Aquorine (Force, Frenzy, Fury) (Full Version)

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Valerius Maximus XV -> Aquorine (Force, Frenzy, Fury) (2/6/2009 20:23:47)

Aquorine Force
The essence of the water elementals slain in this quest were forged into the shaft of this wand. It's force drives the spinning blades being used as a mage-focus.
(No DA Required)

Location: It's A Wash
Price: N/A
Sellback: 100 Gold

Level: 25
Damage: 42-50
Element: Water
Bonuses: Crit +2, Magic Def +2, INT +2, Bonus +1
Resists: Energy +1, Fire +3

Rarity: 10
Item Type: Wand
Damage Type: Magic
Equip Spot: Weapon
Category: Weapon

Saojun -> RE: Aquorine (Force, Frenzy, Fury) (2/6/2009 20:54:04)

Aquorine Frenzy
The frenzy of emotions the water elementals slain in this quest felt give off an energy of their own. It is the essence of that fear that drives the spinning blades used in the wand's mage-focus.
(No DA Required)

Location: It's A Wash
Price: N/A
Sellback: 125 Gold

Level: 35
Damage: 51-61
Element: Water
Bonuses: Crit +2, Magic Def +2, Pierce Def +1, Melee Def +1, END +1, INT +3, Bonus +2
Resists: Energy +2, Fire +4

Rarity: 10
Item Type: Wand
Damage Type: Magic
Equip Spot: Weapon
Category: Weapon

monkeyman4241995 -> RE: Aquorine (Force, Frenzy, Fury) (2/6/2009 21:09:31)

[image][/image]Aquorine Fury
The fury of the water elementals fought in this quest was captured. The essence of that emotion is what drives the spinning blades in this wand's mage-focus. This weapon requires a Dragon Amulet.

Location: It's A Wash
Price: N/A
Sellback: 150 Gold

Level: 45
Damage: 59-69
Element: Water
Bonuses: Crit +2, Magic Def +2, Pierce Def +1, Melee Def +1, END +3, INT +4, Bonus +2
Resists: Energy +3, Fire +5

Rarity: 10
Item Type: Wand
Damage Type: Magic
Equip Spot: Weapon
Category: Weapon

gmill711 -> RE: Aquorine (Force, Frenzy, Fury) (3/7/2009 1:22:51)


Thanks to Valerius Maximus XV and AztecArcher for corrections.

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