Xan's Volcano Fortress (Full Version)

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kanzaris -> Xan's Volcano Fortress (8/10/2007 19:30:51)

Xan's Volcano Fortress

Location: Warlic's Zone -> Warlic -> Other Quests -> Save Lymcrest -> Xan's Fortress
Level/Quest/Items required: Completion of The Pure Pool
Release Date: August 10th, 2007

Objective: You and Warlic have set out to capture the Pyronomicon and right from under Xan's flaming nose... but not everything runs according to plan.
Objective completed: You have defeated the insane pyromancer, Xan and the powerful tome called the Pyronomicon is safe in Warlic's hands. But was that the end of Xan? Could his mastery of fire protect him from the lava? Only time will tell.

Scaled Yes/No: Yes

(1) Bassault
(3) Inferno Elemental
(3) Lava Glob
(2) Sunwarrior
(1) Warlic - Boss
(1) Xan - Boss


Elemental Essence

Warlic: I have great news! You did it!
Warlic: The pure elemental water worked. We've started a reaction that will change the river of fire back to water. Lymcrest is safe...
Warlic: ...for a while. Lymcrest is still in danger. It will always be in danger... as long as Xan is in possession of the Pyronomicon.
Warlic: We don't have any choice, <Character>. We have to try to sneak into Xan's volcanic fortress and take the Pyronomicon any way we can.

  • Quest!
  • Back

    Warlic joins your party as Friend A.

    Warlic: We must be very careful. Xan has wanted me dead for years and I'm sure that he doesn't like you very much either...
    Warlic: ...after everything that you've done to stop him. So... what's your plan?
    <Character>: MY plan?! This "sneak into Xan's volcanic fortress and take the Pyronomicon" plan was your idea.
    Warlic: Right, but I mean after that...
    Warlic: Xan won't just say 'Oh, you want the book that increases my powers a thousand times? Sure, here you go. Have a nice walk back.'
    Warlic: I mean, how do we get out?
    <Character>: How about we fight our way back out?
    Warlic: ...
    Warlic: That's really not much better than my plan.
    <Character>: Let's just concentrate on getting the Pyronomicon and not getting killed in the process. We'll worry about escaping if we get that far.
    Warlic: That's reasonable. Lead the way.

    You walk a couple screens, and see the gates of the fortress with Warlic standing there.

    <Character>: Hey, how did you beat me here?
    Warlic: Magic.
    Warlic: There are no guards here, and not a single monster on the path leading to the door.
    <Character>: That is kind of odd. Do you think that we've just walked into a ...

    A door opens below you

    <Character>: ...trap? *sigh*
    <Character>: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
    <Character>: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
    <Character>: ...

    Some time later, deep within Xan's volcanic fortress...

    Warlic: <Character>, wake up.
    <Character>: *groan* Just five more minutes mom.
    Warlic: WAKE UP!
    <Character>: No need to poke me with your staff! Ow, my head. Where... where are we?

    Xan appears above them

    Xan: Welcome to my home <Character>. Thank you for bringing Warlic all this way for me. HAHAHAH!
    Xan: I assumed that eventually you would try to sneak in and take the Pyronomicon from me.
    Warlic: I TOLD you it was a bad plan.
    Xan: Quiet! You're going to make me lose my place!
    Xan: Now... I've prepared my revenge on you both for some time. Now that I am more powerful than a hundred Warlics...
    Xan: ...the time of your humiliating defeat has arrived at last! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *cackle crackle*
    Warlic: Xan... with all the new power... have you found a way... a way to free Jaania?
    Xan: It's YOUR fault that she's imprisoned in that crystal! It's your fault that I look like... like THIS!!!
    Xan: If you had been able to control your magic during our duel...
    Xan: You just want to be the one to free her so that she will love YOU instead of me.
    Xan: ... I LOVE HER MORE THAN YOU EVER DID! Even with the power of the Pyronomicon, I... I haven't been able to open the shard...
    Xan: But I'm close... so close. Once I'm DONE with you I can focus all my energy on freeing Jaania.
    Xan: And when she emerges, and you're already dead, she will thank me and love me forever... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
    Warlic: Xan, It was our combined unleashed magic that trapped her. If we work together... use our powers together again... then maybe...
    Xan: No more tricks, Warlic. You've reached the end of your rope. However you, <Character>...
    Xan: I can't deny your power. I would be a fool to let it go to waste. I have a proposal.
    Xan: Kill Warlic. Kill him and I will release you, and share the power of the Pyronomicon with you.
    Xan: Kill the blue mage while I watch and all this power that I have is yours. What do you say?

  • 'I Agree!' The End!
  • 'No Way!'

    <Character>: NO WAY, you lunatic! You want Warlic, you're going to have to go through me!
    Xan: Actually, I'm OK with that.
    Xan: Welcome to my own personal battle arena, where there is only one simple rule: Whoever lives... goes free. HAHAHAHHAHA!
    Xan: You two will be fighting for your lives against hand-picked monsters from my army. Prepare yourselves fools, the battle is about to begin!

    You fight 3 Lava Globs

    Xan: Well sports fans, it looks like the lavaglobs never stood a chance, Let's see who is next... HAHAHAHHAHA!

    You fight 3 Inferno Elementals

    Xan: The Inferno Elementals put up a little bit more of a fight, but still no match for Warlic and <Character>.

    You fight 2 Sunwarriors

    Xan: The Sun Warriors have fallen but it looks like the heroes are starting to get tired! HAHAHAHAHAH!

    You fight 1 Bassault

    Xan: The fan favorite, Bassault, has been defeated! Only one fight remains and both heroes are still standing! Now for the main event...
    Xan: ...the fight that you've all been waiting for.. <Character> versus Warlic!
    Warlic: What?!
    <Character>: Xan, you said...
    Xan: What I said was: Whoever lives...goes free. I intend to keep my word... but secretly I'm rooting for you... Go <Character> Go!
    Warlic: We don't have a choice.
    <Character>: What are you talking about? You can always choose not to fight. ALWAYS!
    Warlic: Yes, but one of us has to live. Xan is too strong for us with the Pyronomicon. If I win he's sure to kill me anyway. If you live he might let you go.
    Warlic: You're going to have to defeat me.
    <Character>: NO!
    Warlic: <Character>, I know you want to do what is right but this is our only choice, and if I have to really fight you, just to get you to defend yourself...
    Warlic: ... then, I'll do it. I won't hold back, so you better not either!

  • To Battle!
  • Heal

    Xan: You did it! You got rid of Warlic! Oh, <Character>, you've made me the happiest mage on Lore!
    Xan: Wait...what...
    <Character>: What is happening to Warlic's body?
    Xan: AN ILLUSION! The Warlic you fought was an illusion!

    Warlic: That's RIGHT!

    Warlic appears from behind and pushes Xan down

    Xan: Ooof!
    Warlic: Quick <Character>. You have to defeat Xan! I think I can cut the power of the Pyronomicon off from him.
    Warlic: I have to keep chanting this spell to contain the Pyronomicon's power! It's up to you!
    <Character>: Warlic, you could have TOLD me you had a plan...
    Warlic: Can we talk about this later, please? I need to focus.
    <Character>: Oh, yeah. Sure. Sorry.
    <Character>: OK Xan! Now it's just you and me.
    Xan: You think I need the Pyronomicon to kill you? HA! My magic skills are more than a match for you, even without the book!

  • To Battle!
  • Heal

    Warlic: Simply amazing. What a battle!
    Xan: Heh. HEH. HA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You think you've defeated me? You think you've broken my power? HA! HAHAHAHAHA!
    Xan: This isn't over! I'll destroy you.... BOTH OF YOU! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Xan sinks into the lava

    <Character>: XAN! Did he... is he...?
    Warlic: I don't think so. But you beat him, and we've got the Pyronomicon.
    Warlic: It's too powerful to destroy, but it's too dangerous to keep in my tower. I think I know the right place to keep it hidden...
    Warlic: ...and who knows, maybe Xan was right. Maybe it is powerful enough to free Jaania.
    Warlic: The important thing is that it is out of the hands of that madman. I can't believe that you were strong enough to defeat Xan on your own.
    Warlic: You saved Lymcrest, my friend, and you saved me. Thank you <Character>, I am forever in your debt.

    Next Up: The End?

  • Complete this quest to unlock +1 Pyronomicon badge.

    Thanks to
    -- Tolkienfanatic for the dialogue.
    -- Mo for recreating the entry.
    -- blaaarg for correction.
    -- Barong the DemiGod for a typo fix.
    -- Andy8 for correction.
    -- Peachii for corrections.
    -- SalvationXI for dialogue corrections and coloring.
    -- Solanaceae for a correction.

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