RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (Full Version)

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Envy7 -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/27/2009 14:37:48)

Hello again! >:)
Hello! :D

Didn't see that coeming eh? xD

This time I will anoy you with forum/game related questions.. can I? :3
bring it on!

Are you extra checking for your punctuation(comas, exclamation marks etc.) [Spec. for .*. .*. .*.] o_o?
Nope I don't check stuff like that! XD
No I don't really

Can I haz your custom wepponz? [Spec. for Angelique] *_*?

Hardcore farmer or play for fun? :F
I can switch to farmer to casual whenever I want, still I play for fun no matter what.
In AQW I play for fun, but I've been known to hardcore farm for AQ

Cookies or 3.14? :*

WereWolfs or Vampires? O_o?
Vlad Tepes
Vlad ftw!

Doom or Death? ^_^
Doom heh

Me or anoying people with IQ=0.1? <.<
Annoying People
Can I have both?

Angain Congrats on your... something xD
Never realy understood the power-pyramid of this forums, and always saw you both as grate people(especaily for the pedia and GD) :* :3
Hope i meet you sometime in the Game or in RL (if i go studie in Sweden or the UK :P)
[ .*. .*. .*.-Angel-Snugles ] :3
Thanks and take care. :)
The forum pyramid looks like this: Helpful/Creative/Constructive (depending on the board) > AK > General Mod > Head Mod > Admin. Thanks and you're welcome :)

spikydude40 -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/27/2009 14:58:43)

Is all cool!
Nicely dark

whats ur favorite artix entertainment game?
AQ and AQW

.*. .*. .*. your my favorite mod!
Yay, someone likes me! :D

Angleiue ur mah 2nd(srry if i spelled ur name wrong[:)])
Thanks. You did, it's Angel with an ique at the end.

In a death match who would win twilly zorbak of the clown in a strait jacket?
Yep Twilly

favorite vidoe game?(if u have 1)[:)]
Castlevania series and Silent Hill series

ne seems to know the game conkers bad fur day do u?(P.S. My FAVORITE game!)
Never heard of it.
Me neither

Bobtheninja -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/27/2009 15:14:03)

I has some questions for yall.

First off, what is your favorite day of the week?
Any day I don't have to work

How did you guys become mods?
I was titled as helpful on the forums, asked by Scakk to join the ArchKnights and later on I was modded by Reens.
Same as Star

What is it like working with AE?
It's fun :)
Yeah it is

Do you have any sort of batcave?
Nope just a coconut with lolcats running around!
Yeah I do. I share my cave like crypt with many bats.

Ted Zlammy -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/27/2009 16:30:43)

Hiyas! I'm new here. ^_^
Hello and welcme :D

Are you guys hilarious enough to make someone go:[image][/image]
Yes I think I can make my girlfriend laugh like that.
Very rarely :(

Hey .*. .*.*.? Can I call you *.* *.*.*?
I guess you could or just call me Stardot.

Favorite kind of pie? I'm more of an old fashioned apple pie lover.
Any pie as long as it's sweet

Mmm... Pie.
/me droools!

Favorite type of parrot? I'm into Crimson Macaws.
Blue-and-yellow Macaw
I like Cockatoos

So... Hi again.
Hello again! :)
Hello :)

What was I going to say again... Oh yeah! What kind of cookies do you like? I like me some chocolate chip oatmeal cookies.
Chocolate cookies :D
Hm I like all but especially Jammie Dodgers

I heard punting a moglin is similar to kicking a football. Is this true?
yes but the feeling is better!
Yeah the feeling is similarly horrible!

Any ideas for a good signature? I kinda like mine but, I'm not sure really.
Yes! XD
Yep Star has a great one! XD

I think that's all... Oh yeah! What's your favorite AQ Worlds item?
My custom wep :D
My custom staff

That's all I got! Bye byes!
See you :D
Bye now

DoubleS -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/27/2009 17:04:31)

Hey good job![:D]
Thank you! :D
Thanks :)

1.Anyway whats your favorite staff wepon?for AQ.
Amalie Greatstaff for my main character and I can't say more than that. :)
Yeah I agree on that one and that also is all I can say.

2.Fav. staff armor?for AQ
hmm I don't know?
I don't have one. Is there one?

3. Fav. staff pet?for AQ
Heh yeah.

4. Fav. staff spell?for AQ
I don't remember the name for it but it's a nice spell :)
Same again.

5. Fav. staff house item?for AQ
My crazy guard
Which I also have and love :D

6. lol ok favorite music type?

7. Favorite food?

8.Do you like my sig?
It's a creative signature! :D
Yeah though it makes me slightly dizzy

Thats all good luck!
Thank you! :D
Thanks :)

Brandon6666 -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/27/2009 17:11:52)

can u go higher than lvl 20?[:D]
Nope! XD
Not so far.

Ikraam -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/27/2009 17:28:53)

yh bs im lvl 20 and i cant get any xp so i think you should raise the lvl cap but dont earn a lot of xp lol
OK, or you could start a new character? XD
I guess just enjoy playing?

wpack10 -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/27/2009 17:28:56)

Okay I is back now, and has a few more questions.

1. Why does Reni keep invading??
Obviously he's jealous or he maybe he wants to be an AK in AQWGD? :O
Cause he can and he loves us?

2. for Stardot: why dont you change your forum name to StarDot??
Too boring!

3. again for Stardot: Can i see a pic of that custom AQW sword? Pretty Please??
Yes when you see me in game you can see it :)
Edit: Kk when and where??? lol.

4. Angelique: How is running the Encyclopedia going?
It's going ok though sometimes it is a lil daunting too

5. Angelique again: If trading is implemented can I have that staff you used in BludRut?? ((JK, but if yes not JK.))
No you cannot cause it is miiiiiiine!

6. How do you guys type so well with those shackles on?
Actually I don't type at all, it's all done by my AK's!
I have a trained bat

7. If the fur trade in Africa is at its peak, how is the yak trade in the southern portion of Siberia affecting the gold trade in Mexico? ((From a history test i failed.))
I have no idea and I'm not too fond of fur trade so I hope this stupid trend will die.
If you want to wear fur, grow your own.

8. What are some of the rquirements for Ak/Mod-dem?
Follow the rules and be nice to people, though you need to be 18+ to become a mod.
What he said

Ok thats my 2 posts so unfortunately I will not be back on this thread. [:(]
oh well that's life :)
Aww shame

But you 2 still have fun Modding.
Yes we will! :D
We shall try :)

P.S.: I forgot this. Can i hold the ban hammer for even just a minute? I wanna feel the power of the dark side.
hahaha, maybe one day you will? XD
There you go. Ok the minute is up. How did you like it?

namaster -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/27/2009 17:53:56)

Sup guys and Happy New Year,Merry Kwanza,Happy Hannuka, and Merry Frostval![:D]
Everything is cool and I second that line of yours! :D
Why thanks guys. I really appreciated it.
I'm with Star on that too

jjsv96 -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/27/2009 19:54:42)

i want to say congratz to everyone[:D] um can the arch knights help me become a arch night i was just wondering and if i do can you invite me to be a mod but i was just wondering[;)]

Taken from

7) "How can I become a Moderator or ArchKnight?" "How can I join the Artix Entertainment staff?"
Thank you for your interest! However, we do not accept applications for these positions. The best thing you can do is try to be helpful and courteous with your fellow forumites, or do some really cool artwork or something. Whatever your schtick is. When we need additional people we will select them based on the skills they have displayed.

Does the happy donkey dance and says thank you!

Crystal Lion -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/27/2009 19:59:55)

Hi :)

That's the first time I've seen 2 mods sharing a questionnaire.
Yeah I think me too
Yar, we iz speshul!

What do you think of my name?I think your names are fancy in a good way.
Thanks and yours is too in a good way
A cool name!

Do you both like prawns?I dislike them.
I quite like them though not raw
I guess I like them but I don't eat too often.

Are you Chinese?
No I'm European
Nope I'm Panthernese!

For .*..*..*.,why are you called Starpanther?
My girl calls me a panther and I added star to it so there you have the answer.

Do you remember who I am?I used to have a story titled 'The Young Adventurers' on these boards in 2005.
I have seen your name on the forums but I dont think I've read your story, sorry
I have seen you here in AQGD but that's about it.

Do you think Nythera is a bratty teen and a bad apprentice?I don't like her,she acts spoiled in all her quests.
She is pretty bratty yes and I think she deserves a bit of a spanking
She is just lacking confidence and this is her way of getting attention, poor her!

What do you honestly think of furries?(I don't mean the M-rated sort,furries don't always mean M-rated,ok?)
I have no idea what they are so I have no opinion on them
I didn't know what this was before I googled it and I will not comment about this weird thing!

Are catgirls way too cliche with their falsettos,huge fennec fox ears,giant eyes and immodest wear?
A bit perhaps
/me purrrrrrrrrrrrrs!!!

N0085L4Y3R -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/27/2009 20:28:41)

I believe I was on both your MtAK threads. Anyways, how are you two?
Yeah I think I remember you from mine. I am well thank you
Maybe that's the case? - welcome back again! :D

Initiate Overwhelming Question Beatdown

1. Who's better Randy Rhoads vs. Slash vs. Dimebag Darrell vs. Steve Vai vs. Kirk Hammett vs. Dave Mustaine vs. Joe Satriani?
I don't know any of those names :(
Steve Vai

2. What's your guys's opinion on Buckethead?
Again I am ignorant :(
never heard how good he is at playing guitar but he sure looks funny!

3. What's the greatest band out of the ones provided? (Friends and I came up with these) Metallica, Megadeth, Iron Maiden, Anthrax, Slayer, Pantera or The Killers?
Hmm I used to like Metallica but I'm tired of them and I would say that Iron Maiden still rules!

4. If I tempted you to eat my signature, would you guys make up a strange enough reason to do so?
If you broke the sig rules we wouldn't need a strange reason to omnom it
I second Angelique there, we don't munch for fun.

5. I have a plan to assasinate AE by sending a false letter to the Jonas Brothers requesting a concert to raise money for finding a cure for Diabetes at Land O' Lakes.

After reading that, would you ban me?
Would you like us to?
/me eats a carrot and will let Angelique handle this! :P

6. What's your opinion of Madonna being inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 2008.
While I am no fan I think she deserves it cause who could match that woman's success?
I would care too much about it.

7. Do you guys do any instruments? I play violin, piano and soon guitar.
I have an antique violin hanging on my sitting room wall but I cannot play.
I mainly play guitar, but I guess I can play base guitar and some piano as well though not very good.

8. Is there any reasoning behind random low level players wanting friend requests?
They are lonely and want to meet ppl to hang out with?
I really don't know as I'm bombarded with friend requests no matter what level.

9. Am I that popular?
You are awesome!

10. I wrote 9 questions, or did I?
Would this not make 10?

Zelinker -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/27/2009 20:37:28)

Yoooooo Angelique 'n' Stardot! ^_^
Yooo Zelinker

What's your favorite item in-game in AQW?
My custom staff
My custom sword.

AExtras or no?
I luckily don't need them
I rather pay then use it.

Er...ran outa questions >.>
That was quick

See you guys (hopefully in-game XD)!
I am sure we will :)


Giindslayer -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/27/2009 21:05:02)

Hello! Time for the first few questions that come into my head :)
Hello! Ok go ahead.
Hello and shoot!

Favorite internet memes? (Obscure ones count too)
I don't think I have one.

Was St. Anger the disappointment everyone makes it out to be?
No idea since I don't know what that is sorry
Depends on what you compare it too but I guess it was a a disappointment.

Have you read any of my posts? If so, do you hate me or love me?
Adore you!
/me faints!

Would bears have been viable alternatives in war instead of horses and elephants?
Not really as they are unpredictable and hard to train
would be nice but they're too bizzy with other things like eating!

If you could chose one thing to add to AQW, what would it be?
Gift certificates
make pets attack because now they're main function is a cosmetic thing.

Do you understand my sig?
I'm starting to think I am an Ignoramus cause no I don't. :(
is the answer birkordlöf?

Have fun :)
Thanks I will :)
I'll try my best! :D

Blakedude -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/27/2009 22:10:49)

Congratz guys
Thank you :)
Thanks! :D

Ok Artix, Galanoth, Sepulchure or Rolith?
Why must I choose :(
Galanoth just because I don't know! XD

what is your fave release in AQ,DF,MQ or AQW? (you can choose any game all if them if you like)
I love Frostval in all games
I'll take AQ, my fav was Isle d'Oriens because this was a huge update with soo much fun and different quests.

ok here are some completely RANDOM yet funny question's (possibly iritating)!
/me braces self

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck norris?
No one surely can chuck Chuck?!
/me chuckles!

does a starpanther have little white stars on it?
Nope but two neon blue star-shaped eyes. :)

Does 2+2=><> *FISHIE =)*
Yeah why not.
/me takes a deep breath and yes NO!

and finally.....
oh noes!

like meh avi? (lol)
It's pretty cool yeah.

Blazer Hex -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/27/2009 22:21:02)

Ive seen all of te mods...except Angel. [:(] Why meee???? One more mod ( Angel ) and I have completed my achivement for seeing all mods! ( it even counted when I saw J6 for a flash second. )
I am no rare drop in game so I'm sure you will see me sooner or later. :)
I'm not speshul?! ;_;

Chewie1125 -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/27/2009 22:22:47)

congratz on mod
Thanks :)
Thank you!

my question is that is there ever going to be trading between people in the game
Who knows? Anything is possible. But nothing has been announced so far.
That's up to the game staff.

Arcadius798 -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/27/2009 22:24:59)

Hey there! Arcadius here!
Hey there Arcadius :)
Yay, Party!

i just want you to keep vigilant of the people who can cause serious grief here, they number few, but can strike like a car hitting a fragile kitten
/me is luckily no fragile kitten and will brace self for impact
/me rawrs like a StarPanther! imagination may have acted up there...
Possibly :)
You wish! :P

anyway, do you have to constantly patrol every active thread? or just respond to grievances another person sends to you guys?
We keep an eye on the threads and have wonderful AKs too that help with that :)
Yes I do but it wouldn't be possible without any AK's, they truly rock!

telias -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/27/2009 22:25:51)

Congrats to you both
Thank you
Thanks :)

Frank Zappa is also an idol of mine I think Uberdog also likes his stuff.
He is pretty cool yeah :)
You're approved! :D

I appreciate all the work you are doing so battleon.
Thank you and battleon you too! :)
Thanks we try our best and Battle On! :D

killer V.2 -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/27/2009 22:51:27)

hello ill be short and sweet
Hi and yay :)
Hello and you're my Hero!

what is your most favorite movie of all time?
I have so many but I guess if pushed I'd say Breakfast at Tiffany's
Hard to pick one but I really like One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.

Hmmmm i cant think of any more questions but rest asured i will be back with questions so hard and long that they will make you shake in your boots/shoes/slipers/or whatever you have on your feet :P
/me is scared already
Looking forward to it.

ohhhh and GRATZ!
Thank you :)
Thank you. :)

WiGA -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/27/2009 23:28:55)

OMG Hai! And congrats on the know... :| ...the thing. YAY! Neigh?
Thanks :)
Hello and thank you.

True or False?
LIEZ but funny :D
Totally truth!

Umm...Oooh I know
Cat or dog?
Both but cats slightly more

Bunny or moglin?
Can I has both?
There's a reason why I pick bunny but I will not reveal it! :P

Pie? Yes?
Always! Gimme!
Sure as long as you don't mean the AK, I don't want to eat him! :P

Can you predict the future?
Sometimes it's incredibly easy.
Yes there will be a great horor movie that will recieve a Oscar.

Are there cookies involved?
There usually are yes.
Yes because they're evil!

Are the cookies going to be GIANT?
They don't need to be, they just need to BE!
Only when eaten and will make peoples stomach to explode!

Have fun with...the thing...y'know. K
Thanks and I am sure we will :)
Thanks and I will.

Happy Moding!
Thanks :)
Thanks and see you. :)

doommaster199679 -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/28/2009 7:29:39)


1) How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
A reasonable amount for his size and strength I am sure
I'll beat the woodchuck any time!

2) Did you know that it is quite hard to think of questions?
Yeah I seem to remember that
I don't agree, just be crazy!

3) Pie or Cookie?

4) Sorry i forgot too Congratulate you. Are you mad now?
Thanks. And yes completely insane but that's nothing new
thank you and yes I'm furious!

5) Do you have any special thing? (Like Cronclers Chicken.)
I have my DOOM.
Hmm I'm Stardot because my forum name is too hard for some to spell, I guess that's my thing.

Bye :)
See you. :)

Ac3Nilas -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/28/2009 8:54:15)

Hiyas :D
Hello :)
Hey! :D

Hows it like being a mod?
Quite cool so far :)
Wicked banana!

Oh and congratz on being a mod...
Thank you :)

I sound like a robot
No you don't.

Poop. [X(]
Accidents does apparently happen! :P

Oh and I like Angelique more because I met her...
Aw thanks but then you missed out cause Star is awesome!
Angel is the ruler, I'm just a nobody! ;_;

/me angelsnugs
/me faints and then tries to snuggle some?

BTW...dont repile to that one its to long.
Ok :)
Too late!

Zera -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/28/2009 9:27:31)

Hiya Stardot and Angelique, also congratz on being AQW Mods.
Hey Zera and thanks :)
Hello and thank you. :D

Hopefully you remember me, Stardot from beta, and Angelique....i think you gave me a warning one time....:D
:( I am sorry I had to.
I remember you very clearly. :)

Dual Weapons or Doom weapons.
Dual please.

Would you two like a cookie?
Just the one D:?!
/me gives it to Angelique.

Me liky cookies....:D.
I do too! Gimme!
/me does the muffin dance instead!

Congratz to you both, hope you two become awsome,uber mods.
Thank you and we will do our best :)
Thank you soo much and I hope so to.

soresm -> RE: =MtM= Meet the Mods - .*. .*. .*. and Angelique (Locked) (1/28/2009 9:50:54)

Cool you're now in charge nice.
Thanks :)
Yay and thank you. :)

Wahh aelthai and i had some nice chats...
Yes Aelthai is wonderful :)
I bet you did! :D

Oh well said i'd never see her online anyways.
You missed out then :)
Maybe it will change one day?

Thanks :)
Thank you :)

I don't suppose either of you can get a picture with me on AQW Ive been trying to get some good ones.
Sure, next time we meet in game let's take a pic :)
No problemo! :D

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