Boxes.
Highlord Sendai: Our mission, if the council approves of it, is to find the Blade of SneevAwel, before it becomes too late.
Highlord Sendai: Now, may I ask of our council, to give us a verdict on the decision made here today.
Council: *Whisper Whisper* Box *Whisper Whis-* BOX!
SuperSneeve: We haz comes to a verdicts! Operashone: Blade off SneevilAwel is underways.
Highlord Sendai: Good, we will join the war as background agents. Once the gate is opened, the Blade must be hidden once again to avoid capture by Friends and Foes.


Valencia: I hope this is good enough..
You: It will be. Warlic agreed to use earth magic to bury the cave entrance. This piece is safe.
Valencia: Ok. Quick, we need to find more hiding spots.

*Valencia and You run off, a Sneevil appears from behind the rocks, opens the chest and runs out. It then shows a cutscene of rocks blocking the entrance.*

Sneevil Theif: Mehehehehe, too Easies!

*The scene shifts to Highlord Sendai and his Sneevils inside the Box Fort.*

Highlord Sendai: Ok, troops. Lay the Shards on the table.

*Sendai throws a shard of the Sword onto the table, it is followed by 9 other shards, then by a immense glowing. Suddenly, the Shards all pull themselves together to rebuild the Blade of Awe*

Highlord Sendai: Men, we've done it. The Blade of SneevAwel is complete. Now, below this Fort lies the Cage of Boxes.
Highlord Sendai: I will venture down there, and when the cage is open, I will come back for you.
Highlord Sendai: However, I need three volunteers.

*Loads of Sneevils raise they're hands*

Highlord Sendai: Hmmm...you, you and you. Come along, it's time we opened the Cage.

*Sendai grabs the blade and goes to a box next to his throne. He pushes it aside and a Staircase can be seen. One by One the Sneevils climb down, then Sendai climbs down, pulling the box back overhead. It then shows a image of Sendai holding a torch. They walk down the pathway. Suddenly, two Entropic Minions appear behind the troops. They grab two of the Sneevils and pull them back*

Lord Steve: SENDAI!!!! HELP ME!
Highlord Sendai: Whu-What?

*Sendai turns around*

Highlord Sendai: STEVE, Where's T-Box and SuperSneeve?
Lord Steve: I dunno, they just...vanished!

*Steve runs and hugs Sendai*

Lord Steve: This path isn't *sniffle* haunted is it Sendai?
Highlord Sendai: Creatures live anywhere, if anything tries to take us. The Blade of SneevAwel will help us.

*They go forward, until they reach the Gate.*

Lord Steve: Yipee. We found it, SENDAI WE FOUND IT!
Highlord Sendai: Steve, whatever's behind this door. We must be prepared.
Highlord Sendai: Boxes are of the greatest value, they most probably have some kind of beast guarding it.
Lord Steve: *Grabs Sword* Don't worry dad, I'm ready.
Highlord Sendai: Good...

*Sendai slashes at the chains of the door with the Blade of Awe then they glow green and fall off. The door swings open, then a women wearing Doom Gear walks out, followed by Entropic Minions, Entropic Earth, enTogs and Darkness Elementals.*

Highlord Sendai: KINETIC! What are you doing here?
Kinetic: Nice to see you again Highlord. Welcome to the Sneevil Trap.
Lord Steve: DADDY! What Sneevil Trap, you said we were going to the Cage of Boxes.
Kinetic: Hmm...You're a father now? Good for you, atleast you'll have company in the Trap.
Kinetic: Please, Daddy? Can I go home, I'm scared.

*Steve turns around, on the other side are a army of enSneevils led by two Entropic Minions.*

Lord Steve: *pulling on Sendai's shirt* Daddy, they're gross!?!
Highlord Sendai: Kinetic, What did you do to them?
Kinetic: I brought them here, when they were told boxes were here, they couldn't say no.
Highlord Sendai: You tricked them down here?
Kinetic: Don't act so surprised, you and your son were tempted down here as well.
Highlord Sendai: NO! I was told to...The Prophets spoke to me in my sleep.
Kinetic: The Prophets, you mean these.

*Kinetic casts a spell and the background turns to Pitch Black, three Sneevil Prophets are standing around the place.*

Kinetic: I practised Hallucinogenic Magic back when I was a little girl.

*The scene changes back to the Cave*

Kinetic: Now, back to business.
Kinetic: Hand over the Blade, NOW!

*Kinetic casts a spell and the blade is pulled towards Kinetic. When Kinetic gets the blade...*

Kinetic: It's been a pleasure meeting you again Sendai, but now it's time we left.

*The troops of Kinetic grab Sendai and Steve and attempt to throw them in the Sneevil Trap*

Highlord Sendai: <Thought> The Great Hero shall begin his quest with the Blade,
Highlord Sendai: <Thought> The Ancient Powers awaken when under Invade.

*Sendai's eyes glow white, then a flash fills the room. All the enTropified monsters turn back to they're original state.*

Kinetic: NO! My Minions!
Highlord Sendai: The prophecy is unfolding, the great story being written into my mind...
Highlord Sendai: ...One Segment at a time, and with great knowledge, comes Ancient Power...
Kinetic: The Prophecy, they said it wouldn't happen!
Highlord Sendai: ...The Blade of Awe is destined for much greater things...
Highlord Sendai: ...Death itself will learn to obey the one who wields the Great Sword...
Highlord Sendai: ...But one must be pure of heart, a Devourer is destined to find this world...
Highlord Sendai: ...And the one who wields the Blade must be ready to destroy this Devourer.
Kinetic: Fine speech Sendai, but Master Sepulchure will see off that problem when it comes.
Kinetic: ...Until then...
Highlord Sendai: QUIET! I challenge you to the Battle of the 9 Tails.
Kinetic: NO!

*The scene changes, Kinetic and Sendai are in a Colluseum. A robed man walks up to them*

Ravedorn: The winner of this Battle shall live on another day.
Ravedorn: However, the loser will be removed from History...
Ravedorn: ...They're powers will go to the Victor...
Kinetic: Fool! You don't know what you've done.
Ravedorn: FIGHT!

*Kinetic encases herself in a Huge Rock Titan. The Earth mixes with Doom to create a Entropic Rock Titan. Sendai magically creates a Armor out of Steel Boxes, then grows Titan size. Sendai fires a Ray of Light, Kinetic fires a Beam of Darkness and Earth. After a long battle, Kinetic finally crumbles. Then, as a final attack, Sendai squashes Kinetic. He then shrinks back to ordinary size, the boxes fall off.*

Highlord Sendai: ...I've done it.

*Sendai grabs the Blade.*

Ravedorn: Congratulations, Sendai. When you awaken, you will have Kinetic's powers.

*The screen turns black, when Sendai awakens, you see yourself at a Cage full of Boxes, the door has swung open and Sneevil's are walking in and out to retrieve the boxes. As Steve sees you, he runs to you*

Lord Steve: Daddy, you took alot of damage. A Entropic Minion jumped out and attacked you.
Highlord Sendai: Huh, what do you mean. What about Kinetic.
Lord Steve: Kinetic??? Who's that?
Highlord Sendai: Uh never mind, I've still got the Blade of SneevAwel?
Lord Steve: This? It fell out of your hand and shattered into four pieces.
Highlord Sendai: Well, call the council. We need to get into hiding these four shards.
Lord Steve: Yes Daddy.


*In a dark cave.*

???: Sendai is ready, shall I release the Dragonoids.
???: No! Sepulchure will give the order...
???: ...Until then, we work on Raising our army...
???: ...Rahl, you and the Possessors need to raise a army.
Rahl: As you wish, Master.
???: Be swift though, when the rock crumbles....
???: ...The Battle Begins.

Complete Quest

< Message edited by Highlord Sendai -- 5/7/2011 15:59:36 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 11
5/4/2011 21:47:49   

I suppose I may as well put this here.

You fight when fight is all you know,
When fight has left it is to Monger you go.
When wars stand steady, ready to be won,
It is direct into the thick that you run.
'Gogogo!' Comes the cry from up on high,
While some cannot and merely sigh.
Hope runs thin as despair runs thick,
Your weapons break and you have but a stick.
But still you continue. You know not the meaning of 'quit',
And destroy your enemies, leaving not a single bit.
You fight! You win! You show that you are true!
But behind you... look at your comrades all blue.
They have fought beside you 'til they dropped,
Whilst the remainder are yours alone to be mopped.
Continue. You cannot dwell on those who fell,
For you all have your own stories to tell.
'Let's finish it!' Comes another cry, but you groan,
For it has taken its toll and you hurt and moan.
You lay your weary eyes as others take your space,
Know at last, that you have earned your place.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 12
5/5/2011 7:03:52   
steel blade

A short story with a little moral lesson. Somehow.

The Fate of All Things
"I suppose....I suppose I could just...let it go."

The sad face of Angelo as he puts away and tosses the blade's handle to the pit, for he'd hope for such a legendary weapon that he'll possess...now, the dream shall be nothing more but will only remain as one. After digging it in the perfect hiding spot, he heads back to Willowshire, to stop this madness.

"C'mon! Can't anyone trust anyone? I mean, the blade is too precious to be hidden away now that we've found it!" Angelo arrives at the camp, starting an argument with Fortuna.
"As Guardian, you know the sole responsibility of one: to protect the citizens of Lore. And to do so, one must make sacrifices. The Blade of Awe is a weapon of destiny AND doom. Once Sepulchure takes hold of it, then Lore's done for." Fortuna puts out a reasonable point as she puts a check mark on the location where Angelo had hid the handle on the map.
"For all our lives, that Blade lived on as a legend, a myth, a story...an epic. And it's been told for years, Fortuna! Years! And who would think the blade's story was real? And now, you--WE let the blade end up as a folklore again? What cruel fate it had!" Angelo was obessesed. For years, he'd though of being a Guardian, thinking of the thought of life being easier and thought it was the only way to find the legendary blade. With Fortuna a little stressed and confused with Angelo, she controls her patience and attempted to calm Angelo down.

"Listen Angelo, no one liked the idea of hiding the blade again...the same feeling when the blade has to be seperated as well. I wanted the blade as well. I thought of once having it, I'll be a known and famous heroine. But...as I said before, one must make sacrifices. You see, in life, things aren't that easy to claim. One must perish through life's obstacles. And once you have it, it will not stay like that as well. Things in life are temporary. The blade showed up only a few days ago and now, it's time's up for the blade. Besides, the blade has to be hidden for, not for ITS own good, but for Lore's. And, don't worry. There'll come the right time, it shall reappear again. And this time, the blade will do it's destined fate."

With Angelo confused, he gets startled with Fortuna's statement. "What 'destined fate' are you talking about?"

"Fortuna, we got more company on the west wing!" Rahl came in, interrupting the conversation, to tell the ambush.

As she was going to leave the tent, Fortuna gave a soft smile and said, "Its fate of becoming a weapon of a great Guardian someday. So, if I were you, I'd do my best to become that Guardian and reforge the Blade of Awe someday."

Now all alone, Angelo could not do anything but think of what Fortuna said. The time he looked at the map and saw that their quest is almost complete, he gave a nod to himself and whispered.

"Yeah, guess I'm taking your advice. And if I have to find those parts again in every uneven crossroads of fate, I'll do my best...no, not to complete the blade, but succeed in my dream. A dream that will not waver nor fade."

< Message edited by steel blade -- 5/5/2011 9:22:45 >
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 13
5/5/2011 11:36:18   
  Stephen Nix
Penguin Lore Keeper (DF)

A new war has risen where the monsters are all the same, minions of Sepulchure searching high and low as heroes are sent out to hide pieces of what seems to be the Blade of Awe. While sending out the final piece of awe Eric came to a quick realization that nothing was working in the favor of the Hope Bringers. The last soldier now holds the last piece and has made his demands. Drake now travels to the Paladin's headquarters to ask Artix for what he should do!

Drake Amatsu: So you see sir, if we let him destroy the piece of awe, the blade will not function without it. We can never be too sure if we will ever need the Blade of Awe ever again, who knows perhaps the blade will help us defeat Sepulchure. If that is true then we need all the pieces intact!
Artix: Then why are we breaking them up now?
Drake Amatsu: We need Sepulchure to completely forget abut this blade, for if we were to have it in our hands, the more likely Sepulchure's minions will attack till they acquire it! At least if we break it up, in pieces that only WE know, than its confirmed that Sepulchure will send his minions out to grab these pieces to of which he has no idea where their true locations are. We do however!
Artix: Well it seems then we have no choice, contact Karikor and tell him we'll make the trade.
Drake Amatsu: Right away Artix! Do you mind coming with?
Artix: Sure thing, I'll grab my stuff and head out. I'll see you in a bit.

Later in the Falconreach tower

Drake Amatsu: I still don't like this idea!
Eric Greydawn: We don't have a choice, I don't like it any better than you!
Artix: Let's go visit our friend here, shall we?

The team walks past the Guardians and enters the prison area, they come face to face with the Warden....

Warden Draketh: Evening gents, watcha y'all here fer?
Artix: Which direction is prisoner 427?
Warden Draketh: I ain't tell you nothin' till I get my Moglnberry juice, now you got any?
Artix: *sigh* Drake?...can you help here?
Drake Amatsu: Don't look at me....I don't have any! Eric.....he's in your pillar.....any ideas?
Eric Greydawn: Ummmm let's see I thought I had a little left in my flask. One second!.....*pulls out the flask and shakes it* Ok I got some left, it's the purest of all juices! If you want it tell us where Nix is!
Warden Draketh: Give em here Mastery Greydawn!

Eric hands him the flask and he gulps it down faster than a bug zapping sarsaparilla

Warden Draketh: ...*burps*.....ah! That's the good stuff! I can fight for hours now! Ok to the left with the strange dragon guarding the cell!
Drake Amatsu: Ah! A fan favorite, that must be Odgne, Mritha's dragon!

The team walks over to the cell and see 2 Beacons and Odgne

Saber: Hello Drake!
Serenity Okami: Hello Drake, and Artix.......OH MY!!!!! What brings you guys here?
Drake Amatsu: I see you two are in good shape as always! *Smiles* It's great to see you two!
Serenity Okami: It's a pleasure to see you sir! We'll get out of your way. Let's go Saber!
Saber: *Points* After you dear!

The 2 leave the cell area and move onto the next

Artix: *bends over to pet Odgne* Hello old friend! It's very nice to see you!
Odgne: !xitrA uoy ees ot ecin s'tI
Artix: Drake can you equip your Dragon Amulet please?
Drake Amatsu: Yes, go on. *puts on his Dragon Amulet*
Artix: Have you been keeping our friend out of trouble?

As Ognae keeps talking in her original dragon tongue Drake speaks through her in correct sentences

Odgne: Sure have, sir! He got away from us last time but this time we win!
Artix: Causing you any problems lately?
Odgne: No, not at all, If I have any problems I call in Lady G to threaten him that she'll eat his face off!....and that usually does the trick!
Artix: ...O yeah, remind me not to get in her way!
Drake Amatsu: Noted!
Artix: *Picks himself up* Let's have a look at our friend here!

They see a crippled up insane undead penguin staring into a wall pacing back and forth

Artix: Kangi, it's your turn now!

Kangi walks up to the 4 statues that are used to make sure that Stephen can not Hear, See, Think or Say anything. He then backs up....

Kangi: Please stand back everyone....... *Begins the chant* Yu Mo Gui Gwai Fai De Zao! Yu Mo Gui Gwai Fai De Zao!

The 4 statues start to crumble before their eyes and Nix starts to regain his abilities to Think, See, Hear, and Speak

Stephen Nix: *Sees the heroes at the other end of the bars and he runs towards them in anger* WHAT DO YOU PEOPLE WANT WITH MEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!!!!

Warden Draketh: *While sitting on his chair* Keep it down! Don't make me come over there!
Stephen Nix: Or you'll do what Warden!
Warden Draketh: Enough to make you re-experience pain like when you were alive...penguin!
Artix: Gentlemen please! *Turns to Nix*

Artix: Hello old nemesis......... We came here to personally give you the good news......we have to let you go!
Eric Greydawn: This ain't right! I don't like this......
Stephen Nix: *grumbles* About time you knuckle heads.......mehehehe...wait I mean is this some sort of nonsense or tomfoolery?
Drake Amatsu: None of your business bird!
Artix: Contact Karikor right now! Tell him the undead is free!
Stephen Nix: Awww! *waddles off* I was beginning to enjoy this place.... HAHAAH!

Drake Amatsu: Right away Artix! *on his mic* Ok we have him free.......NOW TELL US WHERE YOU ARE!!!!
Karikor: *on his mic very faintly* Good to know that everything's in place. Now find me!
Drake Amatsu: Which is where?
Karikor: The northern part of Dragesvard! The chest will be in the open, you can't miss it!
Drake Amatsu: How do we know the piece is still in there?
Karikor: How do I know Nix is free?
Drake Amatsu: Fair enough........are you going to be there?
Karikor: We both know the answer to that one, hero! But don't worry we will meet again! *turns off mic*

Artix: I'll head back to the paladin headquarters, Nix see yourself out once you grab your personal belongs!
Stephen Nix: *Raises his fin* Good to hear!
Drake Amatsu: Can't we just put him back in his cell?
Artix: No.....a deal is a deal!

As the team leaves the Warden starts clearing Nix's belongings out with the help of Saber and Okami

As the heroes get close enough to the chest they get a distress signal

Eric Greydawn: Kangi....your arm is glowing........
Kangi: Hmm, must be one of my members........I'll try and contact them, you guys go ahead!

As the others find the chest and take it to the nearest cave, Kangi comes running in to find them!

Kangi: DRAKE!!!!!! ERIC! We got a problem! We need to get back to Falconreach....there's been an attack!
Drake Amatsu: *Big eyes* Oh No! We gotta hurry!

Back at the Falconreach Tower a wall shatters as 3 people fall from the rubble and Nix makes his exit Play This Tune Now Then Come Back To The Story!!!

Stephen Nix: PERFECT!........ Now I'm finally free! I have almost everything I want!
Warden Draketh: *Crawling on the ground* Yo-You won't get away with this! They'll get you! I promise!
Stephen Nix: Oh, Come now Warden, we don't make promises....... especially ones we can't keep!
Stephen Nix: Ah! Excellent, they're right on schedule!

3 Minions of Sepulchure arrive to greet Nix

Stephen Nix: Evening Gentlemen we need to pick up a couple of things before we go!
Minion: Yessssss Ssssir!
Stephen Nix: Alright fellas look inside Warden's chest......I want the containment, now bring it here!
Minion: Yessssss Ssssir!

They grab a mysterious looking object from the chest

Stephen Nix: Well, it may not be the Ice Orb, but this is a close second!
Saber: Wh......What else could you possibly want Nix?
Stephen Nix: *Welds his Dark Staff and raises Saber* Your so naive! You wouldn't understand!
Stephen Nix: Oh!!!! I also want a go home present! *Points to Okami laying unconsciously*
Saber: YOU!!!! Leave her alone!
Stephen Nix: Oh come now, we all know I deserve a little something for the way I was treated in my cell! *Throws Saber against the wall*
Saber: *Omph* SERen----ity..... *head falls*
Stephen Nix: Well that was fun! Gentlemen grab the girl! We got work to do.

Nix posts a note on the wall of the guardian tower then vanishes

The team eventually arrives back to find Saber and Draketh on the ground

Kangi: Oh my! What happened youngling?
Saber: Nix....it was him...... *points to the note*

Drake rushes to grab the note

Drake Amatsu: *Reads* Sorry, I felt like trashing the place a little bit. You can send me the bill!
Drake Amatsu: *Reads* You may realize I left with a friend of Sabers'. Go ahead, ask him!
Drake Amatsu: *Reads* But remember this....when we meet next she will serve a newer purpose, or did we forget of what comes up on the 13th?
Drake Amatsu: *Reads* See ya around heroes, Nix :)
Drake Amatsu: Draketh! What happened!????
Warden Draketh: *rubbing his head in pain* He was too fast for us! Ognae is still inside, but she's safe. Once you guys left he got on his personal items and that's when he freaked out, and started attacking us.
Saber: I went to see what all the noise was about, and then I remember Serenity got knocked out fast. She tried to go into her wolf form, but it was too late. Next thing I remember, the three of us were thrown threw the wall and then he ran off with Okami! My Love....Oh no!.....what em.... what am I gonna do??.......
Kangi: We'll get them back Saber I promise you! But right now, you need to be taken in for medical examinations!
Saber: no....No....NO! I won't stop till I get her back in my arms! I'm lost without my pack! I need her back as soon as possible! I'm not going anywhe--
Kangi: *Slams his Balance Staff on the ground* THAT....... is an order, Saber!
Saber: ...Fine......I'll go. But promise me, we'll find his location and track him down!
Kangi: ...I promise sergeant...I promise! I'll let you know of any details as soon as I get them!

A carriage travels by and takes Draketh and Saber to the Falconreach Inn

Kangi: Well....what do we do now Drake?
Drake Amatsu: Eric....get me the contact for the nearest Crossroad Guards!
Eric Greydawn: Why them sir?
Drake Amatsu: .....I wanna find this scum before he hurts Serenity, and our best chances of finding him is through those people!

In the far, far, far distance you see Nix carrying off Okami and whistling as he makes his way to his temporary castle. The screen goes black and all you see is....


Complete Quest

< Message edited by Stephen Nix -- 5/5/2011 13:51:44 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 14
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