Eragonvsharry -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (5/11/2013 6:23:13)
Before bug occurred: Normal Battle During Bug: Weapon special (Special hit caused by >50% health and >25% mana) did something odd After bug: A status condition that I inflicted on the monster disappeared without triggering. The status condition "Spiritual Resonance" (Spiritual Seed, but does Harm damage) disappeared, despite having been placed on the monster only the previous turn. Normally, the status lasts 3 turns, but it disappeared and did not cause the intended damage after the weapon's special activated. Item Bugged: Winged Lightning Streak (i think) Other Equipment: Whispering Raiment, Shield of Awe, Fiery God Father, nothing else Screenshot link: unfortunately unavailable, it happened instantaneously and i was unable to capture it Character page link: Did you log out and log back in? Did you clear cache? Did the bug happen again? ^I was unfortunately unable to reproduce it before or after any of the above. As it was during the weapon's special and the status condition only lasts 3 turns, the likely hood of these overlapping again is very small. Without a way of instantly triggering the weapon special, i doubt i will see it again anyway, but I thought it worth reporting. Browser Info: Google Chrome Version 26.0.1410.64 m Flash version: 11,7,700,179 (latest i believe) If any more info is required, I would be happy to clarify, though I doubt I will be of any help, and this is very minor and so not likely to affect much anyway.