RE: Lunum the Lucian Dragon II (Full Version)

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Beta Dragon Rider -> RE: Lunum the Lucian Dragon II (2/25/2008 8:56:29)

Hmm... "A dog under a moon"... somehow I come to think of werewolves...

SIGMUND -> RE: Lunum the Lucian Dragon II (2/25/2008 9:06:41)

Correct answer Obsidia's Lair, ssonic5 and Silver Dragon get a point each.
Is Liora training to be a Necromancer???[>:]

Silver Dragon -> RE: Lunum the Lucian Dragon II (2/26/2008 18:47:46)

dont think so :P. the reason we both got a point is cause ssonic described the place, but I accually named it.

edit: added answer to my list.

Joshuatks -> RE: Lunum the Lucian Dragon II (3/7/2008 5:04:26)

Liora is found, I edit the 1st post

SIGMUND -> RE: Lunum the Lucian Dragon II (3/9/2008 22:19:13)

I think it is time for our Clan Mascot to do something. Does anyone have an idea for Male'ikah?

SIGMUND -> RE: Lunum the Lucian Dragon II (3/10/2008 9:19:10)

The other possibility is a Cross Clan Event.
We could send Male'ikah to another Clan or all the other Clans in turn, to train in their style of fighting or to learn a skill from their Clan Pets?

kandymine -> RE: Lunum the Lucian Dragon II (3/10/2008 11:49:49)

Yeah, that could work. But do we want our mascot going to other clans?

SIGMUND -> RE: Lunum the Lucian Dragon II (3/10/2008 21:13:08)

Until we decide something I'm having a party at my place in Olympus Lux to celebrate Liora's return.
Here is the invitaion for all Lucian Clan members.

kandymine -> RE: Lunum the Lucian Dragon II (3/10/2008 21:50:35)

My idea was just a passing thought I'm sure someone will come up with something better. Any chance you could change the date of the party, with it being a Monday I won't be able to participate much as I'll be working and won't be home until 6.30 PST. What are those things in each corner?

SIGMUND -> RE: Lunum the Lucian Dragon II (3/24/2008 20:14:44)

Until we decide on something for Male'ikah to do we have a new Token project.

Liora's Egg needs tokens to Hatch.
Hey... don't ask me why?.... maybe it is the proximity to Z-tokens that wakens the Hatchling?

Loyal Lucian's go and donate some tokens at the Clan base.

Edit: 24/03/08. 1000 Z-Tokens donated.

Joshuatks -> RE: Lunum the Lucian Dragon II (3/26/2008 4:00:12)

I can't update the thread as I'm moving to a new house so I suggest someone make the copy of it in Private Forum with updates

SIGMUND -> RE: Lunum the Lucian Dragon II (3/26/2008 8:41:49)

Ok I have copied your first post and will put it on the RoL later.

Sir Gnome -> RE: Lunum the Lucian Dragon II (3/27/2008 5:36:16)

The following is the code from the thread about 'Glarion'.
Credit to Nocturu for the inspiration for this idea.

While experimenting with Manasplosion SIGMUND opened a gateway to the Light Realm. Initially blinded by the ambient light, his eyes soon adapted and he saw this creature.
He spoke to SIGMUND and said his name was Glarion. 
He offered to become a soldier for the Lucian Clan. 
Then he brought SIGMUND back to Lore and awaits our decision.
SIGMUND put this proposition to the Clan~
Should we accept his offer?

The inital response was sceptical. Hawk said~
[quote]... Demonic much? I'm going to take this opportunity to step back into my old role of Lucian's skeptic and point out that being from the Realm of Light does not mean following Lucian's beliefs. Case in point, the Brihaldo - very much Light, not at all Lucian. And Light Demons? Yeah, that argument makes itself. Much as I hate to judge on appearances, the guy's got horns, big creepy claws, and wicked looking eyes. Nothing's known about him except where he's from and this one offer, which could very well be a trick of some sort. For example, if it's the only way to get him out of the Light Realm, yet leads to consequences we'd rather not want to deal with. Skepticism dictates I vote "No, we should not accept this shady offer from a creature we know nothing about."

... Of course, if the Lucians are still much as they were back then, most of you are still much more trusting and optimistic than me, and I'll be outvoted, but we'll see.  [/quote] 

After some more debate a few tests were devised to test Glarion.

SIGMUND and Glarion responded to the test.~
Looks can definitely be deceiving. We all sometimes wear Obsidian Cloaks, or Shadow Cloaks. Some of us are also Vampires and Werewolves. Does this mean we are evil? Certainly not.

Glarion thought about the test for a short time then said "That child is no threat. He has done no harm. I will not kill him."
Looking at Wolfbrother he said "If you represent your Clan by your request? I withdraw my offer of service." 
Sigmund intervened at this point and told Glarion it was just a test.
Glarion replied "A strange attitude to an offer of help. I agree that caution is a wise approach, sometimes." 
Looking at Wolfbrother again Glarion said "I am not offended."

Silver Dragon responded by saying ~
[quote]he gives off both a kind feeling, and a powerful nature, he does look like a demon, but not all demons are evil either. there are often some virtuous demons who come to fight with us agianst they're (more numerous) evil kin. like the Brilhado Gilaria, Diviria, and Amiliara. they are Brilhado, greater Light demons, but they go (or went) agianst they're people who submitted to the Devourer. i think every creature who wishes to fight for Lucian should be given a chance. if it turns bad, we have numbers on our side. [/quote] 

Shayde Fenris Ravenwing then set the Golden Sentinels of Lucian Clan into motion ~
[quote]Well, you see, while I'm as paranoid as anyone else, I don't think its very Lucian-like to have 30 odd people watching one person/demon/light creature/whatever he is. Its sort of insulting to Glarion. Thats why I suggested the Sentinels. We are a small enough amount that, not only can we keep tabs on him without making it seem too intrusive, we can also use the help he could offer. Cause if he is what he says he is, he shouldn't have to suffer being watched like a prisoner. Also, we are the elite members of the army...if he causes trouble, believe me, myself, Link, or Amras could easily overpower him alone, much less together. 

This is also the perfect time to unveil the newest addition to the Golden Sentinels...the Spysong. A network of persuasive and shadowy soldiers make this branch up. Thus I've sent them into action in the Light Realm to discern the history of Glarion. They are ordered to report to the Generals and RoL together, so they will not be reporting to me first, but to all of us available at the time of the report. I'd rather not have to hear it from them then tell all of you one at a time heh...much easier to have them say it once and be done with it. They are due back with the first reports in 2 days. Since Sigmund was the first to discover them, I recommend he be the one to debrief us all on the reports they give.[/quote]

We found out some more information ~
[quote]Glarion is from a race called "the people". They seem to be pretty much like the Human race of the Light Realm. They used to be exclusively Hunters but have developed farming technology. Now they maintain a Warrior caste, something like the Vikings and have a Religious Caste who look after the spiritual needs and a Farmer Caste who also seem to trade with other light beings. There is movement of individuals between Castes, although a Caste Position is usually hereditary. 

Glarion is from the Warrior Caste and if we accept his offer he can bring several dozen Warriors to aid us. Maybe hundreds, if we need them and the Religious Caste back our cause. [/quote] 

A vote was then taken and the RoL decided to accept Glarion's offer.

[size=4]We now have a Soldier of Lucian.[/size]
He stands guard outside the gates of the Lucian Palace. 
[size=5]Awaiting the next threat to the Clan Base. [/size] 

SIGMUND -> RE: Lunum the Lucian Dragon II (5/9/2008 9:01:54)

Bad news on Paxia. The Chaos Drakel have invaded the Fields of Lucian.
Glarion has gone out to help the Lucian Heroes to Defend Olympus Lux. He needs a few more Tokens to call a few of his Brethrin to help him.
Start 2,050,000 - Finish 2,075,000.

Strengthen the Lucian Dragons ready for the Paxia Under Fire Event.
start 2,075,000 Tokens finish 2,100,000 Tokens.

STRATOS, our new Dragon, needs to grow up fast if he is to help his Mum in the Paxia Event.[:D] Feed him tokens and see him grow.

Joshuatks -> RE: Lunum the Lucian Dragon II (5/10/2008 0:42:36)

Updated the page include adding Glarion and the new project and I shorten the first post, the "previously" part can only seen in private forums now(Its in Lucian Inn, so guests can go there)

dude20024 -> RE: Lunum the Lucian Dragon II (5/10/2008 1:01:04)

nice pics 0o so..whats with the coin thing? ill add a few ^_^

Joshuatks -> RE: Lunum the Lucian Dragon II (5/12/2008 7:00:05)

The site is updated with Liora and Glarion, inform me if there is any wrongs, thanks!

SIGMUND -> RE: Lucian Clan Pets Thread II (5/28/2008 11:54:23)

Lunum and Liora have enough Tokens. [:D]
They are ready and waiting to fight in the Paxia Under Fire Event.

Now we need Stratos to reach Stage 2.
Start 2,100,000 Tokens. Finish 2,150,000 Tokens.

Joshuatks -> RE: Lucian Clan Pets Thread II (6/1/2008 7:31:10)

Updated the 1st post

btw, anyone have an idea for Stratos stage 2 pic?(coz I don't XD)

sacchi -> RE: Lucian Clan Pets Thread II (6/1/2008 13:43:54)

I hadn't checked this thread until now.

Cool pictures ^_^

How much is it left for a new stage?

Psygon -> RE: Lucian Clan Pets Thread II (6/2/2008 18:26:23)

Why Stratos has no attack? Lunum had one when he was a baby.

Joshuatks -> RE: Lunum the Lucian Dragon II (6/2/2008 20:28:02)

Good point, I'll add it

Beowulf Z -> RE: Lunum the Lucian Dragon II (6/15/2008 6:23:52)

Yay! Ol' Malikai is still here! :P

Seems Lunum has developed well too. I love how the theme of the pictures for him/her has kept a followable similarity in terms of detail and retaining the same dragon look.

Seems like Stratos still needs to mature well however, but it'll happen gradually I suppose. I mean, they NEVER stay small forever, right? Just like puppies, one day it'll be you outrunning them, then later on... they'd be outrunning you in terms of dog walks.

Best of luck with them though, can't wait to see how Stratos develops into too!

Joshuatks -> RE: Lunum the Lucian Dragon II (7/8/2008 9:51:41)

Stratos has grown!
He seems to grow much more stronger
Stratos 3rd stage Tokens needed: 2, 212, 000
(Sorry for not updating the thread earlier...)

SIGMUND -> RE: Lunum the Lucian Dragon II (7/9/2008 8:13:06)

Stratos is growing well. Shiney new Stage 2 picture!

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