Ancient Light Dragon Form (Full Version)

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Ianthe -> Ancient Light Dragon Form (3/5/2009 18:11:16)

Ancient Light Dragon Form

Also see other Light Dragon Forms ( Light Drayk, Baby Light Dragon, Young Light Dragon, Light Dragon, Elder Light Dragon).

Level: 110
Price: 800,000 1,015,667
Sellback: 400,000 507,833
Location: Law of the Dragons
Element: Light

Melee: 43
Ranged: 43
Magic: 43

Fire: 93%
Water: 93%
Wind: 93%
Ice: 93%
Earth: 147%
Energy: 53%
Light: 49%
Darkness: 151%

If you have at least 323 SP, you can choose between the Attack and the Breath Weapon. If you don't, then you automatically use the Attack.
    Hits: 1
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    Damage: 380% Base, Random, and Stats damage
    BTH: +18 plus Stats

    Breath Weapon: Blinding Flash!
    Hits: 1
    Type: «Melee converts to Ranged; else As Weapon»
    Element: Light
    Damage: 125-346 damage plus 1,221% Stats
    BTH: +27 plus Stats
    • This is treated as a Spell, and thus does not use any of your weapon's statistics (other than Type).
    • If the attack hits and deals >0 damage, your opponent can be blinded for two rounds. (See the entry on blindness for more information.) The monster gets -20 on its roll. Light-Element monsters are immune to this effect.

        Level: 110 vs MonsterLevel
        Major: YourEND vs MonsterDEX
        Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    Cost: 323 SP

    *You blind your opponent with a flash of light!
Swooping through the sky, the Light Dragon brings a glowing aura of hope-- along with rows of sharp teeth and an appetite for destruction!


Image from Archmagus Orodalf. Stats from Rheannon, Zevith, BexnDan, Isphus, Stephen Nix. Numbers from Aelthai.

Ianthe -> RE: Ancient Light Dragon Form (3/5/2009 18:12:57)

Ancient Light Dragon Form

«Otherwise, EXACTLY as above»

Image from Archmagus Orodalf. Stats from Rheannon, Zevith, BexnDan, Isphus, and Kalanyr (via Koree). Numbers from Aelthai.

Ianthe -> RE: Ancient Light Dragon Form (3/5/2009 18:13:30)

Ancient Light Dragon Form

Level: 100+
Location: Become... a Dragon?!?

Melee: 46
Ranged: 46
Magic: 46

Fire: 81%
Water: 81%
Wind: 81%
Ice: 81%
Earth: 100%
Energy: 70%
Light: 59%
Darkness: 105%

Hits: 2
Type: Converts to Ranged if Melee
Element: Light
Damage: 150% Base, 150% Random, 150% Stat Bonus per hit
BTH: 12%, 12%
Rate: 50%

Hits: 1
Type: Converts to Melee if Ranged
Element: Light
Damage: 300% Base, 300% Random, 300% Stat Bonus
BTH: 12%
Rate: 50%

Swooping through the sky, the Light Dragon brings a glowing aura of hope-- along with rows of sharp teeth and an appetite for destruction!


Information from ArchMagus Orodalf, Drakon136 and Lex Libris.. Image from ArchMagus Orodalf. Numbers from Aelthai. Originally posted by Astral.

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