RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (Full Version)

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DarkEternal -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 23:49:38)

What do geese have to do with anything Shadow?


ShadowScypher -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 23:51:01)



Dragon Queen -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/28/2008 0:18:49)

Heh, I ran into the Seeker, like, 3 times! My question is, what monster have you noticed you run into the most?


ShadowScypher -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/28/2008 0:30:48)

^Drakel. Period.

Frozen Fire -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/28/2008 1:51:36)

Hello, Igneus. We are trying to divide our forces between Lucian and yours. If we finish Igneus, we will become more focused on Lucian and Glacius.


Fire King -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/28/2008 10:07:48)

I run into the fire golem and that wierd plant thing alot.


Ryu Viranesh -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/28/2008 11:35:00)

After a good sleep, I am well rested and ready to return to the fight!

Tempted -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/28/2008 12:14:06)

I just noticed there was a topic for Igneus..

sacchi -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/28/2008 12:27:20)

Tempted! Nice to see you here, other than the GGD thread.

Now I'm back from sleeping, and the only thing I want to do is...sleep more! *kills drakel, makes a bed with his bones and skin and starts sleeping*

taz_td88 -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/28/2008 13:55:05)

What is with the monsters??? I GOT A FREAKIN MEGOGG well i havent gotten the seeker i woud pwn him but i do get animal creates hehe i dont open them but still it's like pushing the battle monster's button
SWEET! a four eyed menace (2)

ShadowScypher -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/28/2008 13:57:34)


Now I'm back from sleeping, and the only thing I want to do is...sleep more! *kills drakel, makes a bed with his bones and skin and starts sleeping*

I could make a house with all the Drakel I've killed!!!

sacchi -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/28/2008 14:02:47)

Really? I started burning the Drakel after the first millions...I really didn't know what to do with 'em so I turned 'em into ashes.

EDIT: Wait, don't burn 'em! Poor Southafricans children surely will like Drakel meat.

ShadowScypher -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/28/2008 14:06:51)


sacchi -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/28/2008 14:14:10)

Well I've never really tasted Drakel's meat, but since they are similar to dragons, which taste very good, they can't taste soi bad. And honestly, better to eat drakel meat than to starve.

DarkEternal -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/28/2008 14:22:55)

@DQ: Pzycho Fiend... So... Much... Health!


Ryu Viranesh -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/28/2008 14:23:58)

*Ryu is thinking. Hmmmmm, I was wondering, do you think we need a battle plan or are we doing fine as we are, I have one in mind if you think we do, but, eh, I want opinions. Anyway, back to killing Drakel and Dragons, mmmmmm, Spicy Dragon Wings.

sacchi -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/28/2008 14:28:00)

I wish to laugh at everyone who doesn't have an Ice Katana. *evil laugh*

ShadowScypher -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/28/2008 14:41:47)

^Hmph. HWR and Mega Dragon Blade are fine for me.

taz_td88 -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/28/2008 14:51:00)

i dont need the ice kantana the gasparian is doing wonders for me

mooneeve -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/28/2008 15:39:15)

*shakes fists at sacchi*
I'll get it!
I could get it now if I sold my house but I'll get it later >.>!
So there! :p
I'm getting nemesis first thing now.

sacchi -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/28/2008 16:19:09)

What is your build?

Fire King -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/28/2008 17:24:10)

The weather witches look retarded.

What's a Drakel Water Raider doing in Igneus?


ShadowScypher -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/28/2008 17:41:26)

^Whats a Giant Zombie doing in Igneus is what I thought earlier O.o.

sacchi -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/28/2008 17:45:50)

Then just tell me how Zardis ended in Igneus.

ShadowScypher -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/28/2008 17:55:46)

^I got eaten by Zard X-3 in Geoto...

Edit: Where should we focus on attacking now???

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