RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (Full Version)

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ANBU -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (12/14/2008 15:33:43)


Critique 1

Very nice blending, it allows the sig to be made around the render, but doesn't completely center around it. The use and style of text fits the sig almost perfectly. The contrast of the Orange eye against the general green of the sig is also a nice effect. The only thing that I really saw as a down side to this sig was the darkness to the right of the gecko, it's good, but It just stood out to much for my Liking.

Critique 2

Lighting in this sig is perfection. Makes the sig oh so subtle and comforting. It's a little to blurry for my liking, but then again it adds to the subtlety of the sig.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Approved. Keep working on your CC though.

_XAN_ -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (12/14/2008 19:29:44)

My Work
Sig 1
Sig 2

But actually i want to put a Custom Armor gallery

Critique 1

Please choose another render [:'(], just kidding but maybie thats not the right one, because the render is black and the background is mostly green, you can change the render color (in photoshop) by pressing "Ctrl + U". You made a good work with the C4D good efects.
I didnt like the font u choose, Times New Roman is old but effective.

Critique 2

The fire rain effect is evident but you didn´t do it in the right way, you must use distorsion and disolve effects to make it look cool also the color is very saturated u should play with the colors and mix them. Also the render has no effects besides the guittar you should use topaz and light points.

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Erenath -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (12/14/2008 23:11:29)

My Examples:
Example 2


Image 1 (Kyoko.png):
The render is blurry, and the gray green background does not fit with the black, miserable clothing the girl is wearing. However, the render blends into the background very well. The green and gray backgrounds do not fit well together and look separated. The color of the text properly contrasts the gray background it is located in and the text style fits easily into the dreary, miserable theme.

Image 2 (Disorder.jpg):
The render quality is bad and looks pixelated. The background color does not fit well with the color of the render. The guitar highlight is an effective way of putting focus on the guitar, and makes the picture more interesting. The fragments of the background that are recolored include colors that are totally irrelevant to the picture itself, namely the blue.


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Akronos -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (12/16/2008 15:13:34)

Examples of my work:
Pop The Top


Critique 1: (Image 1)
Text should be moved, its current placement is not very appealing. I would change the border to a 1 or 2 pixel black border on top and bottom only (widescreen effect), that would fit perfectly with the sig. Remove the purple C4D(?), it distracts the eye away from the render, and serves no purpose. Same goes for the white fragments on the right, either remove them completely or blend them in. I would replace them with a scatter brush of some sort. Blurring the background would make the sig more aesthetically pleasing to the eye, also creating a definitive focal point would help also.

Critique 2: (Image 2)
To start off, you should define your focal point more (I'm assuming it's the render), begin by erasing the C4D fragments that seem to be creeping up her chin since you want them to focus on the render as your focal point. The left side of the sig seems a bit too chaotic for my taste, try limiting what is happening there. The lighting attempt above the render can be improved, try using a soft brush and setting it to soft light. Text placement is fine as is, but you should attempt to blend it in more. A simple 1 pixel border all around would have been suffice, and perhaps a black and white gradient on soflight over lighten would have helped bring the colors together.


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Rest In Pieces -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (12/16/2008 17:30:48)

Examples of my work:
Armored Horse
Armored Baby Dragons

The image is neat well drawn and has a nice pose my only problem with it would be the missing right wing and then blue lines on the paper

The sprite is clean and there is no stray pixels its is a bit to small though and i can't see her back arm yet i see the shoulder

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check out the link to Dep's thread on the first page if you need help.

Vampire and Human -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (12/16/2008 19:17:58)

Meh, Here you go, Nothing Special Really, though:


Game Menu...Err, thing XD!

Random Weps/Chars Etc for Another Game

Art 1:

Personally, I think this is pretty good. I especially like the shading, and how the stripes on the dragon still seem to fit with it. However, It really overdoes it near the eye especiall. If you can have too much of a good thing, then yes, that is definetly too much, and worst of it, it sticks out FAR too much, mostly because it's just one plain color, rather than a color verying on the shadow of the area surrounding. I REALLY like the pose of it, and I think that overall, it's pretty well proportioned, however, as usual, the eye is the problem. While the dragon has very realistic shading, it seems very cartoony, more or less anime style, and doesn't really fit. Not to mention the fact that it's about the size of it's neck. Fix up the eye a bit, and it could be an amazing drawing :D!

Art 2:

First, the hands are WAAAY too big. They have very nice detail and shading etc, yet their size is....A bit...Big, lol XD! Other than that, all is well, size wise atleast. I think the color choise is actually phenomanol, and the detail is tremendous. Though, the shading, though very good, isn't good enought in certain spots. For example, his main armor I feel is a bit undershaded, if even shaded at all. It's drawn very well, yet the shading could make it sooo (!) much better, in my opinion. Plus, right where his neck meets the end of his shirt, the shading focuses a bit too much on the area around it, rather than in the middle as well, so it seems as if his neck POPS out at you, and it looks very..Err, abnormal. Though, other than that, everything is fine, pose is a bit basic, though I really like it, nice drawing! I especially like the boots of his, too :D!



I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Edit:, How do I put myself on the pending list?

Approved. See first post.

Thank you :D!

BrantePyrus -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (12/17/2008 11:07:35)

Image one(Paladin attacks DF redone for AQW, one of two),
Image two(Signature for forums, newer version, higher res then shows here),
Alternate Image 1( Nice. Very nice effect, amazing artwork, a feeling of "awe", if you will.. Drawing communicates a feeling of power and majesty.However, the small figure standing and "flossing" the monster turns a peice of majestic artwork into a joke, also, the style for the "dentist" is not the same as the main peice. I like this peice a lot, but feel that jokes and majesty should try to be seperated a bit. Excellent peice.
Alternate Image 2( I like it! A nice character/avi that communicates a feel of personality. I'm interested to know what this character would do from the start. Excellently drawn.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

My things dont seem to come up as links. Is this a problem?
Ack, I messed it up. Here's the fixed links- for the second one, and the first, . Sorry bout that.

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check out the link to Dep's thread on the first page if you need help.

Doubleoh4 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (12/18/2008 1:50:04)

My new 3D work id like to have in a gallery

Cyserune Blade

My critique of alt image 1 - Dragon
First and foremost i love this style of art, very bright broad and uncomplicated colour scheme, the use of thick black outlines are also appealing to me, and were a very prominent aspect of my last works on the gallery. This item is a perfect example of how less can be more.

My critique of alt image 2 - Warrior sprite
Yey a sprite! another image im not unfamiliar with, i did alot of these for my comic strip part of my gallery, very useful and very simple images that are easily pliable. this kind of art can help to keep us humble and remember the good old days when the leading, most advanced video games looked like that. Oh those were the days!

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Edit: yes i most certainly will follow the rules [:)]


Trydeth -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (12/21/2008 23:07:07)

yes well... Grafh we have already met b4 but usually under the name of Slifer644 but none the less i shall post some of my artwork.

1) Power Brute Android V76
2) Speed Mech Android V77
image 1[]: frankly based on its proportions of its other limbs i find that its head is a bit too large and could be smaller. the scales do give it a better feel to it but they do bring it down. what it does is it gives off the feeling of size shrink as it approaches the tail. this is a prob b/c that increases the feeling of misproportion. another note to take into consideration is that the skin of the wings is not as long as it is one side giving awkward feeling. that is easily fixable of course. the limbs for the legs thought hard to see are exceptionally well done! the tail i found to be very creative!

image 2 []: now this one would be better if u had a better perception of depth. the way the head leans in just makes it look like its got a big head. the main reason is b/c the neck's size does not adjust between the head and the body. if u were to fix that the end result could be better! secondly the front right leg appears awkward. that might be b/c it also is trying to appear closer. if u were to try and fix that it could rly improve it greatly! lastly would be the left wing... i see again the problem with depth here. make things appear more cylindrical when the angle is like that and the imgaes will look better. the face (though large) is very well done and same for the hind legs. very well built and very detailed. overall its okay.

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Ebil Nix . Raul -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (12/22/2008 13:52:48)


Example 1
Example 2

Art 1
The background fits well with the render because it's look girl-ish and "mystery"ous.The girl catch my attention from the beggining.The black color around the head of the girl looks strange because the rest of the tag is white and pink. The lines around the text looks nice but the best addition is the rose in the top right corner of the text.
Background color : +
Text(with additions) : +
and - for the black space around the render.
I can't imagine any improving for that tag.Good Job.

Art 2
The background looks nice but it is too dark because the girl have a bright face.The red - black background get me confused. It's strange that the black part of the background is near the bright face of the girl. The text is very nice and the font is interesting.The underline looks nice and make the text looks cooler.
Background colors : +
Text : +
Brightness : -
Good Job with that one too but in my oppinion a less brigther render will work better with the background.


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golden rod -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (12/22/2008 15:34:04)

1.Art Examples game website example 2

2.image one constructive criticism
i see you are going for the deep dark effect. i love that style but you have to be careful not to make it to dark. from where i sit, the colors seem to be a little to dark. the figure used shows power. the way the blue and yellow contrast really make the image pop out at me, which is good. the detail on the image was extremely well done. in conclusion the picture was good though if it had been lighter it would have been much better. overall i give this image a 7/10.
Image 2 constructive criticism
the colors used are good. it looks like a wooden ship should.the way it is made 3d is also good. the boat does seem a little empty to me. maybe a few more people added into the boat would have made it look better. the image flows very well. it is all going in one direction. the bottom of the ship looks real. the way it was designed makes it look like it was made from real wood. the look of the people is good too. they are very detailed. the image was put together very well. it flows well but is a little empty. the sail is all i can say should be changed. it looks a little out of place and much less real then the rest of the image. overall a 9/10.

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zaffie252 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (12/23/2008 0:05:45)

Art Examples
1. Example 1
2.(The roofs are meant to be triangular) Example 2

Constructive Criticism.
Image 1(Eagle88)
I like how this image has been done but i don't necessarily think that the font used for the words eagle 88 was the right choice. I also don't particularly like the lines surrounding "Death From Above". I like the purple background. I think it would have looked a little bit better if the words eagle88 had been moved a little bit or maybe made a little bit smaller. I also really like the blue on the wings of the eagle. But it is a great image. Nice work Grafh.

Image 2 (Disorder)
This is a great image. I love how the end of her instrument is sort of glowing cause it feels like the image is reaching out. And I love how there are specks of colour just slopped on the image. It looks great. The eye down in the bottom righthand corner looks great as well. The building also adds a great touch to this image. And so does the chinese writing. I love this image. It is great. As to constructive criticism, there isn't really much that I think should be done to this image. Both of these images are great. Nice work.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


C4RASHyFaja -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (12/25/2008 3:51:58)

Im working on an Artix Entertainment game themed 'Trading Card Game'

Link to website:
Example one Example two
Card Back

Constructive Critism:
The Trading Card Game is something that could become very popular, not only for people who allready play any of the AE games, but also for just random people. The AE universe is so big, that you can make a whole card game out of it. The design of a card is pretty simple, but it looks good anyways. The rules are more complicated, and there are different variations how to play the game. The game will combine all of the AE games, but it will be based on AQW.
Of course, there are bad points aswell. Firstly, the money that would have to be invested to any of the big TCG producers is pretty much. Aswell that the card game yet isnt balance tested (aka we dont know if any of the cards are overpowered).

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Im not claiming the rights to use the AQW logo, or to produce or sell the card game. Aswell as Im not claiming that the font used in the cards (Morphius) is made by me.

EDIT: I deleted the signature

Not approved. Reread the rules. You gave CC to the wrong thing. Repost, and I'll approved you.

Lightnin10 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (12/25/2008 10:54:39)

wooh aint been here in a wile alot has changed anyway here goes :)



Sig 1:
thier is to much empty space between the render and the text, makes the sig look dull, the render is not focused so the blur makes it looks un orientated, the way the colour changes from that greyish black to the bright greeny colour is good and it brightens the renders face making it stand out more it compliments the renders.

Sig 2:
The Flow is messed the C4D's r off in different directions, the text is bad its to bright and should be bigger and not made to shine like that. the render is not focused that should be done as i suppose it should be the main part of the sig. the flow of the sig seems to be comming from the bottem left but there is a light on to of the render that ruins the flow the light should be coming from the bottom left.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check out the link to Dep's thread on the first page if you need help. Welcome back though.

SpriteSlasher -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (12/26/2008 12:20:06)


2. 2qc1kj7.jpg
Overall this picture is quite good as you got the shape and the texture of the dragon good. However you should put a little more shade to the tooth and smooth out or sharpen the blotches of the side of the dragon to give it a more realistic look. The colours of the dragon should be redone as the colours do not blend in with each other as well as I expected it to as the point of putting different colours together is to see if they blend well with each other and make a good colour scheme. The greenish lines around the eyes and all over the body is really unneeded as it would look better without them.

The outline for the character is by far the best I've seen as it actually shows the shape of the character and the equipment. It could be bigger so the possibility of adding more detail on the sword, cape, face and hair to show more realism. The colours are a little too dull and does not catch my attention so I think that the colours should be a little brighter and a little more range of colours I might add.

3. I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

I re-edited my CC.


lamaman123456789 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (12/26/2008 18:07:56)

Hey Grafh, I'm back for another try at becoming an Approved Artist, but first Merry Christmas to all.

Banner #1
Sig #1

Constructive Critisism:

Image 1(Chinese Symbol):.Although very intriguing and interesting the first thing that i am attracted to is the red neon looking line above the neck of the guitar which pulls away from the render and in most (but not all) cases is a bad thing. Yet, even though it does that, it brings you in to looking at the bright colors. The darkness from the background is lit up by the red line and sparks on the left but it still shows the effects in the background. The text is easy too see and it dosent really pull away from the render but still attracts you. You could calm down all the effects on the neck of the guitar and sparks by lightly shading over it. I like the way that she is concentrated on what shes doing and not staring straight at you. Overall it's a nice tag with good but a little too powerful effects. Rating 9/10

Image 2(Desire):I like the way shes positioned because it looks like she is coming from the outside. The pink and orange combo that you tried is good but i wouldnt use it in a tag like this because thier brightness takes your eyes away from the focal point. Even though i said that the background is okay it still invites you into the tag and makes the area in between the text and render not bare. The text's size and effects(Hearts and Lines)around it drew me away from the render. The Render looks like it was just slapped on the sig and not blended in at all which makes it look like not much effort was put in. The focal(render)looks like it is too sharpened, but overall it's pretty good with some flaws, very nice. Rating 7.5/10

I Lamaman123456789 hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


Donkashang Grafh

Azero -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (12/27/2008 22:38:00)


Art 1 - [image][/image]

Art 1 - [image][/image]


1. Post two forms of art you wish to post in the Gallery (if you are working on a game project, a link to your website will be fine). This can be any form of art that fits the Gallery or any of the sub areas.

2. Give constructive criticism to the following images. [Image 1] [Image 2]

Image 1-
Great light source
Great quality of render
Could use more effects and colors
Enlarge the text a little bit
Could use a little highlight on the border

Image 2-
Slightly rough edges
Great C4D and effects
Could make the text bigger and brighter
Not much great mixture of the render and background

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


Leviathor -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (12/28/2008 20:33:03)

Digital painting -
Animation -

Critique 1 -

I must confess immediately that I have absolutely no experience with spriting. That said, I do think this one is well done. The level of detail (such as the shoulder pads and knee pads) is amazing. The only things that struck me is that one ear seems to be missing (or at least vaguely defined), and that the lycan's right hand doesn't looks quite right. Regardless, these are both minor issues, and this is one of the best sprites I've seen in awhile.

Critique 2 -

So detailed! And the perspective is excellent in most places. The right cluster missile launcher should be a little bit more foreshortened, and either the left or the right foot's perspective needs adjustment, so as to match the other foot. I particularly like the legs though—the design is unconventional, yet very plausible.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the administrators and moderators of these forums. I understand that failing to follow all rules, I can be removed from both the Gallery and the forums themselves.

OOo Writer's spelling suggestion for "spriting"is "stripping" xD


.//Enlightened//. -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (12/28/2008 22:00:24)





very nice piece. ill ffirst start off withe the mood. the background goes well with the mood of the render. it deems like she is falling into an abyss or depression. the colors in the pieca are a bit bland but they seem to compliment the render. nice use of effects. the shatter effect helps alot with the flow of the piece. lets see... not much of a foreground. there is a lil blank space under the text. the text itself seems to fit fine. it may be a little bit brighter. also i think that the blurriness of the render detracts from it.

overall a great piece that is alot better thatn one of my own.



very nice piece. not too much dull/ null space. once again, the colors are a bit bland but compliment the image. also, nice text. i like how you used a diffetent color than what was the main color. the render again is very blurry which detracts from the piece.

i think that the only things that you could do are add some lighting, and maybe imrove on the render qualities. this goes for both the pieces.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


Approved. Keep working on your CC through.

Angel Of Fire -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (12/29/2008 12:45:20)

Art Examples
Artwork One

Artwork Two

Constructive criticism for image one:

This, in my opinion is a really good sig. I like how the anime( or is it manga ) woman looks "the part" for the username. The colours work well together but i think the text size is a bit wrong. The text should be either larger, or smaller to look top-quality. Very good piece of art though.

Constructive criticism for image two:

This siggy, i don't like . The first thing i notice is the girl(lol). But when you look more closer, you can see that the artist has used a sort of "smudge" effect on the left arm, which can be confusing, but also sort of "makes" you look at the girl's face. Even after examining the text, i could not find anything wrong with it, exept that it could be a bit bigger, and if made bigger, should be placed differently.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Also i wish Grafh and the whole AE team happy holidays

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check out the link to Dep's thread on the first page if you need help.

royce924 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (12/31/2008 20:03:23)

Art examples
1(Dark Radius)
2(Fading Fire)
Constructive Criticism:
The first thing i noticed when I saw this, was the Girl which stood out. The Font is a very good choice and I like how you put the rose in the corner.The render blends well with the rest of the picture but there is some black (which doesn't blend well with the image) around the girl.
Girl is Standing Out +
Black which doesnt blend well -
Render blends well +
Font +
Rose in corner of text+

Sprites are the essentials of making a comic. The lines are ok and edges are good but the character is slightly pixilated.Overy all it is a pretty clean Sprite
Pixilated Character-
Edges are Good+
Lines ok+
Overall Clean ++

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check out the link to Dep's thread on the first page if you need help.

Kensoko -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (1/1/2009 14:30:59)

My art works is just the frostval, and a bad artwork, shall I post it up?

This guy
Frostval entry

image 1
image 2

Image 1:
Very nice effects and very beautiful done, it was actually the background that caught my eyes, not the girl.
I think it's good that near the girls face is being bright, which will try to keep focus on the face.
I think the importance of this image is brigthness and not effects, too much effects can ruin the image,
since she's not in manga/hand-drawn.
The girl should lift up the arm and show a little more of her body, taking up little more space in the background.
It could be a lil' better if there were more colors than green, black and the the girls skin.
The title/text is kinda boring, try to bring out the texture/shadows/effects. Overall is good.

image 2:
Have good effects and skillfully done. Most of the effects makes me think that the girl is playing guitar in
a burning area. (wow...the girl is sooo pretty)
It's good that the girl is brigther than the background, makes her stand out more.
Brigthness is good in this image, but the guitar is covered by brightness and effects, try not to drown something
in a mass of effects.
The right side of the image is kinda empty, try to create some effects on that area to cover up.
Too much effects for me.

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(I'm inexperienced, have mercy on me)


.Discipline -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (1/1/2009 17:14:31)

A 3D rendering of my friend Tomix
My techno music tracks produced so far

Image 1 (Kyoko):
Quite blurry, the greenish background really doesn't complement the girl, the text is very boring, however, I do like the look on the girl's face in contrast to her clothes, and I would say that a darker background, perhaps dark red, would go better with the mood, the text can then be changed to a color that contrasts the red.

Image 2 (Guitar Girl):
Kinda pixelated, the fire effect on the guitar is not done very well, and the girl's clothes do not really fit the theme. The fact that she is brighter than the background is good, and it makes her stand out, but from what I imagine about the background, it should be alight with flames. I like the way you have added the japanese letter at the bottom, as a kind of signature, it fits in quite nicely with the girl.

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Inquisitorrrr -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (1/2/2009 13:40:13)

Examples of Art

First Critique

The thing which strikes me immediately about the tag is the lighting, it appears that not much attention was given to it, or perhaps that realistic lighting was not a desired effect.
The colour choice seems poor as the warm colour present throughout is rather tedious and gives a monotone effect, the purple effects do save the tag from being completely monotone, ultimately however the two colours just clash. Typography also does not really fit with the tag and detracts from the tag as a whole. Despite the negative points the tag does have a strong focal point and decent composition.

Second Critique
Again, lighting is immediately noticeable, but this time appears to have been less of an afterthought as instead of appearing ignored, it seems overdone and is far too strong, in addition to this many of the effects are cluttered together, giving the tag an unbalanced, chaotic feel - which in this case does not work. However the colours of the tg are quite pleasant and the composition again is satisfactory.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


ShdoKnite -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (1/3/2009 20:31:46)

Dragon (Hand Drawn)
A logo for the letter "A" (Hand Drawn)

Image One: The thing I don't like about this one is that you can see the blue lines and the margin. I think it would be better if it was drawn on a sheet of plain white paper instead of lined because it kind of "ruins" the picture to me. Also, if you drawn it the other way and rotate the paper 90 degrees you would be able to fit in the other wing, if the other wing was there, it would look better.

Image Two: I have never really had much experience with spriting so I'm not very sure if this is a very good or very bad one. Although I can say the variety of colors used to create this sprite were VERY good. But a minor correction i could make is the size of his hands, I looked closely and saw that the right hand is a lot bigger than the left one, and even though his left hand is in a fist, it would not be that small, but this is hardly noticeable and isn't anything major. Aside from that issue, this is a very good sprite.

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