RE: The Dark Forest- comment thread (Seventeen Chapters) (Full Version)

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deathwalker05 -> RE: The Dark Forest- comment thread (Seventeen Chapters) (1/11/2010 15:42:40)


when he saw something black out of the corner of his eye, and reflexively stepped to the side and brought his sword up to guard. His reflexes served him well, as he felt his sword clash metal with another weapon and saw an Other vampire fly past


put lots of text in so ud have a referance point for it.


even Triplecorpse spared at look her way

a look


Othniel frantically dodged attacks that could have split him in half, but he knew that he woulds not be able to last very



As the other surrounded him, however, he soon found that their swords were completely tangible


GREAT chapter. If i havent said it before, book quality if not better. If you ever worker it out with AE to use their names, like a disclaimer site adress in front or something, i could see it getting published. If you do pursue this path please send me chapters still....another author did and stopped posting his story. >>


ringulreith -> RE: The Dark Forest- comment thread (Twenty Two Chapters) (1/11/2010 17:30:58)


Let me just recover from that shock I got after finishing the chapter...

sorry, but that was just the single most awsome thing i have ever read in my life. That... Just...

Sorry. I can't continue.

sdeaf -> RE: The Dark Forest- comment thread (Twenty Two Chapters) (1/12/2010 1:04:06)

I'm totally psyched that you guys enjoyed it. I'll definitely fix the things you said, deathwalker, and it makes me happy inside to hear that you think it's book-worthy. And no worries, i won't even think about any kind of publishing until the story is completely finished, so it'll be on here first. Ont, I have got to say that I'm blown away by your comment, and I'm really glad that you liked it so much. You guys make writing these chapters more than just something fun to do. Thanks :).

Anvos -> RE: The Dark Forest- comment thread (Twenty Two Chapters) (1/26/2010 23:30:57)

Sorry it took me so long to get to reading this chapter but I've been busy with other stuff. Anyways I would say it is a great chapter, though I think there are a few places where you accidentally jumbled some names around.

As for the others who are talking about book quality I would say so far it is okay though I won't pass my definant opinion until we see the whole thing.

sdeaf -> RE: The Dark Forest- comment thread (Twenty Two Chapters) (1/27/2010 23:17:07)

Yea, someone else noticed that too, and I was wondering about it while I was writing it. I would be like "did I just write the wrong person's name three paragraphs ago?" But then I would look back and not be able to find it. I'm so used to writing the names that It's hard to find them while proof-reading it too... It's a dilema. thanks for enjoying it, and for being conservative :).

ringulreith -> RE: The Dark Forest- comment thread (Seventeen Chapters) (1/28/2010 0:52:18)

You do seem to have collected a large number of characters since your Eng101 days. I can't say I won't miss them when your story is over. Perhaps a sequel?

sdeaf -> RE: The Dark Forest- comment thread (Seventeen Chapters) (2/6/2010 23:04:52)

Heh, I'm glad that you like them. Guh, it does feel like it's been so long since I was in Eng101, and oit makes me happy to know that people are still reading and (presumably) enjoying my work. Hmm, as to a sequal, I've never really liked that idea, since it would mean that the first story was incomplete, or that I would have to work very hard to come up with a bleievable story that kinda' fit with the first. Well, I have thought about it a lot, and I think that, if I ever do, it'll be set a long time, like 500 years or so, after the first, and only have a couple of the old characters in it. I'd enjoy doing something like that, since it'll let me get out one of main ideas that's been flowing around in my head out (another would be one about a serial killer, but that's a beast of a different texture), and yet still be able to tie it back. Like I said, though, I'm only thinking about it, so I dunno'. I don't want to give it too much thought until I finish this one...Which might be awhile ^^. Speaking of which, though, I've just finished the 23rd chapter, and also the battle between vampires and werewolves... So I hope that all of you like it. Climax of Betrayal.

deathwalker05 -> RE: The Dark Forest- comment thread (Seventeen Chapters) (2/6/2010 23:56:51)

well, i was given the option of a short,,,without further adoe...
It rocked. [:)]

ringulreith -> RE: The Dark Forest- comment thread (Seventeen Chapters) (2/7/2010 2:08:13)

New chapter is also awsome. Last bit intrigues me. I guess I'll find out what they really are in the next chapter... Kind of sad how all five of them got killed off, though. Methinks my favourite ones were hammer guy and big batty. Ghost and scar were cool, too. Just one question, iss hammer human?

sdeaf -> RE: The Dark Forest- comment thread (Seventeen Chapters) (2/7/2010 22:37:35)

I've said this before, deathwalker, and I'll say it again, you read way too fast.. goodness, but I'm glad that you liked it anyway. Yea, ont, Triplecorpse Hammerblow (Funny, that'll probably be the last time I have to write that name :) is human. I liked N'colto too, and I'm glad it intrigued you. It's funny, I had almost forgotten about how the werepyres were going to take over everything, and I was trying to hide just who exactly the werepyre within the werewolves was... Dunno' if I really succeeded... but I tried ^^. Battles are always hard, because I started getting overdosed on fighting and start doing "instant death" ends to fights, which is why I split the battle in two. I'm glad that you guys liked them both, and I enjoyed writing them.

Anvos -> RE: The Dark Forest- comment thread (Seventeen Chapters) (2/23/2010 23:51:59)

Just so you know I'm still reading and the last chapter was fairly good.

ringulreith -> RE: The Dark Forest- comment thread (Seventeen Chapters) (2/25/2010 7:24:16)

I can too has more plox? *puppy eyes*\

sdeaf -> RE: The Dark Forest- comment thread (Seventeen Chapters) (3/5/2010 17:45:13)

Of course, and I'm glad you thought it was fairly good. Don't have alot of time, here's the link Assassin. almost to 200,000 words and 300 pages 0.0. Enjoy.

ringulreith -> RE: The Dark Forest- comment thread (Seventeen Chapters) (3/5/2010 19:23:46)

*glares* You're becoming almost as bad as Pie. Great chapter, though.
*glares at ending*

deathwalker05 -> RE: The Dark Forest- comment thread (Seventeen Chapters) (3/5/2010 23:21:54)

heh, hell never be as bad as pie. His chapters come out like clock work, when one month passes, a chapter is there. Or t least always seems like a month >>

Anvos -> RE: The Dark Forest- comment thread (Seventeen Chapters) (3/15/2010 7:18:46)

Well after reading this latest chapter I give Dimitrius a level of epic fail when he loses a battle where all he had to do to win was tear the tent blocking out the sun light to shreds.

sdeaf -> RE: The Dark Forest- comment thread (Seventeen Chapters) (3/16/2010 20:44:41)

Ah, but as long as the vampires have their really big coats on, and the large hats, gloves, and boots, they can fight in the sun, although if it touches them then yea, they'd be screwed. It'd also kill all of his little minions too, which would turn the fight into a two-on-one battle. Close one, though, almost got me ^^.

sdeaf -> RE: The Dark Forest- comment thread (Seventeen Chapters) (3/17/2010 23:28:51)

Ah-hah! And upon further inspection of the text, I say that Dimitrious can stay in his Werepyre form during the day, not that he can touch the sunlight. Well, I say that he can keep it "In the light," which is probably confusing. I'll probably have to say that. But yea, in that same chapter I make it (semi) clear that Dimitrious can only maintain his werepyre form in the day, not that he can survive in light.

sdeaf -> RE: The Dark Forest- comment thread (Seventeen Chapters) (4/7/2010 3:11:03)

Okay, i have a few things to announce. First, I finally broke the 300 pages mark. The story is officially at 304 pages single spaced without double enters on paragraphs and with 12 font (mostly). Booya'. Also... There's only three more chapters left! I looked over, and I've somehow become better at pacing these things or something, because the next three aren't too long (about 75 pages altogether, but that's being at most), and also, I'm fed up with taking months between chapters, so I promise that the next chapter is coming out in no more than three weeks, you have my word. Well, that's all I have to say, except that this chapter is way too short for how long I've been working on it. Here's the chapter Superior Being. Hope you enjoy, and tell me about it here, too.

deathwalker05 -> RE: The Dark Forest- comment thread (Seventeen Chapters) (4/7/2010 6:24:49)

hm, good chapter. I cant see you making the 3 week deadline, lol. Youve gotten 1 month since u stareted the story. Also, sad to see only 3 chapters left =(

sdeaf -> RE: The Dark Forest- comment thread (Seventeen Chapters) (5/12/2010 2:00:46)

Gah, well that didn't work. Remind me to never do anything like that ever again. Also, in the vein of this one, the others will probably take longer than a month todo, as they're both longer than this one is and have a lot of action. Hope you enjoy. A Deep Breath.

deathwalker05 -> RE: The Dark Forest- comment thread (Seventeen Chapters) (5/12/2010 8:34:58)

Good Chapter, and i was expecting over a month for the last ones. Your drawing to the end of a story you've worked on for a long time after all, and you're finally nearing the end. (if u stick to the 2 more chapters thing)

sdeaf -> RE: The Dark Forest- comment thread (Seventeen Chapters) (5/18/2010 1:11:34)

Glad you liked it. Yep, amazingly enough, the last two chapters were evenly spaced out and everything when I originally wrote them. They're both about the battle, but they switch over at a good time. I'm totally psyched about starting them, but also kinda' trepidatious (It's sad when that's the only word I can think of to describe how I feel... there's gotta' be a better word). I think that they're the two best, but I hope that they transfer over well and still are when I'm done with them... So yep, only two chapters left.

Anvos -> RE: The Dark Forest- comment thread (Seventeen Chapters) (6/8/2010 20:24:51)

Well after finally being able to read your story again, due to my new internet not being overwhelmed by the sheer amount of words on page 1, I would say it was 2 more good chapters since I last checked in.

sdeaf -> RE: The Dark Forest- comment thread (Seventeen Chapters) (6/8/2010 23:21:59)

Thanks, good to know it's still up to snuff :). In other news, of sorts, I just now started writing the next one... I'm hoping to work on it regularly, but with summer, I can't promise anything.

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