Pure Pool, The (Full Version)

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Tolkienfanatic -> Pure Pool, The (8/3/2007 19:53:23)

The Pure Pool

Location: Warlic's Zone -> Warlic -> Other Quests -> Save Lymcrest -> The Pure Pool
Level/Quest/Items required: Completion of Everyone Knows It's Windy
Release Date: July 4th, 2007

Objective: In order to stop the River of Fire, Warlic requires a sample of Pure Elemental Water from the Pure Pool.
He said that the best sample would come from where the Waterfall feeds into the Pool
Objective completed: Splashy, the Pure Pool's guardian, lies defeated at your feet and you can feel your toes squishing inside your socks. You have gotten the water sample from the purest part of the pure pool. Now Warlic can change the river of fire back to water.

Scaled Yes/No: Yes

(1) Lovey Bear
(8) Monsoon Elemental
(10) Puddle
(1) Splashy - Boss


Deep Blue Something
Pure Pool Piercer
The Crushing Deep

Deep Sea Staff
Pure Pool Prod
Typhoon Staff

Call Of The Sea
Pure Pool Poker

Elemental Essence

Warlic: The enchanted bottle is ready for you to get a sample from the purest part of the Pure Pool, the waterfall that feeds the pool...
Warlic: ... but I learned something in Lymcrest that you might find interesting. Many years ago before the village even had a name...
Warlic: ... a baby boy named Xan was born under unusual circumstances. As he grew it became apparent that he possessed some natural skill in magic.
Warlic: The miners were made nervous by his skill in magic, which is common with the magically gifted, we are often misunderstood.
Warlic: In this small mining village there were no other children to play with and yound Xan was hungry for attention...
Warlic: So Xan tried to get attention the only way he knew how, by causing bad things to happen and hurting innocent people.
Warlic: Xan, of course, was too clever to get caught but everyone suspected that the strange fires in the village were his doing.
Warlic: As Xan grew to be a young man he became proud of the villager's fear... which he mistook for respect.
Warlic: Eventually, tragedy struck and Xan's parents were killed in another mysterious fire, the day that Xan left for the Magic Academy in Swordhaven.
Warlic: The fires stopped that day in Lymcrest. I'm not sure if Xan just couldn't control his power or if he was just always dangerously insane...
Warlic: ... but it appears that Xan has returned to punish the miners of Lymcrest who he felt always treated him with less respect then he deserved.
Warlic: We HAVE to stop Xan and change the river back before Lymcrest is "punished" further! We have no time to waste!
Warlic: Now that the pass is clear, head to the Pure Pool and take a sample of the pure elemental water for me, while I prepare the counter-spell.

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    Thanks to
    -- Leharic, Enzik, ArchMagus Orodalf, and Bakuryu the Mole.
    -- SEED for rewardsinfo.
    -- Peachii for corrections.

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