Legendary AdventureGuide!
This kind of suggestion has been posted a few types, all with different twists, and do not get me wrong, it is a good idea. However the amount of flaws that come with it make it so it is not possible, or pointless to implement. Let us say you have a level 35 account with loads of credits and Varium, then you create a new level 1 account. As you level up, you save up your credits, while buying weapons for this character on your level 35, which would be easy, since for a level 35, they would be reasonably cheap. You can then enhance them on your level 35, or not, but all the same, your new account would most likely, usually have the best weapon for that level. This gives an instant unfair advantage to you, compared to new players who cannot do such a thing. Now that is just breaking the skin of it. You also have the issue of rares, perma-rares etc. and people trading those around to new characters that should not have them. That would instantly have to be prohibited, and cut off, since it would make the game unfair straight away. So that would cut the amount of weapons/items you could trade around by a lot instantly. Those two are only the main two issues that come up, and more could be listed. Again, I stress that it is a good idea, but it just is not possible to implement it without making a lot of flaws that outweigh the pros from it!