Hello Warmage. I suppose this is now yet another place under your jurisdiction? Well then, best of luck! Oh, and as to Rule #4, don't mind if I do... *Takes some Moglinberry Juice* And greetings to you. 1: Who, what, when, where, why, how, and in what order? Colonel Mustard, the Chandelier, at 3:00 am, in the kitchen, because he wanted a midnight snack, no need for the details, need you ask? 2: Did that count as multiple questions? I shall think about it. 3: Would you have thought of that being multiple questions if I didn't bring it up? It was an occasion for a bit of fun really. Thread carefully however... 4: What is your favorite animal? Tough one. I like different animals for different reason. Let's go with Gorillaphant. 5: Favorite desert? SandSea. A magical desert is always more fun than a regular one. 6: Favorite dessert? Chocolate Moose. 7: Favorite AK? *Looks around* Relax, none are nearby to hear your answer. Nobody can hurt you here, this is your thread. So stop crying in a corner for fear of what they'll do and answer. Rule #2, if you wish. *chuckles* They are all smashing. One cannot choose a favourite. 8: Favorite AE game? I am fairly certain I love DF just as much as I love AQ. I may get a tad bit more nostalgic with the latter though. 9: How did you get multiple areas to be an AK of? Legends tells that the shackles... *mysterious legend cuts off here* 10: How come I don't even have ONE area? Elryn, can I haz mod pl0x? (Relax, I'm joking. Put your weapon away.) *eyes maul, looks left and right and makes it disappear* What weapons? 11: Favorite side to pick in the DFGD's constant color wars? None. 12: Is this going over the limit if the first question counted as multiple? Not yet. 13: If yes, then too bad! Oh, right, question. Uh, 2 + 2 = ? *eyes popinloopy* 14: Ever heard of Vocaloid? I have. 15: Can you help me come up with better questions? I am at a loss here. *outstretches hand and turns popinloopy into a question* 16: I just like numbering things. This isn't a question, so it doesn't break the rules (I think.) *turns popinloopy into numbers* 17: Yay, more numbers! *sticks his tongue* 42: If this DOES break rules though, I'll just get rid of these extra bits. It is becoming a tad many. Any way, congrats once more. Thanky! If there are any technicalities that I may have forgotten, just let me know and I'll fix them. Apologies in advance and best of luck Elryn! To you to. See you around.
< Message edited by Elryn -- 6/21/2013 18:11:14 >