infuturity -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (3/9/2013 6:49:50)
@ elwillo: 1) That's just the way the coding works. You just have to re-equip it to reset the item, that's all. 2) No that isn't a bug. I asked about this on IRC, not realizing that you also don't pay the SP for the kill turn, so you shouldn't regen the MP. And I would assume the reason Crystal of Restless Shadow doesn't face this problem is because you paid the damage penalty that turn, so you deserve to get the HP reward. 3) Huh? Naga Day? That doesn't affect you mean MP? And, if you are talking about MP, then are you sure the actual *number* for MP is changing, or is it just the amount of the bar that is filled? If the number itself is increasing, then yes, that's a problem. If its just the amount of the bar that changes, but the number stays the same, that's ok, because by taking away the bonus MP, the MP you have left makes up a greater percentage of the total MP bar, meaning it will actually look like you increased MP, but you didn't.