Welcome fellow Nauticans, new and returning! This thread is for you! Here the veteran members show our hospitality which has become one of the hallmarks of our clan! If you're a New Nautican... Let us know! You can post here and we'll get you set up with a Welcome PM. Sometimes the committee members get a little busy though, so if you don't get a PM check out birdy's Nautican FAQ sticky, it has a lot of great info. Let us know a little about you and we can help you find a good place where you'll fit in. There are lots of opportunities in our clan for many different Nauticans - artists, writers, strategizers, peacekeepers, organizers, mentors and students, philosophers, party-goers... Don't forget to sign up on the Official Nautican Roster, which is stickied at the top of our forum! This welcome thread is more for us to get to know you better, while the roster is where you can register your character as a clan member. If you're a returning Nautican... Welcome back! Be sure to help recognize the newest members of our clan and treat them with all the respect, kindness, fun, and trout-slapping that you would any veteran! To all Nauticans, new and returning: Be sure to check the other stickies for important news and information! The Nautican FAQ goes over rules and history of our clan. The Amphitheatre is a great place to find current issues and events, and let your voice be heard. Nautica CHAT: Did you know we have our own chatroom on IRC? There are many ways you can join in and talk with your fellow Nauticans in REAL TIME (whee!). Check out the IRC help page here or go to ! We're in the #nautica channel, and the other clans have their own channels as well. A great way to meet your fellow fish friends. We hope to see you around the boards and on IRC! ~~~~~~~ How can I join the Nautican Welcoming Committee? It is quite simple, actually. Whenever you see a new Nautican joining our clan, you make a special effort to make them feel welcome here. Too often in the forums the "newbs" get flamed and treated rather poorly for being new and inexperienced. The NWC tries to help them feel right at home, points them in the right direction if they have questions, and generally is the friendly face of Nautica. I've been asked to give a little more clarification to the duties of NWC members. This is not a council or any sort of highly organized group. While we do keep an eye out for New Nauticans and try to help them get accustomed to our clan, we do NOT put them down or flame them if they make a mistake, we do NOT minimod if they post a "Let's make a council!" thread or anything like that. It is more about recognizing that we have new people, and being welcoming to them. There are often new members who join, post a few posts and then we never hear from them again because nobody bothers to listen to them! We want to encourage new members to stay active on the Nautica forum. The NWC, therefore, is looking for people who frequent the boards pretty regularly and recognize most of the people here. That way they'll know who is new, and can make an effort to answer New Nauticans' posts so they don't feel ignored. Feel free to pick up an NWC sig for yourself if you'd like to be one of the many Nauticans who have pledged to help all new members feel welcome in our forum. Oh, by the way, that Nautican moglin, or "Nauglin" as I've come to call her, is Marina, and our official representative of the Welcoming Committee. I figured moglins are always cheerful and welcoming to everybody, so Marina was a first choice for being the friendly face of the NWC!
< Message edited by Lkeas -- 1/5/2010 19:08:45 >