RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (Full Version)

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Viking_Jorun -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/2/2008 20:12:16)

Hello Personater!
Congratulations on the AKship!
Thanks :)
That's all... :P
Nice to have a long talk with you! See you next time!
~ Personater

ShiitakeWarrior -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/2/2008 21:49:08)

Greetings Non-Myconoid! ...I mean Personater! (Please don't eat me!)
I don't eat people. I steal souls of the less fortunate.
Launching exploding rubber chickens at hapless mechanoid monstrosities is fun, don't ya think?
Yes, I do quite agree with that statement.
Ever wonder why cold water is ever-so-faintly blue and hot water is ever-so-faintly green? oO'
I never have pondered that. Now I do wonder :)
Speaking of colours, what colour do you reckon a Doom Omelette would be?
Well, I figured it would be make my an evil-invoked rotten egg, so black and brown with some gray as the yoke, perhaps.
Hot peppers sometimes make me hiccup. How about you?
Hot peppers make me feel alive :)
?sdrawkcab gnipyt dna gnidaer ta tpeda ylriaf er'uoy yas uoy dluoW
...erofeb semit ynam ti enod evah I spahreP
Was that last one a little over-the-top?
Nope, not really.
Blah blah blablablah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah blablah? [&:]
No, you do not need to consult with your doctor. You should, however, make sure the problem does not persist.
I should really cut down on the incoherent gibberish, shouldn't I?
No, it is fun for me to try to think up responses :P
Aside from MechQuest, what other good mech-based games have you played?
How about the only mech-based game I've played otherwise - Custom Robo for GC.
Right, I think that's me done losing sleep for the night. Oh, and before I forget, grats on your Archknighthood!
Losing sleep over me? Wow, lol, I do feel really special! Thanks!

Aaronman99 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/2/2008 22:20:52)

Hey, I posted earlier but thought of a few more questions, since you said you were a musicaholic. you OK with answering a few more of mine?
No problem.
If yes, then what is the one song you cannot go 1 day without?
Well, I'm currently hooked on Juke Box Hero when Foreigner introduces the electric guitar. Erm, Don't Fear the Reaper has always been one I listen to daily. Those are my favorites at the moment.
Which band is better, metallica or aerosmith?
Do you like Dragonforce? And if yes, what's your favorite song by them?
The only song I have heard by them is Through The Fire and Flames.
Favorite Metallica song?(for me it is one)
Enter Sandman, since I did play the piano part in my Jazz Band.
Favorite Queen song?
Either Don't Stop Me Now, or The Show Must Go On.
Favorite Aeromith song?
Although my music taste is extremely diverse, I have not yet tried listening to enough Aerosmith to determine a favorite song.
Favorite Guns N' Roses song?
Haven't heard enough songs by them to determine that.
OK, here is a not music question. Ever got an official warning or broke any forum rules before? How many?
Yes, I did. How many? Erm, one or two for posting stuff I shouldn't have. I'm a lot different than I was when I recieved the warnings, though.
OK, that is it, for now.
I hope we can become forum pals.
I'd like to be pals with everyone, but I unfortunately don't think that it is that probable.
Just PM if you want a random conversation. Just make sure you make them funny. Me like funny.
You want random and funny? You're asking for trouble...

Killer1000035 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/2/2008 22:42:13)

yo whats up
Not much.
how ya doing
Thanks for asking; I'm recovering from a stomach flu.
have you ever broke any rules by accident
whats your favorite song
As of this moment, either Don't Fear the Reaper or Juke Box Hero.
plasma screen or lcd
Plasma is only for the TV and PS3. LCD for computers.
do you like being an AK
Yes, it's been a unique and interesting experience so far.
ok heres some important ones
Here's my answers
Halo 3 or Call of duty 4
CoD4, since I haven't played H3.
which is more annoying snipers or campers
I snipe, so campers.
which do you hate more lag or hackers
Hackers, since I hardly get lag.
oh yeah congratz man
Thanks man!

TreadLight -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/2/2008 23:29:51)

Hey Personater, I'm just here to ask some real questions.
I'll have some Real Answers.
Do you like any specific bands?
Queen, Metallica, Blue Oyster Cult, and Foreigner are my favorites.
All the bands above have singers I like hearing...
Killswitch Engage?
Never listened to them, sorry :(
Favorite song?
Don't Fear the Reaper or Juke Box Hero.
Favorite thing on the computer?
Here's just opinion; and once again congratz.
Thanks again!

The Game -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/2/2008 23:54:53)

So, I finally have some time to catch up on these MtAK's. :)
Cool, thank you for visiting mine!
I might remember me from IRC, Undertaker.
Of course you would remember yourself. I didn't make the connection at the time between you and yourself there, but now I know :)
So, do you like squashing bugs? o
Yes. I do like finding and helping eradicate them. Especially when they ARE eradicated quickly (meaning a few days or a week like here).
Well, MQ is a great place to AK. Lots of spam for you to kill. :)
So far, so true.
Gratz again, and good luck!
Thanks! Nice talking with you!

ZamuelNow -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/3/2008 1:02:27)

Took me a while to read everything. Anyways, congratulations. From a few of the rather thought provoking game balnce threads I've seen you participate in, it seems like you make an excellent AK. As far as questions:
Why thank you. MQ and all games I play I enjoy strategizing and analyzing until I feel of no use to the game.
What do you think is the best designed enemy mecha so far in MQ?
The best designed enemy mecha so far would have to be the Kathool monster since it was not only the most different enemy, but also a fun fight after doing the quest to get to it.
Which do you think is the most useful: raw high damage, stun, DOT, EP drain, HP recovery, accuracy, or cooldown?
I think that a combination of stun and DoT are the most powerful things that players can have. Using a standard Non-SC Wolfblade mech (FA has a Stun Chance), I prefered the Used Electron Sniper over the Wolfhammer simply because it always would attempt to stun if it hit. DoT's are powerful especially since they can stack and do damage over a period of turns, and I only recently have been fortunate enough to get a mech with a DoT and Stun. It's a very nice mech, I may add.
Have you ever been disappointed by a mecha or weapon you have bought?
Nope. Since I'm limited to Non-SC mechs or weapons, the releases with free stuff are either REALLY good or REALLY bad, so it's not hard to choose what to get.

Hyflg -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/3/2008 1:25:43)

Gratz on AK-ship!
Time for the question.
If each letter represents a number, from 0-9, then what is Y?
YxB = AC
YxC = FG
YxH = H
YxD = AE
YxE = Y
YxY = BI
AxA = B
GxF = DH
DxI = AY

If you figure it out you will get a cookie..... oh go on, have one anyway -hands over cookie-
Anyway, good luck with your MtAK!
Haha, I could google search it and put the answer here, but I'm multitasking with my study of Latin, so I'm thinking I'll just take the cookie anyways :)
And because putting ~(Insert Name Here) after a post seems "cool", I will too.

~ Personater

Enzeru -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/3/2008 2:22:53)

I have 2 questions:
Where did Bob the guy from accounting go?
I have no idea.
Would you vote for Artix or Cysero if either of them ran for president?
I'm going to be 1 year away from voting for President here in the USA, unfortunately. But I would have to see their platform and determine who the best candidate would be based on their ideas.

asterisk_61234317 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/3/2008 4:55:49)

CongratZ !!!
Thank you!
What do you like about all the AE games ??
The ceaseless dedication the staff have to keeping the games running smoothly.
How old are you.Just 13 hehe.
Older than you.
Do you like ninjas ???
Congratz again ..
Thanks again :)

dries -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/3/2008 5:14:03)

oh here's a question
shadow E2 or bloodhound
Shadow E2 >.>
rebel delta or wolfblade star comander V3
Rebel Delta since I can't get the other one xD
odessa purehearth or sys-zero
Odessa since she likes mashing slugs as much as I like mashing Gremlins.
being cool or being smooth(AK are both)
In that case, both.
did you had to fight for your place in the world or where you a spoiled brat
Truthfully, I have been blessed to get to where I am. I get things done by determination and the desire to do something helpful. So, I guess I'm not a spoiled brat :)

GaurdianX -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/3/2008 8:36:19)

Hello, GuardianX!
do you still play any of the AE games?
Of course!
if so which one do you favor the most?
DF and MQ both are around the same for me for different reasons.
thats all bye :D
:D Bye, thanks for the time.

nevile333 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/3/2008 8:44:34)

Me like you and ice creawm!
Oh boy.
How did you get your username?
It was a word I created in around fifth grade or something, but I didn't find an application to it until when I joined my first forum (these forums, in 2005).

What sweets do you like?
Cake, pie, cookies, homemade especially.

Where in the world do you come from and where do you live now?

What's your favorite moglin in AQ or DF ?
Poelala in AQ...I remember the good old days...

What do you do in your free time?
Sleep and do stuff online.

How long have you been a mod now?
I'm still an AK, and for four (?) days now I believe.

Byeeeeee! Fishy wuvs you!

Mr.Dragonspinemaster -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/3/2008 10:09:24)

I saw your MtAK there,i think its been there for a while,i dunno if im too late but here goes:

1.congrats on being AKed...
2. Get ready for my mind twisting soul banishing foot trembling spine chilling questions
Hey, I'm supposed to be the one doing that stuff...
3. do you like cookies?
4. what do you eat while watching a moive?
Generally, I'm doing homework, but when I do eat, Cashews and Walnuts are my favorite.
5. what horror movie is your favorite?
I don't like artifical scenarios from movies used to try to scare me. I prefer comedy and non-horror type movies. I can't really say that I have seen a horror movie in the last ten years of my life...and when I last saw one, it was because I didn't know that it was a horror movie.
6. Runehawk,wolfblade or mystraven?
7.welcome to the club(if you're MR)
Yay for my secondary that I don't use being in there...:/
8. i think thats all for today...
9.astala vista...^_^
We ghotta geht to da choppers!
10.oohh oohh..last...when you really like blue,then why do you use purple?
All the blues were already taken. Not a problem, though.

AuraHawk -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/3/2008 10:22:39)

Hey, I love your name! You name's also cool >.>
What music genre do you like?
Most genre's contain music I listen to or play.
What bands/singersdo you like to listen to?
Queen, Metallica, Foreigner, Blue Oyster Cult...the list goes on and on.
Do you play any other games apart from AE games?
Yes, I do.
What did you do to become an AK?
Rounded a bunch of gremlins and squashed them.

GrandDameAlexandria -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/3/2008 11:01:22)

hello Personater.
Hello, GrandDameAlexandria!
Since I was able to feel you out through the replies you've already made, how do you feel about player submitted ideas for items in the game, like the cars and possibly other vehicles of conveyance (instead of combat) that are used in the game or other ideas?
As much as I like some of the ideas expressed by the players, MQ is still in a "testing" phase and may include those ideas on the actual "alpha" release of the game. As for the current ideas, they are good starting points but the poster of the idea is just desiring to have others build on ideas rather than coming up with fully-developed ideas. This may be due to the lack of an offical suggestions board.
and how do you feel about player submitted plot ideas, ( which of course would be done in private so as not to spoil an ending!) to give the players more possibilities and choices for plot for a specific character?
It always could be done. I'd like to see players submit ideas for that, and maybe the AE team could compile them and use their ideas with perhaps player ideas. I don't know the burden of that, but I don't think it would be a terrible idea.
who does one submit those kinds of ideas to?
Unfortunately, there is no place for those ideas at this time.
though I am not looking to 'make a living' at this, but I do love this game. heck, I bought the house shirt till my boyfriend stole it! :) anyways, though I won't be making money, I would not mind the recognition, and maybe a chance to write a short 'film' for the theater in town. (I love that concept, I had a few ideas for it.) do you think that sort of arrangement would be equitable to the MQ staff enough for them to consider it?
That, I cannot help you with. You would have to send it to the AE MQ team or post it when a suggestions board comes in.

swenson -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/3/2008 13:20:17)

More nosy/random questions for you... boy, this is fun!
For you or for me?

Opinion on grammar? (possible answers include it must die, I love it, those who do not use it properly should be shooted, etc.)
I believe proper grammar should be used, but I'm not a grammar gremlin.

Speak any languages other than English?
A tiny bit of Spanish and Latin. Oh, and music.

Speak any made-up languages other than English?

Think the two above questions are the same question because every language is made-up?

You play Kingdom of Loathing?

In a head-to-head battle, who would win, Cy or Chuck Norris?
Depends on the weather.

Read any magazines on a regular basis?
Time magazine.

Geekiest thing you've ever done? (If you don't mind saying, of course... mine would probably be my addiction to DF and MQ!)
Let me think a while on that.

You read any manga or watch any anime? If so, which? (wow, that sounds very... stiff)
Not really...

Favorite TV show?
Mythbusters, Dirty Jobs, WLiiA

If acorns were wishes and green tea, I'd take mine with honey, not sugar.

Well, that is a set of rather odd questions for you to answer. Oh, I forgot. Mac or Windows? Or Linux because you're cool like that? [;)]
Let's see...I sometimes use Linux and sometimes use Windows depending on what I want to do.

!shadowfall! -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/3/2008 15:40:45)

I'm unsure whether I should congratulate you or offer my condolences on your Akship. :D
I think that congratulations would be more suited for this event.
360 or PS3?
Favorite Band?
Blue Oyster Cult, Queen, Foreigner, Metallica, and many more.
Best Ak(Other than yourself)
All of them :)
Mechquest, Dragonfable, or AdventureQuest?
All three.
Mac or PC?
Pumpkin Pie, or Apple?
Favorite fast food joint?
Five Guys!!
Best NFL team? (If you don't say Cowboys, we might have some problems[8D])
Anyways, I'll stop the questions so you don't go insane like that one moogle around here....
Don't be mean to Pie. He's my friend

Muffinladdie -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/3/2008 15:49:08)

Hullo! Dunno ya from anywhere around the forums, but maybe that's because I don't try hard enough to go anywhere besides the GGDs and OOC? o_o

Anywho: In-forum role model?

Favourite band/genre!?
My music taste ranges accross the board.
Favorite game! (Yes, that's a quesclamation, I guess)
I can't settle on one. Some I like due to music, others to gameplay, others to innovation.
Hair colour!?
Light/medium brown.
Animal, favorite?
favorite fruit? (No vegetables. >.>)
Pfft. Blackberries. I just made a homemade pie for my dad with fresh blackberries....the best pie I've ever tasted, with my favorite fruit.
'Kay, done! Good luck with all that Gremlin-rabble rousing!
Thanks again!

PotHed -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/3/2008 15:53:52)

Top of the mornin to ya :D
Almost dinnertime to ya'
guess 1 more Congratulations wont Hurt So GRATS lol
*falls over on the ground from bombardment too many grats*
wat u think of the shadowsythe ?
Good to farm.
do u think kindergrat is Good Or EVIL ?
Do U Like My Name ? lol
I'll leave it at a very *interesting* choice.
Wats Ur Fav Mech ?
The nice level 19 one from the war :P
and Good Luck Wit Ur Gremlin Bashin
Thank you!
~ PotHed.
- Personater

Blaster87 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/3/2008 21:59:20)

How Are you
Better than I was a few days ago.
Are you getting tired of answering questions
Not yet.
Do you have a MQ account
Of course.
If so what is your id so i can pvp you
Not like I am much of a threat...23600
Giant Mech or Tiny super Bazzoka
Giant Mech.
Bubble or Chewwing Gum
Whichever I have on me.
Will you banish people with an iron fist
Not if I can help it.
Thats it Bye

Rozion -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/3/2008 22:14:02)

Hi personater
Hey, Rozion!
What is it like being an AK and whats the difference between mod and AK
Nothing too hectic for me >.> And mods from what I gather are in charge of entire sections and have AK's, who are assistants, helping them out.

dries -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/4/2008 6:00:17)

hello personater
if you could chose what vehicle(MQ) would you chose
A fast and speedy assault spaceship.
whats your fav mech
The one I currently have; the SDF Delta IIRC...
whats it like to be so popular
I'm still not that popular xD

guts -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/4/2008 9:30:29)

well im gonna ask you the question i have asked a lot of AKs
and it will test your soul,mortality,sanity and SENSE OF HOUMOR!(dunn...dunnn...DUNNNNN!)
Oh, noez...
[:D] or [:)]?

and i wonder if the cake is a lie?
Nope, it's just made up and the point doesn't matter.

Angelic Prince -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/4/2008 9:49:04)

^^ (That's my fav. smiley, what's yours?)
Remember me then?
How are things going? Time for round two...
No different than round one.
What can you say about outrageous prices of mech's in MQ right now?
They aren't too outrageous if you are high level.
Are you Grayson Light look alike?
Cookie (or) Pie?
Are you an UNDERDOG of the AK organization? (Look!!! It's Reens in the corner!!!)
Underdog? Not necessarily, but a team member.
(For the above question if answer is yes.) Is it scary in the AK prison?
It's not a prison, but a lair in the middle of nowhere. Similar to the one that the AE team has, but I believe that's somewhere else. I'd have no idea since I don't know where I'm currently being heald.
That's all for now. =0 Have fun answering our very nice questions. It's only ONCE in an AK-ship. [:)]
Haha :)

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