RE: The Hunter's Spear- comment thread (Full Version)

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Anvos -> RE: The Hunter's Spear- comment thread (8/10/2009 4:39:34)

So got any idea when more might come out or be revised?

deathwalker05 -> RE: The Hunter's Spear- comment thread (8/10/2009 8:06:22)

Once those last two revisions are out i can finally catch up to the new ones =)

sdeaf -> RE: The Hunter's Spear- comment thread (8/10/2009 13:23:03)

Oh, I kinda' forget that people read those too. Yea, I try to get one out every time I write a new chapter, so I'm working on chapter 10...but it's really long. Okay, i'll get down to it then ^^.

sdeaf -> RE: The Hunter's Spear- comment thread (8/10/2009 16:44:50)

Chapter 10 is up. I spent alot of time revising it, so I hope you like it. It's here As Sheep To Slaughter.
Oh, and in case you didn't know, chapters 8 and 9 are up too. They're here Blood for blood 8
A History of Blood 9

sdeaf -> RE: The Hunter's Spear- comment thread (8/10/2009 19:11:03)

Hah! There we are. All of my chapters that have been typed are now on here. Took me awhile and alot of laziness, but now my two stories are connected. I hope you enjoy chapter 11, Uncivilised

deathwalker05 -> RE: The Hunter's Spear- comment thread (8/11/2009 11:35:55)

chapter 13

the first werewolf to capture a werewolf

Belive you mean first to capture a dragon.

Also, on chapter 14 you do not have the link for chapter 15.

And, on a side note, ive finally caught up in the go write a new chapter >>

sdeaf -> RE: The Hunter's Spear- comment thread (8/11/2009 13:09:02)

Heh, yea, der-de-der. I've fixed both problems.. I hope... Those whole HTML things kill me. Man you read fast. I can't even read moy chapters that fast. Okay, i guess I'll start working on the next chapter...

deathwalker05 -> RE: The Hunter's Spear- comment thread (8/11/2009 16:43:07)

Heh, what can i say....I'm a fast reader. [:D]

sdeaf -> RE: The Hunter's Spear- comment thread (8/20/2009 12:08:34)

Well, I hope that you enjoyed the chapters. Well, in other news, I've finished chapter 16, and here it is. Alone. Hope you have fun reading it.

deathwalker05 -> RE: The Hunter's Spear- comment thread (8/20/2009 14:26:00)

Good chapter, look forward to more [:D]

ringulreith -> RE: The Hunter's Spear- comment thread (8/20/2009 18:50:56)

Hi there Sdeaf! I love the chapters you're releasing, keep it up! Sorry I haven't dropped in to give comments lately. Life's been disagreeing with me--my aunt arived recently, and she stays in my room, so that takes some computer time away, and I was busy with the elemental championships lately.

I have just one suggestion for chapter 16--I found some errors, but I am too laisy to list them. Anyways, here it is:


He was, once again, alone.

Remove everything after that and put it in the next chapter. The stuff at the end sort of kills the mood. It'll definitely make a great new chapter beginning, though.

sdeaf -> RE: The Hunter's Spear- comment thread (8/22/2009 2:40:36)

Glad to have you back, Ont. I'm also glad that you liked chapter 16. I totally agree with you about it, though, and as such have changed it... It'll be a re-read for those who have already read it before, but I think you're right about it... See, the thing is, and I don't know why I'm getting into this, but I guess it's from a lack of anything else to do, that I wrote out my entire story on paper before typing it, but when I type it I add alot of stuff, so it wasn't quite so dramatic when I made the chapter last time, and it seemed normal. With how it is now, though, I totally see your point. Thanks for the help, and I hope you keep enjoying my chapters.

Anvos -> RE: The Hunter's Spear- comment thread (8/23/2009 3:51:10)

Well nice chapter although a little depressing to see more characters who would have seemed intresting to learn more about die.

sdeaf -> RE: The Hunter's Spear- comment thread (8/24/2009 19:40:20)

Ah, i know. It depressed me too, when it happened... Even though I guess I made it happen... but it's not like I wanted them to die, it just sorta'... Happened. But yea, I guess all I can say is that you're right, and I liked those two too. Heh, two too.

Anvos -> RE: The Hunter's Spear- comment thread (8/25/2009 19:30:20)

Odd how if you care enough about what you are writing as an author can actually feel the emotion you were intending to portray when writing it.

Otherwise as this story has been progressing so far it is seeming easier and easier to understand why Damian has such a depressing view of being a vampire when so many people around him that he cares about die.

Argeus the Paladin -> RE: The Dark Forest- comment thread (Sixteen Chapters) (8/26/2009 22:25:48)

First of all, my commendations for sticking up for your work for so long without faltering. All in all, you've got 17 chapters written within less than a year in spite of the massive lack in readers. This is no mean feat, knowing how badly I take the "nobody reads my work, BAWWW" notion.

I've read up the first two chapters. While there aren't much to be commented about your general technique, as most is fine as is, there are still other things I should mention.

1) Your fight scene. I've seen you are a writer of much action. You intricately describe fights, movements, maneuvers, slashes, stabs, blows and strikes, but you are a little too absorbed in it. This means lack of balance. The fight goes on for more than ten A4 pages, in long paragraphs that, as Crimz suggested, could have been better split into multiple. This makes for a dynamic feel, but it can get tiring when it drags on for too long.

For instance, the first chapter's fight scene was more or less "Each of the fighters duke it out against the vampire using their specialties and get slaughtered all the way." When a fight scene with only that much summarizable significance goes on for that long, it starts to bore the reader out. However magnificence our prose, however awesome your description, it would most likely be wasted if the audience ever yawn out, thinking "man, when will this end?" You see where I am coming from?

2) There are some contrivations in the chapters I have read.

- First of all, John's attitude in the last part of the first chapter is somewhat unrealistic. His siter has just been finished off, the one he called "the most important in his life," and, not only did not rejoin the fight quickly, also had the nerve to pull out this gem:


They circled each other. Both of them were daring the other to attack. John watched them for a bit before taking a step forward.

“Look, this whole ‘honorable duel’ thing, or whatever, is really getting on my nerves. I’m joining this battle.”

That is the sort of remark some outsider would have, not the leader of the pack who just had his sister offed. If it were me, I would have charged the vampire at the very split second after I realize Krystal's demise.

- Secondly, the reason why Mike attacked Serenade was never explained. She wasn't even someone important at that time, she wasn't some nobles, a Whispered, Newtype, Esper, Time Traveler, Data Entity, Diclonius, Coordinator, Mew Mew or whatsoever "special" being there are. He just said he wanted to kill her and had gone to great length to. And he wasn't even a vampire, if I read it correctly. This is more contrived than it sound, unless you give the needed justification.

3) The last thing, which is also what bugs me the most. You write this as a DF fanfiction. This is, please forgive me for being frank, a waste of talent. I know you are writing this because, like me, you enjoy writing. But please think this way - half of a writer's joy is from having others read his work, so that they would be immersed in the world he has envisioned, has molded with his wild imagination and writing hand, and has cherished as though it was his own flesh and blood child. Few would read a fanfiction seriously, even fewer would truly appreciate the time and effort a fanfic writer placed in his work. For a less-known fandom like our own, the odds are even less favorable.

Have you ever considered writing something original? Original fiction, using a setting you know well, like standard/urban fantasy, or a merge of both of them, so that you no longer have to worry about keeping the borrowed characters "in-character" because simply they aren't borrowed in the first place, so that you can create the laws of the world as you like to fit your plot, without fearing of conflicting with canon, so that your imagination can truly roam free without any restriction?

And that is not to mention there is always an opportunity to publish an original fiction, so that the whole world, not just this limited forum, would know about it and immerse in your work.

That being said, I'm following this story of yours and will try to give you what comments you need.

But, please consider what I say for serious. Yours is a talent that wouldn't do well to waste on fanfiction.

sdeaf -> RE: The Dark Forest- comment thread (Sixteen Chapters) (8/27/2009 13:38:49)

I'm very grateful that you consider me a good writer, and that means alot to me. I'm also glad that you're reading this and (mostly) enjoying it. That being said, I'll now answer you as best I am able.
1. Yea, yea, I know. I've known about my problem since chapter one, and I think that I've began to fix it, well, the paragraphs part at least. I dunno' if I'll ever get over having long fights, but I do try to do so. And about the stereotpyicallness of the first chapter, well, true...Definitely true, but at that time, I'm still trying to introduce characters, so if I err on the side of a typical storyline, then I suppose I'll have to try to fix it later.

2. Yea, that's true. The thing is, though, John isn't exactly the hero type. He knows what vampires do, and he knows that he cannot really win the fight on his own without some sort of a special tactic. He knows that his best chance lies in fighting alongside the drakel, but he also respects the drakel's wishes. I know that this does not sound like someone who just lost his sister, but he's been losing people for a long time, and as much as he'd like to, I think he still has alot of self-preservation. Regardless of all this, though, I think you're right... It is weird.

You're second answer, though, is easily answered. Mike's just a killer, or at least, a would-be killer. You know, those guys who think it'd be awesome to kill someone, so they stalk someone, figure them out, befriend them, and then leave them in the woods with their throat slit? I'm sure you realize that there are alot of people who kill for no reason, and he's one of them. So she has no need to be special, she's just a woman who he thinks he can safely kill, and she only becomes special after the event. Having innocence taken is quite a traumatic experience. So this one, at least, was basically just a misunderstanding. He's not like an emmissary sent to kill her from the future because she'll be queen or whatever, just an aspiring serial killer.

3. I have never claimed this to be a Fan Fiction. In fact, the work I am doing is not a fan fiction. The world I have created. Though it does borrow several names... Maybe four in total (Safiria, The King, E, and Darkovia) the story I'm creating is original. Look at it this way. Say I said that John was in the forest... I dunno', Uh... I'm no good with names... Valvidia or something. If you replace every reference to the forest Darkovia as the forest Valvidia and Safiria as the Vampire Matriarch (The King can stay the King, 'cuz that's a really general term) and E with Edward. Those are the only real references to AdventureQuest that I have in there, and if I take all of them out I have my own world. I place my own rules, such as spells, which you'll see are not actual "AQ" spells, weapons, which are also not cannon, and even history (You'll see this if you read to chapter..9 I think). I'm not confined by "canon" since this is not a fan fiction, it's merely a story that happens to contain some of the same characters of another, and you can say that my view of it is based on technicalities, but Fiction is all in the mind, anywho.

As to publishing, I doubt I ever will, but if I ever did I'd probably just change the names of a few thing, and I'd be fine.

Also, the superiority of a type of fiction is all in the mind. People can say that Fan fiction is inferior because all of the "Work" is done for the authors and all they have to do is place the characters in different positions and guess how they'd react. But the truth is that no type of fiction is less than any other, it's only in the mind. Only when you allow yourself to be inferior will you be inferior.

Oh boy, see? I think I'm just longwinded by nature ^^. I can't even spend less than a page talking to you :). Okay, well, in closing, you're right about alot of things, and I'll work on it... Thanks again for reading the first two chapters, and I'm glad that you'll keep reading. I don't get many new faces X). I hope you enjoy it, and I'm looking forward to hearing from you again.

P.S. Guh, and now I have to proofread this entire thing.

Argeus the Paladin -> RE: The Dark Forest- comment thread (Sixteen Chapters) (8/27/2009 21:53:31)


Also, the superiority of a type of fiction is all in the mind. People can say that Fan fiction is inferior because all of the "Work" is done for the authors and all they have to do is place the characters in different positions and guess how they'd react. But the truth is that no type of fiction is less than any other, it's only in the mind. Only when you allow yourself to be inferior will you be inferior.

You deserve a truckload of e-cookies for that.

But then, my friend, keep in mind that most people don't give a darn about whether you think your works are inferior or superior. Especially when your work contains traces of another fandom, people will VERY EASILY go "ZOMG liek dis authr iz liek a 13 yrs old fanfic wrter an hez sucks". Chatspeak for emphasis.

I'm glad that this is original fiction. But if you have decided it that way, let's make this clear: creating your character's unique name and personality, even though he or she may be based more or less on an stablished character, is one of the first thigns an author has to do. You've done somewhat well with Serenade in the second part: from the frame of Serenade the NPC, you built a Paladin. I take it as a good sign.

And please keep up your hope with publication. There's this saying among us Twilight haters we adopt as a mantra "If Twilight can be published, anything can!" Think of it this way: Posting your work on a forum can attract less than a dozen readers. Publishing it nets you at least a thousand. Think about it.

Oh, and this:


Mike's just a killer, or at least, a would-be killer. You know, those guys who think it'd be awesome to kill someone, so they stalk someone, figure them out, befriend them, and then leave them in the woods with their throat slit?

Perhaps it's just me, but really, few, except the mentally deranged, would have sported such a kind of thoughts. But then again, knowing that these sorts exist in real life, I'll take your word for it. However, to avoid your readers from misunderstanding, try to include some "showing" that portrays him as this kind of maniac, such as "You're so beautiful - I believe you'll be even more when you're... dead." right before he attacks her.

Now, with no more wanting, I'll return to your next chapters. Note that I can't help you quite well with technicalities like grammar and spelling. Such is the problem with most large works - it is simply impossible to keep trace of everything without spending a disproportionately enormous amount of time on it.

Chapter three.

Question: Vincent happens to be John, isn't he? If so, from where did he pull the name "Vincent" from? He can't have learnt about it from his dream, could he? That you may need some clarification.

Fake priests; "fake" as in devoid of actual Divine magic. You might want to watch over this a little. In the setting you choose, holy men are blessed with some kind of anti-dark magic, and that is sort of a staple. Saying that a priest's blessing actually does nothing is tantamount to saying that the church is a fake, which puts doubts on why it was still standing until the present, while so many powerful creatures of the dark were roaming like that. In short, in a fantasy setting with vampires and the likes, for the setting to be balance, the church and its clerics/priests must be at least capable of performing Holy Hand Grenades to keep the darkness at bay - see what I mean?

So it's the standard "hates garlic/sunlight/crosses and does not sparkle" vampires we are talking about here. If so, I hope there is a reason to why Vincent/John/whatchacallit can stand the sunlight even though he's just been turned. Perhaps in the later chapters this would be explored, wouldn't it? And more: Why does the people immediately know he was a vampire when they saw this crazy guy running IN THE BRIGHT SUNLIGHT? Isn't it a little contrived/illogical?

Another thing: Your description of the caravan at first may be a little confusing to first-time readers. The first time I read through that paragraph I've got an impression of a band of a couple travelers. Or maybe it's just me and my intuitions.

So... Damian. Guess the other commentors had already spoiled me on this, but I'm still waiting to see what else you've got to say other than "He's a Noble Demon/Antihero".

Until the next time then. I've got too many stuffs to read so far. And a chapter of Haruhi Suzumiya to translate (working for a fansub group here). And the mid-semester exam.

sdeaf -> RE: The Dark Forest- comment thread (Sixteen Chapters) (8/28/2009 0:18:56)

Hmm, as far as I know, the entire third chapter is in the nightime. I believe I say that when he thinks something close to "Thought it was daytime since he could see fine, but the moon was shining brightly." As far as I know that doesn't change, and yes, vampires cannot be in sunlight or anything. Now, as a technicality, the vampires in my story can be out in daytime, just as long as their skin does not touch the sunlight. So it may be a continuity mistake, as in I somewhere said "The next morning" and completely screwed up, or there's a misunderstanding. It would be tremendously helpful if'n you could come up with a quote or something that would imply daytime so that I can nix it and make it nighttime.

As for the clergy. Well, in my... Reality, if you will, the paladins are here to put the beat down to undead and the bad peoples, while the clergy are there to preach to the peoples, heal, and do whatever else they are allowed by the divine entity. See, I made no mention of him being powerless, or of religion being powerless (The cross does protect him), only that his... uh... "final rights" were fake, since the souls had already left the body. I'm not trying to say that he's powerless, only that he's crooked and doesn't like to waste his time with dead people.

Hmmm, good point about good 'ol mike. I just kinda' assumed that he would be understood by what he said, but I'm guessing it's more of my fault... I wonder if that means anything... Naw. K, if I revise it, I'll try to make it abundantly clear without being Silence-of-the-lambsish.

About the looking down on fanfics, well that's their problem mate. I understand it's hard to seriously debate someone who doesn't even speak right and who is obstinantly just trying to defame rather than actually even argue. The only way to deal with those is to only give one response as best as you can. Let others who read understand the fanfic side even if the person who's an idiot doesn't. I'm not saying it's easy, but...Well, few things are. Once again, thanks bunches for thinking my stories good enough to be commented on. Thanks for reading, and I hope you keep on doing so, you make me think of my story in ways I never had to :).

P.S. If you're not really gonna' give those e-cookies to anyone else, i'll take 'em ^^.

Argeus the Paladin -> RE: The Hunter's Spear- comment thread (8/30/2009 23:35:55)

As I said, I'm coming back for the next chapter. So where were we? Chapter 4, "Escalation", right?

First thing first: I'm getting an impression that you are developing a dual story that simultaneously follows two protagonists with two completely different agenda, motive and nakama. To say frankly, this may not be too good an option in the long run. Most story opens like this, and the reader can tolerate the "WTH did this character come from" for some time. But don't stretch that too long - most readers can't keep track with two mostly separate storylines wrapped in one novel for too long before they mentally ignores one to focus at the other. That is, until the two paths rejoin.

I haven't checked your other chapters, so I am not sure if this suggestion is applicable or has it been actually applied. but the deal is you phase out one storyline for the time being and focus on the other, only bringing up the phased-out storyline later on when all relationship between them had been established. That is how I tackled the Faegard-Kurogane dichotomy in my Elven Robot Wars.

As for this chapter, what can I say? In fact, this is one of those chapters when not much happens. One of those "filler" chapters to explain the plots or the mechanism behind the world, but doesn't contribute much to the flow of the story or the plot in question. You've done a good job in most of this, I must say. Not too much esposition, and the class system can be seen as a good, though already overused, method of keeping track of the Power Level.

And something that, while not glaringly obvious, can earn you the snark of an "Old vampire" champion:


He grabbed one of the doors and slowly opened it while walking into the brightly-lit room behind it.

Vampires don't really like light. This isn't usually limited to sunlight because it makes them sparkle.

So... I'll try to cover one of your chapters every day, until (i) I reach the end, or (ii) something in real life cuts me off. I'll see you again some time tomorrow then.

Anvos -> RE: The Hunter's Spear- comment thread (8/31/2009 1:21:21)

From having read the whole story that is up so far I would say he is doing a good job of managing the plot line(s) and important characters and without what he does have the major plot line wouldn't make much sense or would be harder to try and figure out.

sdeaf -> RE: The Hunter's Spear- comment thread (8/31/2009 1:53:19)

Heh, I know what you mean about that being a "filler"chapter man, that's what I thought when I wrote it. Yea, you'll see about the "double-story" thing, and I don't mean that weirdly, I'm just saying that you'll be able to tell. Ah, about the light... Ever read/watched "Interview with a vampire" by Anne Rice? Well, in that and other stuff vampires enjoy artificial light, like with Dracula and the lit candles everywhere. So it's not that they don't like light in general, just that the sun will kill them... Although I see what you mean in that they'd probably prefer darker rooms to "Brightly lit" rooms, but I guess it's a matter of preference. And yea, the class system is overused.

Anywho, it's really cool that you'll be doing one a day. I'll be here to read your comments and try to respond.

Oh, and thanks Anvos :).

sdeaf -> RE: The Hunter's Spear- comment thread (9/4/2009 19:52:20)

And on that note, not sure what note I'm talking about, but I'm sure that it somehow applies to what I'm trying to say, the seventeenth chapter's out. It's right here The Second Aftermath, and I hope that you guys enjoy it.

deathwalker05 -> RE: The Hunter's Spear- comment thread (9/4/2009 22:52:17)

Good chapter, was a bit suprised he didnt react diferently when confirmation of his team mate living was heard.

ringulreith -> RE: The Dark Forest- comment thread (Seventeen Chapters) (9/4/2009 23:10:06)

Dude, I was waiting for this so much, when I saw it, i jumped in my seet!

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