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=EC 2018= Cellar OOC

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7/15/2018 12:05:27   
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This thread will be your OOC forum for the competitors of the Cellar Arena to discuss tactics, collaborations, plots, as well as to ask questions of your fellow combatants and to provide any additional details necessary to clarify your character or your actions. It should also be used for necessary communications with the Director in requesting extensions. As a reminder, you are required to post every 4 days. While I will do my best to provide 24 hour warnings, please do not rely on these. I must be informed in advance if an extension is needed.

Each of the combatants in this arena enter through the SAME set of double doors, set in the North wall of the Arena. All contestants are assumed to enter the foyer roughly at the same time, but the order you enter the arena itself is (loosely) depending on posting order. No combat is to happen in the foyer - you must enter into the arena itself to take part.

Feel free to ask me questions within this thread, via PM, or via the AEF RP Discord Server if you have any details you would like clarified. Our new Discord Server can be found here.

This was the music inspiration for Cellar: Restored.

The Roster
Voric the Unrelenting, created by deathlord45!
Autumn, created by Dragonknight315!
Finthick Albretone, created by Riprose123!
Cadmooz, created by joeyof98!
Lodesh-Tinphair, created by Ronin of Dreams!
Valo Aurinko, the Light Cutter, created by Kellehendros!
Michalis Odin, The Spiritful , created by Caststarter!

In addition, I will be editing in any questions that may be useful for all combatants to read. Beginning with:

What are the dimensions of the arena?
Cellar is unique in that it is one of the few square arenas. Each boundary wall is 100 feet (30.5 meters) long, with the distance from the geometric center to any of the four corners being approximately 70 feet (21.3 meters). Cellar is also unique in that there is a SINGLE entrance along the North wall. The doors are wide enough so that when they swing open, all 8 competitors could walk in side by side. The ceiling is 20 feet overhead (6.1 meters)

Do the gates out of the arena remain open?
Cellar this year has two sets of doors at the entrance. The one between the hallway and the foyer will remain closed, while the doors between the foyer and the arena remain open. If you choose to exit out of the arena doors into the foyer, they will close while the hallway doors open. In doing so, you will be forfeiting the fight. Once you exit into the hallway, the doors flip again.

Is this no-healing thing for real? What other magical alterations do we need to worry about?
Yep. It's been a constant in Cellar for a while now!
In addition, the mirrors (while they appear ordinary) are of magical nature. They act as a protective barrier for the spectators behind them, and cause any projectle (magic or otherwise) to bounce of, like rays of light do for regular mirrors.

Can we get dimensions for the pillars please?
They're roughly 6 feet (1.8 meters) in diameter, and about 35 feet (10.7 meters) from the geometric center. If you were to draw lines from the center to each of the four corners, they mark the midpoint of those lines. Also, if you're having trouble picturing the lighting on the pillars, take a look at this gif. The light pulses move in tandem, in the same direction.

< Message edited by Starflame13 -- 7/15/2018 22:07:13 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 1
7/15/2018 12:19:02   
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*evil chuckling* Oh. This is perfect. I don’t think I could be happier. So much potential for this, especially the no healing aspect. I look forward to working with you all! If you want to collaborate, you can reach me here, through the forums inbox, or on Discord (Dragonknight315#6292). I keep a close eye on the RP chat, so that is the best way to reach me.

Good luck, and happy writing!

EDIT: Star, you told me to check with you on the nature of Autumn's Pain Dynamo in regards to the arena. How would the Cellar affect it; would there be any ambient mana that she could draw upon?

< Message edited by Dragonknight315 -- 7/15/2018 13:53:22 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 2
7/15/2018 14:18:55   
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Autumn can only draw mana from the ambient land (not from artifacts or creatures). Futhermore, if the surroundings have little to no free mana to draw upon or if the environment is darkness-attuned, this ability becomes weaker. As she feels more pain, she will take in more mana.

Cellar is deep beneath the Arena itself - since Autumn cannot draw magic directly from the arena, this results in less natural mana than usual being available to Autumn as she is deep underground. There is still some available, so the ability will be usable, but weakened. She will be drawing mana in at about a third less than she would under a normal environment.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 3
7/15/2018 18:05:54   
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At request from Ronin:

For any targeted messages for RoninofDreams, avoid sending a forum PM. Either make an OOC post or ping him on Discord.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 4
7/16/2018 21:30:18   
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I can't do discord, is that a problem?
Post #: 5
7/16/2018 21:39:56   
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@joeyof98 - The discord is an additional resource to help with collaboration, not a necessary one! These threads are here to facilitate conversations between competitors, so feel free to post any questions to those in your arena here, or to ask for advice/clarification. You may also utilize the AEF PM system and send private messages to the individuals you wish to work with - shortcuts to those are in the sign ups thread!
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 6
7/18/2018 20:53:06   
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Edit: ..oops, I posted to the wrong OOC. Why can't you delete your post? Please feel free to delete this, sorry for the inconveniance

< Message edited by brotherinlaw -- 7/18/2018 20:56:24 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 7
7/19/2018 21:01:13   
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And posted, asked both Kell and DK stuff where I think should be satisfactory. "Finished" waneful beginning because, I sort of figure, and I asked first first and foremost, it would be done before anything can be done and is something to help react to by the time it happens.
DF  Post #: 8
7/20/2018 0:23:00   
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Second post up. Ran Death through what I planned to do and he ok'd it via discord.
DF MQ  Post #: 9
7/20/2018 19:58:13   
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After talking with the others in Discord, I made a current map of the arena and approximately where everyone is. I'll continue updating it as the competition goes.

@Joeyof98 - Does everything look correct to you? I want to make sure I have everything correct so that we can all be in agreement.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 10
7/20/2018 21:08:40   
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When I said to the upper right, I meant in perspective to having left the door. But, hey, if that makes more sense, then sure. It's my fault for being so vague, lol!
Post #: 11
7/20/2018 21:47:18   
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@Starflame I am requesting a 24-hour extension to my next post for the reasons I PM'd you earlier. I may not need it, but I would rather not risk the chance of idling given the circumstances.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 12
7/20/2018 22:27:20   
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Extension granted DK! And thank you for creating the map!

Given Cadmooz has the speed to get to the other side of the arena (and I don't believe Ronin included him in his post of movement), it should be fine to go with Joey's intended position!
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 13
7/21/2018 1:11:47   
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Yeah, I kinda wondered why he wouldn't have mentioned me if I was right in front of him, heh.
Post #: 14
7/21/2018 12:20:48   
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Eternal Wanderer

The following is a sponsored message from Ronin Of Dreams:

While FERRETs are swift with special movement modes, FERRETs moving on foot are rather slower. The lack of mention of Cadmooz in the post is related more to the remaining distance between the combatants rather than a lack of Lodesh having noticed the Chickencow in the first place. That also assumes the initial map had been accurate. Which it wasn't anyway, and positions have been cleared up regardless. Yay for mostly accurate maps.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 15
7/21/2018 22:58:41   
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Posted! I talked extensively with both Kell and Cast on all details. For the record, Autumn's throw is a bit slower than a baseball, dodgeable if he's paying attention. It costed her half of her mana to use, and it will shrink significantly as it approaches Michalis. Kudos to Kell for figuring out that Autumn's starting chains, the ones she left on the floor, are actually mana constructs. Lastly, she will begin to draw in mana at a reduced rate from now on.

Current map as of my post. Again, take it with a grain of salt.

Edit: *Screams upon realizing that he clipped Joey's text box* Later. I'll fix it later. XD

Double Edit, what does it mean?: New map. Courtesy of google drawings. Anyone can edit, recommend zooming in at 200 percent to move your token. If you can't move your token, then I'll be happy to move it for you. ^^

< Message edited by Dragonknight315 -- 7/22/2018 21:49:56 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 16
7/22/2018 22:26:29   
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Sphere being cut in half was said to be the result by word of DK himself, so I had permission. Because... that is a thing when you have magic suppression, even if I actually expected worse. Because interesting options are a thing, weeeeee.
DF  Post #: 17
7/22/2018 22:58:08   
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Alright, bored now. Think I'll even out part of this fight. Cadmooz used Charge, it was Super Effective I guess we'll see.

Um, what are the pillars made of.

Also, for.reaction time, my targets are looking at contact in about... 3-5 seconds for 100 feet?eh, we can assume 5-8 for him to get up to charging speed. Also, don't forget those horns when you're writing!

< Message edited by joeyof98 -- 7/22/2018 23:38:17 >
Post #: 18
7/22/2018 23:38:28   
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Eternal Wanderer

Joey, the pillars are stone, though it hasn't been made clear exactly what kind of stone they are.

Insofar as the result of strike, should Michalis evade - and I'm assuming you're swinging at Michalis given the direction you're coming in from - swords aren't great for cutting stone.

Cellar is reinforced specifically to prevent cave-ins, since a "rocks fall, everyone dies" scenario would ruin the crowd's fun. At best, the blade would possibly chip the surface layer of the pillar. It would take dedicated effort with a hammer and chisel, or a mattock, to make headway on a stone pillar, even if the stone was not reinforced.

Starflame, as Director, would have final say on how much damage the strike to the pillar, if there is one, may cause.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 19
7/22/2018 23:57:52   
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@joey So, I want to clarify a few things. Correct me if I am wrong.

Cadmooz moves forward until all three combatants (Autumn, Aurinko, and Michalis) are clear in his sights. Then, he charges forward with his blade. Is he attempting to hit Aurinko or Michalis? (I assume Michalis since he is closer and near-ish to the pillar) Regardless, both Autumn and Aurinko are several feet away from the pillar. With Caststarter’s last post, Michalis moved slightly closer to to the othes but still closer to the bottom left part of the pillar. Furthermore, he threw his roped knife again.

If I am understanding this right, if Cadmooz is going for Aurinko, he would have to pass through Michalis’ dart to reach him, and he is too far away from the pillar to hit it unless he jerked far to the right, If he’s going for Michalis, then that would be more plausible as it could still hit the pillar if he dodged.

Lastly, what is the intended effect of hitting the pillar? According to Cadmooz’s thoughts, he intended for his strike to cause a tremor, even perhaps an earthquake. Like Kell just said, the arena is sturdy to begin with, plus the magical enchantments. Yes, he is strong enough to lift a Roosterbull, but that super strength would likey work against him. If the pillar holds, then Cadmooz might even break his own blade in the attempt.

Like Kell said, Star has the ultimate decision here. I just want to know your thoughts for my own sake when writing my next post.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 20
7/23/2018 0:03:52   
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Kell is correct in that Cellar is reinforced to prevent cave ins - in fact, most of the arenas are reinforced such that they are rather difficult to significantly damage. In the case of the Pillars: as they are not mirrored this year, the sword will not bounce off, and it will cause some significant vibrations/shaking depending on the strength of the blow, but it will not cause any damage (either visual or structural) to the pillar itself.

The material is of white stone, with some similar properties to granite, but is intentionally left unnamed.

Feel free to ask any questions in the OOC about how different parts of the arenas can be interacted with!
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 21
7/23/2018 7:42:09   
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Wow lots of postage while I slept!

Appearently, I screwed up my portrayal. The intention was not an earthquake, I just meant that a 450 pound behemoth running full speed in 7 inch thick gold plate armor would not be stealthy.

Reading your map, I had assumed that it would be relatively simple to line up the two characters from my position and charge. I'm bowling through both but striking at Michaelis, and as for the dart I'll leave that up to them to decide how that will work out. As to whether I'd hit the pillar, you're looking at a seven and a half foot tall individual which means, if I'm reading this body proportion chart right, an arm spa that is even longer. Add to that a five foot blade, and I don't think reach is an issue.

As for the intention of the strike, the intention was that he would embed the blade in the rock and slow himself down enough he doesn't end up stopping far away from the fight. As the columns are apparently indestructible, however, he will probably just push his path into an arc. Depending on the course of the battle before he stops, his new path will probably take him several feet behind and to the left of Autumn.

I think that's everything, just shout at me if you have any more questions. Or, since this is the internet, a Pm or post would work to!
Post #: 22
7/23/2018 10:22:48   
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@joey Oh, in that case, that makes a bit more sense. In that case, Michalis is still near the pillar, but Aurinko is a bit farther out on the left near the other side of the pillar. The two ways to line it up would both be an upwards diagonal. Judging by your post, you are planning on going from the right to the left.

So, he has his mad dash to get near the action, then, he charges at Michalis with Aurinko still in his oath. He swings, and if he misses, then he will simply continue forward (after hitting the pillar, of course). Do I have this right?
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 23
7/23/2018 11:54:57   
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Essentially. It's all one charge, and the turning is the result of his blow to the pillar changing the direction of his momentum as he begins to slow down, but that's basically it.
Post #: 24
7/23/2018 11:58:01   
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Got'cha. So it's like a hook, straight until he hits the pillar, then curving to the left around Aurinko/Autumn?

< Message edited by Dragonknight315 -- 7/23/2018 12:05:11 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 25
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