He Who Lurks
Okay, I've been reading through and I've realized that I wasn't clear enough on my idea. #1: You don't gain an extra "link" to that chain when you lose, therefore you don't gain bonus credits when you lose. #2: Remorse is correct, the idea that ND Mallet suggested was already presented in the opening post. Now, I've seen the arguments that 2 members above have brought up and I must say they don't hold water. Regardless, whether or not this would give credits to the losing team, botters wouldn't be that much more apt to partake within 2vs2 because of a few more bonus credits they'd receive due to the fact that 2vs2 already gives credits and I have yet to see any "botters". The argument regarding players that disconnect often doesn't sway me from my idea at all. You're basically implying that just because a player has no control whether or not he disconnects, this idea is unfair? I've read your statements and so far you haven't explained how this idea is unfair. For an idea to be unfair you must provide evidence on such "unfairness" and you haven't explained what is unfair about this idea. I've seen the word "punish" being used for this system and in no way, shape, or form does this system punish players for disconnecting. The 2 arguments towards this suggestion can be related to an element with this game. That element would be varium. You could say "varium is unfair" but in the end, it fulfills its roles. One of them which is, allowing this game to prosper and grow. The very same reason I'm trying to pitch this idea to the developers. The argument that "OP builds" would run amok within 2vs2 is ridiculous. This idea has absolutely no correlation to balance. It's as if you're saying that players aren't instinctively or progressively enhancing their builds at this moment. If so, what's stopping them? Your arguments are weak and nonsensical. You have no legitimate reason for why this shouldn't be applied to 2vs2. Realize that I'm not attacking your character, but rather your ridiculous, ideological statements.