RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (Full Version)

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EragonZZZZ -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (4/18/2008 0:42:16)

That must be AS2 though.

Blah, learning AS3 has been shoved to the back burner while school takes precedence. I haven't coded with Flash in forever. Java's consuming me, thank gosh I'm still programming (at least).

I advise anyone who's interested to take a programming course at their school, I'm actually learning stuff.

Awsome Teh Cake -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (4/18/2008 10:20:15)


ORIGINAL: mathus the seconth



Althorne, can I be added to the list of flash users? Also, how would I change he mouse back to default after it has already been custom? I know it seems basic, but I guess I never really put much thought into it XD.
edit: Btw, I looked through all the other Flash Q&A's and seeing the "Flsg and Schmoopy Epic Battles (Flsg saying schmoopy copied/pasted, then lying saying he didn't, then eragon saying we've been here before XD)", and my new fave number is -0, although this is random and no one cares, I personally find the previous Q&A's hilarious! LOL!!!

Well, if you want to do that, you shouldn't use the code in the front page. I strongly recommend putting your code in a frame, rather than a Movie Clip. Your code will end up easier to find and manage, and you have more control over what's going on.

With the following tutorial, you will end up with This.

If you have Flash CS3, then you do not need to follow the following tutorial. Simply download This File, and be happy. (Although I would like you to read, so that you understand a bit more)

First, go to "Insert > New Symbol", name it "mouse" (Disregard the quotes throughout the rest of this. I just put those so that you may see what to type easily.) then draw your custom mouse here. Once done, go back to "Scene 1" by pressing the button below the TimeLine. Right click on the mouse movie clip in the library, and select "Linkage...", and check off "Export For ActionScript", on "Identifier" put "mouse". now make 2 buttons on the stage, one with an Instance Name of "cus" (As in "Custom"), and one with "def" (As in "Default"). After that, select the first frame of your movie, and dump the following code there.

_root.cus.onRelease = function() {
	t = _root.attachMovie("mouse", "mouse1", 1);
	t._x = _root._xmouse;
	t._y = _root._ymouse;
	t.onMouseMove = function() {
		this._x = _root._xmouse;
		this._y = _root._ymouse;
_root.def.onRelease = function() {;

You now have a working "Mouse Switcher". Hope you enjoyed.

I wasn't using the code on the front but ty for the tut! Btw Im flash pro 8, AS2

mathus the seconth -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (4/18/2008 23:13:34)



That must be AS2 though.

Blah, learning AS3 has been shoved to the back burner while school takes precedence. I haven't coded with Flash in forever. Java's consuming me, thank gosh I'm still programming (at least).

I advise anyone who's interested to take a programming course at their school, I'm actually learning stuff.

I simply can't get the hang of AS3, it's like an almost entirely different language. I still use AS2 for now, at least until some good video tutorials are spawned.

Awsome Teh Cake -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (4/19/2008 8:52:42)

Have you ever played one of those games in which you must preform surgery, and you must cut across the dotted line? For some reason, no matter where I go, no one knows how to do it! Can you possibly show me how it works? I've tried everything, from hitTest to even making a line follow the scapel! If anyone gets any results at all, please pm me, or tell me here. Or, you can pm biG frend, we're working together on this project. Thanks in advance! :D

tauguy -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (4/19/2008 11:40:40)

Can anyone work out what is wrong? :


ERROR: Symbol 'Symbol 38', Layer 1, Frame 1, Instance of 'Attack', Line 1: Syntax error.
on (release) {gotoAndPlay("attack")}
ERROR: Symbol 'Symbol 39', Layer 1, Frame 1, Instance of 'Cast Spell', Line 1: Syntax error.
on (release) {gotoAndPlay("magicselect")}

Compilation time: 00:01
2 error(s), 0 warning(s)

biG frend -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (4/19/2008 11:52:53)

you need to add ';' at the end of the gotoAndStop statements!

tauguy -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (4/19/2008 12:15:22)

Ah, lol. Missed that.
Cheers biG

Awsome Teh Cake -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (4/19/2008 13:37:44)

tauguy I never knew you had flash! Hooray! The era of flash has come yet again!

tauguy -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (4/19/2008 14:41:30)

Neither did I till I got it today :P

But im sorta rubish, of course I knew it would take time.
Ive almost finished my battle system, but now the only problem is health. How do I make it so that you can see the amount of healther you have as a number?

biG frend -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (4/19/2008 14:58:05)

make a dynamic text box and give it the var name of your health variable.

Awsome Teh Cake -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (4/19/2008 14:58:11)

1) click the text tool and place the text
2) where is says either: "Static" "Input" "Dynamic", change it to dynamic
3) click the frame
4) press f9
5) write: HP = 100;
6) go back to the text
7) look in the lower right corner
8) the middle text box, write HP
9) if you want a hp bar pm me
10) press ctrl + enter
11) tada!


edit: lol, so hard to think right now, listening to Tenacious D, listening to even a few seconds of their songs kills millions of brain cells lol.
edit2: tauguy, aren't you glad that you just have to write for games? lol. There shall be many times in which you shall throw your computer down 4 of 5 places. 1) Down 3 stories. 2) Of a cliff. 3) out your window. 4)at your siblings. 5) at yourself lol, Syntax errors shall drive you mad! Mad as a spooon!

tauguy -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (4/19/2008 15:16:11)

Argg...Ive done all that but the number won't come up.

Awsome Teh Cake -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (4/19/2008 15:31:19)

make sure that the text color is black, and its all case sensitive, so HP must be the same on both things, or just send me the file from, and I'll show you whats wrong.

tauguy -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (4/19/2008 15:35:04)

kk, whats youre e-mail beefy?

Awsome Teh Cake -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (4/19/2008 15:38:54)

tauguy -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (4/19/2008 15:41:38)

cool, i sent it

Awsome Teh Cake -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (4/19/2008 15:43:07)

K, I'll see wat went wrong, so that you kno wat to do for next time you try it :)

tauguy -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (4/19/2008 15:44:40)


Gah! I worked it out! Letter case was slightly wrong. Don't worry beef, but thanks anyway.

I haven't looked into this yet, but how could I make it so that by clicking a series of buttons it would cause an event?
And would there be a way of making an image apear somewhere on the page when you click the corresponding button without having to go through all the different combinations and buttons in turn?

Awsome Teh Cake -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (4/19/2008 16:11:18)

What are you talking about? You mean if you press a button, it appears, and disapears when you press the same button? I'm not understanding.

tauguy -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (4/19/2008 16:22:23)

If you, say, clicked 3 buttons in order could you make it so it causes an event. (Ok, I know you can. Like at easter in MQ when you had to defuse the eggs)

And when you clicked the 3 buttons, could you make the 3 symbols on the buttons apear in a box, say in the left hand corner, without having to make loads of different frames?

Awsome Teh Cake -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (4/19/2008 17:09:36)

Click the frame and press f9:


You might wanna add this to every button:
Lightupthingy=1(or any other number){

and add to the your various lights movie clip (with the instance name Lights):

onClipEvent (load) {
function reset() {

and double click ur Lights and make as many frames as there are lights, then on the first make none lit up, and in every frame make 1 more light up.

Taerzik -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (4/19/2008 20:52:12)

Just a note Beefstew, when adding comments to AS code, you might want to add the way they would be put in actual code. like thiis:

codecodecode ();
codecodecodecode; // your comments should appear after double slashes like these

The reason is that in AS code when you put something in parenthesis it's supposed to be an argument for the preceding code. Anything after double slashes appears in a different color and is ignored when the file runs.

Awsome Teh Cake -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (4/19/2008 22:48:30)

I kno that, but I'm sure he won't really put in the parenthesis when he adds the code, it's common sense. Besides its pointless to use, especially since if no one sees your flash, its just a waste of typing, and when you do show it, your not going to need to do that, because not even a 4 year old would think that would be part of the code-Well, maybe a 4 year old, but I'm sure you get my point.

Taerzik -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (4/20/2008 1:45:41)

That's true. And you comments are obviously not part of the code.

tauguy -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 5 - Flash Has Shares In Your Soul (4/20/2008 8:40:45)

Thanks beefy.
What about like in the df forge when you make weapons by clicking the 3 different buttons?

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