RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (Full Version)

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Lince -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (2/11/2014 13:07:29)

Sword Master Emblem does not work with Sword of Deren.
There are a few others like this I can't remember right now...

Fixed. If you remember any others, then just post about them and I'll take care of them. Thanks! ~In Media Res

DarkDevil -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (2/16/2014 20:16:39)

when hiding Pygmy Zombie Groupies (the ones from GGB) the misc is removed from the misc list then next turn it comes back in the list althought the pet is still hidden.

Rafiq von den Vielen -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (2/17/2014 3:41:32)

I actually think that is intended DarkDevil. I had my PZG being displayed on my character page for a bit of time and despite not using it in battle (i.e. hiding it) I had access to the Headdress for the entire time I stayed logged in.

DarkLore -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (2/18/2014 5:56:32)

More of an art bug, but still part of an armor nonetheless. Explorer's Outfit always has the default skin color for the hands. Here is picture proof! Here is picture proof!

Yozai -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (2/20/2014 11:53:32)

Tarnished Caliburn on the info page it says:

Element: Follows the element of your no-drop equipment

But do light damage.

Maybe because my no-drop is neutral.

shemwell2 -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (2/21/2014 1:44:53)

When using the 150 twilight armor paired with the lycanbow and the lvl150 legendary shadow crystal the second attack switches to the old light element icon and the attack deals 0 damage but only against the lvl 120 vampire warrior mobs with 3 in them o_o

Edit when you get em down to 1 vampire warrior it fixes itself

Lord Tenebros -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (2/28/2014 17:45:07)

Dazzling Midnight Wish does not work with Sword Master Emblem G. I think this is a bug since the weapon looks like a sword.

RMC -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (2/28/2014 17:55:25)

^ From In Media Res


It's a dagger.

poopbum -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (3/2/2014 8:48:14)

Poison stacking from Poison Sting from Chimeran Rider may be bugged. If the monster is poisoned by any other source of poison first then the poison doesn't stack. It simply replaces the previous poison status.

So if the enemy is say poisoned for one turn by Chimeran shield at the start of my turn due to missing earlier. I then use Poison Sting and the poison from the shield is replaced completely with the 10 turn poison at power 1.61.

The same also happens when the enemy is first inflicted with poison from Chimera's Venom.

But the stacking works normally when the monster is first poisoned by Poison Sting. Then subsequent sources of poison from the above mentioned 3 items stack normally.

DarkDevil -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (3/2/2014 8:57:22)

^ i think because the poison sting is stronger it replaces the old one (mainly because the overall strenght of poison is duration*power) , and the chimeran venom is the one ment in "some".

orginal: Poison

If a monster is poisoned a second time, then the new poison either does nothing (if the new poison is of lower level) or replaces the old poison (if the new poison is of equal or greater level). Some sources of poison can enhance the strength of the original poisoning.

anyway it could be good for the chimeran venom to also enhance the strength of the orginal poison too.

Ianthe -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (3/2/2014 10:55:50)

Yeah, it was failing a level check.

I've fixed Chimeran Rider, Chimeran Shield, Poison Arrow, and Chimera's Venom so that they no longer check for level, but the resulting poison's level is now MIN(previous poison's level, newly-inflicted poison's level).

sol1tud3 -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (3/3/2014 6:03:30)

About Gandolphin, the mana shield also blocks poison damage (harm). Is this intended or not? I'm asking because a lot of other items in the game has no effect against harm and void damage.

Not a bug. ~IMR

DarkLore -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (3/3/2014 16:04:06)

Given the fact that Neberon the Mage is able to almost die from PWD, shouldn't the dialogue from Death state as such? meaning his quote for an enemy that can survive PWD.

It's close enough to death. He doesn't force PWD to do its Guardian Dragon-like fallback attack. ~IMR

poopbum -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (3/4/2014 9:06:09)


Finally got around to fixing some stuff with LSC V1:

You pay SP at the beginning of your turn, and regain SP when you unequip it.

The part about paying SP at the beginning of turn is happening correctly, but the part about regaining SP when misc is unequipped is not happening.
At least for Naga Day from what I observed.

Fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

xDeathlordx -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (3/5/2014 2:47:27)


I've fixed Chimeran Rider, Chimeran Shield, Poison Arrow, and Chimera's Venom so that they no longer check for level, but the resulting poison's level is now MIN(previous poison's level, newly-inflicted poison's level).

The problem with the armor/shield stack seems to be working now but I'm getting some unpredictable and seemingly random poison turn losses going when I throw LSC V2 in the mix with them on Chimera day. Seems to be overwriting the sting. Like it will jump from 6 or 7 turns left to 3 turns left. Then it might stay at three turns for a bit. Hmmm...Maybe it's just telling me that there are three turns at a certain power level left instead of overall turns left?
Possible I'm just not understanding how it works and it just gets complicated when you have three sources trying to stack at once.

Whoops - LSCv2 isn't on the list of things that I updated. It's updated now. Thanks! ~IMR

DarkLore -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (3/6/2014 12:24:42)


More of an art bug, but still part of an armor nonetheless. Explorer's Outfit always has the default skin color for the hands. Here is picture proof!

Thought I should repost this since nobody replied.

Sorry. Class armours are huge messes, and I'm a little hesitant to open it up unless absolutely necessary. It's kinda like how it took me so long to fix LSCv1.

I'll... flail ineffectively and then eventually get around to it ._. ~IMR

EDIT: This took two hours to fix. This is why we can't have nice things. Clear your cache to get the fixed verison. Thanks! ~IMR

1stClassGenesis -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (3/7/2014 1:58:49)

Something about Crystal of Restless Shadow's healing.

Fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

Thanks a bunch, In Media Res!

bobslayer001 -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (3/9/2014 21:18:04)

Not sure if anyone's said this before, not reading through 150+ pages...

The Overlord Set's shield (I'm using Knight's Tale) does harm damage to the enemy at the end of their turn if they hit, but (unlike the fire damage from the pet/sword or Chimeran poison or other DoT) it can't kill the enemy - it'll leave it at 0hp and let you take your turn again.

Rafiq von den Vielen -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (3/10/2014 3:47:42)

^ That's because backlash happens at a different time than poison/bleed damage, and due to game engine limitations Backlash can't kill a monster because the servers would, quite literally, go boom.
At least I hope that's vaguely similar to what IMR explained to me ._.

Edit: Have a million of cookies IMR! You're awesome!

DarkDevil -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (3/10/2014 4:05:34)

the problem with shields is that they work during player turn , and the death check happens before and after player turn but not during it.
so it is like using pendant of `Galin then unequiping it and be left with 0 hp and not die.

Ianthe -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (3/10/2014 8:48:27)

Actually, I put in a bunch of checks in v38.0 so that we can now fix this! The damage is now inflicted at the end of the monster's turn, so it can kill monsters now.

Archlist -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (3/12/2014 15:20:06)

Horo-Show Void Vindicator still leaves the monster with 1 HP even if the Harm damage inflicted was greater than the monster's remaining health. Is there a reason why it shouldn't be able to kill the monster?

EDIT: Resolved (the entry of 2014 Mar 15, third point). Sorry IMR if you were going to fix it and I jumped in without the need. [3/16/2014 19:12]

Edit #2: Just tested the shield and it indeed killed the monster but still with 1 HP left in its health bar. Plus, I was not declared the winner, but instead was told that I had fled from the battle, with the corresponding cost deducted from my SP bar. However, this only happened once, and after that the shield reverted to its old behavior (I couldn't replicate the strange behavior even after relogging in with/without clearing the cache). In contrast, monster packs behave quite differently, when the last one dies form the shield's backlash, it keeps reviving and dying until you kill it with a normal attack, the funniest part of it being that at the end of its turn the monster dies no matter if its hit connected or not (i.e. it dies without taking the backlash damage). The monster invariably has 1 HP throughout this process. [3/16/2014 22:37] Appears to really be working now. Thanks IMR! [3/19/2014 15:41]

infuturity -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (3/15/2014 9:48:35)

I believe either RanGer's Scope or 4-Leaf Leperachaun Armor is bugged.

The Scope does not seem to be affecting damage, despite the fact that the armor converts all Melee attacks into Ranged.

As an example, I have fought the new level 152 variant of Anchorhand in the new war several times now, using the Leppy Armor and Scope, with a 0% proc and +4 BtH Custom Wind Sword. The monster has 73 AMD and 130% resistance to wind.

According to my numbers, with Scope active, that should result in an average damage per turn of 784.401. Meanwhile, without Scope, in the same armor and against the same monster, the expected DPT is around 633.

I am consistently hitting much closer to the non-Scope numbers (500-600 per turn), and only approaching the Scoped numbers upon lucky strikes.

It's working for me. Using 4-Leaf Clover Power Armour and Shocking Pen (it was the first Melee weapon my test char had >.<):

No scope (base dmg, rand dmg, stat%):
Rainbow: 42.458024691358, 103.112345679012, 1200.82175925926
Chain Gun: 22.4777777777778, 54.5888888888889, 635.729166666667
Bomb: 47.7652777777778, 116.001388888889, 1350.92447916667

With scope (base dmg, rand dmg, stat%):
Rainbow: 49.2513086419753, 119.610320987654, 1392.95324074074
Chain Gun: 26.0742222222222, 63.3231111111111, 737.445833333333
Bomb: 55.4077222222222, 134.561611111111, 1567.07239583333

That's a solid *1.16 damage. ~IMR

infuturity -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (3/16/2014 9:19:31)

@IMR above:

Unfortunately, I don't have a test character with access to in-game changes, so I can only rely on anecdotal evidence from my own playing experience. And my playing experience is telling me that this combo is not working properly. I am seeing no discernible difference in damage between the two setups (Scope vs. Non-Scope).

On second blush, I think there may be something wrong with the armor in general. I have been testing it since I got it, and it just does not seem to live up to expectations, even without Scope.

Here is a very small sample, against Combat Practice Trainer:

24 attacks, no misc (200 STR/DEX/LUK) same custom sword described above, no misses or blocks by monster during battle [LS=LuckyStrike]
expected average damage assuming 100% hit rate= 557.989

Actual damages: 447, 370, 409. 539, 430, 361, 515, 315, 329, 438, 491, 346, 257, 520, 457, 421, 250, 323, 997 (LS), 249, 481, 768 (LS), 468, 590

24 attacks, with Scope, same assumptions
Expected Average damage assuming 100% hit rate= 647.268

Actual Damages: 543, 297, 488, 391, 1218 (LS), 591, 408, 1187 (LS), 411, 488, 501, 440, 544, 654, 339, 479, 526, 417, 360, 427, 385, 391, 304, 1572 (LS)

I know this is a very small sample size, but it is extremely consistent with what I've been seeing over dozens of battles since trying out the combo. Yes, it is a considerable difference in the damages, so clearly the Scope is working, and the problem appears to be with the armor itself. Even with an extra massive LS in the Scope numbers, the average damage is almost 100 DPT less than expected. And that is including more LS damage than should be expected, since over 24 turns, we should only expect 2.4 LS attacks.

Something is wrong...

DarkDevil -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (3/16/2014 9:56:13)

@above , using samples will mostly always be misleading.

the best way is to dimish the randoms and seeing the min/max damage and exclude lucky strikes , maybe have 0 of that stats and a weapon with a heavy base lean like comet from the last gift delivery or Kingdom breaker or others.

calculate only the min/max damage then go to the practice trainer and do as big sample as you can untill so you are sure about your min/max.

now equip scope and look again for your min/max and determine if there was an increasement in them.

also on a side note question for imr , was the engine update where the stats couldn't deal more or less than 3/4 or 1/4 of stat damage implated ? it is scratched in the engine updates list ?

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