RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (Full Version)

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firmater -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (2/11/2009 16:54:48)

Example 1
Example 2

Links down, so giving c+c on images from previous post
Overall, this tag is pretty poor.
The text is alright, but apart from that, the tag lacks lighting, depth or any kind of decent effects.
Also, its very monotone.
To improve, adding more colour to the tag, and blending the render alot more would help.
also, distinguishing a definite light source would add to the tag.

The text is real hard to read, the background has nothing special and overall it lacks any decent lighting, depth, or variation of colour.
Once again, adding different colours would improve the tag
To further improve, i would add more effects so it wasnt so plain looking.

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My second try


SlyCooperFan1 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (2/11/2009 20:38:02)

I will be making a DF Gallery, so here are my DF edits:
Another one

As the links are down in the first post of the thread, I'll use the other two pictures that are being used at the moment.

Overall, I see this as a pretty good image that could be used as a sig. There does seem to be an issue with the text and the lighting in the background. To improve this, I would suggest to either darken the words a little more, or make the lighting less strong. However, everything else is good, and, like I said before, it is very good as a sig. It just needs a little touch-up.

This seems to be a beautiful image. There is a perfect balance between lighting and effects, and the text, making it seem very good in both aspects. Yet, the black background behind the woman draws your eyes away from the rest of the picture. As we should be focusing on the text "Mystery", it would be better to make the color behind the woman more towards the purple color, but not to remove the black completely. We do need some focus on the woman, but not too much focus.

"I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves."

Approved. Add yourself to the Pending list, I hit the wrong button.

Talion -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (2/12/2009 1:05:41)

Image Examples

Here's the link to my art work.
*the 250x250 px pics were from another rpg called these are pic I've done for tons of satisfied players. I was a verry notorious pic maker.

Constructive Criticism Part

Style is interesting, but I feel like it misses some flow, depth and sharpness. I like the effects, but maybe playing with colors a bit would make it greater. another advice: change text and add some blending to it. the actual one ruins the sig. Also, the tag is a bit too gloomy which results in no focal point attracting the eye. making the girl and the yellow effect brighter and sharper would fix it easily;)

I LOVE this one. Especially the distorted clipping mask effect. colors are awesome (maybe you should've add a light yellow variation but still cool), render is smooth and well made and it's blending is just great. Oh and congratz with the text. Nice use of space, good focal point, good depth, good blending. Hardcore sig.

Final Part

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Rabbid Chipmunk -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (2/13/2009 7:48:33)

Image Examples

Constructive Crictism
I think it loooks pretty good the background isnt to distracting so it trys to put your focus on Snuggles and the girl I think the background is a perfect match for the foreground and the text is in the perfect place and the font it isn't to flashy and isn't colliding with the pic.
I think that this one ok the effects dont take away to much of the image so your eye is still drawn to the girl but the colour in the top left corner looks like the colour of guts (to me at least) the text is pretty good although i think you could've made it bigger but it doesn't clash or collide with the girl so all in all i thinks its ok.


I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check out the link to Dep's thread on the first page if you need help.

ok thank you

Volcanopyre -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (2/14/2009 4:38:50)

*Mentaly crosses fingers*


My Pics 1 and 2

CC Pics: Pic 1and Pic 2

Pic 1 CC:

The picture is very monotonus. A few different colors to the background wouldn't hurt. Also the lighting is very poor. Too bright in some places; to dark in others. Apart from that I like it.

Pic 2 CC:

Again very monotonus. The lighting is very poor ( Too bright in some places; to dark in others ) which makes the text fairly hard to read. I think if the girls face was a little darker and the nose more clearly outlined it might be better. Apart from that I like it.



I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

*Mentally Crosses fingers again* [:)]

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check out the link to Dep's thread on the first page if you need help.

doommaster199679 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (2/14/2009 10:18:20)

My Pics:

Constructive Critism


Beautiful. The way the colors match in the background and the face. The writing in the topleft corner is also very nice, although i would make it a bit fatter. And the way the right side is all built nicely and the left is a explosion. It just give a nice good/evil contrast. A beautiful pic.


This Picture is amazing. I will have to say that the way it glows just gives it a good atmosphere. And the way the background goes over to a fuzz is also very nice. But, the edges of the person should be emphsized so that you can see it better. Otherwise, just perfect!

The End

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check out the link to Dep's thread on the first page if you need help. *Hint try adding more.

Smalls -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (2/14/2009 17:36:03)

Hand Drawn 1
Hand drawn 2

I really like it, though the lighter areas are a bit annoying as it takes the focus away from where it should be: the lady, it's overall a good piece, though possibly get rid of the lighter dots, I like the roses added to it, maybe you could add more as that would make it have more a theme, you should keep the lighter streaks, but the addition of dots makes it annoying, add like two more roses as that would add a cooler affect, I like it a lot though, really good

This one is not so good, as the stripes on it make the picture look blurry and not as good as the first, you might want to get rid of the stripe things and, the blurred effect looks good on some, but totally not as good on this one, maybe you could add something , try for a different color of stripes if you like them, as I like them, but do not enjoy the effect of the color to the person, it's fine if you like the blurred effect, but not if you don't, if you want to use this as a sig though, you would have to change it's size, it's to long height wise, just the overall affect of the sig is confusing with the blurs, it is cool though, it's an interesting piece, just not my style overall

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Kienkai -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (2/14/2009 19:05:53)

Artwork One
Artwork Two

Image 1-
First of all, I love the C4D effects. Maybe include them on the right half too, since it will make the different backgrounds "flow" together more. The words are a little bit hard to read however, since its light/dark tone is almost the same as the background. Try to make it a more lighter color, so it won't blend in with the background as much. The font matches nicely with the girl though [:)]. It has a very nice colour scheme too. Also, perhaps maybe a bigger border? Very cool overall [8D]

Image 2-
The face has no flaws, except the "face paint". They don't match with the rest of face, since they don't seem shaded. Perhaps you should make the bottom one darker than the top one. The shirt seems to have weird lighting effects too. Looking at the face, the light seems to come from her right, so I don't think there should be that little spot of "shadow" on her shoulder.


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Auteramatique -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (2/14/2009 22:38:50)

1. Post two forms of art you wish to post in the Gallery (if you are working on a game project, a link to your website will be fine). This can be any form of art that fits the Gallery or any of the sub areas.
1 & 2

2. Give constructive criticism to the following images.
Okay, this tag is a little over-contrasted; the white is too over-powering and leads to the hole on the bottom left. I'm not a fan of the text, the stroke looks bad, and I am personally biased against transparency in text. The Gecko on the right blends colour-wise, however it looks like the way it was cut-out was used with feathering as there is a faint shadow surrounding it, perhaps this is a desired effect to make it stand-out, but it makes it look more 2D despite the decent attempt at depth. It does however look like a Gecko on a leaf, close up, and therefore I presume that the signature was made with concept in mind.

The way the peachy colour transitions to the colourless background is a little too sharp, and unpleasing to the eye. The glow is sort of complimentary to the name, however I feel that it is too, slightly unaesthetical. Personally, I dislike the positioning of the text (as well as the text) and the general composition is not necessarily to my preference, though I do think I see what you were trying to get at. The focal does have a sort of heavenly feel around the fingers which gives the image a generally soft atmosphere which has it's appeal. I think it lacks depth and lighting as the light seems to be shooting in different directions, and it's a girl with a strat sitting on a sofa in the middle of a weird dark background. Slightly Old style and kinda nostalgic. :)


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Synthe -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (2/15/2009 10:02:24)

here was my first ever weapon idea
this was my fav

i think it look very good and the shine effects added to itand also i like the font for the pic its just that i can see it very well but overall this i a very good picture

i think this is a very good picture because of the detail and the star fall behind gives it extremly good effect but the woman looks a little bit blurred but overall i think it is great


I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check out the link to Dep's thread on the first page if you need help.

desepture -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (2/15/2009 16:20:56)

Hand drawn armor for AQworlds
1. Chaos body -
2. Chaos Gloves -

Constructive critism

alt image 1

The image was very detailed, There could be a little less shading its a bit to dark. Theres a few flaws in the teeth. over all it just needs some more detail to it. They could have also took the time to erase the stary marks around the picture and in the blank parts of it. There could also be a little more detail to the dentist, but not too much I like the simpleness of it compared to the detail of the dragon.

alt image 2

This picture leaves quite a bit to be desired. for example the sails on the ship arn't attached to any string, wire, or robe. the ship itself is missing a lot of detail to it. its too blank doesnt seem right. I was dissapointed there was'nt any water under, near, or anywhere around the ship, which left it feeling very fake. as for the characters on the ship....well there not my style but they seem well put together, no complaints there.

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Captain Capricorn -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (2/15/2009 16:35:43)

Image 1
Image 2

Hope you like theme!!

Not approved. Follow the rules.

Lord Skull -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (2/16/2009 13:20:34)

Image1:[image][/image]sorry if its too big...

well...what i did in this picture was try to make a look of my character, which looks like artix, and hes an evil side of him, anyways, i like what i did with matching the colors, and i think the puple balances the red, i chose to mix those two colors becuz i think that the red compliments the puple, and the black makes the red and purple more noticable, yet not so tacky, its a weird mix of colors but i tried making it so that it would give him an evil kind of look, so i thought that purple compliments darkness, so i used that color for the background as well to make it seem like that, and i darkened the eyes, kind of like eye liner, to add even more effect to the evil look...the spikes were perfect for the evil lord look so i decided to put in a few...what couldve made the picture better was if the cape was made with more detail and not so squared in the teared up parts...

Image2:[image][/image]again...sorry if its too big...

something i like about this picture is the way the colors make the character look, and like in the previous picture, the colors tend to compliment each other, the yellow skulls in the background seem a little off but i think they made a sort of logo look, since they are also used in the characters armor and the sword...the sword looks very nice, and using the same colors as for the armor makes it go with the whole thing...although it shouldve been a little larger to match the characters image...

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Not approved. Reread the rules.

ChickenCow Knight -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (2/16/2009 15:33:43)

Art examples:
image 1
image 2

image 1:the background is very good by that it matches the renders and that it's colors are incredibly well chosen.The renders are very nice too and because of the match of the armors it looks like a father and his son.The colors balance eash other.The associaton between the renders and the BG results in one of the few pictures that make you feel something.The logo hasnn't so good colors but has a good text style which does it's work very well so it realy doesn't matter.Overal it's a good image but some things could've been done better,for example the text could've been made from "fire"

image 2:A very nice use of a bug in a art piece.The colors are very well chosen,the render is matching the BG,and it's quite funy.As allways some things could've been done better:The text should've been "metal" or "aqua" and the sword could've been blue for a perfectly match.But the bigger issue is that the wings aren't opened.....but overall it's a preety good image too.

I,CC knight, hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Note:In case I do something I didn't know is bad,I would like to please you to give me the reasoning of why that is bad.(I'm new to these forums so i don'y know how do you guys react....:P)


Starlock -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (2/16/2009 21:23:04)

Art Examples:

Example 1

Example 2

Constructive Criticism:

Since the Image generator isn't working, I'll use images that were used earlier in the thread.

Image 1
Overall this is a pretty good image. The render and text are positioned in the right place. Though, the image's background consists of very bright lights distracting the viewer from the image's render and text. The text of the image is somewhat hard to read because of the bright lighting in the background and of the lowered opacity. The image also lacks a light source since light is being emitted from all over the image. Some advice on how to improve it would be to lower the lighting in the background and higher the opacity of the text. The image also has a nice green glow border and is overall a pretty good image.

Image 2
This is a nice work of art. The image has nice effects that compliment the theme and has good lighting. The background is nice but is somewhat too bright. The font of the text adds to the image and the flower is a nice touch but the text is hard to see. The render is also a little too sharp for the image and looks as if it has a different light source. Overall, it's a very nice image.

"I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves."


ykk 9 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (2/16/2009 22:48:11)

1. Image One
Image Two

The colors are perfect,but the postion of the C4D ruined the flow and the text is too small.

The C4D on the guitar neck is nicely placed and the chinese text in the right corner is a nice touch to the signature,but the c4d on the the left is uneeded.

3. I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check out the link to Dep's thread on the first page if you need help.

Bobby McPhee -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (2/16/2009 23:49:22)

Image 1
Image 2

Image Critique 1: I don't think that the contrast goes well with the background of peachy orange. I think that there could be a wider background, if it was a logo, because otherwise you get one main image, and it really makes you wonder what is going on in the picture. You can try and make sense of some wind happening, but maybe if we got a good look of where the petals where coming from, it could possibly make it a bit more interesting. Otherwise, the Anime Female was done extremely well.

Image Critique 2: The background seems too dark for the initial main image, the girl with her guitar. It is another one though which I think is really cluttered with the main image, and could possibly be widened out a bit more, with a bit more background showing there. It is also disappointing that you don't get to see the full body of the girl, or even the full body of the guitar because of the render being too small. Maybe a bit more height? I also couldn't understand the foreign writing in the bottom left corner. This being an English-based forum, it should be at least translated a little bit.

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macaroni man3 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (2/17/2009 14:26:05)

My picture examples:
1. a sig for myself

2. banner

Constructive criticism:
image 1

it is very detailed and well thought out. I think that it could be improved if it was a bit cleaner (maybe try fading the edges of the edited parts a bit). Also, the enemy (person on far right) has droopy pants. If you pulled them up or split it into two leg sections higher up, it could look better. lastly, i think that adding an eye to him/her/it would give a greater feel to the picture. Overall though, you did a great job and it looks like lots of thought and effort was spent of it.

image 2

the dinosaur head really stuck out and amazed me when i first looked. but then i saw the little dentist man on the side. It could be improved if you detail the dentist man or get rid of him. I suggest that you build on the dentist like person and give him the same shading and detail as the patient he is working on. also, you might want to fix the text bubble so it is a complete bubble and not open. Giving the text more elegance might also help as it looks as though it was rushed or drawn on by an annoying friend trying to pull a prank and mes up your work. though it has messy parts, it has lots of potential and the head being worked on by the person is incredible. keep up the good work.


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