Seahawk -> MechQuest Guides Inactive/Retiring Guidewriters (3/18/2009 12:25:17)
If for some reason you are either no longer able or interested in updating your guide, please let us know here so that we can find a replacement author. If you are merely going to be inactive for a short period of time, let us know here as well so that we don't give your guide away when we can't find you... Name: Guide: Link: Reason for posting: (Vacation/briefly inactive/no longer interested or able to maintain guide/etc...) We don't expect guides to be updated the second new content comes out, but we do prefer that they be updated in a timely manner. It's OK if you're away for a week or two and can't update your guide right away, but if you let us know here we'll at least know that you plan on coming back to it when you return. Likewise, if you're no longer interested in maintaining your guide, let us know here so we can see if anyone else is interested in working on it.