RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (Full Version)

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foster945 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/6/2008 22:04:29)

So what you think of Mechquest so far?
It has great potential.
How long did you play the AE games?
March or May of '05.
Gratz!! on your Archknight!
Do you like Chilli? I like chilli..
Yes. Especially when it has cheese and avacado.
What was your favorite thing about becoming a Archknight?
The ability to cause (hopefully) positive change in the game through what I do.
Whats your favorite show? or do you spend most of the time here? or wtach T.V. and play on the computer?
I spend a lot of time here. Most of the time, I'm in school and not online, though.
Do you like my Signature? [:D]
What signature?
Yeah, see you later!

spellmaster -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/6/2008 23:45:50)

Hello and congrats!
let the torture begin
What's with torture?
1. Do we post in the same area because you sound faimiliar?
Lol, sure, why not :P
2. Do you hate the gremlins?
3. Whats your favorite npc out of all the games?
Can't really say.
4. How long have you been on the forums?
August of '05.
5. How many characters do you have on mechquest?
That is it you may leave the torture post. Good luck.
I'm not in any more pain than I was when I started.

Silver Scorpion -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/7/2008 6:02:49)

Hi thar almighty Mr. Personater of AKshipness and evil doom surrounds us all =3 euhm..... honorable stuff!
Haha :P
I have some questions for you >8D
If the apples run into the coffeeshop, and they rob it from 6 m˛ of floor, and 3 toma-toes, how many SMG's were used to start apocalypse?
No clue...
nope, I'm not going to leave so soon MUAHAHAHAHHAHAahahahahaAHAAHah!
I'm not leaving soon either..
*falls to sleep*
What kind of music do you listen?
*still asleep*
What is your favourite band?
*waking up*
What's the best game you've ever played?
*is now awake.*
What's the best game you're ever going to play?
I have no idea.
As far as I read, you posess a Wii and a PS3, do you do any games not on consoles, eventhough you have them and they call you like "Personater! Personater! I'm a cute little console plugged into your TV! Play games on me!", do you play any games on the PC? (I only got PC's to play on so thats why I'm asking this question ^^)
I don't play on anything really other than Wii, Ps3, Computer.
Do you have anything you have to share with us, any fun stories? =D
How many glasses of water can you drink before you pee your pants run to the bathroom?
None. At least, unless it's flavored water. I hate the taste of water (tap water mainly).
Do you like my music? 8D
I haven't heard it yet.
O.o reminds me of SSBB...

daxlepixelbrains -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/7/2008 6:47:08)

hey again person.
sorry about the dalek comment.
Haha, no problem.
Of course not.
it wasn't an exclamation, it was a statement. ending with an exclamation mark.
It was. Really.
how is the gremlin squishing going?
Fine. I average one or more a day if I'm persistant.
how is the AKing going?
Just fine.
I have seen you lock a couple of threads.
don't get mad on power though. people then fear you.
I've had power before and have proven I can handle it.
'he says no one will dare oppose him!'
No one should >.>
'didn't you try to talk him out of it?'
Of course not.
'no way! I wouldn't dare oppose him!'
That's the spirit xD
I hope you keep your eyes so I can see you round some time.
I won't lose my eyes I hope...
how do you kill someone easily with a screwdriver?
Why would you even ask?
I know how.
Congrats to you...
fear me.

Aaronman99 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/7/2008 14:39:07)

OK, I am back again with a few more questions.
Yay, more questions.
Did you know where I got the Cowbell thing from my last post from?
SNL...of course!
Do you like my signature?
Besides that it is too big (500*100 max size for text AND images)
If you were trapped on a deserted Island and you could only bring one thing that is NOT a helicopter, airplane, ship, submarine, etc, and there was no cell phone service, what would you bring?
I'd bring electronic stuff and make a teleportation machine somehow and defy the laws of the universe.
Do I annoy you with my tons of questions?
What is your favorite movie of all time?
I don't have a set favorite movie.
Do you believe that Stairway to Heaven intentianilly has a possible satanic message bacwards in it?(go to wikipedia, search Stairway to Heaven, and go to controversy to find out)
OK, I'm gone for now. But I shall maybe return.
Until next time I guess :P

Randomguy -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/7/2008 17:08:07)

Hey, congrats on AK and all that...Ready for me to make you feel better occupy you with questions?
Ever burned yourself on an iron? Like, curling iron, the kind used to flatten clothes, whatever.
Never with an iron. I don't iron that often either, so that may be why.
If you see a bird on the ground injured and you think you may be able to help it, what do you do?
Try to help it?
Have you ever done something really stupid on a dare?
Can YOU see why kids love cinnamon toast crunch?
I heard there is a ninja behind you, is this true?
Sometimes there is, but it's one of my minions.
If you had to choose between a Toaster that never burned toast or a Waffle Iron that never overcooked Waffles, which would it be?
The toaster because the bread is ALWAYS too big to fit into the toaster so it gets burned.

Dragoncat -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/7/2008 18:44:09)

Hello sir or mam whatever My name is classify you may call me DragoncatX
That would be "sir" if you are interested. Hello, DCX!
What was your reaction when you got this news?
I was amazed :P
Does you hands hurt when you were writing lot of responds?
I saw this thread making you type lot was going to die so I decided to make you write more[;)]
I'm not dying.
Are you going to work harder to make things more....balance or controlled?
Controlled in my opinion, since it is hard to get into people's heads and change their thoughts :/
I saw you lock pages how does that make you feel when you say LOCKED!
Sad that I have to lock threads in the first place?
what type of food you like?
Seafood, meat, carbs, starches.
what year did you start joining any of the AE games?
If I dragoncat flying 67 miles per 30 mins and a dragon was flying 50 miles per 30 mins what will happen if they were on the same path?
Then the Dragoncat would win.
Have a cookie! (::) eat it now before my cat comes oh noes! <(-.-<)!
/me eats cookie.
thats all today good day or night or evening to you mam or sir or something
Yay. Thanks :) Goodnight to you also/

ashslaa -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/7/2008 19:16:11)

Hello to you
Right back at you!
Admiral Pureblood, Tek; Helia or all Three? [sm=icon_wink.gif]
O.o, I won't say :P
Humans or Shadow Scythe?
[Personal I prefer the forces of darkness Bwahahaha Go Shadow Scythe!]
O.o...the soul banisher uses a shadow scythe.
Um that's about it, sorry to have wasted your time [sm=kiss.gif]
What time?

da boss -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/7/2008 19:54:38)

ello again.
Hey there.
whats your funniest or weirdest question you were asked so far?
I have no idea...six pages filled with interesting questions.
whats your favorite mechquest house?
The one I live in?
Bye :P

Silver Scorpion -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/8/2008 5:05:50)

Greetings again, Earthling (?)
Greetings mortal.
That totally insane little different guy is back for more questions >8D (I like this smily <3)
1/= '/0|_| |-|4\/3 1337(734124/\/(3, '/0|_| 5|-|0|_|7[) 83 4873 70 1234[) 7|-|15... (4/\/ '/0|_|?
|-|4\/1/\/g 5(_)/\/?
oh ye, the answer to the first question in my first interview was actually: L, because if it were V that would have made more sense, and the question doesn't!
How long have you been playing the piano now? I have for almost 6 years >8D.
More than two years longer than you.
Do you have any favourite things at all? (no fav movie, no fav band)
I would like your opinion on this: If you go faster then light, time would slow, as would it when you're near a black hole... isn't that the perfect solution for looking younger then you are? It should be better then that commercial stuff for sale...
No, then you'd be dead or frozen because, as we all know, travelling at the speed of light causes things to freeze../
Who's SSBB!?!?
Also the (nearly) last question: How many glasses of your favourtie drink (if you have one) can you drink before you go to the bathroom >=D
Hm...two standard sized Gatorades when I'm done excercising is about what I can do. I've never really tested, but I don't want to kill myself by testing this.
Fear the power of Bloodthirsty Potatosacks and Evil Superducks!
Fear the Reaper xD
Have you listened my music already? >8D?
Gosh, PM me a link if you want me to so badly...
Merry Christmas and a Happy Easter! SilverScorpion >8D
And also a Happy Gremlinhunting
and Threadlocking
*laughs evilly*
and DoingAKstuffing
Lol >.>
and other stuff

fibrebiz4 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/8/2008 13:11:22)

Hi there!
As an AK, (always wondered about this) can you make suggestions without needing a thread?
Well, for MQ, we're generally limited by the threads also. We don't really have a collab place for ideas but can pass some good ideas on (like the FAQ'd beginning mech prices...)
Also, what do you do when it comes to fixing bugs? (I mean, do you report important bugs, report your diagnosis to a higher up or just fix it yourself?)
I report and confirm bugs. So far, I have found quite a few and confirmed a few also.
Those were just two questions I have always wanted to ask...
Thanks for asking them.
...See you later (or report a bug to you later as the case may be)!
Yeah, see ya!

PaperClip OF DOOM -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/8/2008 13:38:54)

You actually have time to catch up with this and you are not in the second page? You need more work! xP
Haha, lol, no I just finish these really fast :P
Just kidding of course. :D Hiya! How do you like all of the new buttons? :o
Why does everyone ask about buttons?
Is Seahawk feeding you well? Over in Alac's section of the prison there is gruel and I think that's about it. :(
Oh, yes. I have good food. Catch of the day - Gremlin, gremlin, and more gremlin. Need some? Just add water!
Ever solved a Rubik's Cube?
Favorite game? (besides AE games, we all love those. ;P)
And that's a wrap. Good luck and have fun! Er, as much fun as one can find in deleting threads and warning spammers. That last part is kinda fun in a cruel way though. Although they do deserve it... anyway, bye! xD

Pygar 2 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/8/2008 20:16:27)

Thanks :)
your avatar is awsome
It is, now that you mention it :)
what is you mech quest id because i want to chalenge you
It's not in the ID thread?
have you caught fish before(besides fish grimlines)
Yes. I do go fishing in RL.
if so tell me!
It was yay big...

Tapeworm Shoelace -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/8/2008 20:58:15)

Do you recognize me?
... :D
*goes to sleep*
... :D
Where were we?

THE_ALLY -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/8/2008 22:41:10)

What house are you in Mechquest?
Do you like cake? I loooove cake.
Of course I love cake :)
How about cheese? I love cheese more then cake.
It depends on the cheese and the type of cake.
Are you making fun of me in your head?
Why would I do that?
If the above answer was yes, I'm gonna rip out you spleen. If above answer was no, I'm still gonna do it.
/me banishes THE_ALLY's soul and turns
That concludes my insanity. Favorite Weapon of all?
Mine. I love my weapon.
Okay, that covers it. Bye! Your spleen shall be mine one day......
Is yours bad?

fourmsmaster1001 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/8/2008 23:00:23)

Oye! Whatzzup?
how are you
Happy that it is the weekend :)
what's your fav mecha in mq
Currently SDF.
whats your fav weapon in mq
My energy blade :)
are you a person or a computer
just wondering
well its nice talking to you but i gotta do my homework

Shocka -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/8/2008 23:04:30)

What level are you in Mechquest?
Did you use staff sparks? (boosting damage, free money)
I don't think I get those. I don't think I even have done anything to deserve them, and wouldn't touch my main character with it anyways...
What character ID are you?
Have you checked the PvP thread?

tko -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/9/2008 1:25:06)

Hello ^_^
congrats on getting the title of ak
Why, thanks!
what do you like about being an archknight?
Mostly the friends I have gained so far :)
what do you like best about AE games?
Devotion of the staff, some of the humor and absurd references :)

canderous -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/9/2008 5:24:03)

1.) what are you
I am myself.
2.) are u real
Why would I not be?
3.) do u kill stuff
What kind of stuff are you referring to?

Blade Magic -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/9/2008 11:26:06)

Single Question: In what way do you prefer to kill the gremlins?
Say 'ello to my little friend. *pulls out a scythe of banishment*

LON -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/9/2008 18:55:38)

do you play roblox?
do you have a myspace?
and plz replie to this and in a PM

silverdarkness003 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/9/2008 19:28:51)

What's up?
congrats....unless you take this as a punishment....
Of course this is punishment I'm having a lot of fun doing this.
one request,please don't banish me! :p
I'll consider it.
what do you think of my :p s?
I have no idea.
recognize my sig?
Not really.
bye......i guess
Yeah, see you around.

heh, i'm personating a personater!
Obviously, you're using the wrong color. And likewise, my name is not the same as the dictionary says it. That's why English is so confusing, so I decided to take the "im" (which means not) from "impersonater" to give me a unique name with that meaning (unique, special, etc.) that is "Personater."

Lizardking -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/9/2008 23:16:52)

Fave music genre

Fave Band






Thats all i gots to say about that.

McSmashley -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/10/2008 5:55:03)

hello there :)

favourite food?



havign fun as an ak?

congratulations on getting the ak :)

hero of DOOM -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Personater! (5/10/2008 9:26:52)


Congrats on being an AK.

So, you're the AK for the Gremlins forum. Pretty good place to start off.

In your opinion, why did Wolfblade win the GEARS games?

1 thing, who chose you?

Best thing about being an AK

Privileges of AKs.


Which forum you spend most time on.


That's all.

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