Meet the newish ArchKnight! (Full Version)

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Genoclysm -> Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/8/2007 1:10:19)

Word is spreading fast, and I really should do something about the random congrats being sprinkled through various threads, so if you must congratulate me, keep it here.

Most of you have already gotten used to me posting here, but this thread will also be for allowing you to ask me up to 15 questions each. Make sure they aren't inappropriate, but they can be silly. Try not to repeat questions others ask, if you can help it.

Elaith -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/8/2007 1:18:26)

Hm... anything else to offer?
What are your opinions on ears and why?
They are very convenient to have. Being deaf is too much trouble for my taste.
What is your least favorite color out of the primary colors?
Yellow, because it isn't green enough.
Why the name Genoclysm?
It is a character name from some stories I'm trying to get written. It is a short version of Genesis Cataclysm, named so because he always brought destruction. I needed a screen-name that wasn't taken, and I really doubted this was taken. He is a villain though... obviously.
What is your favorite character to type?
Space. It is so useful, and you can't see it ordinarily.
What would you name your son?
Two guys into a bar. What happens?
They sit down and order drinks?
Why did the chicken cross the road?
The pig dared him.
Soup or Salad?
Would you like fries with that?
What is your favorite color of the rainbow?
I suppose... indigo.
What kind of things do you like to do in a day?
Sleep, stalk this forum. Oh yeah, and live.
If you could, would you steal a cookie from the cookie jar?
Why does it have to be considered stealing? D:<
What is your favorite sport?
What is your favorite frequency to listen to?
One that doesn't hurt my ears.

Lord Barrius -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/8/2007 1:21:45)

I shall go easy on you and ask only a few, simple ones. Firstly: do you has a flavor? Is it kakes?
My flavor is of smoke and mirrors.
Are you perchable?
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck Chuck Norris?
None, it would be one dead woodchuck.
Why is the infinity symbol no more than a lazy 8 who sleeps on his side?
Because it will last forever, and has no need to work. It IS infinity...
And finally...."look sir, pants". (okay, so that's not a question).
Pants?! Where?!
*scamperflees back to the safety of his cage*

ZeltanX -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/8/2007 1:24:48)

Congratz, here's a poke from me to you.
How are you enjoying your new found powers?
If I told you, I'd have to /kill you.
Pie or cake?
Pie, cheesecake!
Do you like lizards? (you better say yes D:<)
I bring congratulations from the millions of fans omniversal wide!
I thought Falerin's Jeice's fanclub put yours out of business.
A new set of suit or your comfy PJs?
I prefer comfort when appropriate.
Favourite drink?
Sweet tea, particularly Arizona brand.
How about changing your title to "Saintly Archknight of Theoretical Speculating"
That's for Jeice, no Geno.
Any particular hobby?
stalking this forum.
How's your soul feeling right now?
Huh? I used to have one?
What would a typical day be like?
It would start at noon. I have no idea why, it just does. I then stalk, then eat, then stalk, then eat, then stalk, then go to bed.
Berry-O's or Prophetress Oats?
I skip breakfasts. (Not a dodge!) >_>;
How do you feel about having millions, possible reaching billions, of fans omniversal-wide?
What animal best symbolise you?
A dragon. The noble kind. I can be wrathful if people are persistant, but more often than not I'm nice.
Want me to sing your theme song?
That depends... did Daniel write it, or you?
Well, that's all folks. I think we might need a newer version of the golden ticket. Have fun with your AK days

~ Drazilmi
Official Omniversal Jeice Fan League Chairman

Durroth -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/8/2007 1:35:27)

1. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. What time is it?
Time for you to stop saying tongue twisters.
2. Ivan Isaacs vs. Rei Yan?
Rei, 'cause he's a swordsman.
3. Have you brought the secret documents?
4. am I Old Gregg?
...I have no idea.
5. Are we there yet
6. How bout now?
Still no.
7. What about now?
Quiet back there!
8. What color is my hair?
I would first have to see you.
9. Do you have the corner?
Yes, all four of them, and don't you forget it!
10. How are you today?
Fine, thanks.
11. Congratulations!
Thank you.
12. Why are you yelling at me?
because you won't stop asking if we are there!
13. Can I have your autograph?
How much will you give me?
14. Why am I obsessed with Folklore?
Hm... if I analyzed you, you'd have to pay. I may not be a professional, but I'm not going to do it for free!
15. What does me haet?
Um... bananas?

Cheddar -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/8/2007 1:40:36)

I knew you would become an AK soon.

Anyway, here are the questions.
1. Is there a reason why your name is Genoclysm or was it just random?
It is a character name from some stories I'm trying to get written. It is a short version of Genesis Cataclysm, named so because he always brought destruction. I needed a screen-name that wasn't taken, and I really doubted this was taken. He is a villain though... obviously.
2. Do you ever go to the OOC room?
No, that place scares me.
3. If so, how often?

4. Are you gonna be a strict AK (eg: give warnings to every person who spams)?
I'll do whatever is needed according to the rules.
5. Which NPC in AQ or DF do you relate to most?
Um, none really. None of them particularly match.
Well, that's all...for now...meheheh.

Illuminator -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/8/2007 2:11:14)

Congrats Geno.

1. So what do you like about the Speculations board?
My favorite part of the forums.
2. Since you said I shouldn't repeat questions already asked by other people does that mean I can repeat questions asked by me?
...I'd prefer not.
3. How are you?
4. Why'd you pick your avvy?
Genoclysm, the character, has always been impressed by dragons, and is a shapeshifter, so I felt a slightly modified Niith would fit his image well.
5. Are you one of those people that hates bad grammar?
Strongly dislike, but not quite hate.
6. If you had 5 cats and an empty box of cereal, what time would it be in Norway?
That would depend on when I had those things.
7. Do you realize that you got the last question wrong?
I did not. I can't get wrong what I dodge! :P
8. Do you know that you're being graded on this?
* Genoclysm stamps an F on Illuminator's forehead. *
9. Are you chained in a dungeon?
Not yet, but I heard they're coming for me.
10. Okay, so you have just been killed, what do you do?
Um... ignore the laws of this universe and act like nothing happened. You know... like Rez or Auto-life. >_>;
Well that's all.

~Divinity~ -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/8/2007 2:40:24)

So you finally got to archknight ay Geno congrats,

Pizza or Hamburgers?
Cheeseburgers. Cheeseburgers pwn all.
AQ or DF?
AQ, because I have been playing longer, and the game doesn't focus on farming as much.
Whats your favorite thing about AQ?
No monthly fees.
What do you like best about forums?
The Speculation and Theories forum, of course, but if you didn't mean it in that way, then it would be the community.
thats it, congrats again Geno!
I think you mean "again".

Edit:Ya I did lol. fixed it.

destructionist -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/8/2007 3:00:37)


Congratz on you new AK ship. And here we go.

1)If given a choice, which part of the forum do you want to be in charge of the most?
This one.

United States of America

3)Country of Origin?

4)Now, that you are an AK, do you feel any weight on your shoulder?
Nope... not yet at least.

5)How about the shackles?
I hear they're taking measurements for them as we speak.

6)who pmed you to inform you about your promotion?
Falerin asked me if I wanted the position in pm on IRC.

7)What was your reaction upon receiving the news?
I said sure, I was very glad I became an ArchKnight of my favorite part of the forums, and that I would do the job to the best of my abilities. (It also had a sugar rush kind of effect, but this wasn't reflected in my online actions.

8)What was your title before being an AK?
I was only a member.

9)Favourite way of editing/locking/ending a thread/post?
I haven't decided yet.

10)Which of this would you choose?

a)Durian or Mangosteen(hope i got that right)?
I've never tried either.

b)orange or apple?
Apple, especially the green ones.

c)noodles or rice?

d)meat or fish?

e)vegetarian or carnivore?
One can live without meat, but meat only might not provide enough nutrients, so if I had to choose, it would be vegetarian.

f)crocodile or lion?

11)After MQ comes out, would play it?
Yes I will for a while, then it depends on whether I like the feel of it if I continue to.

12) Do you like destruction?
It depends on what kind.

13) are you a very lonely guy?
I usually like keeping to myself, but a few friends are nice to have. So... that would be a no.

14) AQ or DF do you like better?

15) Having fun?
As much fun as answering questions can be that aren't causing my sides to hurt.

I ran out of space for questions... Oh well, good luck in your new post!
Technically you got five extra questions in, but I'll let that slide.

Sir Gnome -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/8/2007 4:56:04)

Wow! You should really tell the people over in Nautica, im sure they'd all come over and congratulate you! I hope you aren't going to forget us in your new role, there are many people relying on the Equipment Guide!
Anyway, no questions from me, just many congrats [:D]

Legendary Blacksmith -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/8/2007 5:24:16)

Well well well. Why am I not surprised at all? You're are right to become an AK, Geno!

kire10 -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/8/2007 6:08:29)

SO geno we meet again

Are you in a forum clan if so what is it called.
I'm in Nautica, and that is pretty much it.

Opinions on ricecakes
Haven't really had them. I imagine I'd like them.

The bomb is being dropped who do you drop it on (I never said what was in the bomb)
Pluto, to put it out of its sub planet misery.
So you drop a bomb on pluto splitting it into hundreds of shards that flie into space. i see why your an AK and Im asking annoying questions.

Why did I cross the road.
Did you go for the pig too?
No I crossed the road so that I could dare the pig to dare the chicken then i got in my car and the chicken never made it.

What is it like to be an AK
Same thing as I usually do, except I can lock, move stuff, edit, and other such things. Of course... it hasn't been 24 hours yet.

And finally Pi or Pie or both
Both. Pie is good to eat, and Pi is good to divide by zero.
Dont forget about using pi to find the radius of a pie

Oh one last question ever though of using a pic of geno as your avy like his face or something
I'm not a very good artist, and would not be able to make a picture of him. The one I have now is about as close as I'll likely get, and it is simply a modified version of the Niith avy available to everyone.
So hes a shapeshifter with no real humanish form interesting

See you on IRC

lightbringer lord -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/8/2007 6:49:19)

[sarcasm, just if you didn't figure:P] So I'm the only veteran seeker who isn't an AK? Darn it >.< [/sarcasm](Oh wait, there Fulcan too)

What about Trinity?

Favourite Food?

What would you name your daughter?
Hm... Apparently I would have trouble naming a daughter, should I ever have one. For now, I suppose I'll just say... um... Ruby. Yeah, that works.

How will your ''Temple of Saint Jeice'' look like?
You would have to ask Zeltan.
Do you spend time on memorizing the archive? (tell teh truthz)
No, and that shouldn't be surprising, considering how often I'm made a mistake. Ah well, at least they usually aren't too bad. I'm terrible with remembering things at times.

What's you favourite film?
Hard to decide. I like The Grinch, American Tale, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, and the original Dr. Dolittleall a lot, and I can't choose one over the other out of the older three. If I was to pick a newer movie though, I'd have to do with Transformers.

How did you discover the neverending saga of Truth?
I hung out in the Nautica channel, and I kept hearing about how hints involving those appearing on the forum came every so often in #755, so I got in on it.

That's all. May the Pink hippo guide you.

Elmedor -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/8/2007 7:17:01)

*Pss Geno put in a good word for us over at the uhh HQ*

1.So now you are an AK ehh?
Yes, captain obvious.
2. What was your first reaction upon recieving the PM?
Shock and glee... emotion wise. My actions have already been answered in someone else's question.
3.If you could be incharge of any other forums what would they be?
I'm not sure. There aren't any others I frequent.
4.Will you attempt to stage a coupe' against Falerin with your newfound powers?
Are you nuts?!
5. Heaven or Hell?
6.Chocolate or Vanilla?
7. Earth or Mars?
8. Can you promote people*winks*?
9. Who is your least favorite NPC in-game?
Kabroz. Sh! Don't tell him I said that!
10. Favorite AQ weapon?
Sila's Staff
11. Male or Female?
Since I don't know which you mean, I'll answer both. I'm male. I'm interested in females.
12. What will be your locking phrase?
Haven't decided yet. I'm considering something dragonic.
13. Bye Arcknight Genoclysm! Dont forget us mere members...
Why is this numbered as a question?
becasue I am ELmedor the Crazy Lunatic!

pjc -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/8/2007 7:53:23)

Hi Genoclysm! Congratulations on becoming an AK!

1) I really like your name. Why did you choose it?
It is a character name from some stories I'm trying to get written. It is a short version of Genesis Cataclysm, named so because he always brought destruction. I needed a screen-name that wasn't taken, and I really doubted this was taken. He is a villain though... obviously.
2) Do you play any sports?
3) How would you describe where you live? Do you like it, or not?
Redneck central. It is alright... quieter than the suburbs I used to live in. For some reason though, incompetence runs rampant in this area.
4) Your strongest school subject?
Math and science.
5) Your weakest school subject?
6) Do you often get up early in the morning or do you like to have a lie in?
Sleep in.
7) What has been your best moment on these forums? (besides your knighting)
Well... the times I've impressed regular users with my knowledge of the Truth Saga.
8) Why did you choose your title?
Theoretical and Speculating refer to this part of the forums, of course. Arch is from ArchKnight, and cataclysm is from the second part of my character's name.
9) If you could have a large part of the forums just about you, what would it be like?
It would be like the GGD and this part, about my stories I'm writing.
10) Did you have a different title before you became an AK? (like Helpful, Creative etc.)
No, I hadn't gotten one by the time.
11) Where else on the forums would you like to AK if you could? Or are you fine with just S&T?
Fine with this.
12) Have you ever met any other AK's/Mods/Staff in real life?
Face to face, no, sadly.
13) Have you had to ban or warn anyone in your short time as an AK yet?
Nope, but it has been a very short time so far. Less than a day.
14) Have you seen The Simpsons Movie? If so, what's your favourite bit?
"Spider pig, spider pig..." "His name is Harry Plopper."
15) Do you realise that I've run out of questions now?
Yes, it seems that way.
That's all! Have fun being an AK, and congratulations again!

Feral Ninja -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/8/2007 8:52:57)

Geno! Glad to see someone i know become an Archknight! ^^

Favourite Speculation?
There are so many different theories, debunked, proven, or otherwise. I can't choose a favorite.
Favourite Text?
Text can mean sooo many different things. Be more specific.
Favourite sort of weapon? (Staff, gun, Ect.)
Considering my character is a mage, staff. Of course that is just for AQ. I'm quite partial to swords in other games.
Those were all. ^^

boomies -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/8/2007 10:25:41)

Wow, good time for me to go here. Placeholder.

Anyways, I will be cautious now that Vas warned me for abusing MtAK rules. So, is it 15 questions per post, per page, or for the entire MtAK?
Per person, but I'll be nice and not count this one.
Geno! I remember when you were that nerdy moglin in the AQ War threads!

What did you do when you heard you were a AK?
I've already answered this.

Do you get any sun it that cellar?
No, but I never did like the sun to begin with.

Who do you share a cell with?
Lkeas and Pie I think, considering we slave away at the same mines. >.>

Why did you choose the name Genoclysm?
For the THIRD time: It is a character name from some stories I'm trying to get written. It is a short version of Genesis Cataclysm, named so because he always brought destruction. I needed a screen-name that wasn't taken, and I really doubted this was taken. He is a villain though... obviously.

Which Mod/Admin stole your soul and made you a AK?
Falerin. He called in my debt and I only had my soul to offer. Everyone gets indebted to him... it's an inevitability.

Who is your favorite Forumite, AK, Mod, and Admin? (What a cllever way to disguise 4 questions as one!)
Hm... I don't know the mods very well, but my favorite AK would be tied for Lord Barrius and Lkeas (sorry Damselindigital and Rimblade, you were close seconds!), and my favorite admin is whithout a doubt Falerin.

How often do they feed you in there
Whenever I manage to invoke their pitty.

What level are your AQ and DF characters?
AQ: 103, 83
DF: 30, 25, 16, 10, 10

Excited for MQ beta?

Hmm. Lets steal Nixs questions. Opinion of Zombies, Dragons, and Zombie dragons?
Zombies are stinky. Dragons are aweome. Zombie dragons are less awesome because they are stinky.

Muffins. What do you think of them?
Give me blueberry!


Avro -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/8/2007 10:36:22)

Um, heys.
how come i don't know you?
I'm guessing you don't frequent here or in Nautica.
will you be a minion of the rico-rice cake?
favourite fruit?

YES mangos! Mangos are definately my favorite.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/8/2007 10:50:08)

And you said you never got noticed. :P

You better help out Paxia.
/me whines. Do I have to?
Do you like moogles?
Moogles rock, especially the gunners slinging ultima across the entire battlefield. :3
You excited now that forumites will bug you every day now more then usual?
Heh, I've already been "bugged" semi-frequently. I *hop* it won't be too much more.
Will you be gathering minions too?
I started that before even becoming an AK. Seriously, did you not notice Zeltan? He's fanatical.
What's your favorite flavor of pie?
You going to come up with your own thing, like ish with meh moogles? :D
Will you drop by the GGD and say hello there too?
You excited about MQ?
Good luck with AKing (You'll need it :P)

Seedling -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/8/2007 10:58:41)

Hiho Genoclysm!

*mumble* How can I Geno-Proof my speculations thread now? Ca- oh wait, you are Geno ='(
Same as before with one difference. I don't post without reason other than agreement, so if you use plenty of evidence and I don't have a different interpretation, I won't post. Of course now I'll also enforce rules too.

How long are you in chains each day?
I hear they're still making them.

Do you like being able to lock threads?
Yes, I like being able to help keep this area of the forums clean.

Big Mac or Big Scakk?
Um, is Scakk also a sammich? I don't know.

L337 or Txt talk?
Ugh, neither.

Why dont you like the OOC? I love participating in some debates there
It is the most inane of the forums (if all were within their respective rules), and I just try to avoid some of the discussions that occur most of the time.

Have a speculationtacular day!

PS: Are you related to pyroclasm? I think youre related =O

cbouncerrun3 -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/8/2007 11:20:31)

Congrats Geno!

How many hours of AQ do you play each day?
i've never kept track. I'm usually multi-tasking though, so it is hard to say accurately even if I did.
How many hours do you stalk the Speculation forums each day?
Any time I can be on a computer.
Do you eat or sleep?
Yes, yes I do.
What's your favourite AQ saga so far?
Bradakhan. Why? Two words: Void War.
If you were offered an invitation to become a Mod or Admin, would you do it? Or is it too much work?
I would do it and hope I could keep up with the work.
Do you play any other games? If so, which ones? And which game besides AQ would be your favourite? Also, why would it be your favourite?
FF series, RPGs in general, Disgaea 1&2. My favorite so far is Disgaea 2. It is a tactical RPG. You can have up to 10 characters on the field at once, and if need be, have them retreat and bring in a reserve to replace them. All your characters can reach up to level 9999 (not a typo), every item can level up to 200 (they need to be legendary rare, and the rarity of each thing is random), there are at least 7 different weapon types for each character to train and get skilled with, and there are a ton of character classes. The game is HUGE. [/rant]
I noticed that everytime someone asks you why you chose your name you just copy and paste the same thing....So, why did you pick the name Genoclysm?
...excuse me while I go find a wall to hit my head on.
What is your favourite smiley?
There was one where one smiley was spamming, so another went and got a mod smiley, and the mod smiley blasted him, but that isn't one these forums provide itself. You'd have to get it from elsewhere.
Banning spree? Pleeeeaaase?
I can't ban, but if someone is bad enough, I can make a request to someone who can.
Muffin, cookie or lightbulb?
As far as eating goes, both cookie and muffin.
Do you mind that I'm using your previous avvy now?
Why would I mind?
Well, that's it for "questions". Have fun being an AK!

LightningIsMyName -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/8/2007 11:25:46)

Hello (oh, i have repeated this question - silly me :D)

Never seen you before since I'm not active in this part, but have you ever seen me? (digital arts section)
The screen name certainly seems familiar, but my memory is terrible.
Favourites sports?
Do you like reading?
If so which of these novels do you like: Fiction, Science Fiction, Fantasy, anything else?
Sci-Fi and most especially fantasy.
Do you play chess?
I haven't played it enough to get skilled in it.
Failing to write a novel.
I'm not going to annoy someone that i see for the first time (that will be next time *insert evil laugh here*) so untill then Bye[;)]

Blade_fighter -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/8/2007 11:29:04)

Hey Geno!

is it just me, or is AK more and more becoming another word for "awesome person"?
I think it is just you. People tend to hate AKs.
Mind you, that's not to say you didn't deserve it.
You were saying I was an awesome person, right? Wasn't that a compliment?
Has my(Gilphon) absense from IRC lately been noticed?
Now that you mention it, yes, but we've been getting new guys a bit frequently, and that has been occupying us with getting them up to speed.
If not, I'll just spend some time crying and then get to reading logs so i can come back.

well, bye for now.

Ricobabie -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/8/2007 11:30:55)

OMG You had a thread and I didn't notice T_T
Well it was pretty much just posted.
Anyways. HIYA ^_^
/me congrats snuggles Geno ^_^

So how are you ?
So what shape are your shackels ?
They're making them into shapes? o.O;
I like your title ^_^ it's cool.
Thank you.
If you had a chair and was broken but you didn't have the tools to fix it, what you would do ? you can't say that you'll buy a new one ;)
Um... stand I guess.
So how many congrats PMs have you gotten ?
Five... or more... I'd have to count again.
Do you like rice-cakes ?
I haven't really had any.
How about marshmellows ?
When roasted or in smores.
What's your favourite smilie ?
The spammer zapping one.
Cool ! You chose a different font for your edit color too ^_^
It helped keep it unique.
Yes I still made it to page 1.

Anyways I'll leave you alone now.

/me bye snugs

Azerkail -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/8/2007 11:51:29)

Congratulations Geno!

Are your analogs just as excited?
Um, yes?
How's the IRC now?
It's gotten busier, but Epics and logs have gotten longer in coming.
If you had to be a flavor of Jello, which one would you be?
Lime, or watermelon, or...
If you were one of the avatar, which one would you be?
Life or Peace.
Drive a car? What kind? What color?
I don't like driving, but when I can't weasle out of it, I take my grandma's white Impala.
Paper or plastic?
Does AK-ship pay? =P
Any benefits?
Not getting whipped if I work hard enough?
Are you getting hinted more on the saga now that you're an AK?
I gotta get an AK to change their title to this, just so I can see it once. "My other AK is an AK-47" =P won't be me.
Congrats again, Geno! I present you with a snowglobe.
<.< >.> /me gives it to Rimblade while Rim isn't paying attention.

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