RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (Full Version)

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EragonZZZZ -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (3/25/2009 20:16:39)


First, click here (if you have Windows).

Download and install it. Make sure you install it to a location where you will NOT move it or accidentally delete it.

Right click your .swf file and click "Open With".

Select "Choose Program", and then "Browse" when the dialog box comes up.

Find the .exe you just installed and double click it (via the Browse window). Select the check box that says "Always use this program to open this type of file".

Press "Okay".

You're done.

golden rod -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (3/25/2009 22:18:56)

thanks it worked

MetalMewtwo -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (3/26/2009 1:28:40)

For Tauguy

Ok, im trying to do a temp. inventory, and im using this code as the function:

currentslotnum = 1;
_root.evidence._visible = false;
function addToslot (item) {
if (!item.found) {
item._x = eval ("_root.evidence.itemSlot" + currentslotnum)._x;
item._y = eval ("_root.evidence.itemSlot" + currentslotnum)._y;
item.found = true;

evidence is a movieclip which contains a load of inventory slots

when you click on something this function is supposed to happen to it ^^^
it works if the slot is in the root. timeline and I remove the evidence from the code, but I need it in a movieclip so it can be visible/invisible on various button clicks.

any ideas what sort of basic error im making?/quote]

I tried remaking what you did, and surprisingly, and the same thing happened! I tried modifying things. I went inside one of the itemslots, moved it a bit away from its registration point, then i played the swf and found the item appeared in the _x of the timeline instead.

This will show you whats happening:

-at first, if you click the item, it will put itself to the far upperleft
-now refresh the page
-inside the evidence box, drag the upper left box and move it to the right. Then click the item. The item will always be at the upperleft of that itemslot for some reason.

I've seen the inventory system you're using alot of times, and i believe its useless with complicated games. After you put the item into the slot, the item is still clickable, and would probably still animate/trigger if you dont want it to. So i suggest using attachMovie. It's MUCH more lengthier, but it works.

Its currently 1am in the morning where i live, so i made some quick adjustments, though its not completely done.

using this code in the timeline:
currentslotnum = 1;
addToslot = function () {
_root.evidence["itemslot"+currentslotnum].attachMovie("redy1", "redy1"+currentslotnum, 1000+currentslotnum);

this code in the item:
on (release) {;

and when i turned that circle into a symbol, i also gave it the linkage name of "redy1"


My way of making inventory systems is VERY long in terms of code. It takes 100 lines for every item... plus 50 more for the item itself and linkage...

But from an old work i dug up, i once made myself a perfect inventory system...

-arrowkeys to move, and you can click on the circles when they're inside the boxes to delete them.

Well i hope you find this helpful

tauguy -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (3/26/2009 17:13:33)

Thanks a lot, thats really helpful (assuming it works, which im sure it does!).
It is only a temporary thing for a demo, so it doesnt need to be complex.
But yeah, thanks.

somebody621 -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (3/26/2009 20:22:34)

Boy, you guys must be pretty mad at me just coming and leaving.
Anyway, I "regained my flash mojo" and decided to come back =];

tauguy + MetalMewtwo: generally, hundreds of lines of code for single objects can be quite troublesome, and you should probably consider using loops. If you make your inventory as an array, I think that for... in should work best in AS2. Furthermore, it's probably a good idea to get into the habit of putting code on frames instead of movie clips, so use __.onRelease = function() or whatever (forgot the syntax =P).

flsg + EragonZZZZ: wait, there's a contest 0_o?

golden rod -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (3/27/2009 0:29:47)

well i'm new to flash and all... i was wondering how would one approach the coding of a game engine for a game such as adventure quest, but with keyboard controls and a massively explorable world that you can travel by foot around. yeah how would you approach that.

EragonZZZZ -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (3/27/2009 0:49:24)

somebody - there's ALWAYS a contest. The trick is...finding it! :3

golden - Hmm...good question.

Personally, the way I approach any large goal such as that (with code, anyway) is to not approach it directly.

Let me elaborate. I don't ever set out to make a humongous game engine or program. I start small, figuring out little bits and pieces that I will eventually need to put together to make the final product. My hard drive is covered with files called things like "testInventory.fla", "lineCollide.fla", and "IsoTextureTriangles1".

Just experiment with Flash and Actionscript. Learn everything you can, perhaps focusing on the things you feel you will need to make your game. Before long, you'll realize that you have the ability and the pieces to put together your final product.

For example:

Moving Character w/ Keyboard ---> Playing Character Animations Through Code ---> Playing Character Animations w/ Keyboard ---> Moving + Playing Character Animations w/ Keyboard

Good luck!
This thread exists to help you on your endeavor, btw. Ask questions!

golden rod -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (3/27/2009 1:15:18)

yeah that makes sense. another question though is how would everything fit together, that is something i'm concerned about, the placement of all the code.

and an unrelated question what would the code be to make an object follow the players mouse. for example i wanna make a game where you have to shoot something before it reaches the end. so how would i make a gun follow the mouse.

somebody621 -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (3/27/2009 17:30:49)

A nice and useful resource if you're using AS3.
I love it so much.

In other news ;), I've finally finished my scrolling engine. Now to create a map editor...

14000 Tiles and 3 Parallax Layers - Warning: Very very slow and CPU-intensive initiation
7000 Tiles, 3 Parallax Layers, but with Blurring

WASD to move in both examples.
looking back, there's a really annoying bug that I thought I fixed, but is still there... argh

Oh, and yeah, I think Eragon's approach to things is the best. The only problem is combining everything...

Golden rod - Honestly, if you're new to flash, lay off the games and start learning the language first. You'll find that it won't be until you know the Actionscript well that you can actually make interesting games. I think you should try learning AS3 from the ground up in order to get a feel for the language. (I would recommend Essential Actionscript 3.0 by Colin Moock =P jk jk jk)

flsg -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (3/30/2009 20:37:38)

OMG wbwb somebody ^^;
pm me your MSN plz x.x
I need to restart coding when I have the time...

Oh and BTW, nice scrolling engine, but where are you gonna use it lol

re-edit: and does it involve complicated mine-crushing algorithms for depth or is it just a random value you assigned for the movement speed?

somebody621 -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (3/31/2009 20:21:47)

I don't really use MSN anymore (mostly use gtalk);

pfft, I'll find some way to use the scrolling engine.
The depth is all an illusion =O. The layers just move at different speeds relative to each other. Though I probably could implement z-values, etc, I really don't need to, and it's easier to use this way.
I just uploaded the files here BTW, if anyone wants to see.
There's still some more stuff I want to implement (MVC FTW), and I really need to clean/optimize the code.

flsg -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (4/3/2009 17:17:59)

not gonna check the file before I create a better version, lol

MegaPoster404 -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (4/3/2009 21:58:19)

Anyone know how to make a health bar?

Brownie -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (4/4/2009 4:21:41)

I've been taking a look at all these resources because I have been asked to teach some year 7's flash. And I know almost nothing.
I thank Everyone contributing to this thread, you are really saving my...Yea...

I'm downloading the trial and trying a few things. I'll post results later.

Thanks all!

Vampire and Human -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (4/5/2009 20:26:27)

@MegaPoster404: Just assign a variable, make a little animation of a bar going up, then make it go to the frame which is the same number as the var. It's actually kinda' easy, lol.

MegaPoster404 -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (4/5/2009 20:52:25)

One more thing. I'm making a battle system, and I want to know how the player can be in front when he/she/it attacks, and then have the enemy in front when he/she/it attacks.
Is there any way to do that?

Vampire and Human -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (4/5/2009 20:53:41)

Depends how you battle system works, and what kind of battle system it is. Though, you should probably just change the depths.

golden rod -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (4/5/2009 20:58:40)

aight i'm making a battle system too. a turn based DF'ish style battle system. and i need someone to kind of guide me through the steps. i was using this tut but they lost me, i got confused. can someone help me out.

Vampire and Human -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (4/5/2009 21:03:58)

What of it don't you understand? What it tells you to do, or the code it gives you?

golden rod -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (4/5/2009 21:16:25)

more or less both. mostly what it tells me to do though.

Vampire and Human -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (4/5/2009 21:25:40)

Mkay, can you tell me for which part? Are you somewhat familiar with the tools of Flash etc?

golden rod -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (4/5/2009 21:38:26)

more or less. i know most of them but some aspects of the tools are a little unclear. the only thing that really confuses me are layers...which is kind of sad because layers are supposed to be important, right.
i'm pretty confused from the beginning. i make one movie clip of the character, but they pretty much loose me after that. i double click that MC, animate it but after that, i'm not really sure what to do. i'm not even sure if i've done what i'm suppose to have done at this point.

MetalMewtwo -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (4/5/2009 23:58:51)

1 -make a blank movieclip
2 -put the instance name of "man" on this blank movieclip
3 -double click to go inside it
4 -draw a man(or just a circle to represent it)
5 -click the stage/timeline and put the code " stop(); " in the actions
6 -insert another Keyframe at the top
7 -click the stage/timeline and put the code " stop(); " in the actions
8 -in this new keyframe, you should see your "man" that you drew
9 -now go back to the first frame and turn the man into a symbol movieclip
10 -now go to the second frame and turn the man into a symbol movieclip
11 -on this second frame, double click the man movieclip to go inside it
12 -once your inside, click the stage/timeline and put the code " stop(); " in the actions
13 -make the man into a symbol movieclip again
14 -now use as many frames as you want to make the attacking animation. I suggest you just tween something simple
15 -now click out of this movieclip/ get out this entire movieclip

Well thats how i would summarize the very beginning of it, or that's how i would do it. Hopefully you'll understand the rest of the tutorial...

I didnt try the tutorial myself, so you might have to change some things afterwards, but this could get you started =)

MegaPoster404 -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (4/6/2009 18:08:03)

Last thing- how do you make color custom movie clips?

Vampire and Human -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (4/6/2009 20:10:16)

Umm, custom for whom? If you mean you, then just take a paint bucket, or filters etc, though if you mean for the viewer of the .swf, you just use a wee lil' bit 'o' variables, 'n' frames. Either that, or more code, lol.


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