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Double money and exp? and other things

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2/17/2013 1:42:42   

obviously were headed for a lvl cap raise soon by the looks of omega.. hopefully to lvl 50? and well it takes so long to go up a lvl from lvl 30+ i know that happy hour was made to combat it but yea once we get a new lvl cap i dont think it will be enough and with all the new cores and the way we now do things... more cash and exp are totally needed... like is their any reason that any of us need to struggle to get these things?

so yea i say that money and exp from battles needs to be doubled so its like happy hour is now all the time... and still have the happy hour too it will just need to be 2x the new amount i think its fair and will make lvl'ing 6 chars alot easier and alot more fun...

also everything with a varium price should now also to comply with the rest of omega have a credit price.... like name change for example... also the varium price of 1100 for that is a lil steap i think 495 is more fair with 25k credit price same goes for char type change...

we should all be-able to do everything without the need for varium, because all varium is now really is a way to speed up that process so it doesn't matter if things arent varium only as the people who want those things fast will still buy...

im not trying to make the game free, im a varium user myself... i just think that this game takes way tooooooooo long and yea i just think it would be good if it didnt take so long coz it would be more fun and productive and we as fans/players will get more out of it and it would be less stressful aswell...

anyway thats my 2cents lol...
Post #: 1
2/17/2013 1:53:47   
Blitzex/Sr. Zeph


hopefully to lvl 50?

That will happen over 15 years.
They raise the lvl cap by 1 each year.


so yea i say that money and exp from battles needs to be doubled so its like happy hour is now all the time... and still have the happy hour too it will just need to be 2x the new amount i think its fair and will make lvl'ing 6 chars alot easier and alot more fun...

Not supported
It will make Token, Exp and Credit boosts useless and thats a var only perk.
And you cannot take another var perk from us away when we already got zero advantage.


also everything with a varium price should now also to comply with the rest of omega have a credit price.... like name change for example... also the varium price of 1100 for that is a lil steap i think 495 is more fair with 25k credit price same goes for char type change...

Not supported.
Stay off of our var perks from now, var already got the biggest nerf there ever was.
No more changes to var perks!


we should all be-able to do everything without the need for varium, because all varium is now really is a way to speed up that process so it doesn't matter if things arent varium only as the people who want those things fast will still buy...

This will lead to a broke ED and will eventually shut down the game since no one buys var anymore.
Why would you pay money for something you can get by farming?


i just think that this game takes way tooooooooo long and yea i just think it would be good if it didnt take so long coz it would be more fun and productive and we as fans/players will get more out of it and it would be less stressful aswell...

Takes wayy too long?
And how do you get stressed by a game? You are supposed to stress-out by gaming, not get more stressed :\

So basically, a no no to your whole post.
Epic  Post #: 2
2/17/2013 2:18:52   

hey man you obvs in a bad mood ay... settle down ay...

obviously the credit boost would be silly to make credit coz yea ive actually calculated it and you dont even make enough creds to level out the varium you spent... and if you had a credit option you would spend more credits on it than what you get out of it... i dint mean the boosters... soz forgot to put that in the post...


And how do you get stressed by a game? You are supposed to stress-out by gaming, not get more stressed :\

well because it takes way too long im like 29 btw so i kinda need the game to hurry up coz il be dead b4 the lvl cap is reached thats just lame like if it was me incharge id make the lvl cap 100 now just coz of the new system makes it actually possible... like if you right in saying theirs a lvl raise per year (which is wrong btw otherwize we would have a higher lvl cap already!!) i would be hmm what 95 years old lol when lvl 100 is reached...

you need to be more carefull with what you say btw... coz yea ive taken that as you YELLING and baiting me... when their was totes no need... i also did say im a varium user so yea dont tell me to STAY OFF OUR VARIUM PERKS!!!! coz u know what i dont see them as perks really like come on really now??? even when i have varium i dont use them lol

im not just thinking of myself here and i do know that the team still needs to get paid... i actually dont think this will effect ppl buying varium anymore than omega has done... theirs still reasons to buy... and they could always bring more reasons into the game for it which im shaw they will...

ive got everyones intrests at heart here so yea i think mb you need to think about it again..

< Message edited by ForTun3 -- 2/17/2013 2:25:11 >
Post #: 3
2/17/2013 2:30:25   

@ fortun3

Not supported then the game would die since there would be no need to buy varium

< Message edited by Mother1 -- 2/17/2013 2:31:42 >
Epic  Post #: 4
2/17/2013 2:31:52   

...................................................... anyone would think i dont buy... sorry but i dont see that i think mb your miss judging it all.... like theres so many games with alternate ways of getting credits etc like varium where its not needed at all yet ppl still pay for it like yea you dont actually need it to be needed for ppl to buy it just saying...

and yea their would still be the option to do it... like lets say the 2day boosters yea 495v that would be 25000c :O like its not like that would be easy (if i was including the boosters) as far as im concerned they are a waste of varium anyway and would totally be a waste of credits... so if you had the option to use 25000 creds or 495 varium what would you choose if thats all you had left of both? my answer would be varium... boom pll still buying varium anyway...

< Message edited by ForTun3 -- 2/17/2013 2:40:01 >
Post #: 5
2/17/2013 2:32:46   
Blitzex/Sr. Zeph


like if you right in saying theirs a lvl raise per year (which is wrong btw otherwize we would have a higher lvl cap already!!)

I'm right, ask everyone on these forums.
The cap raises after one year.
It is not my assumption, its a fact!


obviously the credit boost would be silly to make credit coz yea ive actually calculated it and you dont even make enough creds to level out the varium you spent.

And now did you calcluate that exactly?
If i buy a 2 day boost, and i play alot i can make over 500 wins
500*72= 36,000 credits.
36,000 credits is WAY more then the 495 varium i spent to get the boost.


95 years old lol when lvl 100 is reached...

Does it matter which lvl you reach?
If you reach the cap, then you reached the cap.

Does it need to be 100? Why cant it be 98? why not 36?
It doesnt matter which lvl the cap is!


coz yea ive taken that as you YELLING and baiting me

I'm expressing my words in a more noticeable way.
Caps lock does not mean im yelling.
And im also not baiting at you in anyway.
If i say youre a bad player does not mean im baiting at you personally, does it?


coz u know what i dont see them as perks really like come on really now??? even when i have varium i dont use them lol

Just because you dont use them does not mean it arent var-only perks, does it?
Epic  Post #: 6
2/17/2013 2:42:55   

Just because you buy it doesn't mean you speak for everyone who does buy it.

Varium has been nerfed into the ground for the sake of free to play ever since Omega started. Enhancements went away, extra stats went away, and now they take the one thing that was suppose to a reward for varium only players and make it available to everyone within a year.

All we have left are short cuts, and a few varium only perks that don't affect battle. This idea will take away the last perks varium players have and if there are no perks why buy varium? The masses buy the stuff to get an advantage or in some cases get something they like but mostly the first reason.

Sells will go down the drain if they do this, and every hardcore player will never need to buy varium again since they can get the stuff they want easy until the game dies.
Epic  Post #: 7
2/17/2013 3:02:13   


I'm right, ask everyone on these forums.
The cap raises after one year.
It is not my assumption, its a fact!

then why hasnt it happend??? i know ppl keep saying it but ive never seen an admin say it so to me that means its not true... when i started lvl cap was 32 i know that was more than 3 years ago...


And now did you calcluate that exactly?
If i buy a 2 day boost, and i play alot i can make over 500 wins
500*72= 36,000 credits.
36,000 credits is WAY more then the 495 varium i spent to get the boost.

i just fought obviously i was doing 2v2 at the time so im guessing u did 1v1... still i would rather keep my varium


Does it matter which lvl you reach?
If you reach the cap, then you reached the cap.

Does it need to be 100? Why cant it be 98? why not 36?
It doesnt matter which lvl the cap is!

yes it does... it would give us more builds and more stat and slot points.... y wait 65 years???


If i say youre a bad player does not mean im baiting at you personally, does it?

on here yes it does read the rules... im just saying coz ive had two warnings...


Just because you dont use them does not mean it arent var-only perks, does it?

no i didnt say that i just said i dont see them as perks coz they dont really do that much at all it may give some ppl a slight edge but yea even if i was a millionaire i wouldnt use them... even if they had credit options i wouldnt use them... infact if ppl used them as a credit option it would be more like a trap to use all ure creds on so oops now u cant afford that power core or something uknw???

but in all seriousness i really only ment the change name function coz yea y pay upto $10 just to change your name??? seems kinda lame really... and a cheaper class change but yea boosters would be silly and i have said that just so u know!!! like ive never had more than 50k credits coz i dont play like everyday and i spend alot on crap well i did anyway...

like i know there are a few ppl with more credits than they know what to do with but i dont think my suggestion here would make them stop buying varium or make artix broke??? maybe its time we changed it to membership then and make it so you can only do those things as a member... but for either a credit or varium fee.... (included membership as part of AQW membership) three games in one membership sounds ok? in other words have a setup exactly like aqw... so u can buy varium like aqc and have the membership aswell and do all the package perks the same way... in the past i was against doing this but now it seems more likely to actually work and well....

so that would make it so all rares etc are now member only!!! with still both credit and varium options (membership allows you to buy promos etc)

< Message edited by ForTun3 -- 2/17/2013 3:27:50 >
Post #: 8
2/17/2013 5:01:57   

The level cap will raise when the dev's believe it is time to rise it. It isn't just about one player they have to think about, it is a few hundred thousand if not more, also yet need content for these levels. This can't just happen overnight.

Also leave Varium alone, non-Varium (F2P) got a great deal when Omega came out. Everyone is at the same power level, which leaves Varium being only a shortcut and being able to get luxury items. Personally I feel that Varium should get a tiny power boost. I am F2P, so don't got saying I am crying about not being the most powerful anymore.

But that (^) is up to the dev's o decide what is the best course of action for the entire player base.

< Message edited by Betabot. -- 2/17/2013 5:04:02 >
Epic  Post #: 9
2/17/2013 5:20:38   
Blitzex/Sr. Zeph


then why hasnt it happend??? i know ppl keep saying it but ive never seen an admin say it so to me that means its not true... when i started lvl cap was 32 i know that was more than 3 years ago...

Look at what you say, you were 32, 3 years ago, now its 35.
1 year = 1 lvl equals 32, 3 years = 32+3 = 35
More then 3 years? Its not 4 so it shouldnt be 36 yet, does it?


yes it does... it would give us more builds and more stat and slot points.... y wait 65 years???

Wait 65 years for what?
Do you necessarily need lvl 100 as lvl cap?


on here yes it does read the rules... im just saying coz ive had two warnings...

Not true, you probably offended someone in a direct way.
Im not doing that here, or it already would have been deleted by a AK, wouldnt it?


we changed it to membership then and make it so you can only do those things as a member.

That would demand a montly payment to the game.
Var can stay in your inventory as long as you want.
So it would actually mean we need to pay more then we already do.
Epic  Post #: 10
2/17/2013 5:36:35   

@ betabot.

well said but i dont really see what content is needed for those lvls when our items upgrade anyway??? and with every item being level with eachother all the old stuff we didnt use just coz of the stats or coz it wasnt varium is now all good stuff like im happy to buy (even with varium) them just for looks now and i think that give us something to play with during those lvls,

i do get that it cant happen overnite and yea lvl 100 strait away is extreme i guess but 50 would be ok i think - what i mean is that it would be "balanced" more than it would have been before the new omega system...

obviously it would take ages to get to lvl 50 thats why i said to double the exp and credits as it is it seems like were missing about 10-15 slot points on our items so yea that would probably fix that sort of...

varium has always needed something else...

the team seem to be doing ok with adding more things varium like the ability to evolve the yeti much much faster but kinda pricey lol...

im shaw even if the team did something like what ive said they would find something else in each update...

like they could make it so you could buy promo items only with varium no credit price... that would be great... especially rite now lol...

their could even be power cores that are varium only i guess but yea that wouldnt go with the having credit price for everything but would be ok if their were power cores that were similar to those available for both...

Post #: 11
2/17/2013 5:39:45   
Blitzex/Sr. Zeph


well said but i dont really see what content is needed for those lvls when our items upgrade anyway??? and with every item being level with eachother all the old stuff we didnt use just coz of the stats or coz it wasnt varium is now all good stuff like im happy to buy (even with varium) them just for looks now and i think that give us something to play with during those lvls,

You forgot about skills. we have 12 skills , all can go 10.

So if you go to 100, you would have 10 things maxed?

There is more to look at then only weps for the lvls

Epic  Post #: 12
2/17/2013 5:57:39   


That would demand a montly payment to the game.
Var can stay in your inventory as long as you want.
So it would actually mean we need to pay more then we already do.

you could do 1, 3 or 6 month or 1 year memberships and aqc stay in your acc when your not a member so would varium, being a member would be different from having varium...

like in aqw theirs member only stuff and even when ure not a member you still own it just cant use it unless you leave it equipped... and those member items would be available for both credit or varium so when your a member it doesnt necessarily mean you need to buy varium but you still get some of the perks of it... their would also be member only varium only things aswell... it doesnt mean you will spend more at all for example an aqw 1 year mem is $59 so you buy that you have a mem for aqw and the other game i forget which one rite now lol and then epic duel aswell- you buy that get your year mem and 10.000 varium... 12 months 12 updates you could buy all the promo's for the year with that.. if you do it rite (put the stats all the way down then buy them)

after reading this again ive realized you wouldnt get the varium coz you would get 10.000 ac and you have 6 chars not 1 like aqw so yea dont know how that would work mb you have to do it in game from epic to get the 10k var on that char instead of in aqw? oh dear lol mb it should just give 10k to all your ed chars aswell as your aqw dude and raise the price to $100? maybe the membership should just be for artix in general... and give you max var ac etc to all chars etc

so yea after that you wouldnt have to buy $50 packs you could just do like $10 if you run out and want something...

and it doesnt demand a payment you could still play for free... just like aqw...

it would also creat that kinda p2p f2p gap again... as in like a status thing like hey you support the game thanx kinda thing... like you cant actually tell who was varium player anymore unless they have a cheevo that you know reqired getting a varium item like the slayer one... or if their using an old varium item... coz yea obviously all the f2p went out and bought all the good gear they could that they knew was varium... lol



then why hasnt it happend??? i know ppl keep saying it but ive never seen an admin say it so to me that means its not true... when i started lvl cap was 32 i know that was more than 3 years ago...

Look at what you say, you were 32, 3 years ago, now its 35.
1 year = 1 lvl equals 32, 3 years = 32+3 = 35
More then 3 years? Its not 4 so it shouldnt be 36 yet, does it?

um i didnt say 3 years ago i said it was more than 3 years ago??? and as betabot said its up to the devs when the lvl cap is raised ie not! once per year...

but i just checked and its been like 3 and a bit maybe half years since i started like 3 months after beta... but still i think the cap was actually lvl 30 then and it went up by 2 lvls not one then... so yea i would have to say the 1lvl per year thing is wrong... but i did think i had been playing longer than that must be coz it takes so long to do stuff lol


You forgot about skills. we have 12 skills , all can go 10.

So if you go to 100, you would have 10 things maxed?

There is more to look at then only weps for the lvls

no i didnt forget i dont really see a problem with that if we all have it then yea it will come down to where we put our stats... and weren't their going to be more skills added i remember something like a year ago about it??? so yea we could always add more skills like another page of them or even 2? everything that could go wrong can be combated i know that would take alot of work but id rather only wait 1 or 2 years than 15+

or you could add diminishing returns to skills so only every 2nd point puts it up a lvl or somthing

< Message edited by ForTun3 -- 2/17/2013 6:26:46 >
Post #: 13
2/17/2013 8:49:05   

its obvious that you do not think deep enough, raising each level means that more balance adjustments is needed, and our current balance is still in a bad state.

varium has got quite a huge nerf, now you expect features that makes varium players feel a bit more special available for everyone? no...just no.
it doesn't matter if you do not mind, if you don't mind it doesn't mean others won't, its their money that you are talking about, one wrong move and ED drops like a boulder.
if the game turns out like what you suggested then I'm sure no-one would bother getting varium.
and this is not delta anymore, now non variums have a 50/50 and sometimes even 70% chance in winning against a varium player, they have fun winning while getting credits after each battle to get a step closer in getting the things they want, its a win win situation for the non variums, I'm sure that we do not need to add another win on-top of it. there is nothing stressful about doing pvp now.
we do not agree cuz it is common sense.

memberships is the worst idea ever for a game, it greatly benefits hardcore players but its a complete waste of money for casual players who has more important things in life to take care of, it is a unfair system, more people in AQW get ACs than memberships.

< Message edited by TRizZzCENTRINO -- 2/18/2013 3:05:20 >
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 14
2/18/2013 2:36:26   

Maybe you should accept yourself wrong becasue the majority is against you?
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 15
2/18/2013 3:07:37   

@above the thing is, he doesn't think far or deep enough, it would destroy the devs' business, it is annoying when he doesn't see their flaws and continue to argue even when the majority pointed out what is wrong.

< Message edited by TRizZzCENTRINO -- 2/18/2013 3:10:08 >
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 16
2/18/2013 15:54:48   

well as far as i remember this game it ISN'T one lvl per year... because do any of you remember time when lvl 30 was CAP and there where no auxes. And if the game was lunched in 2009 it has been 3 years and it has been rased 5 times from lvl 30 till lvl 35. I am nonvarium but i undertstand variums more than well because i remember the time when variums would DOMINATE the nonvariums by enchantments, high dmg on equipment, higher def on armors, special skillcores ect.
And there is a reason why THEY DONT RASE LVL CAP because e.g. 5 players are playing and the lvl cap would be a level 35... they would never meet.
Same with higher lvls e.g. 50... You would be facing e.g. 2 persons all the time and it would make it a way longer to find a battle.
And you went against yourself saying that noone has time and that you are only lvl 29 and because noone has time they shuld rase the lvl CAP... That makes no sence what you said.
Varium is good apart from the fact about skillcores... But hopefully they get fixed soon.
Post #: 17
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