RE: And Page 5 (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [AdventureQuest] >> AdventureQuest General Discussion >> Paxia Clans >> Igneus


Robin. S. Firedrake -> RE: And Page 5 (7/8/2008 21:05:30)

Do you think the reawrds come out when all clans are at 100%?

sacchi -> RE: And Page 5 (7/8/2008 21:28:35)

Who changed the title name lol?

Anyway, the rewards are already out actually. You'll need to face a bunch of enemies and then a cannon. After that, you shall face the fully activated mecha!

Robin. S. Firedrake -> RE: And Page 5 (7/8/2008 21:33:39)

I can't beat the cannon... Why did they make an uber as the boss? [:(]

Fire King -> RE: SS owns Page 2 (8/7/2008 17:02:30)

Well since we both live on the Igneusian Peninsula I guess Dynami.


aaronel5 -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (8/11/2008 14:53:05)

well we can shoot them and the massively mutilate them in a gory fashion

aaronel5 -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (8/11/2008 14:54:49)

well we could try to get allys

ChaoticFlame -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (8/11/2008 15:24:31)

Double posting is a no-no Aaronel. *Bonks him with Spamhammer*

Just a heads up....


DarkEternal -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (4/22/2009 17:01:42)

Sacchi: Didn't we get in trouble when we changed the title?


Dragon Queen -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (4/22/2009 18:43:47)

Woah, this thread is still here... and yeah, you shouldn't claim pages by changing the title, I'm pretty sure it's against the rules..


DarkEternal -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (4/22/2009 18:56:58)

Yeah, it's considered spamming.


kkutwar -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (5/17/2009 17:56:03)

So,How is the lastest Paxia war doing for Igneus?

ShadowScypher -> RE: And Page 5 (5/17/2009 18:26:18)


Stop necro-bumping!!

kkutwar -> RE: And Page 5 (5/17/2009 18:29:33)

Oh well...Kinda bored and wanted to see what people do with this long forgotten topic.

Dragunlord13 -> RE: And Page 5 (5/17/2009 18:33:09)

We should get the other clans to join us in a temporary ultraclan, beat the robots then split up again. Afterall, we are all being threatened and it is our responobility to take care of Paxia.

sacchi -> RE: And Page 5 (5/17/2009 18:40:26)

...What robots?...You realize that's NOT the "current event" right?

ShadowScypher -> RE: And Page 5 (5/17/2009 18:45:42)

....We're against robots? :O

kkutwar -> RE: And Page 5 (5/17/2009 18:49:21)

He's living in the past.I say we nuke his past and throw him in front of whats going on now.

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