Dwelling Dragonlord
 ArchKnight AQ / OOC / L&L
I was called into being, for what purpose I did not know. Yet I always felt I was meant to do something of grand design. Now my purpose is clear. The visions I've had, I will become a mother, a creator of life. I need help though, my children shall aid me in this task. My form is abstract, I am merely a thought and so will be the first of my children. "How I yearn to see them." A flash. I am overjoyed to see the separations of the manifestions. I name them Light and Darkness. They are but infants, similar to myself and to see them overwhelms me with joy. Is this what being a mother feels like? Time goes by. While I express great joy, I am also saddened by the fact they do not seem to be aware of my presence. I cannot make myself aware to them, I cannot show them my love. My children are within reach, but so far away. "How I wish to to hold them." A flash. Matter forms, one is fluid and the other one is solid. I name them Earth and Water. In the presence of my first children, they look like things which can interact in a much more direct way than my first children ever could. I watch in amazement as my children interact. My new children have taken a great interest in Darkness, so it seems. While I enjoy their "playtime", I think about the form I shall take. A lot more is to be done and it shall take a lot more than this to fill up the endless void. I am at peace, then she speaks. There is something ... bright. Astract things ... words? New meanings ... come to being. For the first time ... I am forced to take sides. It pains me. I feel ... observed. I flee to where I think it is safe. I do not want to take sides, but I must. She is cruel ... to make me wake from my dream. Conflict stirs within me. I hate this ... development. I will reverse it ... I must. No more pain ... No more conflict ... I end it ... Comments and Criticism.
< Message edited by Dwelling Dragonlord -- 5/20/2013 11:46:48 >