PRIME CHAOS BABY Pet Element-> Randomly chooses from the 8 standard elements, and thus gets 132/109 boost. Number of hits-4 Autohit-Takes .85 penalty Art-> Small little child in a Onesie outfit Each turn a pop up shows: Your baby is a needy child and needs your attention! Your baby disables your <items>! It randomly removes menu options as it attacks, similar to Prime Chaos Orb, but to works like this: Each attack it will "eat" your menu at random because it needs your attention, and gains boosted damage. The menu it eats is closed for the remainder of the battle. The boost works like this: Worth: Spell Slot: 200% Weapon slot: 50% Armor Slot: 50% (weapon+armor=100) Shield Slot: 50% Misc Slot: 50% Idk if I can actually quantify shield and misc slots, but eh When the pet eats your menu, it works like this: If it eats spells that turn, it can eat up to 80% Melee. So what we will assume is you'd be using a single specific spell (vs the mobs weakest element) so it will remove 3 spells from this menu. Then 3 again. Then the last 2, but if it removed 2, it's damage is reduced to 2/3's of 80%=53.33% eaten. If it eats anything else, it's a 50% boost eaten and that entire slot is removed. Armor slot eaten remove the armors skills. If it eats the weapon slot, weapon based skills are removed but you can hit thee attack button. Once the armor *and* weapon are eaten, both menus go dark for the remainder. You cannot 'attack', either. For shields and miscs, your entire menu on each go dark and these get unequipped they're eaten. These are also 50% melee. (You cant use a shield or misc because you need to pay attention to your baby, but you can still wear the like clothes) So essentially in you get : 2 turns of random spells eaten at +80% damage where 3 random spells get disabled, and 1 turn of spells eaten at +53.33% where the entire spell menu is then disabled. Guests summoned goes dark at the third Spell Menu used. 1 turn of eating misc at +50% boost and the entire misc menu gets disabled and current misc gets unequipped. 1 turn of eating shield at +50% boost and shield menu gets disabled and current shield gets unequipped. 1 turn of eating your weapons that disables weapons menu. +50% for the pet. You can still attack if armor menu is active, but you can't switch weapons. 1 turn of eating the armor for +50% damage, this disables the attack menu but you can still access skills if the weapons menu is not disabled. Once armor and weapons areboth disabled, the attack menu is disabled, you cant swap armors, and you cant access skills. This is 3 spells, 1 weapon, 1 armor, 1 misc, and 1 shield attack and then you can either flee or let pet just attack for remainder of the battle at normal damage. This is also a risk because remember, the pet is random element. Having children requires your attention.
< Message edited by Sapphire -- 5/6/2024 12:36:19 >