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RE: Sapphire's Suggestions

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5/4/2024 14:34:54   


The current style bonus is a 10% Melee damage add-on to procs. This is essentially only actually meant for 100 procs, as other procs just don't get used. The damage bonus is n to *actually* catered to DEX, it's catered to FD Ranger.

So I propose the following change:

For every turn that a Ranged attack happens and the special doesn't fire, Ranged Special Damage gains a +10% "Charge". Once the special fires, it gains the charge and it resets to 0.

This cannot carry over to the next fight, and it is capped to +100%. (10 turns) This is a 10% Average. This would make specials (like a 20% proc) get a damage boost when they occur (unless it happened to be back to back) and is an actual way to try and get Rangers to use 20 procs, etc.

This might mean the current proc mastery thing gets altered such that bows get an always-there 10%, not sure.
Post #: 176
5/6/2024 12:25:51   



Element-> Randomly chooses from the 8 standard elements, and thus gets 132/109 boost.

Number of hits-4

Autohit-Takes .85 penalty

Art-> Small little child in a Onesie outfit

Each turn a pop up shows: Your baby is a needy child and needs your attention! Your baby disables your <items>!

It randomly removes menu options as it attacks, similar to Prime Chaos Orb, but to works like this:

Each attack it will "eat" your menu at random because it needs your attention, and gains boosted damage. The menu it eats is closed for the remainder of the battle. The boost works like this:


Spell Slot: 200%
Weapon slot: 50%
Armor Slot: 50% (weapon+armor=100)
Shield Slot: 50%
Misc Slot: 50%

Idk if I can actually quantify shield and misc slots, but eh

When the pet eats your menu, it works like this:

If it eats spells that turn, it can eat up to 80% Melee. So what we will assume is you'd be using a single specific spell (vs the mobs weakest element) so it will remove 3 spells from this menu. Then 3 again. Then the last 2, but if it removed 2, it's damage is reduced to 2/3's of 80%=53.33% eaten.

If it eats anything else, it's a 50% boost eaten and that entire slot is removed. Armor slot eaten remove the armors skills. If it eats the weapon slot, weapon based skills are removed but you can hit thee attack button. Once the armor *and* weapon are eaten, both menus go dark for the remainder. You cannot 'attack', either.

For shields and miscs, your entire menu on each go dark and these get unequipped they're eaten. These are also 50% melee. (You cant use a shield or misc because you need to pay attention to your baby, but you can still wear the armor..ie like clothes)

So essentially in you get :

2 turns of random spells eaten at +80% damage where 3 random spells get disabled, and 1 turn of spells eaten at +53.33% where the entire spell menu is then disabled. Guests summoned goes dark at the third Spell Menu used.

1 turn of eating misc at +50% boost and the entire misc menu gets disabled and current misc gets unequipped.

1 turn of eating shield at +50% boost and shield menu gets disabled and current shield gets unequipped.

1 turn of eating your weapons that disables weapons menu. +50% for the pet. You can still attack if armor menu is active, but you can't switch weapons.

1 turn of eating the armor for +50% damage, this disables the attack menu but you can still access skills if the weapons menu is not disabled.

Once armor and weapons areboth disabled, the attack menu is disabled, you cant swap armors, and you cant access skills.

This is 3 spells, 1 weapon, 1 armor, 1 misc, and 1 shield attack and then you can either flee or let pet just attack for remainder of the battle at normal damage. This is also a risk because remember, the pet is random element.

Having children requires your attention.

< Message edited by Sapphire -- 5/6/2024 12:36:19 >
Post #: 177
5/7/2024 14:11:57   


Armor, darkness main element.

FD Lean

Comes with 2 skills

Skill 1: Sinister Reflection
This is a toggle, and pays 392 SP/turn or 653 MP/turn (depends on weapon held) . So you have 200% Melee to work with.
When the monster attacks, you backlash and attempt to inflict the following effects. These scale with damage intake just like normal backlash, and are per hit like normal backlash.

A. Panic: +10 save END/LUK vs END/LUK
B. Darkness Elevuln +0 save, Mainstat/LUK vs END/LUK
C. Darkness Burn +0 save, Mainstat/LUK vs END/LUK
D. Darkness Poison +0 save, Mainstat/LUK vs END/LUK

The total power of a normal backlash that scales is split 4 ways. If panic is inflicted, it lowers monster damage, and thus, lowers the other 3's actual backlash power as panic grows. (including itself) However, you'll take less and less damage.

Skill 2: Sinister Revelation
This is a weapon based skill that costs Sp if Melee/Ranged weapon held, or MP costed spell based skill if magic weapon held. It opens a menu with 3 options. Costs 392sp/653mp+additional HP to make it overcharged.

A. Panic
B. Burn
C. Poison

The selection is eaten. Weapons based skill gets elecomp to cost and spell based gets elecomp to damage, darkness locked. Bows 100 proc rate will not override the fact it's weapon based. (Like Chronocroaker)

Post #: 178
5/23/2024 1:08:04   


Currently, when a misc has one of those .5x damage reduction when a mob hits you with the element it's reducing, it's charging SP each turn for that. Some players may like those features, but I think some do not. In fact, if I had to guess, I think that the elemental resist feature is the smallest reason why a player decides to choose that particular misc. They're only actually useful vs hardcore challenge content , and only a small subset of players likely do those on a day to day basis. And because that feature is the largest contributing factor to SP upkeeps on those miscs, and I don't think most players really care about that as resource management is such a major consideration, this is my suggestion :

If a misc has that feature..let's say it pays x SP (i forget the amount) to do .5x resistance, then it only charges the SP at the moment the monster actually hits the player with that actual element. If you lack the SP to utilize that feature, it doesn't work.

Changing this feature in this way will lessen the upkeep when players are choosing and using miscs for their OTHER features but it still charges you for when that feature is being used. Currently, if I have a fire misc that does +20% omni damage boost vs a monster that isn't hitting me with fire, that Sp upkeep is for no reason. I'm actually paying for a feature that isn't being used. There may not even be another 'feature' that's charging you regardless if it's used or not in the game off the top of my head. (maybe there is, idk, but to me it's dumb)

I'm not suggesting going back and altering old miscs, just code new ones going forward this way.
Post #: 179
7/15/2024 16:41:50   



MRM-55 across the board


FLAVOR-You deal x0.8 damage, take x1 damage, and gain +15 blocking (Same as Lazer Blazer)

2 skills

1. Glittering Radiance- Spell based skill. Choose to charge MP or SP like Light Realm Champion's remake. Overcharged. Pays half damage to inflict Dazzle, -20 save.

2. Toggle to reduce all outgoing damage (weapon, spells, 100 proc, etc) by -25% and charges 50% Melee SP/turn to dodgelash light element*elecomp damage on the monster.



-26 to light

MC is Dazzle and Blind Potence

Toggle to pay incoming damage to dodgelash SP heals. (Same as Trickster's Buckler and Nulgath shield, but for SP. Incoming damage = in melee % to what tricksters/nulgath pays in SP.



Toggles MRM

Inflicts a blind per hit, topped out at 4 hits. Magic version inflicts blind when casting light spells, per hit topped out at 4. 392 Sp for the effect.

< Message edited by Sapphire -- 7/17/2024 16:29:26 >
Post #: 180
8/21/2024 13:05:31   


Darkness Weapon

MRM Toggle

Melee/Ranged -Effect works on attacks
MAgic- Effects work after casting darkness spells

Effect-First off, the first landed hit attempts to turn the monster undead. Undeadify is changed to a form shift so form shift immunity will not work, and negative darkness resist it does not work.

Effect 2- Versus undead monsters, it activates a toggle.

Toggle 1- (default is on) Pays half damage and Inflicts a renamed Fragile called Undead's Decay. This is for 3 turns.

Toggle 2- The weapon eats fragile and provides an END boost (up tp 117 like the other stat boost eater weapons) for up to 3 turns and a VOID Poison that heals = to the damage dealt, 3 turns.
Post #: 181
8/21/2024 14:33:28   

Suggestion to make participating in wars more attractive, as well as make the old portal painting system worthwhile

Make Wars a token event by:

1. Creating a separate token cap that only exists inside of wars.
A. Make this cap 2x the normal one, or 110 tokens. So when fighting inside a war, you can get 110 extra tokens on top of the normal 55 cap.
B. Make the per-battle cap 5, or half of the normal per battle cap.

2. Allow for your armies to collect tokens instead of gold/exp.

A. Make this also be a cap of 55, separate from the daily cap and separate from the warring in person cap.

You will have much higher participation
Post #: 182
9/25/2024 13:30:58   


This is a status that will be given to specific armors, and even the Assassin class.

How it works is it's a hybrid idea of an imbue and a lean change rolled into one.

An armor can trigger the status, which only will work on turn 1 (and never other turns) and auto-enables if the player wins initiative.

This "imbue" locks the damage type to ranged , and causes the player to do +200% damage but intakes +200% damage on the following turn. This imbue will actually have a save, dex/luck vs mob int/luck at a +20 save.

Alternate idea to the above line: You must be wielding either a spear or dagger or backstab will not enable when the battle begins, and no type lock. Unequipping the dagger or spear removes the backstab status.

Once passed, the imbue enables.

By making this an imbue, if you use another imbue it kills off this imbue.

The purpose of this idea is to tie it to a few armors via design decision such that it is a high risk/reward first turn, a la Assassin style. Initiative can never also be on the same armor. Also, I feel like design decision must also not allow for elelock/elecomp on the same armor, but rather these armors have DoT toggles or other such effects instead.

The numbers of 200% are just examples, as some may view this as too high. But I think it should warrant what traditionally is a high damaging but huge risk if you miss/or simply just take a huge hit afterwards.
Post #: 183
10/9/2024 8:10:19   


Spell, 4 hits. Overcharged- Extra 50% Melee SP

Element: Harm
Pays 50% damage to inflict 50% melee bleed

MC+SP- Goes towards a 2 turn harm elevuln which pre-fires


Melee Weapon/Ranged Weapon

Element: Harm

MC-Toggle to pay 392 SP to do 2 things

A. +25% damage
B. The rest of the SP is paid to inflict a per-hit bleed up to 4 times.

0 proc, but the 0 proc bonus instead of damage is funneled into a new-age proc special that entirely funnels itself into bleeding the mob.


Magic Weapon

Element: Harm

MC-Toggle to Pay 50% Melee SP (196) and 50% Melee MP (261) to do two things
A. Cause all harm spells to inflict Bleed per hit up to 4 hits
B. Pre-fires a 2 turn harm elevuln when harm spells are casted

0 Proc, but the 0 proc bonus instead of damage is funneled into a % rate harm poison siphon that heals MP = to damage when harm spells are casted (like it's giving harm spells a proc special)

< Message edited by Sapphire -- 10/9/2024 8:44:04 >
Post #: 184
10/12/2024 12:08:51   


Water and Earth Pets

2 Modes

Mode 1-Pays half damage to inflict bleed

Mode 2- Eats up to 80% Melee Bleed to provide the player with up to 120% melee Defboost

< Message edited by Sapphire -- 10/12/2024 14:09:49 >
Post #: 185
10/12/2024 14:38:35   



Element: Nuetral , even elements throughout, but as high as possible to increase blocking as much as possible.

Lean : Spellcaster

Flavor: Armor does x0.8 Offense with weapons (including 100 proc), 1.25x defense, gets the SC boost for spells, but gains +15 blocking. (Paid for via weaker bonks)

Player takes 5% more damage to gain Initiative.

MC Comes with a toggle and an in-built spell.

Toggle- Pays 192 SP to get one of two options, or both for 392 SP.
Option 1- Anytime you cast a spell, you inflict a 50% melee blind for 3 turns at a -20 save. The blind scales with the element of the weapon held.
Option 2- Anytime you cast a spell, you inflict a 50% melee panic at a -20 save. The panic scales with the element of the weapon held.
Option 3- Does both for 392 sp.

Spell-Standard spell that pays 50% damage (100% melee), and a menu pops up: Option 1 inflicts panic. Option 2 inflicts blind for 3 turns. Element is based on weapon held and effects scale accordingly.

So this a SC armor with terrible resistances but some blocking to make up for it, and it needs to use it's panics/blinds to offset these poor resistances or it's toast. The spell it has isn't offensive, as well as it's weapon attacks are even lower than normal. But it's trying to play defense via spellcasting by making up for the bad elements via panics and blocking.

< Message edited by Sapphire -- 10/13/2024 8:25:18 >
Post #: 186
10/13/2024 8:13:53   


Magic Skill, does magic damage

Element: Harm

Cost- 490 SP

Just does harm damage. However, if the monster is bleeding, it will eat up to 400% bleed to heal MP.
Post #: 187
10/13/2024 11:19:44   


Earth Spell, 5 hits.

Only does 20% Melee damage

Status Bomb

90% Melee # hits (5) Turn Fragile
90% Melee-Bleed

The fragile inflicts first

< Message edited by Sapphire -- 10/13/2024 11:20:23 >
Post #: 188
10/16/2024 13:40:51   



Darkness Element

Spell does 4 hits of 0 damage as bubblewrap.

This does 4 effects

50% Melee renamed Fear (Sheer Terror) for 2 turns

50% Melee renamed Daze (Concussion)for 2 turns

50% Melee renamed Control (Ascendancy) for 2 turns

50% Melee Chance to give the player a renamed celerity (Dominion) for the next 2 turns

Special Effect- If more than 1 of the stun effects occur (fear,control,daze) from this specific spell (not others), then it only uses one and the other carries over to the next turn instead. Checks in the following order: Control, Daze, Fear.

For example, if Control and Daze win the roll and happen, it will only do Control and the daze turn doesn't tick down and those turns carry over to the following turn.
Post #: 189
10/16/2024 13:46:59   



Harm element

Spell does 4 bubblewrap hits of 0 damage

The spell gives a pop up menu for two options

Option 1

Standard spell that does
50% melee harm poison for 2 turns
50% melee harm burn for 2 turns
50% melee bleed
50% Melee harm Spore

All have 50% saves, including spore

Option 2

Same exact spell but is overcharged by paying 50% melee SP that does the exact same thing as option 1, except the SP cost pays for a 2 turn omni elevuln

< Message edited by Sapphire -- 10/17/2024 10:32:27 >
Post #: 190
10/17/2024 10:35:38   

Idea for all freeze mechanics , preferably altering all old ones but for sure do this with new ones.

If the mob has freedom, instead of attempting the freeze mechanic, it does a dual element elevuln.

So ice freeze (we are attacking ice, and altering fire) would then be ice+fire elevuln.

Petrify (we are attacking earth, altering wind) would be earth+wind elevuln.

etc etc

< Message edited by Sapphire -- 10/19/2024 14:10:56 >
Post #: 191
10/29/2024 0:30:23   


MISCS, one is for mage, warrior, and ranger respectively.

These all do the same thing, except main-stat difference on stat drives

+10 Omni Potence
+50 Main Stat
+50 Luck
+10 Player BTH
Post #: 192
11/5/2024 21:52:46   

New Spell Type Idea

These are spells for the spell slot

Melee Valuation: 54.575%

Cost: Free

The idea here is to use them with SC lean. The 1.375x boost bumps these to 75% melee. It's equivalent to wands and neutral weapon bonks. The idea is to use them with spellcaster weapons to gain various effects while doing much lower damage.

Post #: 193
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