Fornever -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (6/22/2013 2:52:35)
Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.): The battle menu isn't coming up. Bug details: I was fighting a mummicane and I think the paralysis messes up the knight armor's retaliation skill. Before bug occurred: I was just fighting normally, and I decided to try and activate the knight armor's counterattack skill. During Bug: The next turn, I was paralyzed by the mummicane, which normally means being unable to move at all. However, the counterattack worked as usual, doing damage. The mummicane attacked again, and things flashed very quickly on the screen and now the menu isn't there anymore. After bug: Animations are still working, the menu just doesn't appear. Item Bugged: Squire's Training Armor, I suppose. I'm going to look for another Mummicane and see if I can try again. Kam says that this is fixed. ~IMR