The Green Guy -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (7/20/2013 18:44:40)
Another Pria Knight armor bug. The exact circumstances are as follows: I'm training for the level 10 knight/skill. I'm facing Inner Darkness. I beat the first one, used the Blessed Barrage, worked fine. I failed the STR roll & faced Inner Darkness a second time. This second time, I used the blessed barrage again, and it did *negative* light damage - i.e., healing Inner Darkness. I fixed this by re-equipping the Pria Knight armor, re-quipping weapon & shield, and was able to use the skill & do normal 'positive' light damage. Both times the effects still worked. So there is a work-around, but it still seems like a bug to me. This should've been fixed already. Did you log out/in and try to duplicate it? ~IMR I was going to duplicate it - but I ran into the "temp" armor bug (the link to which I mention in a post below). Meaning, I'm stuck with figuring how to try and duplicate this: do I try and fight Inner Darkness using the bugged 'temp' armor or the one in my inventory? What do I do if I succeed on the first roll either time, which would prevent me to face Inner Darkness a second time? (repeating all 5 levels to get to Inner Darkness again is just a WEE bit tedious...and when I tried to duplicate this with the "temp" Pria Knight armor, I succeeded the first roll. [>:] ) Is there an easier way to go back to the Inner Darkness quest/fight & repeat it?