The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (Full Version)

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lifeman9 -> The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (8/6/2007 16:45:16)

The Official Geoto Council Coalition

The Might of the Earth, The Pride of the Lions, The Aura of Nature.

Thank you Kosefira

Table of Contents

News and Announcements

Geotian News
Approved Links
GCC Council Members
Desk of the Clan Head
Special Thanks

News and Announcements


  • This is the approved version of the Geoto Council Coalition because it was reviewed by the other Geoto members. If approved, then it will gain a Seal of Approval. If anything large is sponsored, approved, or supported by a Geoto member without the consent of the Geoto Council Coalition. or has a Seal of Approval, we have the right of reporting the thread to an ArchKnight or moderator.
  • The Geoto Council is looking for great talents, run through your app. and you will be looked at.
  • The Geoto Council Coalition has now been given the Constitution made by dollerboy2000. It is a set of laws that control power of the People and the Geoto Council Coalition.

Geotian News


  • Made a quick update to an old link. Things seem mostly up to date, except some old threads still have links even though they no longer exist. Geoto is doing a good job in the Paxia Ultimate Conquest, Dynami are beaten and now Paxia is divided between us and Aerodu, just one more obstacle to overcome my fellow Geotians, fight on.


  • Using newly received AK status I have updated the thread, High council members are now current - Oliver Bell


  • Just stopping by. when this thread reaches it's lock, sent me an e-mail at I'll get to it ASAP.


  • Oliver Bell becomes clan head due to Internet Issues with Lifeman9,


  • Elections begin today! All Applications and Nomination should be posted in the Thread, Discussion in the Discuss.


    • Elections Begun yesterday, Nominations and Applications started 5 days ago ( i think)
    • The comedy Festival will be closed on Saturday, anyone who wishes to enter do it NOW.( No pressure)


    • Elections Sadly Closed, Congratulations, are in order for those who are got some postions,PM me if you wish to Join Council,
      Try to format it. The Geoto Comedy Festival is still a go.


    • Geoto Council Nominations Begin!


    • Lifeman9 is now the clan head


    • dollerboy2000 has left Geoto the reason I will not say. Clan head nominations begin.


    • Dollerboy2000 is now the current Clan Head.


    • Paladin of Valor is back.


    • Since Paladin of Valor is going to be gone for a few days on a camping trip, dollerboy2000 will be the temporary clan head.


    • We have finished the Paxian war "Gong with the Wind". We did a spectacular job. We finished in 7th place. We beat one other clan. That clan was Glacius. Our Kpm (Kills per member) was 0.389. Our overall kills were 48300 monsters.
    • We have done a lot to promote Geoto on the forums, too. We made a operation thread name Operation: Earthquake. We made an encouragement thread to encourage Geoto to keep on fighting. We also just recently held our election for council spots on the GCC. It is now over. We are going to soon have elections for sub-councils. We also stopped some people from leaving. One of the was Lifeman9, one of our oldest members. One of members did leave, but for a great reason. His name was Serbitar. He has a secondary in Geoto, so he is still helping out.
    • We are going to hold our first Geotian Award Ceremony this Saturday to congraulate all the members of Geoto for a job well done. We are also inviting members of other clans to be there.

    Approved Links

    • Geoto's Culinary Delights 2 - Are you hungry for some food? Well then, go this food heaven.
    • Geoto History- Geoto's History from it's Wars, to it's darkest ages, you can fine it here!
      Run by leonlionheart.
    • Old Private Forums - This is the private forums made just for Geoto. Here, you may talk specially about Geoto in a very secure way. Inactive!!!
    • New Private forum- Made by Erason and me (Oliver Bell) as the old forum had no active admins left, secure and useful to store old threads, will need to create a log in to access Inactive
    • Website - This is the official Geotian website. It has a lot of information reguarding Geoto.
    • Improvement 102 - Post all your improvements you want Geoto to improve on. All are welcome. All will be considered.Run by Oliver Bell
    • Neo Geoto Roll Call - Let yourself be known. Put your name down so we know you fight for Geoto. Run by Oliver Bell
    • Official FAQ and Q&A - Do you have any questionns regarding Geoto? Then come here.
      Run by lifeman9
    • Encouragement Thread - This is a thread where yall get encouraged if it gets tough.. LOST!!! :'( I think

    If there are url probelms, it's being weird if you can help pm me.

    GCC Council Members

    1.(HC)High Council:

    • Oliver Bell (Head)
    • Balu
    • neo_manni

    2.(GC)General Council:

    3.(HSC)Head Strategist Council:

    4.(E/PC)Encouragement/Peacekeeping Council:

    5. Vice Clan Head Council:




    Purpose and Powers of the Geotoian Constitution

    Section I: The purpose of the Geotoian Constitution is to raise the awareness of Geoto and its followers while having fun and promoting growth of the clan in one of the safest ways possible. It is made to help someone's enjoyment to the clan. It will sort some of Geoto's and its pupals' ideas in a very organized way that would result in a fair manner. It will also train Geoto's members into becoming better people for everything the life of the clan must hit. It will also help manage, explain, and help the Geotoian forums in the AE forums hosted on and
    Section II: This constitution does not take away any rights from the members of the AE forums which are given by the People of the AE forums.
    Section III: This constitution is based on the powers and beliefs of the People and members of Geoto. Without the members of Geoto to support this constitution, it would never be possible. Everything that will be added on from here on must be agreed to by the members of the clan by a vote. Majority must be atleast 51% for it to pass through.
    Section IIII: Most of the power of the constitution is evenly divided along with all the members of Geoto making sure no one has too much power. This will include checks and balances. The citizens of Geoto are just as powerful as the constitution itself. Maybe even more powerful.
    Section V: If it ever seems that the constitution is becoming more powerful than the citizens itself, parts of the constitution will be destroyed to make it even through a vote.

    High Council and Council Headmaster

    Section I: The High Council is evenly made up of Clan Head of Geoto and the heads for ever other council in Geoto except the High Council itself. Nothing else is in the High Council. This has no exceptions.
    Section II: The job of the High Council is to look over the members of Geoto and its government, watching their every more for problems and solutions. They even have suggestions. The council members opinion may be overridden by an unanimously vote.
    Section III: The power of the council is strong enough to impeach the Council Head by an unanimous vote if they feel that he or she has been doing a bad job. The council head may react by sending a poll out to the citizens of Geoto. The poll must read at least 51% for the Council Head to continue hos or her position in office. There are no exceptions in this rule.
    Section IV: The High Council and the Council Head have the right to add as much smaller individual councils as they please by a vote. 51% of the High Council members must approve of the new council for it to become an official Geotian council. If there is no clear answer by the High Council and the Council Head, then the citizens of Geoto will decide with a vote with majority rule. No exceptions.
    Section V: Only old members of the High Council may take place of the Council Head from a leave or impeachment.
    Section VI: High Council members may add as much new council members to any council as they please only through a majority rule vote through them. Also, like in other cases, if that doesn't work it will go into the public.
    Section VII: No contests, award ceremonies, etc, becomes official until at least two (2) High Council members approve of them.
    Section VIII: Each member of the High Council may have a adviser that will advice them with decisions and other opportunities. These advisers may be picked by them. The advisers MUST be in the smaller councils. Advisers can take over for the High Council member if they are sick or injured or are unable to work for Geoto at the moment. If any conflicts of the advisers occur, then a public vote will be out.
    Section IX: If any problems brake out between High Council members or council members, they must be reported to the Council Head. The Council Head will try his or her best to solve it out. If that does not work out very well, the Council Head must take the dispute and report it to one of the ArchKnights (AK) or moderators of the AE forums.
    Section X: The Council Head is the administrator for the Geotoian Private Forums. The High Council members are semi - administrators of the Geotian Private Forums. Members of regular councils are moderators of the Geotian Private Forums.
    Section XI: VCH( Vice Clan Head), or VCL( Vice Clan Leader ) are the one with the second most amount of votes in the running of set council position.
    The Councils

    Section I: There is a requirement that each council must have at least the members for each council. This is a must.
    Section II: The council member who is head in their council will represent their council. They have most of the say for their council. Their decision may be overridden by the acts of a council vote. The vote will run down majority rule.
    Section III: The purpose of the War/Strategy Council is to try to make open minded strategies that the citizens of Geoto can follow that would lead to success in wars. They are also in charge in choosing our generals and commanders for our army. They will also record and maintain our fighting balances and views while fighting for themselves.
    Section IV: The Encouragement/Peacekeeping Council tries to encourage Geoto to keep in to high spirits even if it gets tough. They also are responsible in representing our clan in cross communication. They also help cut down flaming and spam on the Geotian AE forums
    Section V: The General Council is the council in which will take over any position unable to be filled by set council member, They can never be heads of that council because The VCL(Vice Council Leader) will take that place, This council is made up of 3 members, if it doesn't have any member it isn't that big of a problem.

    Recruitment Process

    Section I: Through Geotian law, the High Council may recruit new members for the councils through a process we would call as the Linking Process. It all starts out with the High Council. They must decide which council positions are open and follow the agreements with the requirement for this constitution and the councils.


    The Spam Act: You must have at least five words for every post you do in the Geoto forums. It must also be in topic. You may add a section for off topic if you want like this.

    In topic:

    Off topic:


    Elections Code

    Welcome to the Stalagmite!

    Today, January 13, 2008 we are starting the process of picking Council Members are their Grand Leader.
    Let's run over what these specifically mean...
    High Council and Council Headmaster

    Section I: The High Council is evenly made up of Clan Head of Geoto and the heads for ever other council in Geoto except the High Council itself. Nothing else is in the High Council. This has no exceptions.
    Section II: The job of the High Council is to look over the members of Geoto and its government, watching their every more for problems and solutions. They even have suggestions. The council members opinion may be overridden by an unanimously vote.
    Section III: The power of the council is strong enough to impeach the Council Head by an unanimous vote if they feel that he or she has been doing a bad job. The council head may react by sending a poll out to the citizens of Geoto. The poll must read at least 51% for the Council Head to continue hos or her position in office. There are no exceptions in this rule.
    Section IV: The High Council and the Council Head have the right to add as much smaller individual councils as they please by a vote. 51% of the High Council members must approve of the new council for it to become an official Geotian council. If there is no clear answer by the High Council and the Council Head, then the citizens of Geoto will decide with a vote with majority rule. No exceptions.
    Section V: Only old members of the High Council may take place of the Council Head from a leave or impeachment.
    Section VI: High Council members may add as much new council members to any council as they please only through a majority rule vote through them. Also, like in other cases, if that doesn't work it will go into the public.
    Section VII: No contests, award ceremonies, etc, becomes official until at least two (2) High Council members approve of them.
    Section VIII: Each member of the High Council may have a adviser that will advice them with decisions and other opportunities. These advisers may be picked by them. The advisers MUST be in the smaller councils. Advisers can take over for the High Council member if they are sick or injured or are unable to work for Geoto at the moment. If any conflicts of the advisers occur, then a public vote will be out.
    Section IX: If any problems brake out between High Council members or council members, they must be reported to the Council Head. The Council Head will try his or her best to solve it out. If that does not work out very well, the Council Head must take the dispute and report it to one of the ArchKnights (AK) or moderators of the AE forums.
    Section X: The Council Head is the administrator for the Geotoian Private Forums. The High Council members are semi - administrators of the Geotian Private Forums. Members of regular councils are moderators of the Geotian Private Forums.
    Section XI: VCH( Vice Clan Head), or VCL( Vice Clan Leader ) are the one with the second most amount of votes in the running of set council position.
    The Councils

    Section I: There is a requirement that each council must have at least the members for each council. This is a must.
    Section II: The council member who is head in their council will represent their council. They have most of the say for their council. Their decision may be overridden by the acts of a council vote. The vote will run down majority rule.
    Section III: The purpose of the War/Strategy Council is to try to make open minded strategies that the citizens of Geoto can follow that would lead to success in wars. They are also in charge in choosing our generals and commanders for our army. They will also record and maintain our fighting balances and views while fighting for themselves.
    Section IV: The Encouragement/Peacekeeping Council tries to encourage Geoto to keep in to high spirits even if it gets tough. They also are responsible in representing our clan in cross communication. They also help cut down flaming and spam on the Geotian AE forums
    Section V: The General Council is the council in which will take over any position unable to be filled by set council member, They can never be heads of that council because The VCL(Vice Council Leader) will take that place, This council is made up of 3 members, if it doesn't have any member it isn't that big of a problem.

    Now that is over, I will explain the necessary requirement for you to be able to Vote, Nominate, and Place and Application.

    Voters Must Have

    • 20 post in the total Forums,
    • 5 of those in Geoto's Forums or In Paxia
    • Must be in one of 8 clans

      To be able to be Nominated, You Need

      • 200 Post in the AE forums
      • 50 in Geoto Forums(ONLY)
      • Must be in the Direct Geoto clan
      • Must be in Geoto's Roster
      • Must be in Geoto

        Appilcationers Must Have

        • 100 post in the AE forums,
        • 25 must be in the Geoto Forums(ONLY)
        • Must be in the Roster
        • Must Be in the Direct Geoto Clan




          If you have any question post them in the discussion forums, all questions asked here will be ignored.
          Thank you,
          And Happy Voting!
          Special Thanks

          U Mos
          Every member of Geoto

          Last updated: 23/07/08(23 Of July 2008 :P)

Ricobabie -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (8/6/2007 17:09:14)

Flies the thread to the top [;)]


Oliver Bell -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (8/6/2007 17:25:00)

First idea we should make a sig to comemorate the loss of dollarboy2000.

Korento Ratsastaja -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (8/7/2007 6:50:24)

No offense, but he got himself banned.
It's his own fault, we don't have to 'commemorate' anyone.

But that's just my opinion.

Oliver Bell -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (8/7/2007 7:26:32)

Ok I just thought that as he was one of our most active posters we should commemorate him in some way for all his work.Also who is going to take over the projects he was working on? The talent show etc.

Korento Ratsastaja -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (8/7/2007 7:31:59)

However is Clan Head after the elections.

Oliver Bell -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (8/7/2007 7:33:09)

Secondly how are they going to get the info on the projects if dollarboy2000 is banned.

Korento Ratsastaja -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (8/7/2007 7:53:15)

he is a registered user on the Private Forums, right?
Maybe He'll get online on there anytime soon...

Kosefira -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (8/7/2007 8:49:04)

...Geoto seems kind of quiet recently...It's...depressing...

lifeman9 -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (8/7/2007 10:32:16)


brotherbeast -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (8/7/2007 10:36:24)

things seem to be picking up Kosefira. From time to time we at the PFs experience quiet slumps. It happens quite often actually, but what you expect with only about 60 members spread across the globe. You cannot take the life out of the Earth, it may seem quiet and dormant but then... well look at Mount St. Helen and what happened there. A volcano that was believed to be dormant erupts with massive devastation 10 days before I was born... Omen? You be the judge of it. lol.

Baker -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (8/7/2007 10:38:54)

Whoa whoa whoa, guys. C'mon, enough. Okay, so DB is gone right now. That doesn't mean he won't be coming back, and this isn't really the place or time to be arguing about how good of a leader he is and was, etc. You elected him as your leader in a fair election, so he's still your leader for now. It doesn't really matter how he matches up against other leaders you have had or people that could have been your leader, because he's your leader no matter how he matches up. If you feel so strongly about him being wrong for the clan or whatever, you can have a vote to remove him when he comes back, as your council constitution says.

I actually probably shouldn't have let y'all make a new council thread or start any elections, but I wasn't and still am not sure when/if he is coming back; I couldn't find any details on his ban. So, let's leave all talk of DB and his ban out of here. If you want to find out what happened, contact him through the PF's or email or whatever, don't talk about him behind his back. I'm not handing out official warnings or anything here because I think it was just a small discussion that got too personal and out of hand, but I may have to if it happens again.

EDIT: I've just learned that DB was perma banned. Feel free to elect a new leader, but please don't let it get personal again. Let's just move on...

brotherbeast -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (8/7/2007 10:43:42)

no wonder I couldn't find any of my posts... and here I thought I was going crazy and couldn't remember where I was posting.
I couldn't have said it better myself BB, and it sux cuz there were some good points made, eventho some people got rubbed off wrong.
Now everyone (UMos, Lifeman, Serbitar) let's all have a group hug... and duck!!!!!!!
*BB, careful with the warning bat, you said NEXT time.

Yeah, that right. Group hugs and all. XD I'll try to be more careful with my bat, bb. :p

You couldn't post? so that I could make a new post? What is your obsession with not making any new posts? lol. anyways

Lifeman, there are 2 links on the main post that are dead, I PMed BB to see if we could get them back. They are "Geoto's Culinary Delights" and "Improvement 101".

I have the code for the Culinary Delights thread, therefor I can restart it no problem, but the otherone you guys might want to find around sumwhere.

Baker -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (8/7/2007 11:08:57)

Okay, soooorrryyy. New post. :p The Improvent 101 is here:, but Culinary Delights is gone. You'll have to remake that one.

brotherbeast -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (8/7/2007 11:19:40)

yay, I got you to new post, thx BB, I dunno who I missed the Improvement thread. Just like I dunno why that link in the first post isn't working.
Lifeman, please replace the link, and as soon as I get the new culinary thread up and running, I'll edit my post here and provide the new link.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (8/7/2007 11:23:18)

I've been editing people's posts for MONTHS (Ok, maybe one or two) before BB came along. :P

But seriously, it's time to move on. Yes, it's a major bummer he got banned, and I sympathise. But, that stuff happens, you gotta keep going my friends. When the President of the US gets assasinated, we move on (eventually). Same with y'all. Remember your past!

brotherbeast -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (8/7/2007 11:25:40)

we were moving on iPie. lol. but since you brought it up, if anyone wants to speak to Dollerboy directly, he is logged on the Paxia Forums at this very moment.

Moridin -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (8/7/2007 20:32:38)

Hey, what's goin' on? Problems? How can I help?

*bounces up and down like a fat kid in a donut shop*

damani -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (8/7/2007 22:32:14)

no no Moridin, one, and only one. Remember the last time I took you to the shop? The shop was in flames, as well as the donuts in your mouth T_T xD

Just stopping into to say Hey :) Even though it's kinda of an akward, hey o.O

Oliver Bell -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (8/8/2007 7:08:05)

Well we have got some new (well re newed sort of) up to maintain activity and good idea about the private forums U Mos also bballman23 thanks for posting that (that he has been perma banned).Also thanks to all the people from other clans who come to provide comfort and assistance.I would also like to say welcome to Geoto brother beast.

brotherbeast -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (8/8/2007 8:20:11)

*rolls box of doughnuts out of front door* there that took care of that
*slaps damani for tryin to limit morry's overweightedness* ok, where were we?
OB, they always say "What goes around, comes around". I started in Geo, and now I'm back. I'll miss my Nocturan Brethren greatly, but this is now my home. You have in your clan now a strange being... so don't mind the sudden spells of dementia you'll be attributed with now. All I gotta do now is get used to the fully detailed inner workings of the clan.

Now on to a topic, Lifeman, I kinda forgot to edit my post yesturday when I made the Culinary Delights thread, here it is:

Oblivion_Necroninja -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (8/9/2007 9:01:35)

OK, I'm here to help. I was here yesterday, but my internet messed up just as I was about to post. I wasn't able to get on for the rest of the day...

I still can't beleive that Dollarboy is gone for good... But hopefully the PFs will allow him to continue partcipating in Geoto. So make sure you guys use the PFs.
Now, on to buisness.

Firstly, even if Dollarboy IS on the PFs, I don't think he will be able to serve as Clan Head anymore. So we need to either hold an emergency election, or overhaul Geoto's government. Earlier, I put the idea of a Direct Democracy on the table. So, we should probably consider that as a possiblility. If we DO change Geoto's government, we should probably go with something with at least two leaders, so this can't happen again.

Most importantly, we have to make sure Geoto stays alive. Dollarboy would want it that way. Just because he's gone dosen't mean Geoto's doomed. You guys can pull through. I'm not going to lie to you: It's not going to be easy. But we shouldn't let that stop us from saving Geoto.

Oh, yeah, and I need SOMEBODY to bump the "Geotoian Tunes" thread. I was the last poster, so I can't bump it. When you've only got one reviewer, you need people to post so you can review stuff... So I need either applicants or responces. Take your pick.

lifeman9 -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (8/9/2007 9:16:33)

Nominations are up, and same with Gaia she's dying you know..

Oblivion_Necroninja -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (8/9/2007 9:40:24)

I'll bump Gaia.

Kosefira -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (8/9/2007 9:44:33)

Does it need bumping?

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