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[Role Playing]

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[Role Playing]
Role Playing Academy 
A place for beginner Role Players to improve their skills, or for those that seem to get certain things mixed up, you'll be hacking and slashing with the best of them soon enough with a little help from here.
Sub-forums: Combat Training
20120 RE: =BRP= Welcome to Bubble R ..
11/17/2023 20:17:15
Adventure Guides , ArchKnights RP , Gingkage   
Role Playing 
For the road weary traveler & battle worn adventurer! Seek respite at the Inn, find fellow warriors, plan battles and tell tales! Inside you will find a place to role play any of your characters from Lore. Follow the rules and have fun!
Sub-forums: RP OOC
645129 RE: Dead-Moon Sky ..
3/26/2024 20:09:44
Adventure Guides , ArchKnights RP , Gingkage   
Role Playing General Discussion 
The place to talk about all things RP - from other systems to different games and all that is in between.
1091800 EC 2024 Arena Selection ..
6/28/2024 23:55:39
Adventure Guides , ArchKnights RP , Gingkage   
The Championships 
Home to all tournaments and events.
18310542 RE: =Elemental Championships ..
7/26/2024 17:35:55
Adventure Guides , ArchKnights RP , Gingkage   

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