RE: Pets/Guests (Full Version)

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Khelios -> RE: Pets/Guests (2/27/2008 20:59:54)


The pictures for the Baby Void Dragon are broken.

Here are working pics; in Imageshack and Photobucket (if you prefer one over the other)

Imageshack BVD Pic

Photobucket BVD Pic

/me edits a typo...
The coin landed on heads, so I'm using the Photobucket one. Thanks! ~In Media Res

ubernuke -> RE: Pets/Guests (2/28/2008 0:10:12)


I think there's an error on Blubber Squid - the combined rates for all of its attacks only equals 66%, not 100%. Perhaps it's 50% chance for each attack, as with the other Squibs?
Fixed. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Dahun -> RE: Pets/Guests (2/28/2008 20:56:44)


The Lvl 10 Stitches has been raised to lvl 32 and renamed as Thick Stitches, the lvl 35 stitches was raised to lvl 64 and renamed Elegant Stitches. Price is still the same and not sure about any stat changes as i don't have either one.
Updated. Thanks! ~In Media Res

ohno1232 -> RE: Pets/Guests (2/29/2008 17:28:38)


Bionic shamrock-
Lvl 80
70 training difficulty

Attack 1
Appearance- A big spinning ball with spikes comes out of it and it slams into the monster.
Attack 2
Appearance- A laser comes out of its head and shoots the opponent twice for ranged dmg.
Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

ShadowLurks -> RE: Pets/Guests (2/29/2008 17:31:05)


Bionic Shamrock Pic
Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

.*. .*. .*. -> RE: Pets/Guests (2/29/2008 17:56:28)


Bionic Shamrock

Location:Blarney Surprise war 2008
Level: 80
Price: 20000 gold
Sellback: 4000 gld
Element: Energy
Training Difficulty: 70
Damage: 20-74

Hits: 1
Attack Type: Melee
Element: Energy
Damage: ???
BTH: ???

Hits: 2
Attack Type: Ranged
Element: Energy
Damage: ???
BTH: ???

This poor little shamrock was near death when Drakel scientists saved it by combining it with cybernetics.
Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

ssjgoku5 -> RE: Pets/Guests (2/29/2008 19:41:18)


Cyber/Robo/Bionic Shamrock

Level: 20/50/80
Price: 500/2000/20000 gold
Sellback: ???/???/4000 Gold
Location: Blarney Rogue War

Element: Energy
Damage: 6-22/12-44/20-74
BTH: ???
Training Difficulty: ???/???/70

Attack 1
Element: Energy
Hits: 1
Type: Melee
BTH: ???

Attack 2
Element: Energy
Hits: 2
Type: Ranged
Bth: ???

This poor little shamrock was near death when Drakel scientists saved it by combining it with cybernetics.

Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

shintilaberis -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/1/2008 3:04:12)


Stitches in the Z-token shop details have now been changed. They now are...

Name: .../Thick/Elegant Stitches
Price: 325/650/2500 Z Tokens
Level: 10/32/64
Damage: 10-30/12-44/20-68

Don't know anything more
Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Saint Kilda -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/1/2008 17:38:53)


How come attack 2 in the pedia you said it only hit once? But it's 2. And I have 80 CHA and it doesn't attack 100%. It only attack 90%. And when my CHA is raised to 95 it attacks 100%
Fixed. Thanks! ~In Media Res

DragonBling -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/1/2008 22:18:45)



The traditional pet of warriors in the mystical Asgir Rook tribe, this giant lizard is given power by the tattaos of the tribe.

a typo in the description of the asgir monitor
Fixed. Thanks!

Also, no sigs in here. ~In Media Res

ranger66 -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/2/2008 14:05:04)


Bionic Shamrock
pedia is WRONG
the 2 attacks arent 100% Base and Random each
each is probably 50% Base and Random , im not sure about how much, but certainly not 100% Base and Random each
Ow, I misread what Reyn sent. It's been fixed. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Xerepic -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/2/2008 18:00:59)


On Bionic Shamrock it's second attack says it has 100% BTH, then it says 0% BTH


Hits: 2
Type: Ranged
Element: Energy
Damage: 50% Base and Random each
Stats: 50% Damage and 100% BTH each
BTH: +0% each
Rate: 50%

Maybe I'm misreading? I'm not sure if it is supposed to be two separate things or not.
Stats provide a bonus to BTH too. It receives the usual (i.e. "100% of the normal") bonus to BTH from Stats, but that attack doesn't get any other bonus BTH. ~In Media Res

Knightstar2001 -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/3/2008 13:37:43)


While you were fixing the Baby Void Dragons,you should have checked their cousin Void Drayk. Thats right, the pic for it is broken too. But Here is a New Pic(already cropped if I understand what you did to my past pics) for it. Battle On!!

By cropped, I meant that all that white-space is removed. You'll notice that (if you post the image) there's a large area that's just white. Luckily, I can just use Personator's image from above. Thanks, both of you! ~In Media Res

silaren -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/6/2008 8:54:53)


Quest entry is now up, so the link for location can be updated:

Bionic Shamrock <--Blarney Surprise
Aw, I thought I got them all. Added, thanks! ~In Media Res

.*. .*. .*. -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/6/2008 15:42:50)


Anklebiter Pet (Guest)

Location: Bully Fighters

Element: Wind
Damage: ???
BTH: ???
Training Difficulty: ???

Attack 1(Looks like this attack is no longer available)
Element: Earth
Hits: 1
Type: Melee
Damage: ???
BTH: ???
Rate: ???

Attack 2
Element: Wind
Hits: 2
Type: Ranged
Damage: ???
Bth: ???
Rate: 100%

Picture of the Anklebiter Pet


Edit: Thank you Alexefb and Rastafarian but it seems that the Melee attack is not longer there.
Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

alexefb -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/6/2008 20:44:53)


the 1 hit attack for the anklebiter is earth
Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

jonfun8 -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/6/2008 23:06:28)


Bionic Shamrock is now rare
Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

RASTAFARIAN -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/7/2008 0:53:48)



ORIGINAL: .*. .*. .*.

Anklebiter Pet (Guest)

Location: Bully Fighters

Element: Wind
Damage: ???
BTH: ???
Training Difficulty: ???

Attack 1
Element: Wind
Hits: 1
Type: Melee
Damage: ???
BTH: ???

Attack 2
Element: Wind
Hits: 2
Type: Ranged
Damage: ???
Bth: ???

Picture of the Anklebiter Pet


its 1 hit melee attack is earth not wind
Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Shadowy Mist -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/7/2008 21:18:21)


the anklebiter guest element seeks between earth and wind like Diviara
Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

xaxtoo -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/8/2008 22:07:43)


In the index by elements, the Garlic Vampire level requirement is still listed as 50 when it is 65 now.
Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

xDeathlordx -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/9/2008 15:36:53)


No pedia entry on the newly reissued Drag O'Lantern Z (Level 65)? Or am I missing something? Can't find any info on it.
Reyn got it. Thanks! ~In Media Res

ShadowLurks -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/9/2008 17:00:21)



Crystal Flutterby

Description: Brought to life by the artisan mage smbdoll, this beatiful butterfly golem is made of ultralight and strong stained glass and metal.

Just a minor mistake the word "Beautiful" is spelled wrong!
Fixed. Thanks! ~In Media Res

ssjgoku5 -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/10/2008 14:17:09)



Level: 25/50
Price: 800/2500 Gold
Sellback: 160/500 Gold
Location: Bullyfighter

Element: Earth
Damage: 8-24/12-36
BTH: ???
Training Difficulty: 20/30

Hits: 1
Type: Melee
Element: Earth
Damage: ???
Stats: ???
BTH: ???
Rate: ???

Hits: 2
Type: Earth
Element: Ranged
Damage: ???
Stats: ???
BTH: ???
Rate: ???

This weiner dog is psycho.


Sellback and training difficulty for level 25 pet thanks to .*..*..*.
Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

.*. .*. .*. -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/10/2008 15:06:24)


Some additional info to ssjgoku5's post:

Anklebiter level 25

Training Difficulty: 20
Sellback: 160 gold

Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Baby Grenwog (Guest)

Location: Grenwog Festival
Element: Earth or Light
Damage: ???
BTH: ???
Training Difficulty: ???

Attack 1
Element: Earth
Hits: 1
Type: Melee
Damage: ???
BTH: ???
Rate: ???

Attack 2
Element: Light
Hits: 1
Type: Ranged
Damage: ???
Bth: ???
Rate: ???

Picture of the Baby Grenwog

Added too. Thanks! ~In Media Res

tempestofnight -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/13/2008 16:36:36)



Baby Grenwog/Grenwog Tyke/Grenbaby

Loction: Grenwog Secret Shop '08
Level: 20/50/80
Price: 450 Gold/1800 Gold/18,000 Gold
Element: Earth/Light
Damage: 4-13/9-34/16-64
Attack Type: Melee
BtH: ?/?/?
Training Difficulty: 10/40/70
Sellback: 90/360/3,600

Hits: 1
Type: Earth
Element: Melee
Damage: ?
Stats: ?
BTH: ?
Rate: About 70%

Hits: 1
Type: Ranged
Element: Light
Damage: ?
Stats: ?
BTH: ?
Rate: About 30%

For a long time it was thought that only ONE grenwog was left in the world! Now we know there are more.... and they are little... and they are hungry!
Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

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