RE: Lunum the Lucian Dragon II (Full Version)

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Ricobabie -> RE: Lunum the Lucian Dragon II (9/20/2007 10:42:22)

Ooo Mother sounds good. ^_^

But how about a sister ? That would be funny. you know siblings fight and poke each other ? And Lucy sounds like a good name for a sister ;)

Beta Dragon Rider -> RE: Lunum the Lucian Dragon II (9/20/2007 10:44:17)

Sure, didn't think of that. Could work for sure.

SIGMUND -> RE: Lunum the Lucian Dragon II (9/20/2007 21:06:21)


ORIGINAL: Beta Dragon Rider

Something original would be the mother-thing.

Well how about Lucian wanting a Sentient leader for the Light Dragons.
TO create this creature, which has become known as Lunum, he used Light Magic to enhance the egg of a Light Dragon.
(Consider this as Ultra Violet Light Radiation Mutation if you want).

Emblem810 -> RE: Lunum the Lucian Dragon II (9/21/2007 0:00:37)

i like the sister idea. i also like rico's name

Lunum and Liora, i just think those names go together well

Joshuatks -> RE: Lunum the Lucian Dragon II (9/21/2007 9:35:47)

I like that idea too, but we still need story and picture

Beta Dragon Rider -> RE: Lunum the Lucian Dragon II (9/21/2007 10:36:41)

Hmm... lemme think... *goes into the Thinking Room of Thinkingness*

A group of Lucian Scouts were travelling the mountains near the Skraeling Desert. There, when they entered a cave, a dragon similiar to Lunum appeared to be resting there. They were first startled by it, but then had a thought. They informed the RoL about their finding and so, Lunum was sent to them, to make contact with the other dragon. The other dragon, which appeared to be a female by the dragonology learned by Beta Dragon Rider, woke up as Lunum teleported outside the cavern. They came in contact and it was soon discovered that the two of them were siblings, brother and sister to be exact.
Lunum persuaded her to come with the Lucians to the Lucian Palace, so that she could help the clan with her powers. She is more mature than Lunum, and thus has a good skill in magic, but still packs a punch in her claws and teeth. She is still new to the Lucian clan and needs Z-Tokens, much like Lunum, to grow more powerful AND to persuade her to stay for a longer time.

That's what I came up with.

Joshuatks -> RE: Lunum the Lucian Dragon II (9/21/2007 10:49:15)

Cool, I'll ask if the Aura can make the Liora

Beta Dragon Rider -> RE: Lunum the Lucian Dragon II (9/21/2007 10:50:27)

I didn't put the name, 'cos we didn't decide if it was Lucy or Liora.

Joshuatks -> RE: Lunum the Lucian Dragon II (9/21/2007 19:19:45)

I think Liora sounds better, but that just me
Put on Male'ikah

SIGMUND -> RE: Lunum the Lucian Dragon II (9/25/2007 16:12:00)

200 Tokens donated to feed Lunum.

Amras of Lucian -> RE: Lunum the Lucian Dragon II (9/27/2007 8:30:31)

100 Tokens donated to feed Lunum . . .

Beowulf Z -> RE: Lunum the Lucian Dragon II (9/27/2007 12:28:58)

Stage 3 looks blazing :D and seems Lunum just continues to davelop quite well. Sisters and mothers aint bad ideas at all and seems blazing to see some pet family getting along....or maybe not i dunno :P hope they get on well if the chances of a second pet go in motion.

- Beowulf Z

Joshuatks -> RE: Lunum the Lucian Dragon II (9/28/2007 9:45:59)

We got an artist that say he might can draw Liora, so all we need is to wait for the pic, then Liora can put on[:)]

SIGMUND -> RE: Lunum the Lucian Dragon II (10/1/2007 22:03:29)


ORIGINAL: tauguy

Hey guys, why not bring your dragon to a holiday home at the PPFs where it can have sagas and enjoy time with other clan pets, as well as possibly competing in tournaments for fun. You dunno what your missing., go to paxia and look for the pets sub-board.

Lunum is also there.
Just 448000 to stage 4.
Great donating by all the Lucian characters thats about 70000 in 3 weeks!

Joshuatks -> RE: Lunum the Lucian Dragon II (10/22/2007 11:25:35)

I decrease the tokens to grow Lunum

Amras of Lucian -> RE: Lunum the Lucian Dragon II (10/22/2007 14:06:27)


ORIGINAL: Joshuatks

We got an artist that say he might can draw Liora, so all we need is to wait for the pic, then Liora can put on[:)]

Working on said image now, hoss.


SIGMUND -> RE: Lunum the Lucian Dragon and Male'ikah the Clan Mascot(Thread II) (10/22/2007 20:26:05)

Reduced Token level !
Well now we might get stage Four sometime in this month or November.
I'll go and donate some more Tokens later.

kandymine -> RE: Lunum the Lucian Dragon and Male'ikah the Clan Mascot(Thread II) (10/22/2007 21:29:35)

Donated 200 tokens to feed the pet(s)

SIGMUND -> RE: Lunum the Lucian Dragon and Male'ikah the Clan Mascot(Thread II) (10/25/2007 13:46:57)

100 Tokens donated.

Joshuatks -> RE: Lunum the Lucian Dragon and Male'ikah the Clan Mascot(Thread II) (11/19/2007 1:08:37)

Decrease the amount of tokens needed again...

Amras of Lucian -> RE: Lunum the Lucian Dragon and Male'ikah the Clan Mascot(Thread II) (11/23/2007 9:02:59)

100 Tokens donated to feed Lunum . . .

Beta Dragon Rider -> RE: Lunum the Lucian Dragon and Male'ikah the Clan Mascot(Thread II) (11/23/2007 10:16:29)

Hmm... just one question: Is the Liora-thingy abandoned?

Joshuatks -> RE: Lunum the Lucian Dragon and Male'ikah the Clan Mascot(Thread II) (11/25/2007 1:14:48)

We need a picture for Liora...

SIGMUND -> RE: Lunum the Lucian Dragon and Male'ikah the Clan Mascot(Thread II) (11/25/2007 5:22:13)


ORIGINAL: Amras of Lucian

100 Tokens donated to feed Lunum . . .

Well done Amras
I hope you kept screen shots, then you can use this as a part donation for a Lucian House.

Joshuatks -> RE: Lunum the Lucian Dragon and Male'ikah the Clan Mascot(Thread II) (11/26/2007 4:42:54)

YAY!Thanks everyone for the tokens(especially SIGMUND), Lunum had grown the stage 5!!![:)]

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