Master of the Necropolis, The (Full Version)

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Resolute -> Master of the Necropolis, The (10/24/2008 20:13:39)

The Master of the Necropolis

Location: Mogloween (Chapter 3) -> Cauldron Sisters -> Quest! (Upon 2nd interaction),
Location: Mogloween (Chapter 3) -> Cauldron Sisters -> Replay Quests -> Quest! (Master of the Necropolis),
Location: Mogloween (Chapter 4) -> Cauldron Sisters -> Quests! -> Quest! (Master of the Necropolis)
Level/Quest/Items required: Completion of The Dolls House
Release Date: October 24th, 2008

Objective: The Cauldron Sisters have asked you to go to the Necropolis and find what has become of their shipment of stolen sweets!
Objective completed: Sally?! SHE is the master of the Necropolis? Ok, if you say so. Anyway, better get back to the Cauldron Sisters and let them know what happened to their candy. It may already be too late!

Experience rewarded: 0
Gold rewarded: 0





*You return to the Necropolis, which is all but empty; assuming Noxus is involved, you call out to him.*

<Character>: NOXUS! I KNOW YOU'RE HERE! Come out and face me!
???: Noxus? Don't be silly! He's not the master of the necropolis anymore...
Sally: I am. *giggle*
<Character>: SALLY!!?? What are you doing here? This place is dangerous, and filled with all kinds of undead and darkness monsters!
Sally: I KNOW, <Character>. They are my toys! Welcome to my doll house!
<Character>: You.... I..... Wait.. What?
Sally: Hehe! <Character>, you're funny.
<Character>: Ya know what? You being the master of the Necropolis makes as much sense as anything else today. Why not?
<Character>: So... you're behind the theft of the Cauldron Sister's candy shipment?
Sally: Oh yeah, that was me. My new friends will do anything that I ask them to. They were so lost when you made Noxus run away...
Sally: ... But when I came down here, they started playing with me. I told them that we needed more friends.
<Character>: ...MORE...friends?!
Sally: Sure! Who doesn't need more friends?
Sally: I thought that all the moglins would be GREAT friends but they much cuter when they're all big and cuddly.
Sally: I had my friend's steal the candy so I could make them all back into big, fuzzy moglinsters again, like last year!
<Character>: But... the Cauldron Sister's fixed their recipe. It doesn't change them into moglinster's any more.
Sally: Oh, I know. That's what I had to take the candy... I had to fix the candy so it worked right again.
<Character>: WORKED RIGHT?! How could you even do that? You're a little girl, not a magical candy maker.
Sally: Yeah, I had to get help from my newest friend, Sturr.
Sturr: Greetings, hero! HAHAHAHA!
<Character>: Myx? How could you turn you back on the Cauldron Sisters?
Sturr: Are you DEAF? she said my name was Sturr. Myx is my cousin.
Sturr: I was the Doom Cauldron in charge of the Evil Foods project, before YOU came stomping through and ruined it.
Sally: But you don't have to worry about the candy. Now that Me and Sturr fixed it... we passed it out to all the houses we could find!
Sally: Pretty soon the place will be crawling withsugar-crazed moglinsters!
Sally: I know, I felt so bad for you. But I fixed it! All the candy is where it belongs now!
<Character>: ACK! I gotta go tell the Cauldron Sisters and get that candy back before it's too late!
Sally: Happy Mogloween, <Character>! *giggle*

  • Complete Quest!

    Other information
  • Pop-up headlines during the quest:

  • Echo... ECHo...echo... echo
  • Need a light?

  • Next Up: Jack-O-Dragon

    Thanks to
  • Jay for entry reformat and corrections.
  • Stephen Nix for initial entry rewrite and corrections.
  • AztecArcher and Voodoo Master for corrections.

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