RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (Full Version)

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Severin -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/26/2009 13:56:41)

Yayz! Congratz, you had it coming for a long time.
Thank you! :D
Thank you very much :)

1. Air Hockey or Ice Hockey?
Ice Hockey for sure!
Neither really :(

2. Who would win in a staring contest?
Who's in it? well I have never met Angelique in RL but I think she would win as I absolutely despise when people look too long in my eyes.
Yep you'd lose Star cause like the sun my madness hurts the naked eye! :P

3. Which are more useful, wings or fangs?
/me wonders what happened with paws? - well I would love to have wings!
Wings cause you can fly off with them

4. I am gonna make you a congratz present okay?
Huzzah! :D
Ooh thank you! :D

5. Angels are to doom as panthers are to stars?
The truth is revealed! :o
In my case yes :)

6. The end.

Gift. It's just a quickie, but I figured it was better than nothing. Press the big red button on the giftbox! :D
Awesome, I'll save this on my pc! :D
Wow thank you that is so cool! I bookmarked it!

Nightly -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/26/2009 14:25:12)

Hi guys!
Hola Nightly!
Hey there Nightly :)

Congrats on the Co-Heads!
Thank you very much.

Will you guys still help out with the Pedia?
/me looks at Angel - of course! XD
Sure thing. Having cleared the subs is what makes me happiest :D.

Well, I don't have any more questions since we already know eachother:P
we do? :o

Or do I? What's going to be the first official thing you do as Co-Head?
I have no idea, maybe eat a donut?
I actually think the first thing we did was a quick consult about the Pedia :P

One more quick question; is their any chance of any new sub-boards soon?
We still don't know anything about the sub boards for AQW, hopefully soon.
Yeah hopefully soon!

I hope soon to :P

TreadLight -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/26/2009 15:13:04)

Heh, I was wondering when this would come.
Me too and now it's here!
Mad aren't we lol

Hey :)

I don't really have any other things to say than congratulations and good luck.
Thank and I'll need the luck.
Thank you very much :)

Oh yeah! And I forgot to say that it's a great idea to co-head moderate one board. You'll need it for this game.
Yeah I guess it's a great idea! :D
Yeah I guess this is a busy board huh

Er... Biyas?
See you :)
Bye then :)

brisinger39 -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/26/2009 15:32:24)

:O this is my first one of these
Congrats you're the best!
I am glad it is ours then :)


Grats on the powergains
Thank you :)

1.AQW levels?
Max level for now is 20 and that's exactly my level.
Meh I am only level 16.

1. (otherwise known as 2)Fav AQW armor, and its rank?
Still like sorcerer best and it's rank 10.
Yeah mine is sorcerer too and I'm rank 10 too.

3.MQ or DF?

4.fav DF armor (:O)
I think it's called Frost Moglin Armour. Same :O
I like my standard mage one best I guess

5.Pokemon or...umm....digimon? xP
If either of you answer digimon, I will be sorely disappointed in you. =P ~Coyote :O but i likez digimon :O (tho pokemon prefered)
Never heard of digimon and I'm seriously afraid of Coyote also known as the mad AQW AK so I'll go with pokemon.
Erm I know neiher.... :(

6. Do greeting count?
No it doesn't

7.(or 10 :O) if so im up to 10...
I should learn to count.... :(

8. (ok, ill just call it 11)Left u each a line for ur answer (no space for other AK's.../me looks around suspiciously).wait..whats that number at the begining for?? not a question...:O
/me turns into a goose and does the gagagaga-dance!
Don't ask me! I don't like numbers! They haunt my dreams, they... waaaah

12.Ok, not sure how i did...mehwell, boi
This is a miracle!
Uh what?

13. :O ok i cant resist... are we allowed smilies in there?
Of course as long as it's not more than the rules allow! XD
Yeah 3 in total or as many graphic ones you like.

14.OK, this is the end of my post
Are you sure about that? Pretty sure

15.OK, so this is... wow, i actualy reached 15 :O bye
Haha, I knew it and see you :D
I rely on Star for this

12. (:O so i can add new ones >:D) DF lvl?
I have 3 char's all level 50, one mage, warrrooir and rogue.
Uhm gosh I haven't played DF much lately. I think I'm lvl 43.

13.Fav AQW item?
My custom sword.
My custom staff :) It's so shiny and yet so black :D

14. Woah, i saw that up there, vers- er i mean coyote! only supposed to use the already-made lines :O
Pay attention! :o

Envy7 -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/26/2009 15:46:04)

Hello.. ^.^!
Hello! :D
Hey there :)

1. Can i ask totaly absurd, brain-damaging questions? X_x
Yes you can, because I enjoy them!
Go ahead, my brain cannot be damaged, it just shuts down if need be

2. Can i use my misspeled grammar or do i have to check it? O_o?
I don't care too much about as long as I understand you and my english is far from perfect.
I don't mind.

3. Since i don't read i want to know - are you human o_0?
Nope I'm a StarPanther though I was a molecule when I was an AK.
No, I'm essence of DoomAngel :o

4. Twilight or Dracula (movies ... doh.. >.>!)?
Vlad Tepes! <33333
Being somewhat Romanian Vlad Tepes FTW!

5. Are my smiles verry iritating? ^_^?
Nope it's iritating!
En masse yes.

5. Is it fun checking all the info from the pedia and edinting your post almosut very week and not getting any thanks? *_*?
I think some of the forumites appreciate our work and we really don't need a thank you, though it doesn't hurt and to edit in those big posts is not easy for your eyes as there's so much forum code there, one mistake and stuff goes poof!
The fun enters when you've cleared the posts and you haven't made a mistake with the code. But as for not getting any thanks, I think we do get thanked- but as Star said, we don't need it and that is not why we do it.

6. Canz i haz the keyz to yourez doom-cellz? $_$?
Only if you can sing "I got the key" by Urban Cookie Collective with a stomach full of helium!
I'm sure you wouldn't ask for them if you knew what was behind the door muahahaha!

7. Peenut+Butter+Jelly+Clock= ? @_@'
Party at Zorbak?
Ew, time to leave for me.

8. Can I iritate you a litle bit moar? :3
Yes please! :D
go right ahead!

9. Realy? :<
Yep always.

10. *editedd* Since I like the both of you and am thankfull for yuor work I'll anoy you a little bit more :3 :*
I'm truly grateful for that! :D

11. You get to test anything if so can you fill in me on the st..*funny noice and glass braking*
/me looks around and blames Croncler!
The Chicken is to blame when in doubt :P

12. *after 2 das* O.o sending ninja-snugle-bears is a bit too much.. O.o my huging arm still hurts :<
/me comfort snugs!
/me angelsnugs

13. Ever had the funny situtation of sitting in Bio(biology) and your friends shouts something totaly not conected to the curent theme (but overal conected to bio) and then asking: What O_o? Did i say something wrong? *lulz...*
I don't remember much from Biology classes, though there was some incidents but not soo funny.
Yeah something similar but not that funny cause the teacher lost it and threw something across the class room. We were quiet after that, I can tell you.

14. Can I haz cheezburger-x2 (since there are two of you :P) :3 and a AK schakle (since my life from 18:00 to 23:00) is pretty boring ? *snugle-hugs-pwetty-eyes-begging*
Yez u canz!
Help yourself!

15. And add a black wep for AQW wit that :3 (since there are not many blak weps that go with AP :<
/me looks at Angeliques's custom weapon! XD
Mine is very black and shiny! /me loves her staff :D

Ohkthxbye... :3 :* have fun at work and send me a flying-bottle-post msg if you need any help with the pedias(when it gets oficialized xD
May the AK-wistle be with thou :D
*hopes this isn't concidered a question* :3
P.S. I hope it didn't breake your important brain-cells :3 <3
I'll try my best and you can't break something that's already broken! :D
Same as Star's answer, what's there left to break? :S
*calls a friend from the brain-repair academy* Here have a cookie :3 :*

skydrite -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/26/2009 15:59:37)

Hello :D
Hey sky! :D
Hey sky :)

I have no questions but I just want to say congratulations! :D
awww...ok and thank you! :D
Aw ok. Thank you :)

I know you're both very busy here but I hope I'll still be able to see you lurking in AQGD! XD
Oh I'll try my best to help out whenever I have some free time! :D
Sure thing! I still love that place and call it my true home :)

Fisto -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/26/2009 16:00:03)

Oh happy days! I've been waiting for this thread for quite some time now. Let's get this started shall we.
Me too and the days of madness is finally here!
Yep madness ahoy!

1) Congrats to the both of, you both really deserve this!
Thank you very much! :D
Thank you Masta :)

2) Have you two fought like siblings yet?
Nope but then Star is just the best and most patient co-head mod anyone could wish for :)

3) If yes who won? If no, who would win?
/me hides
I hope we never fight :/

4) Can I call you two mommy and daddy?
Of course you can my son!
If you dare you know what will happen to you! Mommy?! [:D]

5) If the answer above was yes can I get a raise in my allowance?
Clean your room, eat lots of vegetables and only sweets at saturdays and maybe we can raise it?

6) When are you two going to add me to your friends lists? Slackers...
Nevah! :o
As soon as I see you in AQW!

7) Sooner or later in AQW we will be able to choose from Good or Evil, which will you choose?
I'll go with good and I hope this will be a permanent feature that you will never be able to switch.
Good; yeah I know it is surprising coming from the dark Doomie one.

8) Since you two are now officially AQW Mods can I have that Rolex I've been waiting for since my character turned 5 years old in AQ well over a year ago.
Yes of course and maybe some bling bling as well?
Yep have one, /me hands over

9) If Angelique is an angel doesn't that make Stardot (StarPanther) a demon?
/me is always innocent!
But then you know what kind of angel I am, surely!

10) Again, congrats to the both of you. AE couldn't have selected someone better than the both of you.
Thanks and I hope to do a good job! :D
Thank you so much :)

Bloush -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/26/2009 16:08:40)

1) Hola!
Ahoj! :D
Hey there :)

2) Fav beverage?
carbonated stuff.
Diet cola and tea

3) Have any pets (real life)
Not any longer, I had two cats and one dog.
Yeah I have a cat :)

4) Whos do you look up to?
My girlfriend and several family members for being awesome! :D <333
Anyone taller than me.

5) Were you happy to become an AK?
Oh yes I remember the feeling, I was in total shock when Scakk asked me and it was quite surreal when Reens asked me to beceome a mod.
Same for me!

6) (for .*..*..*.) When people try to say hi to you do they really type in the periods and stuff the right way or do they just say hi? ( on da forums)
It depends, some members know me as Stardot and others don't.

7) (Angel) Did you keep Sprites Twig??? (mah favorite weapon in AQW)
I still have it yes cause it's just so pretty :)

8) what is 5*5,... WRONG no matta what answer!
Apparently, /me blames a ninjabunny!
uhm uh this is how I always feel when confronted with numbers D:

8) Bai bai! See ya on da forums stuff [8D]
Bye and see you around - /me notes two 8's in this thread! XD
Bye and see you around!

void dragon master -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/26/2009 16:15:19)

2)Hey Hey
Hello :)
Hello :)

1)A Dual MtMs is new (for me) does likes!
Yep we're simply special!
Yep special!

10)SO you both play AQW? which server are you girls (or guys) (Internet can be misleading) playing on usually
I play AQW and I don't have any fav server.
Yeah I play AQW and I love it. (I'm a gal btw) I don't really have a fav server either. Wherever my friends are I guess.

6)Which AE games do you play? And levels?
AQ: lvl130, lvl123, lvl98 and lvl65, DF: 3 lvl50 characters, MQ: 1 lvl30 and AQW: lvl20
AQ level 130 and lvl 105, DF lvl 43, MQ uhm I don't remember but I think 23 and AQW lvl 16

9)So? Planning to drag some helpless forumites in AKship with your shackles? mhm?

I have my plans!
/me looks at Star

5)What happens if I post in your colour?
Major confusion?

3)Anyways I ran out of questions.
It doesn't look like that and I'm looking that the random numbers! :P
Oh good I thought it was me!

7)Error this question failed to load
Don't they always?

4) Have you realized the numbers being in no order?
/me is 1337!
I did yeah but wasn't sure if that was just me or you

8) Bye Byes

Bye bye but is this for real?
Edit: Snuggle Tackles Angel and .*.*.*.
/me tacklesnuggles void dragon master
/me doomangelsnugs back

More Edits!!!

15) I didn't know we were allowed fifteen questions! It's usually always only 10-1
The AK or mod decides.
Yeah depends

13) Why did the .*.*. cross the road?

Because he was hungry.
Because the Chicken asked for help?

11) I am your average forumite!!!!
Zomg!!! you are?

14) I like 'Old school' by Hedley and 'Above and Below' by The Bravery, you?
I like old music simply because the music is sooo much better than todays tragic music industry.
I like even older stuff such as Tchaikovsky

12) Can I haz a second name change? Pretty please with a .*.*.* or Angel on top?

A name change can be arranged by Seahawk via PM.
What he said.

Je suis fini ou J'ai fini
The first one means you are finished as in it's the end of you. The second one means that you have finished (your questions). So it depends, doesn't it :P
I am finished or I have finished. I'm not really sure.
Neither am I?
I hope it is the latter :)

BYE good luck and congrats on the Mod ship
Thanks and see you :)
Thanks :)

Chaddledee -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/26/2009 16:22:12)

Hello :D
Hey there.

First, can Angelique change her avatar? Pwetty pwease? It reminds me of those scary angel statues from Doctor Who (they're coming to eat me).
She can but you have no idea if the next avatar will be creepier? :o
She can but she won't since the statue is one of a grave angel. So it fits :P

I had a feeling you would say that... or did I? I'm totally taking a stab in the dark here. Anyway. Down to business.
Ouch, I'm standing in the dark!
Darkness ftw!

How are both of you?
I feel great today :)
Tired yet sleepless- again!

Have you got them braindawgs?
I have some dust in my left ear, does that count?
My hair is lovely and shiny. Does that count?

Hmmmm.... Interesting.... Lolwut?
wut indeed?

*Taps your knees with mini-hammer*
/me kicks you somewhere! :P
/me has no reflexes

Okay, everything seems good. Okay. What's your favourite book?
I don't read too much but I enjoy the Cosmic Trilogy by C.S Lewis
Any thing Discworld by Terry Pratchett

Oh really? I like <book's name here> too!
You have excellent taste!

Omnomnom or Gobble Gobble Gobble?

Done! Good luck!
Yay and thank you! :)
Thank you :)

Paladin Crusader -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/26/2009 16:28:08)

Hiyas !![:)]
Hello! :D
Hi :)

I only have a few ?s

1:square root of 144?
/me gets our calculator. 12!! YESS.
WRONGZ URZ LEIENZ it 12 lol so easy

2:pie or cake?
i dissagree
3:Why is Artix keeping all you guys locked up in a dungen?hes a paladan,protector of light ,a nice dude?

Because he is building an empire of mod-paladins and yes he's a nice guy.then y does he keep u locked up???
Cause we like the dungeons? And yeah he is great.

4 :Are you able to read this????if you can i owe you bolth half of the words largest cookie......
Nope I can't see this I was just taking a wild shot and yay for cookies! :D
I thought u couldnt read this[&:]

Thats all thank you for answering this!!![:D]
You're welcome :D
You're welcome :)
welll urz notz

*whispers*meet me in aqw plzplzplzplzplzplzplzplzplzplzplzplzplzplzplzplz*whispers*contact me if u wanna plzplzplzplzplz
We'll meet onee day. :)howz boutz 2dayz

One day for sure :)

toidiedud -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/26/2009 16:28:45)

Hiyas Im back[:D]
Welcome back! >:D

Ok Im done now[:D]
Smart move! :P
Short and sweet! :)

Dil -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/26/2009 16:41:57)


Like my Sig? i change it when ever i remember as long as it is from DB/Z/GT FullMetal Alchemist Yu Yu Hakisho Cowboy bebop. tHough right now im only dong DB/Z.GT
I guess it's ok :9
Yeah why not.

Grtaz err on the re modding and becoming co-mods here
Thanks! :D
Thank you :)

if their were 10 people averaging 160 pounds and 5 feet 11 inches and another group of people (10) averaging 145 and 5 feet 9 inches then how much does the DB trilogy rock? your answer has to be through 1 and 10. 1=great; 10=god like
I'll tell you once you're a mod! :P
I'll tell you once I've understood the question :S

THIS_IS_SPARTA -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/26/2009 16:48:23)


Thank you :)

how are you Angelique?
I am well but very tired.

how are you Stardot?
I just finished dinner and I feel superb.

hmm.. AngelDot or StarLique?
Don't even go there! :P
Star and Angel is best :) (Hm I'm sure there are pubs called that actually...)

Well Bye bye.
See you :)
Bye :)

Clyde -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/26/2009 17:00:11)

Angel and Star!
Hello Clyde!

Do you guys own the heaven and space together?
It seems so! :o
Yep got it nicely covered hehehe

When will Stardot actually have his forum name changed to Stardot? :o
Never and if that happens then I'll go nuts!

Angelique = Angel + Unique D00m, no? :o
/me shivers!
DOOM ftw!

I find it funny how 2 AQ GD AKs became AQW AKs then Mods then Head Mods of AQW GD. :P
Yes I wake up every morning laughing about this coincidence! :P
I find it quite natural since this is a new game and we are new mods and so on. :)

Congrats, I know you both will do a great job. :)
Thanks I really hope so.
Thanks, we wil do our best :)

/me snugs back

Drakkan Rules -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/26/2009 17:34:49)

Hey, Congrats on becoming the head-mods :D
Hello and thank you! :D
Hi and thank you :)

You may know me (Drakkan)
I may do that but I'm not sure?
Yeah I've seen you in game :)

Lol, now it's question time.....

1) How do you like being the head-mods?'s wicked!
It's great :)

2) Is it more fun then hard-work, or vice-versa?
I don't know what work as I constantly flee from it!
It's fun hard-work.

3) What if I said Congrats again, what would you do?
I would answer like this.
I'd say thanks again.

4) If I ever was a AK (lol) what would you think?
I would just think and that's about it! :P
If you were then no doubt you would have earned it :)

5) Whats your favorite part of AQWorlds?
Meeting funny players.
Chatting and battling with friends :)

Anyways I'm done for now, I may return later.... lol
cool and you're welcome! :)
Ok and you're welcome :)

Phoenix Myth -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/26/2009 18:28:19)

Hello, I am Drakkos and I play DF and AQW.
Hello I'm .*. .*. .*. and I play AQ, DF, MQ and AQW.
Hey Drakkos nice to meet you. I play all the AE games (except the mini ones)

What are your levels for DF and AQW? Mine are 50 for DF and 20 for AQW.
I have 3 lvl 50 characters in DF and only level 20 one character in AQW.
I only have one char in each. My DF char is lvl 43 and my AQW char is lvl 16.

Do you like the song Caramelldansen?
Not really.
Don't know it sorry.

What do you think of my name?
It's fantastic!

I am epic. [8D]
We know, can I borrow some epicness from you?
Yeah I want some too please!

Well abadeeabadeeabdadee that's all folks!
okies, see you!
Ok then, see you around :)

spellmaster -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/26/2009 18:47:40)

Well look who we have here. I don't even recognize you two anymore. Angelique use to be this nice angel, but now your an angel of doom! Stardot I don't what you are but your different XD. Let the torture begin*evil grin*..... oh ya congrats.
Hahaha, yay I'm different and also the chosen one! :P
Hey there, but I have ALWAYS been the Angel of Doom, I just hadn't the means to advertise is in my title :P

1. Did you two think you would become modz so fast?
I never thought that I would be an AK so modship was definitely a big surprise to me.
When Scakk sent me a pm to offer me AKship I first thought I was being banned lol. So yeah AKship never entered my mind. And when Reens asked me to become a mod I thought she was joking :P

2. Who haz teh spoon?
I heard that Coyote collects them or actually he steals them so yeah he's the one to blame for all this mess!
=O They're on to me! ~Coyote
Yep he has a necklace of them and other stuff he stealorz!

3. How was your day?
Superb, without any stress and that's how I like it.
It was mainly loooong

4. Who is a better wizard, spellmaster or warlic?
Warlic. Sorry.

5. Is it just me or do I have a cool name :D?
Defintely cool!

6. Well the first time I met/notice you two was during the frostvale war, so I have to ask whats your favorite war in AQ?
Bradakhan war was one of the best, because we lost and he actually killed me, I also enjoyed the first paxia war which Aerodu won or at least I think so?
For me it's always Frostval cause I love the whole atmosphere :) And the one last year was just AWESOME what with the cutscenes and the art work!

7. Why are the wars about to end are so fustrating?*has flashbacks of the undead war*
I only find them frustrating when it's moving slowly and when there's little participation, otherwise I don't mind them.
I love wars, since it brings the forumites together :)

Well thats all I got. Congrats to the both of you.
Thanks and see you.
Thank you and hope to see you around :)

valor670 -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/26/2009 19:34:33)

Hi :)

remember me stardot?
Oh dear, I think so? :)

congrats btw XD
Thank you! :D you're very welcome =D
Thanks :)

how are y'all?
Good but tired.

favorite aqw server?
Twilly because no one can talk with me! XD
Hehe yeah Twilly when I don't feel like talking. N

i can get my left sock plz?
Not today! please?
Nope, it is no longer yours!

i heard you liek mudkipz btw
Not me but maybe Angelique does? :o LIEZ
Not me!

stardot/angelique, what does the scouter say about his power level?
Kaboom? false.

that's the money you could be saving with ___________
your knees! meh, wasn't what i was looking for but i'll take it. =D
The Pru?

sleeping in late or waking up early?
I love to sleep but I never had problems waking up early but sleep is still numero uno!
Neither, rather no sleep and always awake :(

ever heard of two and a half men? like it?
Is that the show with Charlie Sheen?, I guess it's ok. yes it is.
Hm I don't like it sorry. The jokes are kinda obvious. But then I'm spoilt living in the UK which is the land of the greatest comedies EVAH!

ok i think that should be good. don't want to keep you busy.
I think so too, and thank you. np =)
OK thanks for that :)

oh, congrats again. y'all deserved it. =D have fun in your shackles =D
Yay and I'll try my best!
Thanks! /me looks lovingly at her pretty shackles

while i'm at it, how are the rations? do they feed you a lot in the AE cells or do you only get bread and water? (that is, if you're lucky, right?)
No just fresh blood orange juice :P~~

~Quick_Silver~ -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/26/2009 19:37:57)

This goes to Angelique and Stardot


1. Remember me: Yes or no

2. Are we freinds: Yes or no

3. Pizza or Chinese on Fridays: Yes or No
Pizza forever!
Yes and No. Pizza yumm but I have no schedule for it

4. How long have you been mods?
Since late October 2008
We were modded on the same day :)

5. Will you meet me on AQW somtime?
Most likely :)
Sure :)

Of course you will stardot we is good freinds lol

wpack10 -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/26/2009 19:42:41)

Hi peeps
I iz in your mtm, star and angel! >:D may i point out that star is a guy, wpack? :P ~Reni
Hello and I notice that certain AK's is hijacking this thread! :P
Hello and Oi Reni! :P

1. of course: Pepsi or Coke?
Diet Coke

2. Hot dog or Hamburger

3. Stardot: Do you still use Blade of Awe?
I use it sometimes in AQW.

4. Angelique: Do you use that reverse color staff still?
If you mean my own special lovely shiny yet black custom made staff then yes :D

5. Whats your Favorite Mod perk?
Just to be a mod is enough for me.
Once again I agree with Star, the honour of being a mod is perk enough :)

6. Pic of us: Farming in BludRut.
Nostalgia, /me brings out the tissues!
Aww that is so cool!

Congrats on being modded.
Thank you! :D
Thank you very much :)

Eliminator15 -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/26/2009 19:48:44)

Hi hi hi!
Hey, Hello, Hi!!!
Hey there :)

What's like to be a co mod?
It feels great.
It's great :)

How did u get the job?
First I was AKed by Scakk and later on I was modded by Reens and now Aelthai handed over AQWGD to me and Angelique.
Yep that was how

Did u have to take a test?

Are you a girl?
Don't know if girl applies to anyone over 20 but I am female.

Are you over 18?
Yes I am and it's one of the requirements to become a mod.

Do you live near California?
Not close at all, I live in Sweden.
No where near. I live in the UK.

Do you like Artix Entertainment? Cuz i do
I think so? ... of course I do! :D
LOVE it!

Which is your fave games? AQ,AQW,DF,MQ,
AQ and AQW are tied in first place

What server do you go to in AQ Worlds?
I have no favorite server.
Any and all

Thank you!
Thank you :)

And thanks for your time!
Sure no problem.
You're welcome.

Now time for some reeeeaaalll fun

Bow! Unsheath! Point! Swordplay!

Moglin punt!! Yeeeaaahhhhh!!!!!!
/me runs to another galaxy!
/me flaps away

Sky Ever -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/26/2009 19:52:08)

  • hello *. .*. .*. and Angelique
    Hello Lady_Skyress!
    Hi there :)

  • How are you gal & gel lately?
    Always good.
    don't both gal and gel mean girl? I am well but very tired.

  • So ive to congratulate u right..lolz joke..Congratulations XD
    You don't have to and thank you! :P
    Thank you

  • You two have been Mods for a long time right?..
    Since October 2008.
    Yep since then

  • If long have you been Mods?
    /me pretends he didn't see this question and this is his final answer.
    /me goes along with Star

  • Fav AE game?
    AQ and AQW tied

  • pie or cake?
    Now I'll pick cake just because I said pie in another post.
    I always go for both

  • which comes first the seed or the tree?
    I'll just pick one and say seed.
    In that case I'll pick tree.

  • Whats the most precious thing for you?
    My girlfriend though she's definitely not a thing. :)

  • Having fun bossing supervising around?

I promise! :D

ajofk -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/26/2009 20:42:25)

Wait, wait, wait, You two will edit my post to answer my question???
I'm waiting but for how long must I do this?
That is how it works yes

Well anyways how is life as a mod.

I just noticed that if you do not answer this this letter is completely useless.......
I agree but I'm in your post editing stuff! :P
No worries then :)

Lucas McCarty -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/26/2009 20:43:41)

Hi there.

What's it like being a Co-Mod?
It's like the robot dance!
I would have said it's like Let's Do the Time-Warp Again dance

Do you have an AQW character? (I do username: Vengeance_Shinigami)
Yes I do and my name is Stardot.
Yep and my name is Angelique

Have you met Artix?
Not in real life but I have in AQW.
Same as Star

Which is your favorite AE game?
AQ and AQW tied

How did you become a mod?
I was modded by Reens the head admin!....scary!
Again same as Star

Do you like bossing showing us around?
Not really.
Are we showing you around?

Byez!! :P
See you! :D
Bye then

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