stealthwings -> RE: =AK= Ultimate Favorite ANYTHING Thread (2/13/2012 16:36:02)
Well, Dharmahp gives more missing, just less lost on each miss. Assuming it is every use as well, not sure. Terrifi loses damage done in the short term, but nothing in terms of the damage it deals. And it isn't exponential. I wish it were, but it isn't. It is actually, 1.5X+.3XY=1.3X+.3X+.3X+.3X... Try it. Tried against an extreme battle button enemy: 120, 129, 179, 198, 215, 236, 272 By my formula: Minimum: 109.5, 131.4, 153.3, 175.2, 197.1, 21, 240.9 Maximum: 132, 158.4, 184.8, 211.2, 237.6, 264, 290.4 It consistently stays within the bounds set. The TI-84+ Silver Edition confirms my results.